Final Part 2 - Vs. OMG: Genie (Tell Me Your Wish)
Glossary (for those new to League)
Ward – An item that grants vision nearby.
Teleport – A Summoner Spell that allows the user to warp after a brief channeling period to a friendly minion, turret or ward. Since 2014, it has invariably been one of the two Summoner Spells chosen by top laners to boost their mobility and allow them to make cross-map plays, but it is not unheard of for mid-laners to choose Teleport as well.
Flash – A Summoner Spell that allows the user to teleport a short distance. It can be used offensively to get close to an opponent or defensively to get out of danger. It is almost invariably one of the two Summoner Spells that every competitive or even serious player chooses.
Ace – The League term for a team wipe, where every member of the opposing team is eliminated.
Pentakill – An ace that involves a single player eliminating all five opponents, considered one of the most emphatic things one can do in League of Legends.
Draft – In League of Legends, ranked and professional drafts begin with the two teams taking turns banning champions until each team has banned three each. The blue side team then gets the first pick, and the two teams then pick two champions each before the red team gets the last pick. This means the blue team is guaranteed the first pick of any unbanned champion, but the red team also gets a guaranteed counterpick.
2014 League of Legends World Championship
Grand Finals
Seoul World Cup Stadium (Sangam Stadium), Mapo-gu, Seoul, South Korea
October 19th
Cloud 9 (North America)
Top - Carlo (Phillip Carlo Santos, USA)
Jungle - Meteos (Will Hartman, USA)
Mid - Hai (Hai Du Lam, USA)
AD Carry - Sneaky (Zach Scuderi, USA)
Support - Aurora (Carolina Aurora Lea, Canada)
Substitute - Balls (An Van Le, USA)
Coach/Emergency Sub - LemonNation (Daerek Hart, USA)
Oh My God (China)
Top - Gogoing (Gao Di-Ping, China)
Jungle - Loveling (Yin Le, China)
Mid - Cool (Yu Jia-Jun, China)
AD Carry - San (Guo Jun-Liang, China)
Support - Cloud (Hu Zhen-Wei, China)
Substitute - DaDa777 (Fang Hong-Ri, China)
Deman: So, is this the moment? Cloud 9 are on championship point here at the World Championships and they have two chances to win it, but they'll want to do it on the first one. What do you think comes out from OMG, who have to be reeling after that last game where they had Baron stolen?
Joshua "Jatt" Leesman (NA LCS): I do think they go to comfort picks because Cloud 9 has won two different ways using two different team comps now after they shook off their nerves in the first game. I'd expect to see OMG ban Cloud 9's picks from the previous game as much as possible to minimize them playing champions they're red hot with. I also wonder if, since Cloud 9 is on blue side again, whether Hai picks away Zed from Cool if he goes unbanned.
Rivington "Riv" Bisland III (NA LCS): If that's the case, maybe OMG will end up essentially wasting a ban on a champion Cloud 9 doesn't want to play in this game anyway, and the way Cloud 9 is playing, OMG needs everything they can get.
The girls finished taking their seats just as the bans finished – we banned Kassadin, Kha'Zix and Tristana while OMG banned Leona, Sona and Twisted Fate – and held their breath as they knew the picks would start in earnest right there and then.
Jatt: Oh, wow, first pick Soraka for Cloud 9!
Deman: So Aurora gets her signature champion and you can see how happy she is about you think Cloud 9 are thinking now about what champions they want the designers to make skins for if they win this?
Riv: Possibly, but we have to think they also have a comp that would work around it.
Jatt: Well, they certainly have run quite a few successful comps around her on the way here. OMG's first two picks are now also in – Jayce comes in, which we've seen Cool play, as well as Jinx for San, and that's a lot of poke straight away.
Deman: And another quick reply – this is a heck of a hover in response. Zac and Draven for Meteos and Sneaky, which are two more signature champions.
Riv: We see them smiling – are they going to lock them in?
Jatt: This crowd hasn't seen them do it here in Korea, but they're anticipating having that chance...and they will get it as they do lock them in!
