Finale Part 2 - Kissing You
As we lined up in a slight arc in front of the raised platform holding the trophy and the music faded out, we heard fans who were screaming both for Girls' Generation and for Cloud 9. We were all arm in arm save for Tiffany and Jessica, who were in the center.
"I know there's a lot of questions to be asked, and believe me, we have a lot too." Jessica said with a big smile. "Let's start with this one, and it's one we've been asked before, but it honestly begs being asked again after tonight. Did you envision this happening just over two months ago when we both went to KCON and ended up meeting? Balls, I'll go to you for this one."
"Absolutely not." Balls replied as the crowd cheered him as well. "But we're thrilled that it turned out the way that it did and also that we got support for everyone on the team, not just the starters who did so much work. Let the record show that Sunny and Yuri helped me and Lemon make sure we stayed on point, especially before the second Fnatic game."
"Mmmmm..." Sunny said in a bit of her aegyo tone, making Balls blush but smile next to her and the crowd ooh and aah. Then she said in her normal voice, "We were glad to! We wanted to make sure no one got left out because we knew everyone was going to have to play their part."
"And not only that, but everyone did play their part and earned it." Yuri added, squeezing LemonNation's shoulder, and they smiled at each other.
"No question about it! On that note, let's go to Lemon next." Jessica said. "We definitely felt a little weird when you had to go against Cool's Dynasty Ahri in Game 3 and were jumping out of our seats in Game 4, first when you picked her and then when we realized it was Popstar Ahri. And if we know anything, you're the literal man with the plan and you seldom do things like that just on the spur of the moment. What kind of planning went into that?"
Lemon grinned a little sheepishly but replied clearly, "We started working on comps with Ahri and Syndra before the quarterfinals since we wanted to do something as a tribute and also knew we could make it work, and we quickly code-named our Ahri drafts Operation Genie for clear reasons. We also knew we wouldn't have a better opportunity than tonight – on top of all the obvious reasons with the Worlds final and Jessica's farewell, Cool is a great Ahri player, so it also gave us a chance to answer one of his best picks. When we got back together backstage after Game 3, when he'd picked her, I could tell we were all itching to have Ahri in our team comp with a chance to clinch if we got the chance."
"Fantastic!" Tiffany said. She then turned to Sneaky and continued, "Sneaky, you were talking backstage about how you also got satisfaction from shutting up the doubters, the antis and so on. You said there was something you wanted to tell them. Go ahead, I'll give you the floor – I'll let you say your piece, because you've more than earned it."
"Yeah, all the people who said that we couldn't do it, that North America couldn't do it, that Jessica and then you were making the biggest mistakes you could by getting behind us, that Girls' Generation's time had passed...heck, even Heechul when he made the bet with Jessica ahead of the quarterfinal. I know he wasn't trashing us, but that was when I realized how much I'd become all in on winning for you guys too – nobody tries to do that to one of us or someone we care about and gets away with it. All I've got to say at the end is, 'The dreams are no longer memes.'" Sneaky said with a big grin. Yoona then handed him a pair of clip-on shades, which he put on and said, "Deal with it."
"Tell 'em, Dad!" Yoona said, shaking his shoulder in approval as the crowd cheered.
"Thanks a lot, Sneaky! Meteos, you looked as if you wanted to add something to that." Jessica said, turning to him.
"Yeah – anyone who's followed us knows that not all of us were listening to your music when we met at KCON, but you girls absolutely won yourselves some new fans among the rest of us over the last two months." Meteos said. "All of us were glad to give it all we had and win for you tonight as well as for our fans here, back home and elsewhere and to see how happy our fans put together tonight are to see this is incredible."
"Thanks a lot, Meteos!" Sooyoung said, leading the others in cheering him.
"Yeah, thanks a lot for that!" Jessica said. Then she turned to me and said, "Let's go to a big reason why that came to be in that final game – Carlo. As much as you like to dream big and as much as you played out that game in your head, did you ever think that you'd do what you just did with a chance to seal a World Championship – a pentakill on top-lane Ahri en route to a 10/0/8?"
