Branch: *is on his bed reading a book*
John: *comes in unannounced* branch *throws something knocking his book out of his hand* go for a walk.
Branch: why'd you do that?!!!
Joum: don't start branch! *points a finger at em*
Branch: dont you want me to read??!!
John: *goes up to em and tries to grab em*
Branch: *gets away* okay, okay. I'll go!!! *cries and runs out*
John: *takes his books and light then on fire*
Clay: bro! The fuck are you doing?! Those are branches books!!
John: want yours to be burnt?
Clay: *shuts up*
John: *finishes* teach branch to shut up when he's needed to. Also clean the ashes up.
Clay: *does so keeping his questions to himself*
Bruce: john, you want me to do anything?
John: nah, your good. Do whatever.
Floyd: *is crying*
John: floyd!
Floyd: *jumps* y-yeah?
John: do we gotta treat you like a baby as well?
Floyd: *collects himself and wipes his tears away* n-no. I'm fine. Gotta clean my room. *and leaves without a word*
John: k....*does the dishes*
Branch: *some time later comes in*
John: *stomps up to em*
Branch: *backs away and pins himself against the wall* what did I do?!
John: want to be raped?
Branch: no *whines*
John: go into your room and shut up.
Branch: i- okay. *walks in confused but is scared and looks to see if anyone else noticed but no one did sadly*
Bruce: *saw it actually* john?
John: remember?
Bruce: *thinks* ....ohhhh, forgot. What are you gonna do?
John: you'll help me?
Bruce: yeah.
John: good. Give it 20 minutes.
Bruce: got it.
John: do whatever. It'll be a be a bit, but I will call you when its time.
Bruce: kk, *goes off*
20 minutes later
Branch: *crying and hears someone come in and stands up but is picked up and pins to the bed and wiggled a little, sees john and thinks "shit"* what did I do? I...I don't remember?
John: *on top of em* gonna scream?
Branch: *shakes head no*
John: gonna make life hard for yourself?
Branch: *shakes head no again*
John wanna know what you did?
Branch: yes!
John: you called me devil.
Branch: *eyes widen* you heard that?
John: I got ears branch, course I did?
Branch: knows what's going on now and throws head back* noo!! I'm sorry! I just! I was! It wasn't! *having bad anxiety*
John: to bad, pay the price. *kisses his lips*
Branch: *moves a little*
John: I wouldn't do that if I were you....
Branch: *whimpers*
John: new rule, no screaming or moving.
Branch: *opens his mouth*
John: are you testing me?
Branch: *lets out some air of " are you kidding me*
John: *thrushes em and goes hard causing em to moan on purpose*
Branch: *tries to stop the sounds and shutting his lips due to his arms being held down* mmph!....mmm!!
John: open your mouth....I dare you.
Branch: *shakes head scared*
John: you being tough with me? *tries to get with his eyes*
Branch: *shakes head again*
Bruce: j-john
John: hush! I know. *looks into his eyes or at least tries to get a glance every time he looks at em* I'll thrush you harder...
Branch: *shakes head*
John: k you pass.
Branch: *doesn't meet his gaze*
John: *touches em in ways it'll make em Squrim*
Branch: tries not to scream but can't help but laugh*
John: bruce, are you hearing this?
Bruce: branch is going to get beaten if he continues to Squrim....
John: *laughs and fist bumps em* good one.
Branch: *accidentally elbows em without thinking*
John: aaahh!! Fucking shit elbowed my ribs dammit!
Bruce: *tries to comfort john*
Branch: *realizes* j-john, I swear it was a mistake....I did it without thinking!! I swear on my fucking life damit!! I swear!! I swear! I swear!!!!! Dont beat me up....please!!!!*sobs*
John: *grabs em into a hug not caring how he feels*
Branch: *Squrims a little hating the grab of a hug*
John: your lucky.....cause I was going to beat you up for that. But it see and you did do it by an accident and I know instincts are a thing....but I'm still going to play with you...*slides finger down his waist*
Branch: mmmm!! *tries to get his finger off*
John: want me to beat you up?
Branch: sorry...
John: what I thought.....
Branch: *is disgusted but doesn't show it*
Bruce: john?
John: *smiles* hold his feet down, known for kicking.
Bruce: *does so*
John: grabs his hair and wrists* don't make life rough...we won't hurt you.
Branch: that's not a promise?
John: your deciding already?
Branch: *eyes widen and tilts head to down shouting his lips tight*
John: are you going to continue?
Branch: *mouths* I'm a troll.
John: you got brains kid......
Branch: *mouths* hurry up.
John: *shucks his neck*
Branch: *moans but tries to silence them by pressing his lips together*
John: *stops and looks in his eyes*
Branch: *squints his eyes shut trying to indicate he was not doing any noise making and he won't*
John: *stops and thinks* you know what....he needs a better punishment then this....*says to Bruce with an evil smirk*
Bruce: what is it?