Deman: Oh, this is looking to be a firecracker straight away – all three of Cloud 9's initial picks are not just comfort picks but the champions people associate the most with Meteos, Sneaky and Aurora. This looks to be fun to watch, no question – let's just hope it pans out once again.
Riv: Rengar and Ryze are the next two picks for OMG, so this is going to be an especially scary team if they get ahead or even just hold on and get to late game. And of course, Gogoing has to be happy at getting to play Ryze again with everything on the line.
Deman: Carlo just let out a big sigh of relief. I think he's going to get the pick he wants. Only question is, what does he have in mind this time? We've seen him win tonight with Sejuani and then draw a Leona ban after another stellar performance.
Jatt: That anxious look has been turning into a smile quickly. What do they have up their sleeves? Whoa!
Riv: Oh, boy!
Deman: Ahri and Zed are the final two picks for Cloud 9!
"Oh, my God, they actually picked her!" Jessica yelled as the crowd gasped, screamed and cheered.
"Oh, wow!" Taeyeon exclaimed, her hands going to her head. "My gosh...Okay, Zed has to be Hai's pick. So does that mean Carlo's picking Ahri in the top lane?"
"Looks like you think he's going to pick our skin?" Yuri asked.
"I think...I think he just might." Tiffany said with nervous excitement, thinking back to what I'd told her.
Jatt: I definitely can't tell what's going on here either. From what little I know at this point, here's what I can say: It's possible that it's Hai who has the pocket Ahri, but it's much more likely that he takes Zed, which he has had a resurgence on including in the quarterfinal perfect game against SKT, which means this is a top-lane Ahri for Carlo, which is something we've never seen before at professional level – certainly not in North America.
Deman: We've certainly never seen it in Europe either – I don't think it's a wild guess to say that this is the first Ahri top we've ever seen at Worlds, if not ever period in professional play. We see Morgana as the last pick for OMG, and that has to be just for the added sieging and engage.
Riv: I would certainly agree. So there's a lot of pick and assassination potential on C9's side, while OMG brings a lot of late-game power, poke and siege. I'll also be interested to see what Carlo's build path is since he will be taking it as the swaps finalize, which means this is the first top-lane Ahri any of us have seen at this level.
Deman: We will see what happens – you know the deal by now! Make your voice heard on Twitter – tweet @LOLESports with the hashtag #C9WIN or #OMGWIN...Jatt, you just saw something on the screen, laughed and smiled – you want to be the one to tell the people at home what it is?
Jatt: We have it on our screens and you guys watching are about to see it on the team comp screen: Carlo has Popstar Ahri picked, and that's the Girls' Generation skin we were talking about – the one inspired by the custom skin made here in Korea that was in turn inspired by the Genie music video.
(Author's Note: Picture references follow. From top to bottom: (1) A screenshot from the "Genie" music video, (2) Goomrrat (Pasha)'s rendition of what he called Generation Ahri using the same naval uniform, and (3) the official Riot version, Popstar Ahri)
Deman: And there it is! And as you can imagine, the girls are loving it. We've talked for a while now about how Cloud 9 has interacted with and responded to Girls' incredible would it be if this is the pick that gets them over the line and gets North America their first world champion?
Jatt: Well, granted, it's way off meta, but the reason we saw Carlo so relieved is that he saw the Ryze and knew that if he picked it, he'd have a matchup that would not be out of place in the mid lane. This is an approach that C9 used a lot when they first qualified for the LCS – on paper, Hai was mid and Balls was top, but they would just treat it as just solo laning and swap constantly. That said, this is obviously to a whole new extent because we've never seen Ahri and Zed in the same team with the stakes this high.
One could tell how many SONEs were in the crowd because they, down to the last person, joined the Soshis in standing up and cheering as the Popstar Ahri pick was shown on the observer camera when the game started.
"Oh, my God, they're doing it!" Tiffany yelled.
She and Jessica then looked at each other and said together, "They're playing our song."