"Only in my wildest dreams, Sica noona." I replied. "And I don't think my wildest dreams included overcoming everything that our teams have together starting at KCON, and tonight's been the toughest challenge of all, not least because Oh My God is a great team and a more than worthy opponent. I'm glad I could save my best game for last, but I don't want people analyzing or reflecting on this and saying I won it by myself, because we all took turns carrying each other at different points in the tournament, sometimes changing within games. Not only that, but we all – and I'm not just talking about C9, but both of our groups – all took turns sharing energy, and that's a big reason I'm so honored to have been part of this. At the end of the day, this was a team effort – and I'm willing to say it was by sixteen, not just seven."
Seohyun gave my shoulder a quick grateful squeeze and beamed at me, and I noticed the others nodding and smiling as well as the crowd applauded and cheered again.
"Oh, you're too kind!" Tiffany said. Then she turned to Aurora and asked, "Aurora, it doesn't seem like too long ago even though it's been over two months that we met you and you were wide-eyed at getting to play at and attend KCON and meet us. You told us since then that you were hoping that you could repay us somehow for what we've given you, and I certainly think you've done that and then some. Can you put into words how you're feeling?"
"Thanks a lot, Fany unnie...Anyone who knows me knows I have two huge dreams – win Worlds and be invited by Girls' Generation to be onstage with them, and words can't express happy I am to have both of those dreams come true on the same night." Aurora replied, ecstasy etched on her face. "Beginning with the quarterfinal where we committed ourselves, I kept telling myself, 'Maybe we get to Worlds again and go as far as we have...but we're only going to get one chance to win it at a moment where it means so much to so many people who I care about a lot.' And I know I was far from the only person on the team who was thinking that way. To know that we did's amazing."
The other Soshis smiled appreciatively at her as Tiffany then turned to Hai. "And finally, the leader, Hai. I need to let the people know...When Jessica went to Fraser Place, you were the one who suggested that we hold off the farewell performance until after the finals if you prevailed against SKT and you were the first to voice the idea of winning Worlds while our original roster was still intact. We've seen just how the team has responded to that, and I think it's only fitting that when the MVP of Worlds was announced before we came onstage, it was you. Congratulations on the honor – can you share your thoughts as well?"
"Wow, really? Thanks a lot to the people who decided on that – that's a big honor!" Hai said to more cheers, before he added,
"It's always been my belief that talent and mechanics do matter, but at the end of the day, it's strategy and teamwork that wins. I've had to add something to well a team can respond to adversity when it hits a team member or someone close. And in two straight major international tournaments, that's happened and we've found something within ourselves. We first did when the guys and Aurora had to go to All-Stars without me and Lemon and won. Then when Jessica told us that she was going to step down – and this is something I talked about with Taeyeon recently – I looked around at them and I could tell we all wanted to do something about it. If I had any doubts about asking her if you could avoid scheduling that final performance until after the final if we beat SKT, they disappeared when I saw that. Then I found out that all seven of us wanted to win it for you girls too, and I knew it was coming out again. I remember I went to bed that night thinking it was the same situation from All-Stars, but with a few changes since it was Worlds. The stakes were higher and the opposition was tougher, but our team was stronger and that added motivation was even stronger."
"When he said that, you should have seen the look on my face." Taeyeon said next to him. "I told him it was such a Soshi thing to do. We've always talked about how we're one as a group and how we have one heart, sharing each other's joy and pain...I know he doesn't want to take too much credit because they were able to call on that courage without him in Paris, but I can tell that it meant so much that he was the one who suggested that he was the one to ask if we could save the last performance with Jessica until after the finals if they overcame SKT. The fact that he has that kind of 'I got you, fam' spirit as he likes to say coupled with his brain and the fact that he constantly tells himself that any challenge they face is not unbeatable...I personally think Cloud 9 couldn't have asked for a better person to have as their leader."
She and Hai smiled warmly at each other as the crowd cheered its approval again. Jessica smiled and said, "I don't think any of us onstage would argue with that, Tae." She then proclaimed, "As much as we'd like to present this trophy ourselves, we're not suited for it nearly as well as the two men about to come to the stage. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the CEOs and co-founders of Riot Games, Mr. Marc 'Tryndamere' Merrill and Mr. Brandon 'Ryze' Beck!"
The two of them ascended the stage to applause, wearing pants, belts and black Worlds T-shirts.
"Thank you very much, Jessica!" Ryze said, before turning to the crowd and saying, "First of all, we want to thank all the people who helped us out – from the Rioters around the world who helped us put this together to our partners including OGN, Garena and Korean Air...and last but absolutely not least, you the fans, because you helped make this the most exciting League tournament we've ever seen."
