Bonus - KCON 2015 Part 1 - Genie (Reprise)
Opening Author's Notes
Wow, I was still pushing 8,000 words with this one and that's longer than I would like on Wattpad, so what initially was one chapter has now become not two but three parts. On the other hand, it does give me the chance to do a nice little double update, so I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and the next one! Also keep an eye out – Mikki110797 and Kurai_Sen have mentions in this chapter because the Fan Spotlight that they co-authored and that features them leads into this.
KCON 2015 – New York / New Jersey
Prudential Center, Newark, New Jersey, USA
August 21st – 22nd
"Hello, Jensen!" She said, smiling at him before getting up and coming over.
"Hi, Seohyun noona." He replied, blushing slightly but smiling. "Did Jessica noona or Taeyeon noona put you up to this?"
"They didn't." Seohyun responded, before she added. "Not that I would have minded one bit if they'd asked me to. I'd heard a bit from Jessica unnie that you're dealing with nerves since it's your first time working with us and your first final, but that was it."
"I see...thanks!" Jensen said, and they sat down on the bed next to each other.
"Anytime!" Seohyun replied, and she then added, "I did have one question..."
"Yes?" He inquired.
She asked, "You look like you've grown so much over the past three months from what I've seen and from what Jessica and the others tell us about you...What made you a bad boy earlier in your career?"
Their hands were unintentionally close to each other, and when she saw the dark, guilty look on his face, she made to supportively take his hand to indicate he could talk to her. He moved it away, though, making her say, "I'm sorry if it's a bad question, but I couldn't help but ask."
"No, no, it's okay, I feel like I can tell you even though it's my first time meeting you in person." Jensen said reassuringly, managing a small smile. He moved his hand back to where it was, and Seohyun smiled and took it in both of hers.
"I, that's not true...I know I just let my emotions get the best of me. I had problems at home and in my personal life, including my parents getting divorced." He said, meeting her eyes. "I was too young, stupid and immature to stop myself before I took my anger out on those around me...It took me getting banned before I stopped blaming others for my problems and took responsibility."
Seohyun nodded, indicating that she understood. Jensen then asked, "Can I ask you a question, Seohyun noona?"
"Certainly!" Seohyun replied. "It'd only be fair, and I'd be happy to answer anyway."
The two of them smiled at each other, and Jensen asked, "People talk about you as an angel even by SNSD standards and have called you 'Seobaby' for all the right reasons. What are you doing talking to someone who's done the things I've done?"
Seohyun's smile had even more kinship in it than it had had previously as she answered, "Because as SNSD's maknae, I know what it feels like to have everyone in the group look at you a lot, watching you to make sure you're doing the right thing, making you want to prove yourself even though you know they want to help you grow and realize your potential."
They shared another laugh here before she added, "If you were still Incarnati0n, I'm not sure if I'm visiting you right now – as a matter of fact, I'm not sure you'd even be here at all. But since you left that behind you and are who you are now, I want to give you all I have."
Jensen's eyes widened, although he allowed Seohyun to keep holding his hand as he said in surprise with a chuckle, "Wow, Seohyun noona...I'm honored and I think you're a great idol and young lady, but let's not go too fast here."
"Don't worry, I won't, I promise." Seohyun replied reassuringly. "Besides, I've been 'married' before, so I'm in no rush for a relationship."
"What do you mean, 'married'?" Jensen asked, laughing and smiling.
"Ask Jessica unnie, Hai, Aurora or Carlo about We Got Married when we have free time. It's a Korean variety show that both Taengoo unnie and I have been on." Seohyun replied, still smiling. "What I want to say is that we want you to be able to count on all of us, but I'd love to be the one you trust the most out of the nine of us. Well, maybe except Jessica, because she's spent so much time with you already as Cloud 9's manager."
They shared a laugh, and Jensen's smile grew as he said, "I really would like that."