All of the others nodded and smiled wholeheartedly, beaming from ear to ear but waiting to unleash their energy, because the Chinese contingent in the stadium was trying to boost OMG, especially since they were facing elimination: "OMG, jia you! OMG, jia you!" (Loosely translated, "Let's go, OMG!" or "Come on, OMG!")
Sunny and Taeyeon waited until that cheer faded, caught the eyes of the other Soshis and whispered something. A few seconds later, the whole of Girls' Generation turned around, faced the section behind them and yelled, "C9! Hana, dul, set!"
"C9 Fighting!" The SONEs and Cloud 9 fans responded, incredibly just as if we were a Korean team.
The girls turned back towards the field and the stage, egging on the chant that was sweeping through the stadium again: "Cloud 9! Cloud 9! Cloud 9!"
Meanwhile, we were focusing on our individual objectives for the game. On top of keeping up our vision game as a team, Meteos had to make sure he got tanky enough to be able to handle and negate all the damage OMG could output, while Sneaky was going to be looking for kills even earlier and often because of Draven's Adoration. Meanwhile, Hai had to make sure he got going with Zed while Aurora had to make sure Sneaky stayed alive to protect his Adoration stacks. Lastly, I had to be careful to pick my spots and not be too aggressive since I was electing to start with a Rod of Ages, which would be great later but would take time to both build and fully stack. Thankfully, I got a chance to jump out ahead right when I hit Level 6 and took it.
Deman: Oh, Gogoing's going in, but he's a bit too close! Carlo counters and lands the Charm! He gets his own combo off, Spirit Rush comes out as well, and there it is – First Blood for Carlo!
Jatt: What a clutch outplay by Carlo right there for the early advantage. He threw out the Charm even a little before Orb of Deception killed the last minion that would have blocked it and Gogoing didn't see it coming. On top of that, he had enough of a life lead and Gogoing had not yet hit his own Level 6.
Riv: Looking at Carlo on the player cam, we've just about always seen him focused, but I haven't seen the fire in his eyes that we're seeing now. I think that with everything that's been going on with Cloud 9 and Girls' Generation, he wanted the chance to play Ahri – and I do think it was Popstar Ahri specifically – on this stage, and so far, so good.
"Yes, Carlo!" Tiffany shouted. "Oh, my gosh, it's happening...isn't it?"
"If it keeps going this way, yes." Jessica said. "He looks intense! He also likes to shop quickly if he gets First Blood, so he'll be coming back in with quite a bit more than Gogoing has."
"Yeah, there it is – Blasting Wand and Sapphire Crystal for him while Gogoing is still just on two Doran's Rings." Sunny pointed out.
I was able to make the power count less than a minute after we both got back into lane.
"Oooh, chunked him but couldn't quite get him. He's recalling, though, and he burned his Flash." I said, after I'd worked on landing a combo on Gogoing and forced his Flash but saved the Spirit Rush.
"They're pushing bot but they're up too far. I managed to get a deeper ward that they haven't found yet – you want to help Sneaky get going?" Aurora asked.
"Absolutely." I replied as I started channeling my Teleport. "Coming in hot!"
Riv: Teleport comes in from Carlo...he Spirit Rushes in, lands the Charm onto San and pops him instantly! Cloud's the next target and Carlo leaves him for Sneaky to finish off for the cash-in!
Deman: The vision game and global presence strategy we saw against SK Telecom in that clinching perfect game in the quarterfinals pays off again! They're going to go for the Dragon as well and should be able to take this with OMG's bot lane still down and Loveling not in the vicinity. There it goes – and immediately, all three of them recall with healthy amounts of Gold in their pockets...and those are some big buys. Sneaky gets a BF Sword and Pickaxe on the way to an Infinity Edge while Carlo finishes his Rod of Ages at just twelve minutes gone. That is going to put OMG on a timer as Cloud 9 push their lead to almost 2,500 Gold.
