Mocking Fears
Mickey woke up groggy to the sound of his alarm blaring into his ears, Mickey push himself up tired of hearing the alarm by hitting the off button.
The mouse scan the room noticing that it's still dark and glance at the time in the alarm. 5:30 A.M. Mickey very use to waking up at this time for work but why is it now that he despised the need of getting up so early for it.
'Maybe it's because of those pills'
Mickey blamed everything on those pills, including the way he's behaved, he could feel all eyes on him from all the cast member already knowing that something not right about him.
Like they knew about the pills, if they found out Mickey thought his life would only go from bad to worst.
"Uh Mickey, you're gonna be late to work" Oswald voice muffled from behind the door, the knocking pull Mickey from his thoughts to see the door open showing his brother.
"Geez, you're not even out of you still want to go a work Mick?" Oswald ask still believed that Mickey not really fit to go to work yet. Mickey eyes widen when told being late and scrabbled to get out of bed. "Oswald I'll be fine- I have to go" Mickey replied stumbling to his closet to get his clothes. 'I need to go, I bet the place is a wreck after....' Mickey shook his head to get the thoughts away.
Oswald just stared at Mickey feeling worried about Mickey going back to work all over again- yes it been three weeks from work but Oswald doesn't believe that enough time.
Well for Mickey sake.
After the mouse got ready, he made his way to the front door, "Mickey-- you're forgetting something..." Oswald called for, Mickey turned around slowly, only to see the rabbit holding the pills.
Mickey wished he didn't have too, but the nagging voice of doubt made him want to take it.
'Maybe I have that voice in my head-- because of these pills' Mickey pondered but kept his gaze at the pills. Oswald shook the bottle of pills and interrupted Mickey's thoughts. Mickey blinked a couple of times and took the bottle of pills. He opened it and Oswald handed him a bottle of water as well.
The mouse kept his eyes inside the small jar. Slowly, he grabbed one and threw it inside his mouth. Mickey took the bottle from Oswald, chugging it down till the pill was out of his mouth.
Mickey lowered the bottle of water and cleared his throat. He handed it back to Oswald, and closed the bottle of pills. Oswald took it from him and smiled at his younger brother slightly.
"Let's go." Oswald walked up to his vehicle, and Mickey got in. The two buckled in and there, Oswald began to drive off. Mickey only looked out the car window and Oswald looked up ahead.
"How are you feeling?" Oswald questioned, wanting to make conversation. The mouse only shrugged in response.
"Fine-- I-I suppose." Mickey mumbled and Oswald placed his hand on his younger sibling's shoulder. He comforted his brother, and Mickey only sighed. Oswald pulled his hand away and arrived at the company's parking lot.
"Are you sure, you still want to go to work?" The rabbit questioned once he stopped the car and Mickey only fixed his collar slightly. He nodded, only to receive a hug from his brother.
"Be careful, okay?" Mickey only looked at Oswald, once he pulled away.
"I'm gonna be late.." Mickey mumbled and got out the car.
He walked to the entrance of the business, without his father, it felt so foreign to him. It's his father business and now it became his, but the mouse felt he can't be able to accomplish what his own father did.
He felt that Oswald would do a better job than him, but as much as Mickey tried to convince his older sibling-- Oswald wanted Mickey to take on the responsibility, he knew it fitted the mouse better.
"Mi-Mickey, never stop making people happy.."
Walt's words echoed in Mickey's head as he stopped in front of the entrance doors.
'No, I can't give up now, I can't let father down.' The little mouse pushed the doors open, only to have his breath hitch when all eyes landed on him.
That is until they realized it was Mickey, and the eyes turned into looks of pity.
Mickey turned his gaze to the floor and continued walking, he felt so lost, he didn't know where to start or even how to lead a successful company.
A high pitched voice called out from the crowd of a small group, the small mouse raised his head only to see a blur.
He felt himself be pulled into a tight hug. Mickey felt his lungs gasping for air from them tight hug he was not prepared for.
"Mickey, you came to work early...are you sure--?"
It was just Minnie, and Mickey felt his body relax knowing it was his lover.
"M-Minnie, I'm sure-- I just want to go to work." Mickey reassured, and felt Minnie's hug grip loosened. She pulled away to see his face, her mouth became a thin line that formed a frowned.
The younger feminine mouse studied her lover face, he looked so pale and exhausted, 'why did Oswald let Mickey go out looking like this' Minnie sighed but put a soft smile on her lips.
"Well, I understand if you're lost on what's going on-- But I already have everything ready for you!" Minnie stated and made Mickey smile back at her.
"Thank you Minnie, you're the best.."
