Chapter 5
(Adrien's POV)
The day went by slowly. Every now and then Nino would thump me on the back playfully after he said a comment, I would flinch and try to hold the tears back but no one seemed to notice. I sat in my usual seat trying to listen to pay attention to the lesson. Halfway through a bang went off. I looked towards the window and saw an akuma wreaking havoc in Paris. I sighed and quickly snuck out of the classroom. I didn't have the patience for this today..
I let Plagg out of my jacket pocket. "We gotta go Plagg!" The kwami groaned. "Plagg claws out!" I uttered the transformation sequence and transformed into Chat Noir. I really didn't want to do this today. I jumped onto the rooftops where I saw Ladybug in the heat of a battle with the akuma. "Sorry I'm late!" I shouted over the commotion. "Don't worry about it Chat I'm glad you showed" Ladybug shouted back defending herself from the blows. I breathed out and readied my staff to fight.
Time passed and we were still fighting the akuma. Ladybug called on her lucky charm and her eyes scanned around until she had a plan. I looked at her "What's the plan?" I asked blocking the blows coming our way. "Just be ready" Ladybug said assembling her plan. I nodded "Cataclysm!" My ring radiated with the power of destruction. Ladybug carried out her plan "Chat Noir now!" She cried. I ran forward and tried to catch the akumatised the object but a blow from the akuma sent me flying into a chimney. I touched the chimney by accident and it crumpled underneath me and went crashing through the building. People rushed away from the area and shouted angrily at me "What the hell man!" One voice shouted. "Your supposed to protect us not try and kill us!" Another voice shouted. "You could've killed someone!" Another angry voice shouted. I stood there tears filled my eyes. The voices echoed in my head.. I could've injured someone.. I'm a failure..
Ladybug released the akuma and walked over to the commotion "What's going on?" She asked and saw the damage. She gasped "I-It was an accident.." I struggled to speak from the crying. "You stupid hero!" A voice shouted up from the crowd. Ladybug glared at the crowd "It was an accident! People make mistakes!" She shouted. "He should've been looking where he was going! You guys are meant to be heroes!" The angry voice shouted back. "Ladybug don't bother.. it was my fault.. it's always my fault.." I mumbled. "No Chat you made a mistake and it's fine to make mistakes" Ladybug turned and looked at me. I looked away "I-I should go.. I've caused enough upset.." I said and vaulted away on my staff tears streaming down my face.
*Mention of suicide skip to the next chapter if you don't want to read the ending*
I landed near water and detransformed "I can't do this anymore.." I sank onto the ground sobbing hysterically "I can't do this anymore..". Plagg looked at me with a worried look "It was a mistake kid.. we all make them" Plagg floated over to me and tried to nuzzle into my neck. I pushed him away "NO!" I shouted "Everything I do is a mistake! I'm a mistake! I should just end it!" I sobbed "I should just end it and then people will be happy!" I sobbed harder. I reached towards my ring and threw it onto the ground "Find another Chat Noir and take care of him Plagg.." Tears streamed down my face. The voices echoed in my head.
kill yourself,
mistake of a child,
I wish you were never born.
I breathed in and jumped into the water. The voices echoed in my head on repeat. Water filled my lungs and the light slowly faded..
*Suicide mention over*
Remember if you are dealing with negative thoughts and emotions there are people who you can talk to! You are not in this alone and things will get better slowly and in time.
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