Chapter 12
(Marinette POV)
The machines beeped slowly. A blonde boy was lying in the middle of the bed, wires connected to him monitoring his heartbeat and breathing. I sat in the chair next to his bed, my eyes closed. I thought back to a few hours earlier..
The ambulance arrived just as the police were leading Gabriel out to the squad car. The paramedics rushed over to Adrien. I was pushed to the side as some leftover policeman wanted to take my statement because I was a witness at the scene. I kept looking over at Adrien. They were checking his blood pressure and heartbeat. One of the paramedics were listening to his heartbeat. I felt tears form in my eyes.. "Can I go with him?" I asked one of the paramedics. She nodded in response and beckoned me into the back of the ambulance.
The ride there was deadly silent. The news had already heard about Gabriel's arrest and the media was going crazy wondering why. They surrounded the ambulance as the paramedics tried to get Adrien into the emergency room.
I sat in the waiting room awaiting news on Adrien. Nino and Alya rushed through the door and ran up to me. Alya immediately hugged me whilst Nino asked the doctors and nurses for information or news on Adrien's condition.
Finally a doctor came out "You may see him now, he has a concussion and is incredibly weak due to his condition.. He was very malnourished and will needs lots of protein and vitamins to build his strength back up.." The doctor informed us. "Thank you!" I smiled and ran into the room where Adrien was.
Flashback over
I heard movement and opened my eyes looking over at Adrien. His eyes fluttered open and his eyes darted back and forth trying to work out where he was. He sat up immediately, I held his hand and he looked at me confused a hint of fear lingered in his eyes. "Your in the hospital, your safe now. Your father is in custody and awaiting his trial." I smiled. "M-My Father was arrested.." He whispered. I nodded "Yes it's all over now.. Your safe.." I assured him.
(Adrien POV)
My Father had been arrested.. It was all over.. No more beatings.. I was safe?.. A wave of panic and reality rushed over me. "I-I have nowhere to live.." I mumbled. Marinette looked at me "My parents said you can stay with us until we go to college" She smiled. My eyes widened and I looked at her shocked "B-But.." I began. "No buts, my parents are happy that your staying with us, they adore you" Marinette cut me off. I smiled, not a fake smile but a proper one "Thank you!" I smiled widely. She giggled "Your welcome".
A/N A short chapter full of wholesome Adrienette at the end! This story is almost done! I just wanted to thank you for nearly 200 readers I'm really grateful you like this story!! Thank you so much! See you next time!
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