Jatt: It certainly will, especially since Gogoing has yet to finish his. Gogoing will have a bigger power spike later because Carlo is not starting Tear of the Goddess, but unless OMG does something about it, there's going to be a long time where he can't fight Carlo on even footing.
"Yo, bursty Ahri top, Pogchamp." Sneaky said with a big smile as we finished shopping and came back out of our base.
"No kidding." Aurora said. "That TP might have just won us the duo lane – no way we're letting them get back to even there after Sneaky got that much Gold off his passive. I was trying my darnedest to keep him alive and topped off, but that should be no problem now."
After about 15 minutes, I had the Distortion Lucidity Boots done and was finishing up an unconventional second major item in the Iceborn Gauntlet for the area-of-effect and slowing Spellblade for the pushing power, damage split and crowd control, to say nothing of the Mana, Armor (an extra boon against Jayce, Jinx and Rengar) and cooldown reduction. (On top of all of that, in these days, it also boosted Ability Power.)
"You getting your Frozen Fist, Carlo?" Hai asked.
"Yeah." I replied. "What do you say – time to go for the swap?"
"Yeah, let's do it and work on getting that outer mid tower down." Hai answered.
"Sounds great!" I said, and then said determinedly, "Okay, Cool, let's go..."
Two minutes after I went mid against Cool while Hai pushed top against Gogoing, I had taken off half of the target turret's health.
"Loveling's going towards mid – I think he's targeting you, Carlo." Aurora warned.
"I see him." I replied. "I'll save Spirit Rush for if and when he tries to jump in."
"Sounds good. You mind if I counter and join the party if he does?" Meteos asked.
"Oh, heck no." I replied with a big grin.
"Nice!" Hai said. "If Rengar goes in, kill him first unless Jayce goes low since he's lower level and even squishier."
"Got you. Thanks!" I responded.
Riv: Loveling wants to jump on Carlo, but he's ready for it, Spirit Rushing away and then Charming him! The counter-engage comes in from Meteos and he gets the kill onto his opponent in the jungle! Now it's on to Cool and Meteos just tanks the turret as Carlo takes him down too with the help of the Let's Bounce! That puts him on a killing spree and they're going to get the turret too! That could have easily gone into OMG's favor, but some great reactions there mean it's that crucial outer mid turret going down in C9's favor.
Jatt: Good decision by Carlo to use his Spirit Rush instead of his Flash to dodge because he has all of that CDR, so he can use that often to be very slippery. Meteos does a good job of getting in position as he saw Loveling going towards mid – this was one instance where they didn't totally know what he was up to but were ready to react if he went in. Aurora even saved her Wish for that exchange and popped it so that they could make cross-map dives if they wanted, and that's going to be a 4,000 Gold lead and the anticipation continues to build here.
By the 20-minute mark, we had the inside track on the Dragon because while we'd given up a few kills – one death each for Hai, Aurora and Meteos – we hadn't given up any towers. That, combined with the fact that our vision was keeping up, allowed us to go for it with just Sneaky, Meteos and me while Aurora and Hai focused on holding our outer mid turret against the entirety of OMG. We'd also taken the southern Rift Scuttler, so we used that speed boost to quickly head back to mid once the Dragon was secured and get into a flanking position that OMG had not warded.
"Nice, nice!" Sneaky said as we arrived just off to the side. "Okay, I'm here and I'm queer. Let's spank these guys!"
"Let's take it. Go, go, go, go!" Hai shouted.
"I've got Jinx, I've got Jinx!" I was shouting.
"Nice! Jayce, Jayce, Jayce! Front line, front line!" Hai yelled.
"Holy f**k, Carlo, are you about to...?" Sneaky asked.
"Oh, my God!" I yelled.
"Aaaaah!" Aurora screamed.
For a moment, it seemed like the world went silent, and then it exploded. Meanwhille, Girls' Generation was also losing it.
"Oh, they got Jinx instantly!" Sooyoung yelled.
"This is going to be big!" Hyoyeon said, tensing visibly.