John: *looks at branch*
Branch' *looks at em scared as hell*
John: we all rap em and force em into it*
Bruce: okay!
Branch: WHAT!!??
John: *slaps em* silence!
Branch: *cries*
John: you can scream and move around. Bruce.
Bruce: *foes off soundproofing everything from the outside*
John: *grabs branch*
Branch: *sees Bruce patching all the way that a troll could hear his screams and screams as loud as he could to make himself known*
Bruce: john!! I didn't get the mat. Shut em up!
John: *puts a hand over his mouth to muffle his screams* shut it!!!
Branch: *struggles and screams*
John: the more you fight me the headset we rape you.
Branch: *skies down and cries as his breathing is heavy from using all the energy*
Clay: how cute is he? Branch?
John: oh. Hold on.
John: dont fight or I will make them rap you hard.
Branch: *nods and lets em take control of em*
John: hey bruce! Are the sound proof paddings on?
Bruce: Yes!
John: k. *takes his hand away and gets em onto his knees and holds his wrists and holds em there* stay.
Clay: *looks at em* sexy.......
John: you'll be getting a chance soon.
Clay: yes!
Bruce: back guys.
John: everyone form a circle around branch just make sure I'm in the circle as well.
They all do so.
John: *gets to his ear level* no escaping smart pantz. *throws his arms down and blocks his way from getting out*
John: he might be a little wiggly cause I told em he can scream and wiggle if he wanted to.
All of them: got it!
Clay: *grabs em*
Branch: *gasps*
Clay: soo, smoith. Smooths his hands over his body making him move from the touch*
They alk touch em as clay hold em by himself arms, every time they tickly he Squrims but only it depends on how much Rabat troll does it for*
John: *traps em in a hug*
Branch: *wiggled around*
John: *hugs em tightly*
Branch: *kicks a little as he wiggles and grunts*
John: you know what I think you need a bigger punishment.
Branch: john!! No! I'm sorry for calling you a devil. I won't do it again, stop with these punishments I learned!! Please😭😭
John: want me to put you in a diaper?
Branch: what's the other punishment?
John: keep you in for a week and not let you out and keep and eye on you.
Branch: fine ill do the diaper😒....
John: you'll be treated like one.....
Branch: *feels the urge to be alone* can I go read one of my books please?
John: *straight forward without hesitation* I burnt them to ash.
Branch: *is pissed in disbelief* what!?- *glares at em growling and gritting his teeth*
John: you heard me, I burnt them. *not caring*
Branch: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!?? *strangle e! with his hair* THEY WERE FUCKING IMPORTANT TO ME!!!
John: *lets em go due to being choked*
Branch: *punches em until he bleeds*
John: *lays crying*
Branch: *clams down and sees what he's done and gasps and looks around and sees shocked but also an angry face on bruce*
Bruce: their books you Psycho.....
Clay: john told me to clean that ashes up. He threatened to burn mine so I couldn't do much but I did what I could. And bruce, what do you know about books? You don't read any. Branch has every right to. Important books mean a lot. You don't have to understand, but just know there are important books you need in life.
Bruce: *scoffs* whatever!🙄
Clay: *rolls eyez*
Branch: *scaredly* please don't hurt me....*runs into his room sobbing*
Some hours later
Branch: *rocking back n fourth on his bed holding a pillow for comfort*
John: *comes in*
Branch: *gasps and hides and stands up on the other side of the bed and holds the pillow while staring at em scared* please, no more abuse. I hurt😥😥😥
John: *comes over to em*
Branch: *backs up pinning himself to the wall burying his head into the pillow shaking and crying* no! No! NOOO!! Please! *jumps on his feet* stop.. Please...😢😢😢
John: maybe if you didn't beat me up the consequences wouldn't be so tragic kid.
Branch: *almost losses his breath* tr-tr-trag-tragic?😨
John: *takes his pillow from em and whips it away*
Branch: *gasps and yips and cowars with a little whine while shaking in fear* noo.....no please😓😓😓
John: *grabs em by his upper arms*
Branch: *ears and hair drops as he freezes in terror and shakes his head without words. His icy blue eyes looking up into his bleeding for mercy*
John: im not babying you. I'm grounding you and I'm not letting g you go til the end of this month.
Branch: WHAT!? ....wait, letting me go?
John: your physically in my grip even when I go to bed. Until the month is over. Pull tug scream I don't care, but it'll hurt you.
Branch: *is scared and tries to get away but can't* no!! Let me go!!! Nooo!!😭😭😭😫😫😫
John: did this to yourself....
Branch: no no nooo!!! *struggles in his grip* mmmph!!! *kicks and wiggled as he carries em out*
Bruce: yo john, what going on with branch? Why are you carrying him?
John: his punishment.
Bruce: how long?