The crowd cheered appreciatively here, and Tryndamere allowed them to quiet down before he said, "This is our third year where we've awarded this trophy to the winner of Worlds, and every time, it's gone to a worthy champion, but we can't hide how happy we are that this year, it's a North American team."
"Cloud 9, It's been unbelievable watching you guys throughout this tournament. We and the other Rioters who have been watching are thrilled to have Girls' Generation involved in the way that they have been as well...I don't know what you guys and girls have as a whole, but I'd call it magic." Ryze added, turning to us.
We laughed, smiled and thanked him as Tryndamere said, "We're hoping you can bring the Cup by the office once we're all back in LA."
"Hey, we're bringing it by within the first week of us being back home, so keep your eyes out." Hai answered.
"We sure will!" Ryze said, returning Hai's grin. "Also, we haven't touched on it enough, but there is another thing you've won tonight: A cool million dollars in first-place prize money!"
We whooped and applauded as the Soshis gave us quick added congratulatory hugs. One effect of us having regularly won the champions' share of the prize pool since the summertime and focusing on wanting to win for the prestige, for our region, for the fans and for the gals was that we hadn't thought much about the million-dollar first prize. We knew some of it would go to the team itself to help with operating expenses and helping the team get stronger – and rightfully so – but we knew that meant a lot for us too and loved it. I personally knew I'd invest quite a bit of my share so I could make that money continue to work for me, but I'd definitely also use some of it to travel as well during the offseason. Hopefully something with Tiffany, I added, smiling inwardly as well.
"All right, let's get you up here because the Cup's calling your name and is going to have your names on it soon." Tryndamere said. "We've also got that performance by Girls' Generation – and I understand you've got some help on this?"
"We do." Taeyeon answered. "Please welcome back to the stage Mr. Daniel Wayne Parsons of Imagine Dragons!"
"Whoa!" Tryndamere said, as the guitarist retook the stage to more cheers, as they had enjoyed Warriors. "What song is he going to be helping you with?"
"We won't say what it is just yet, but we can say it has to do with something you do when you win an E-Sports trophy in Korea." Jessica answered.
Some in the crowd whooped, and I took them to be the ones who knew what was coming. Ryze said, "I know we're excited to find out. All right, let's get the captain to the front."
We had climbed onto the platform, and Hai came forward so that the Summoner's Cup was between him and Tryndamere and Ryze. Tryndamere then proclaimed, "On behalf of Riot Games and the League of Legends community, It is our pleasure to present the Summoner's Cup to you, our Season 4 World Champions: Cloud 9!"
The crowd roared, knowing this was the moment, as Ryze and Tryndamere handed the Summoner's Cup to Hai and he hoisted it high over his head with a joyful shout with help from Balls and Lemon (the Cup weighs about 70 pounds). Another wave of elation washed over us, and I knew what it was – the beautiful finality of knowing we really had won because the Summoner's Cup was ours.
"Yeah, baby! We did it!" Hai was yelling. He then lowered it slightly and kissed it.
"Yass!" Sneaky yelled. "God, this thing looks even more gorgeous up close!"
"We've got the Cup! We've got the Cup!" Aurora was chanting.
Wayne started a cool guitar intro not long after Hai had lifted the trophy, and as the Soshis applauded and cheered us, a Rioter handed each of them a lollipop. Not only was it awesome to see their faces and hear their voices as we finally hoisted the trophy, but it also gave a big clue as to what they were about to do, and both we and the crowd were even more excited – the crowd because they realized what song was coming and everyone because of what that entailed. The seven of us also got confirmation over our headsets that our mics were turned off for the moment so we could cheer without being a distraction during the performance.
Then the guitar intro played right into the opening of Kissing You, and when that song started playing full force and the performance started, I could have sworn I saw the roof start to lift off of the World Cup Stadium.
"Oh, my God, here we go!" Aurora was almost shrieking, beside herself. Hai and Lemon passed the trophy to her, and they helped her hold it up as she hoisted it and then kissed it too. Her eyes then went straight back to Girls' Generation as the opening dance had already started.
Even though we'd watched them perform live at KCON and even though Aurora, Balls and I had seen our fare share of live clips, none of us was ready for the volume and energy of a full crowd of SONEs who knew the fanchants by heart and were in full voice: (Author's note: This style denotes fanchants)
Jigemun, So Nyuh Shi Dae!