"Come on, take them all down! This is your chance!" Yuri called.
"It's going to happen! OMG can't hold!" Yoona said.
"Hey, Carlo's got a quadra kill!" Seohyun said, her eyes widening in anticipation.
"Oh, my gosh...Don't tell me..." Tiffany said, her mouth open.
"He's got it!" Taeyeon exclaimed just as the crowd erupted and the notification went up onscreen.
"Pentakill! Pentakill! Pentakill!" Sunny, Yoona and Sooyoung were screaming in their best Korean caster impression.
Jessica, who had been holding her breath as the fight started, started screaming in joy like the others. "That's our team! That's your boy, Tiff!"
She was holding onto Tiffany not just to hug her but also because Tiffany was bouncing up and down, squealing and looking so happy that she could burst. She then put her hands to her mouth and yelled, "Aaaah! Saranghaeyo! I love you, Carlo!"
It had also been chaotic on the Riot cast:
Deman: In goes Meteos with the Slingshot and Let's Bounce onto the front line as Carlo gets in and pops San! It's a 5-on-4 right away! Cool and Gogoing still in the front lines! Death Mark goes down onto Cool! Spirit Rush and Orb of Deception across the front line and Carlo's got a quadra kill!
Jatt: Holy crap, he's going to get it!
All: Ohhhh! Ohhhh!
Deman: I do not believe it! It's a pentakill for Carlo on top-lane Ahri that might have just won Cloud 9 the World Championship!
Riv: They're not there yet, Deman, but they can see the finish line and this crowd is roaring them on towards it! They're going straight to Baron and they'll get it without a fight – Let's listen in on them as they take another massive step towards that championship!
"Oh, my God, I can't believe it worked like that!" I said, stunned, with one hand on my forehead as we took down Baron Nashor without a contest and recalled.
"Holy s**t, that was a great play, Carlo! That's going to make every League all-time highlight reel from here on out!" Meteos said.
"Hey, we're all writing our names in the history books if we win this!" I responded.
"Damn right!" Hai said. "I just have one thing to say..."
"What's that?" I asked.
Hai wore a knowing smile as he said, "Turn it up!"
"Oh, man!" I said with a big grin.
"Oh, yeah!" Aurora said, her smile even bigger. Even Meteos and Sneaky had knowing smiles because they knew what Hai was talking about.
"Just turn it up!" Hai reiterated.
"Get turnt!" Sneaky yelled.
"Turn it the f**k up!" Meteos shouted.
I started bouncing in my chair, moving and ad-libbing to the beat from Genie, "Bam...bam-ba-ba-bam...bam-ba-ba-bam...Aurora!"
Aurora smiled and sang as I kept the beat going,
Sowoneul malhaebwa
Ni mamsoge inneun jageun kkumeul malhaebwa
Nimeorie inneun isanghyeongeul geuryeo bwa
Geurigo nareul bwa
Nan neoye Genie-ya kkumiya Genie-ya
Tell me your wish
Tell me that small dream you have within you
Draw that ideal person you have inside your head
And then look at me
I'm your Genie, your dream, your Genie
Deman: Wow, how about that? Not only was that amazing, but that was proof if we ever needed it that Cloud 9 knew what they were doing with that Ahri – that Popstar Ahri pick – in front of this audience. It's just been amazing to watch.
Riv: Well, the Korean title of Genie translates to "Tell Me Your Wish", and the wishes of so many might be coming true in a matter of minutes, both in this stadium and back home. 2-1 up in the best-of-5, 8,000 Gold up in Game 4, Baron buff on all five members...this looks like the moment North America has been waiting for!
Jatt: Well, like you said, Riv, this isn't over yet, but I have to say it really does. Everyone on Cloud 9 also finished another item with that extra gold, so it will be even harder for OMG to stop this potentially championship-winning push. Bloodthirster comes out for Sneaky, Locket of the Iron Solari for Aurora, Warmog's Armor for Meteos, Will of the Ancients for Carlo and even a Guardian Angel for Hai. Right now, they're going with a 4-1 splitpush with Carlo off to the side – and keep in mind, he didn't have to use his Teleport to get into that last fight.