John: for a month.
Bruce: after you can I do it?
John: yeah what is it?
Bruce: he can't scream or talk to any of weather he told to do something. And he must listen for a month.
John: slips?
Bruce: held hostage and duck tape on mouth.
John: like it *fist bumps*
Branch: *feels anxiety*
John: *notices* branch calm down. Literally holding you.
Branch: *looking like he was going to kill in rage he says* being to close to people or like this GIVES ME FUCKING ANXIETY!!! *cries*
John: *lets em go but holds onto his arms* better?
Branch: *is surprised he listened* a l-little...
John: good. *sits on the couch and grabs em by th waist* your going to have to make due for this cause I can't help you out here.
Bruce: sits on the right side of Johns were branch is held at*
Clay: *sits to the left of John*
Branch: *signs*
John: *cheers at his tv*
Branch: *flinches and looks at the tv and tries to calm down but heart still racing from the jumpscare*
John: Bruce, I need to tell you something.
Bruce: but *refers to branch* he~
John: ignore em, hes not there.
Branch: *sees and knows this won't end well*
Bruce: *scoots closer*
John: *whispers something in his ear*
Bruce: *smiles and looks down at branch with a smirk and doesn't squish branch to hard but enough to make feel uncomfortable*
Branch: *sees what's happening. After a minute or two feels claustrophobic and Squrims around*
John: *sees its working and "adjusts his arm to hug big body and arms and holds em tightly*
Branch: *feels if and knows what's happening*
Bruce: *Pro tends to be understanding and grabs his wrists and holds the in branch lap together*
Branch: *tries to pull away but can't*
Bruce: *kind if squishes em into john*
Branch: *feeling uncomfortable he wiggles*
John: *passes a note to clay*
Clay: *smiles and gets up and walks behind branch*
Branch: *is scared and cowers*
Clay: *puts hands onto shoulder* Giving him a hard time?
Branch: what? no! *shakes head*
Clay: *looks at Bruce and john*
John and Bruce smirks at em.
Clay: *grabs a fist full of hair tightly*
Branch: *gasps* woe! Okay okay okay!!....okay. I'm sorry. You know I'm claustrophobic. I also see what your doing. Your doing this is to make me feel uncomfortable so you can attack me and you find joy in that.
Clay: and you hate it.
Branch: so what if I do?
Clay: I dunno......
Branch: *stays quite*
Bruce: *stands up and comes right in front and gets down to his level and looks into his eyes* branch, you know I'm a father to 13 kids.
Branch: you wouldn't hurt me? You wouldn't hurt a child.
Bruce: branch your my younger brother so-
Bruce: *looks at John*
John: *smiles* I don't care. Hes not to be let free. Understood?
Bruce: yes man.
John: need any help call me or anyone of us for that matter.
Nruce: *picks up branch* k. *carries em off into his room and sets em down holding his arm closing the door and locking it so he can't escape if he somehow breaks free*
Branch: *is scared* Bruce no!!😟😟😟
Bruce: *lays em on the bed gently and uses his hair to pin his arms down to the bed*
Branch: *looks around himzelf* oh no no! Bruce, you can't!!! I. WHAT DID I DO!?😭😭😭
Bruce: no no, not that. *looks at his leaf vest and takes something out of his pocket*
Branch: *a puzzle peace that was last touched by his grandma* no!! Give it back please!!! What are you doing with it!?
Bruce: *ties his arms to his sides with his hair and pins em to the bed* JOHN!!
John: *comes in* what is he doing!?
Bruce: nothing. I got what you wanted.
John: *smiles and takes it*
Branch: GIVE IT BACK!!!! *tries to attack john*
Bruce: *holds em back*
Branch: *fights against em* YOU MONSTER!!! GIVE IT BACK!!! WHAT ARE DOING WITH IT!!??
John: *grabs em and holds em hostage* I'm taking all the things you love away to teach you a thing or two about how it feels to lose things
Branch: *kicks em and runs off*
John: GRAB HIM!!!
Bruce & Clay try to but he kept slipping away or he was way to fast for the two of them.
John: damn he's fast.....ill he waiting outside for me and take care of em when he comes back. Bruce, tidy up this bunker, Clay. Wash the dirt off all things. Floyd, sweep the floors. Ill be back shortly. Or whenever branch decides to come back. *leaves and waits outside*
Branch: *is running for as long as he can and stops when he trips over his own two feet and crashes into some nice soft ground and cries himself a river* all this abuse....why do they rape me? Why do they touch me? Why do they find joy when I'm scared or in discomfort? Why they like hurting me? Their punishments are brutal. There's something wrong with them. I can't be around then. Their abusive. *cries harder*
"Help...........I'm scared of them....help"
That's the end. Didn't see this end coming up even though I was writing it.
Thought I'd write more but, I got a good place to stop and give it to you.
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