Apeurodo, So Nyuh Shi Dae!
Yeongwonhi So Nyuh Shi Dae!
So Nyuh Shi Dae, saranghae!
Right Now, It's Girls' Generation!
Forward, Girls' Generation!
Forever Girls' Generation!
We love you, Girls' Generation!
"This is going to be insane!" Hai said, a huge smile stuck on his face as he helped hand the Summoner's Cup from Aurora to Meteos.
He was too right. It only started ramping up as the singing started in earnest.
[All] Doo-doo-roo-Doo-doo-doo
Kissing you, baby (Kissing you, baby!)
Loving you, baby (Loving you, baby!)
[Seohyun] Jangnanseureon neoye kiseuye gibuni joa (Seo Joohyun!)
[Yoona] Gwiyeobge saechimhan pyojeong jieodo (Im Yoona!)
[Taeyeon] Eoneu saenga naneun sungnyeocheoreom (Kim Taeyeon!)
Nae ipsureun sageunsageun geudae ireum bureujyo
[All] Doo-doo-roo-Doo-doo-doo
Kissing you, baby
Loving you, baby
[Seohyun] I feel happy with your joking kiss
[Yoona] Even if you have a cute and innocent expression
[Taeyeon] Without knowing like a lady
My lips are calling your name
As Taeyeon started singing her part, we had a rare, precious moment where all our worries disappeared. Meteos called it a moment where he realized just how much of an impact our win had made just because he knew how very different it would have been if we'd lost, while I felt as if there was peace on Earth.
[All] Geudaewa bareul matchumyeo geotgo (Geotgo!)
Neoye du soneul jabgo (Jabgo!)
Ni eokkaeye gidaeyeo malhago shipeo (Sunny jjang!)
[Sunny] "Gomawo saranghae haengbongman julgeyo"
Kissing you, oh my love
[All] We walk with matching steps
Holding our hands
I want to lean on your shoulder and tell you,
[Sunny] "Thank you! I love you! I will only give you happiness!"
Kissing you, oh my love
"Yo, this is too good!" Sneaky said, a big grin plastered on his face. Even he was moving a bit in time with the music, drumming lightly against the Summoner's Cup as it was placed back on the pedestal before another of us picked it up again.
None of us disagreed. I was waving my hands over my head in time to the beat as the chorus had started, and we had all cheered as Sunny came front and center for her bit.
[All] Naeireun ttaseuhanssal soge (Soge!)
Neoneun nae yeope nuwo (Nuwo!)
Saranghae norael bulleojumyeo useojwo (Kwon Yuri!)
[Yuri] Dalkomhan "saranghae" gibun joeun hanmadi
[All] Tomorrow, you are lying next to me
In the warm sun
When I sing you a love song, you smile
[Yuri] The sweet, happy words – "I love you"
"Holy crap, they're really bringing it!" Lemon said just after he'd lifted the trophy with help from me and Aurora and kissed it.
"They really are." I replied fervently. "I can't help but wonder if that was what it was like for them watching us for those last three teamfights."
"I can see what you mean, dude. My mind's getting blown already – at this rate, my brain's going to be scattered all over the place at the end of this!" Meteos said.
[All] Doo-doo-roo-Doo-doo-doo
Kissing you, baby (Kissing you, baby!)
Loving you, baby (Loving you, baby!)
[Tiffany] Nuneul gamgo neoye ipsure kiseureul hamyeon (Tiffany!)
[Hyoyeon] Nae boreun pingkeubit mori deureodo (Kim Hyoyeon!)
[Jessica] Nae maeumeun imi neomeogago (Jessica!)
Nae gaseumen dugeundugeun shimjangsori deullijyo
[All] Doo-doo-roo-Doo-doo-doo
Kissing you, baby
Loving you, baby
[Tiffany] When I kiss you while closing my eyes
[Hyoyeon] My cheeks turn red
[Jessica] I have already fallen for you
In my chest, you can hear my heart beating
While we'd continued to thoroughly enjoy the performance, our anticipation was also building again for where we came in.
"Oh, man. You guys ready?" I asked Hai, Balls and Aurora – we would be part of the surprises in a matter of seconds and that would mean we'd be front and center with them – Aurora most of all.
"As we'll ever be." Aurora said, but added with a smile. "I know now, though, that we wouldn't feel right if all seven of us just stood up here, even if it was with the Summoner's Cup."