"No way!" Jessica shouted. She'd been checking the Riot broadcast and had heard the live Mic Check. "They're actually singing Genie after that recall!"
"What?!" Tiffany asked, quickly borrowing Jessica's headphones so she could hear and see what had happened. Then she exclaimed, "Those beautiful people...they're going to drive me crazy!"
"Me too!" Taeyeon said, once she'd seen and heard it too. "That's amazing!"
"It really is!" Sunny agreed, before adding, "Also...when they're feeling it that much and having that much fun, they're very hard to beat. We know that feeling."
"We certainly do." Yoona said. "I think they've got this as long as they keep their nerves – oh, look out, Carlo's going in again!"
Deman: Oh, Carlo gets on towards San again! He dodges the Zap and the Chompers with the Spirit Rush, forces the Flash out and takes him down under the tower! He made that look too easy, really, as he goes legendary at 9/0/2!
Riv: He should be able to get this turret as well with that Iceborn Gauntlet helping push it down – and yes, OMG decides to give it up and keep their surviving members mid. You can see Girls' Generation leading the cheers for Cloud 9 again...You get the feeling that as loud as it is right now, if they win another fight, we're going to have bedlam.
Jatt: I think you're right, Riv. On that subject, Cloud 9 did a good job of clearing out OMG's wards in the top half of OMG's own jungle, so if Carlo decides to come down, they won't have much warning if any.
Riv: You're exactly right, Jatt – they don't see him! Spirit Rush is back up and the Charm goes down on Cool as the tower falls! Hai bursts him down with the Death Mark and there's not enough left for OMG! Meteos is keeping them locked up and Hai is just shredding them! It's a triple kill for Hai in the end and Sneaky even snipes Cloud with the Whirling Death after he Flashed away! That's Cloud 9's second clean ace in a row!
Deman: And as you said, Riv, this crowd was primed to explode, and they absolutely have! And you feel they know they are watching the League equivalent of a No. 1 hit as Cloud 9 are looking to bring the curtain down on OMG! They've cracked the base with those kills!
Jatt: Mid inhibitor turret is down and so is the mid inhibitor...they could have possibly gone straight for the Nexus, but San is almost back up, so they're gladly just rotating around to the other inhibitors and making sure they do critical damage to that OMG base. But we're not going to have to wait much longer until the party starts!
"That's it, Hai!" Taeyeon was yelling, almost completely beside herself as she saw Hai score his triple kill as part of that ace. Then she told Jessica, "Sica, make sure you hold me down too...I might lose it!"
"I'll handle that, unnie!" Yoona said, nodding and smiling at her and Jessica, and she took Taeyeon's hand and added, "But I'm at that point, too – they're so close!"
We said later that as we made our inhibitor rounds, we felt infused, almost sanctified, with a special, pure kind of power: the power to make not just our dreams come true but also the dreams of those who wanted us to come through. We'd last felt it at All-Stars when we'd scored a huge win for North America, but this being Worlds and given who else we were playing for, it was on a whole other level.
"It's been unbelievable, fam. Thanks for everything...we're really going to do it!" Sneaky said, sounding as emotional as I'd ever heard him.
"Hey, thank you, Sneaky – and thank you guys too! Holy s**t, I might lose it, this is beautiful..." Meteos said, his hand off his mouse for a moment.
"We're really going to win it all! For the fans, for the girls..." Aurora said, sounding as if she was about to lose it.
"I'm just about over the edge too, but deep breath – the fat lady hasn't sung yet!" I said, calling upon my nightmare to make sure I kept my wits about me until the end.
"Hey, I feel it too, you guys. Just stay with me – stay together – for one more fight and we got this!" Hai shouted and we could feel him calling on still more of his energy.
"We got you, don't worry!" I replied.
"Nice! Kill Jinx! Kill Jinx! Jayce, Jayce, Jayce!" Hai yelled.
