Chapter 4
(Adrien POV)
I woke up an hour later, my body ached. My t-shirt stuck to my chest soaked with blood. I slowly gathered my strength and stood up wincing from the pain. I limped into the bathroom and took my shirt off. I examined the wounds that were littered across my back and chest. Some of the wounds were still bleeding. I reached for the first aid kit from out of the cupboard and cleaned my wounds. I bandaged the worse wounds that were still bleeding. I then proceeded to put a clean t-shirt on and threw the blood soaked one into the bin.
I walked back into my bedroom and Plagg flew out of the cupboard "Are you okay kid? That sounded like a bad one.." The kwami asked worry spread across his face. "I'm fine Plagg.." I replied. I walked to the window and Plagg followed me, he nuzzled into my cheek trying to comfort me. I rubbed his chin "Thank you Plagg" I smiled slightly at the little cat kwami. As much as he got on my nerves sometimes I'm glad Plagg is my kwami. He is there for me when I need it and I will be eternally grateful for that. Plagg purred against me and I laughed slightly "Your like a little kitten" I smiled and looked out the window. He knew exactly how to make me smile even if it was only slightly. I stood staring out the window and watched the sunrise.
(Marinette's POV)
"Chat wait!" I cried as he jumped away. I sighed in defeat "What is going on with him?" I muttered. I readied my yo-yo and swung home. I landed on my bed "Spots off" I detransformed and climbed down my ladder and sat in the desk chair. I swivelled around and sighed, I was seriously worried about Chat.. He tensed up when I gave him a hug.. and when I touched his wrist the other day.. His behaviour was off as well. Not too mention he broke down and cried when I hugged him earlier. Tikki looked at me with sympathy in her eyes "Marinette I'm sure what ever Chat Noir is going through he will tell you eventually.." She smiled softly. I smiled back and handed her a cookie from my bag "I hope so Tikki, I'm really worried about him.. And Adrien.." I replied "They have both been acting strange lately.." I thought back to the events previously. Looking back I realised that Adrien's eyes had looked dull and his smile looked forced, similar to Chat's tonight.. I sighed, I had thought of all the possible reasons that could be upsetting both of them but nothing stood out. I groaned and stood up from my seat. I tried to focus on my homework for the night but my mind kept wondering back to Adrien and Chat Noir.
I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes. I looked around. Did I fall asleep at my desk again? I noticed Tikki curled up on my pillow still asleep. I smiled and walked into the bathroom and got changed and ready for the day. I tied my hair into my usual pigtails and looked in the mirror. I smiled and walked out the bathroom. Tikki was awake and flying around "Morning Tikki" I smiled. "Morning Marinette" The little kwami chirped. I handed her a cookie and gathered my school things. I walked downstairs and said goodbye to my parents and walked in the direction of school.
On the way my mind wandered back to last night. I wondered if Chat was okay? A gut feeling appeared in my stomach. I tried to ignore it as I walked into to school. Alya immediately rushed up too me "Girl your early for once!" She cheered. I smiled "I went to bed a lot earlier last night" I replied. Alya started chatting away to me as we walked to class.
A/N Who else thinks Plagg was cute in this chapter! I loved writing how Plagg was trying to comfort Adrien, I ended up basing that short interaction off my cat Meg!
Short little chapter. It's a lot more happier than the last one? I wasn't sure what to write for this chapter hence why it's so short? If you liked the chapter feel free to leave a vote. If there is anything I can do to improve the story or if there is anything you want to see in future chapters let me know by leaving a comment!The next chapter will focus more on Marinette finding out about Adrien's home life? I'm not sure yet?
See you next time!
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