"You're right, Aurora." Hai said. "I don't know about you, but I'm even more excited to dance with Tae noona after seeing this."
"Hey, I don't usually say it myself, but 'same'." I said, slapping his hand. "I'm still scared of messing up but I'm more excited to get out there with Fany noona."
We shared a laugh and got back to enjoying the performance even as our instinct to focus quickly kicked in.
[All] Geudaewa bareul matchumyeo geotgo (Geotgo!)
Neoye du soneul jabgo (Jabgo!)
Ni eokkaeye gidaeyeo malhago shipeo (Seo Joohyun!)
[Seohyun] "Gomawo saranghae haengbongman julgeyo"
Kissing you, oh my love
[All] Naeireun ttaseuhanssal soge (Soge!)
Neoneun nae yeope nuwo (Nuwo!)
Saranghae norael bulleojumyeo useojwo (Choi Sooyoung!)
[Sooyoung] Dalkomhan "saranghae" gibun joeun hanmadi
[All] We walk with matching steps
Holding our hands
I want to lean on your shoulder and tell you,
[Seohyun] "Thank you! I love you! I will only give you happiness!"
Kissing you, oh my love
[All] Tomorrow, you are lying next to me
In the warm sun
When I sing you a love song, you smile
[Sooyoung] The sweet, happy words – "I love you"
"Mr. Daniel Wayne Sermons!" Jessica said, indicating the Imagine Dragons guitarist.
He launched into a guitar solo that would stretch over the next verse. It had genuine rock energy without deviating from the song, which was fantastic. The Soshis had moved back to the foot of the platform and were cheering him on as he gave them an appreciative smile, clearly having fun.
"Oh, this just got even better." Meteos said with a big grin.
"You want me to ask them if there's any Girls' Generation music that could use a trombone?" Sneaky asked, laughing.
"Certainly wouldn't hurt!" Meteos replied, laughing as well. "Just give me some time to practice – I haven't done it in a long time."
"We've actually got some dance requests for the guys too...Sunny, wanna start?" Jessica asked.
"Sure!" Sunny replied. She came over to Balls and asked brightly, "Ready, Balls?"
"I'm ready!" He replied with a smile, his mic turned back on – as were Hai's and mine for a little later.
She took him out to the center and they danced together a bit before what would normally be the chorus kicked in. They incorporated a cool part where he got to show off his strength a little and lift her up, before she kissed him on the cheek after he put her down. They even had an aegyo finish, with Sunny finishing with an eye smile and two peace signs at the yes while Balls had a piece sign out in front of him.
"Okay, Tae!" Sunny called as she came back with Balls while the fans cheered them.
Taeyeon smiled and went over to Hai with an outstretched hand. "Hai, could I have this dance?" She asked.
"I'd be honored, Taengoo noona." Hai replied, returning her smile and taking her hand.
They came out to the center and danced for what would normally be the first half of the chorus. They smoothly worked into their moves a part where Taeyeon took off Hai's wrist braces – first on one hand and then the other – before she went behind him and held him with his hands over his chest while he breathed deeply and then exhaled, smiling. The message was clear – Taeyeon knew what kind of pain Hai had suffered and braved, and she was there to take it all away and make him a new man. She smiled back at him as if to say, "Feeling better?" and then continued dancing with him until the end of their section, where she spun back towards him and kissed him.
"Fany!" She called, as a signal to her while she moved back with Hai while they took more cheers for their dance.
Tiffany nodded and smiled, then turned to me and asked, "Carlo, wanna dance with me?"
"Yes, ma'am!" I replied, my face lit up.
She took my hand as I stepped down, and we almost skipped happily to center stage for the second half of the chorus. The dance we'd worked on was lively and not overly complicated, but it did include a lot of footwork and included us holding hands throughout. We ended with a whip with a single outside turn that ended with Tiffany reaching up and kissing me. The music then eased off and we leaned into each other to allow for a brief spoken interlude that we'd worked out backstage to capture the moment.
"I wish this moment would never end..." I said earnestly as the cheers lasted into the start of the interlude.
"It won't." Tiffany replied reassuringly, looking at me. "Because this will last forever...I know it will."
I met her eyes and then looked back at the others, who were all smiling back. Then I turned back to her with my smile growing again and said, "You're right."
"Shall we take 'em higher?" Tiffany asked rhetorically.