"We've got 'em! That's game! That's f**king game!" Sneaky was screaming.
Riv: San's trying to kite, but Meteos gets on top of him and Hai takes him out! Carlo's in there too and Charms Cool! Cloud 9 is proving irresistible!
Jatt: That's it! They've done it!
Deman: Oh, my word!
Riv: A third straight clean ace, and they have done it! In front of a raucous crowd and so many stars, it is Cloud 9 that outshines the competition...winning the 2014 World Championship! The Summoner's Cup is coming to North America!
When the red OMG Nexus exploded, so did the crowd – and, from what I felt and gathered later, all sixteen of our hearts out of sheer joy. In the stands, Girls' Generation piled into a group hug.
"GG! GG!" Sunny and Sooyoung were yelling, still in their best OGN caster impression.
"Oh, my God, they did it!" Yuri said.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Yoona and Hyoyeon were screaming together.
"Oh, my goodness...look at them! That's our team!" Taeyeon exclaimed, pointing down at us. "That's our team down there! The best in the world!"
"And they saved the best for last." Seohyun said with relish, high-fiving the others.
"You know what else this means, right?" Hyoyeon asked, before answering her own question. "Sica unnie, you're joining a World Champion!"
Jessica wiped away another tear, smiled and looked down at us onstage. "Thank you..." She whispered, before she told both us and the other Soshis, "I love you all!"
"Me too...I love you all!" Tiffany managed to say, wiping her eyes and giving Jessica a hug before she blew a kiss towards us onstage.
Down below, we had almost hurled off our headsets and jumped out of our seats as we had piled into our own group hug. It took all of fifteen seconds as well before Balls and LemonNation joined us.
"We did it!" Aurora was saying, already sobbing. "We actually did it!"
"Let's f**king go!" Balls said. "You guys were incredible!"
"World Champions!" Hai roared. "Let that sink in! World f**king champions!"
"I think we're all going to need some time...but God, it's already amazing! Whoo!" I screamed.
"Woo-hoo!" Sneaky cheered, and I saw even he was wiping a tear from his eye.
"Oh, my God, I might look like a wuss, but I can't..." Meteos said, and I saw him take his glasses off and wipe his eyes as he half-sobbed, "It just feels so good!"
"Hey, no shame in that. Feel me – I'm still shaking too!" LemonNation said, clapping him and the rest of us on the shoulders.
We went over and shook hands with Oh My God, and my heart went out to them for a minute as I remembered my nightmare was at least part of their reality. Once we got back around and saw Team SoloMid and Counter Logic Gaming, who had rushed our side of the stage and were motioning to let them hoist them onto their shoulders, our spirits soared even more. Dyrus and Reginald hoisting Hai onto their shoulders and handing him an American flag while HotShotGG and TheOddOne did the same for Aurora while WildTurtle handed her a Canadian flag were two of the sights I loved seeing the most as I draped another American flag around my shoulders while Doublelift and Bjergsen hoisted me up.
Talking to the others later, we all were wondering at that moment if this was what the view from the top of the world looked like and agreed that that was one of the moments that made all the work we'd put in worth it.
"Started from the bottom, now we here!" Aphromoo was telling Sneaky, who was on his and Xpecial's shoulders.
"FeelsAwesomeMan." Sneaky replied. "I'm glad we could do it for you guys. NA, baby!"
After a few minutes, Riot coordinators came and explained that we would go off down the players' tunnel to allow for post-match analysis and some OMG interviews in addition to Imagine Dragons setting up and performing. When we came back out afterwards, it would to receive the Summoner's Cup.
"We'll see you later!" Hai said in the direction of the Summoner's Cup, pointing at it. It seemingly twinkled happily in the light in reply.
We all smiled at that and went off down the pathway and down the tunnel, with the TSM and CLG rosters flanking us as a guard of honor before they stopped on the pathway and returned to their seats. We then turned a corner past the tunnel, and it was there that our eyes fell upon an incredibly lovely sight.
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