Minnie giggles and wrapped her arm around his.
"Alright, first we have to go to the project room."
Soon after Minnie showed Mickey what is happening in all the work forces. It felt so different, this was Mickey's first time after all. All of this information he had to take in..
He bit his bottom lip slightly, and looked around the building as Minnie continued to lead the way.
"I guess, I'll go to my office" Mickey guessed starting to take the lead. Minnie raises her finger slightly, as to signal the mouse to pause at his tracks.
"Oh-- um, Mickey, your office room change" Minnie gave her awkward laugh, and Mickey stopped at his tracks. He looked back at his lover, who placed an awkward smile.
Mickey knew that laugh meaning it's something not good.
The mouse turned back and smiled trying to hide his displeased look.
"O-Oh! I-- um.." Mickey tries to form words in his mouth.
"Then what are we waiting for--? Let's go see it!" Mickey chirped and Minnie cleared her throat slightly.
Minnie open her mouth and looked around, trying to think of anything to say.
"H-How about we get some coffee first-- did you had any this morning?" Minnie stuttered, and tried to change the focus of the subject. Mickey only raised one of his eyebrows at her.
"I.. I don't drink coffee.." Mickey reminded and Minnie only giggled slightly.
"Of course you do!" She smiled slightly, and the mouse only shook his head.
"N-No?" Minnie awkwardly scratched behind her neck and Mickey shook his head once more.
"Y-You sure?"
"I'm sure..." Mickey nodded and the female mouse slowly nodded as well.
"What about tea?" Minnie suggested and Mickey thought about it.
"After I see my new office.." He mumbled.
"You must be hungry, Mickey. I know a great café around here!" Minnie tugged his arm and Mickey shook his head.
"Minnie-- I'm fine." Mickey resisted and the female mouse frowns.
"C'mon now..." Minnie mumbled and Mickey shook his head, he pulled his arm away from hers.
"Minnie. I'm. Fine." Mickey cleared his throat and continued to walk off, Minnie followed behind.
Minnie started to take the lead once again, and lead the mouse to his new office. Mickey should have known they'll do something like this. He stared at the name tag on the door.
Mickey Mouse
But it wasn't his office, to him it was still his father's.
"Thank you Minnie for showing me the way." Mickey murmured, Minnie gave a soft nod and bit her bottom lips. They all probably assumed Mickey would have come back later, when the time was right..
Mickey came way too early, even for him.
"D-do you--?" Minnie whispered but the mouse in front of her shook his head.
"I'm gonna look around my office.." Mickey protested making Minnie look down and raised her head up to say something, but watched Mickey open the door to the office.
The feminine mouse watched her lover closely as he looked around the room. She was surprised on how well the mouse was taking it-- but she knew he was one of the best actors as well.
"Minnie, thanks again for all your help, I really appreciate it!" Mickey looked back at Minnie as he smiled painfully at her. Minnie gave a weak smile back, and tried to show support behind it.
"No problem Mickey!" She forced out a small giggle and Mickey slowly nodded.
"If you excuse me.." Minnie walked out the office, and slowly closed the door behind her. She paused for a moment, knowing leaving him alone would lead to something... worse.
Once the door closed down, Mickey's breathing started to become shaky. He looked around the room quickly, and noticed all the frames nailed into the wall. Each of them had photos Mickey could recall.
From the time Oswald moved back and to the time Amelia got married. Mickey slowly sat on a chair, and gripped onto the fabric tightly.
"And this is my office Mickey! When I grow older, your siblings and you get to run the company together."
Mickey looked to the side, and oddly enough, he saw Walt holding a younger version of himself. Mickey leaned more onto the chair. He froze in place.
"I don't get it.." Mickey mumbled and Walt picked him up.
"You'll understand when you grow older." Walt chuckled and Mickey looked down.
Mickey looked down as well.
"But I don't want you to go.." The two Mickey's let out together, and Mickey felt his stomach tighten.
"I won't, don't worry.. I'll be here, by your side at all time." Walt poked Mickey's nose gently, leaving the small mouse to smile.
Mickey only pulls his ears down, and looked at the floor. His body started to tremble at the sight, he couldn't bare it. Tears going down his cheeks as he grabbed onto his hair afterwards.
Minnie stood and looked out the door window, she backed away. She didn't know what Mickey saw, but she knew it was wrong. The female mouse opened the door, and saw her lover crying. Minnie walked up to Mickey, and pulled him into a comforting hug.
Mickey only kept still as he felt Minnie trying to comfort him. The female mouse looked at the walls, seeing a frame of Mickey's family. She looked down at his shoulder.
'This is worse than she expected..'
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