I looked behind me, and Sneaky tossed me Tiffany's lollipop. I let go of her, caught it, turned back to her, bowed, and held it out to her, saying, "Go get 'em!"
She curtsied, beamed and accepted it, and I went back up to the platform with the team and the Summoner's Cup, clapping my hands in time with the music as it went back to full volume and Girls' Generation stepped forward again. Hai's, Balls' and my mics were also turned back off so we had license to cheer without being distracting.
[Sunny] Saranghae, saranghae (Saranghae, saranghae)
Neomaneul saranghae haneulmankeum
[Taeyeon] Eonjena haengbokhage hwanhan useum julge
[Jessica] Neomane sojunghan yeoja chingu yaksokhae
[Seohyun] Neoneun nae yeope itgo
Naye du nune itgo
Neoye pumanen hangsang naega isseulge
[Jessica] (Naega isseulge)
[Sunny] I love you, I love you
I love only you as much as heaven
[Taeyeon] I will always make you happy and smile
[Jessica] I'll promise you a precious girlfriend
[Seohyun] You stay next to me
And you're in my eyes
I will always be in your arms
[Jessica] (I will be)
Then it got even better. As she hit her high note, Jessica caught another lollipop from LemonNation and tossed it towards Aurora, whose mic had just been turned back on as well. She jumped down, caught it and then seamlessly joined in dancing and singing the last chorus as Girls' Generation made space for her and the crowd roared and applauded.
"Oh, my God, look at her go!" Balls cheered along with the rest of us.
"No kidding!" I yelled. "Go get 'em, Aurora!"
[All] Geudaewa bareul matchumyeo geotgo (Geotgo!)
Neoye du soneul jabgo (Jabgo!)
Ni eokkaeye gidaeyeo malhago shipeo (Kim Taeyeon!)
[All] We walk with matching steps
Holding our hands
I want to lean on your shoulder and tell you
There had one more major surprise planned. Taeyeon had invited Aurora to join her for her trademark high note part, which unquestionably was saying a lot because of how revered Taeyeon is for her voice alone.
"Come on, girls, you got it!" Hai yelled as they came to the center.
We were all crossing our fingers, but we needn't have worried. They were ready and hit it perfectly.
"Gomawo saranghae haengbongman julgeyo"
Kissing you, oh my love
"Thank you! I love you! I will only give you happiness!"
Kissing you, oh my love
"Oh, yeah!" Meteos shouted as we and the crowd cheered again. "You rock it!"
"Holy crap, this is just amazing." Hai said. "Let's get ready quick – we need to be ready for the end, Balls."
"Got it, boss!" Balls replied, and he and Hai took hold of the trophy, getting ready.
We also got ready, but also made sure to savor the last part:
[All] Naeireun ttaseuhanssal soge (Soge!)
Neoneun nae yeope nuwo (Nuwo!)
Saranghae norael bulleojumyeo useojwo (Tiffany!)
[Tiffany] Dalkomhan saranghae gibun joeun hanmadi
[Jessica/Aurora] Dalkomhan saranghae gibun joeun
[Seohyun] Saranghae hanmadi
[All] Tomorrow, you are lying next to me
In the warm sun
When I sing you a love song, you smile
[Tiffany] The sweet, happy words – "I love you"
[Jessica/Aurora] Happy words – "I love you"
[Seohyun] Sweet words – "I love you"
Right after that last line, as the outro began, the girls parted ranks and allowed Hai and Balls to come forward carrying the Summoner's Cup between them. They placed it down on the stage floor, knelt on either side of it, beaming, and made peace signs – in Hai's case, his aegyo one where he put the peace sign up to his eye and eye smiled. The girls closed ranks behind them and did the customary kneeling/standing lollipop-waving ending pose, while the other guys followed close and saluted the crowd with peace signs (in my case, I opted for a #1 sign and Sneaky gave a thumbs-up.) The crowd bellowed out the last part of the fanchant at full volume:
Jigemun, So Nyuh Shi Dae!
Apeurodo, So Nyuh Shi Dae!
Yeongwonhi So Nyuh Shi Dae!
Right Now, It's Girls' Generation!
Forward, Girls' Generation!
Forever Girls' Generation!
Hearing the crowd go as nuts as they did as the song ended made us feel as if the sixteen of us had just won Worlds all over again.
We all joined hands side by side and bowed to all four sides of the stadium, and it was as we finished that the emotions started setting back in. Jessica was smiling and had tears in her eyes, and the rest of us quickly surrounded her supportively.
"Don't worry...I'm just so happy!" She managed to say.
We all hugged her as we understood what she meant – the way it had turned out meant that she'd gone out on top, and that was something that felt so far away when we'd come to Korea.
Hai and Taeyeon, seeing this, looked at each other and nodded.
"Hey, bring it in, guys!" He called.
We all nodded and quickly huddled up, arm in arm and shoulder to shoulder, with Taeyeon and Hai next to each other.
"Listen to these people. They don't want us to stop, and I don't think you want to either." Taeyeon said, glowing.
"Damn right we don't, ma'am!" Meteos said.
"Yeah, we've all got more of that, Tae unnie – and that includes the guys!" Seohyun agreed, smiling at us.
Taeyeon smiled at her and then at the rest of us affectionately. "I know, Seo. Hai and I do too – we'll keep doing our best for you guys. We've got a championship to celebrate and we'll be on opposite sides of the Pacific again soon, but let's make sure we keep working hard and fighting together. Two teams, sixteen minds, sixteen souls, one heart – that's what won it tonight."
"Yeah, Taengoo unnie!" Hyoyeon whooped, as we all nodded, smiled and expressed our approval.
Taeyeon nodded at Hai, inviting him to add to it. He nodded back and told us, "Look out there – a stadium full of people screaming for C9 and SNSD, and that's because of what we manged to do tonight. All of them are reasons why we need to keep working hard – we can't afford to let them down with what we do from here."
"Absolutely, Hai." Yuri responded.
"Damn right!" Sneaky agreed.
Hai smiled at him and then Yuri before he finished, "We've bagged the biggest title in this business and I'm with you guys – it's going to be an awesome party because we've all earned it. Hunting season is gonna start before we know it, though, so let's continue to make sure that they're the mice and we're the hawks."
"Let's do it!" Aurora responded, as the other fifteen of us also heartily approved.
"Nice!" Hai said, and then he put his right hand in the center. "All right, everybody, hands in!"
We all joined in and put our hands in the center, meeting our leaders' eyes and then looking around at the others.
"Taengoo noona..." Hai said, inviting her to speak.
"Yes." Taeyeon said. "Everyone, 'Fighting,' 'Fighting', 'Fighting,' and then Hai will finish us off. Ready?"
"Ready." We answered. She smiled back, and then cheered,
"So Nyuh Shi Dae!"
"Fighting!" We yelled, bouncing our hands in the center.
"Cloud 9!"
"Gagja modu! (Everyone!)"
Hai then spoke up. "'As One' on three. One, two, three!"
"As One!" We responded as we broke the huddle to added cheers.
"Hang on, let's let them get a chance to lift the Cup too!" Meteos said.
The rest of us agreed, and he, Aurora and Sneaky picked up the trophy and handed it to Jessica, Tiffany and Taeyeon. They beamed as they raised it and the crowd cheered their approval, and then they also did a cool bit where Sunny got under the Summoner's Cup and looked as if she were doing an aegyo pose while balancing it on her head while the three Soshis holding the trophy supported its full weight. Then they passed the trophy to her, Yoona and Yuri and then finally to Seohyun, Hyoyeon and Sooyoung. It then came back to Taeyeon, Hai and Tiffany, who led us as we carried it off the stage and started on a victory lap.
The Final: Results – Venue: Seoul World Cup Stadium
Final (October 19th) – Oh My God (China) 1-3 Cloud 9 (North America)
Final Rankings
1st – Cloud 9 (North America)
2nd – Oh My God (China)
3rd/4th – Samsung Galaxy White (Korea)
3rd/4th – Team SoloMid (North America)
5th-8th – Alliance (Europe)
5th-8th – SK Telecom T1 K (Korea)
5th-8th – Fnatic (Europe)
5th-8th – Counter Logic Gaming (North America)
9th-12th – Samsung Galaxy Blue (Korea)
9th-12th – Edward Gaming (China)
9th-12th – Star Horn Royal Club (China)
9th-12th – SK Gaming (Europe)
13th-16th – KaBum! E-Sports (Brazil)
13th-16th – Legacy E-Sports (Oceania)
13th-16th – Taipei Assassins (Southeast Asia)
13th-16th – AHQ E-Sports Club (Southeast Asia)
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