His phone then went off, and Seohyun let go of his hand so he check it quickly. It was a text from me, which read,
Dear Nicolaj,
Liking your room and what you see of New York so far? Sica noona, Fany noona, Aurora and I are going to Rockefeller Center and then Times Square tonight since it's still early. We were wondering if you wanted to join us. We're still nearby so you don't have to do much to catch up.
Jensen looked at Seohyun and they both had a roguish look on their face. He allowed her to see what he was typing, and they had big smiles as the reply was written and and sent.
Dear Carlo,
Gladly! Thanks a lot! One twist, though – Seohyun noona is coming with me, but I don't expect anyone will object to that. No, we're not dating or even close to that, but she reached out to me and wants to be someone I can lean on.
The next few days were a balancing act for all of us. We were all balancing practice for KCON with something – schedules including promotion for Girls' Generation and final practice for us, but we still found time to hang out and tour the city. On Thursday afternoon, LemonNation texted us that he was taking a red-eye from Minneapolis to LaGuardia Airport, and he had rejoined us and gotten some rest by the time we got up on Friday, the first day of KCON. We then made the roughly 40-minute trip (not counting traffic) from Manhattan to Newark and met Mikki, Kurai and the other C9 SONEs who had made the trip to be there for both KCON and the summer finals.
This particular one doubled as an episode of M! Countdown (Mnet America is one of the organizers and producers of KCON) and also included AOA, VIXX and Teen Top. The groups would be rotating turns onstage to give the others breaks and chances to change outfits, and after performing Lion Heart, Catch Me If You Can and Party as their other songs earlier in the setlist, Girls' Generation would have the task and honor of going last, and that was when they were electing to do Genie and then the new song.
Almost 16,000 fans were there, and the C9 SONEs including Mikki and Kurai – all of whom were wearing Cloud 9 jerseys, shirts and hoodies – were in one whole section seated at floor level in front of the stage, which jutted out into a circular bulb where center ice would be when the Devils were playing and allowed the performers plenty of room to move.
Taeyeon emerged alone in the Genie white naval uniform but with no hat, and the crowd cheered but wondered why it was just her. The answer became apparent as she talked into her headset – which all of Girls' Generation had been fitted with and was the same kind of discreet headset with a mic and earpiece that both of our teams had used during the Worlds trophy presentation including the Kissing You performance.
"Pink Queen to Blue Knight. In position. What's your status?" She asked, one hand on her earpiece.
"Blue Knight to Pink Queen." Balls' voice replied. "Just able to get back to the room we found with the strongest signal. Establishing video feed – you should see it onscreen now."
An image appeared on the screens of a door in a backstage area marked "Do Not Enter" before Balls showed up and opened it, holding the door open for Jensen, Sneaky and LemonNation. All of them were wearing pants and their dress uniform shirts that also had the pink GG Crown logo on the opposite breast pocket and a new dark blue patch for KCON on the sleeve – Sneaky and Jensen had theirs unbuttoned to reveal their Cloud 9 jerseys under them, while Lemon had his tucked in and had also opted for dark blue khakis, loafers, a belt and dress socks whereas the other three were wearing dark jeans, white socks and sneakers.
The crowd, especially the Cloud 9 section, was shocked and excited to see them onscreen and watched with rapt attention as Balls set down the backpack and pulled out a laptop, which he flipped open and placed on a table in the small but well-lit room.
"How's our signal?" He asked as Jensen pulled up a chair in front of the laptop, sat down and started typing.
"Looking good." Jensen replied. "As long as it holds for a little longer, we should be okay."
"Nice. Do we have the USB ready, Lemon?" Sneaky asked.
"Yeah, right here." Lemon answered, and he passed Jensen a black and red HyperX Savage flash drive, which he quickly plugged in.
The camera angle changed so that the laptop screen became visible. Jensen had the Command Prompt window (Apple's equivalent is Terminal) open and typed in,
K:\Users\Jensen\>start C9SD_Jessica
...before he hit the Enter/Return key.
People gasped and cheered at that, wondering, Could it really be?! Their anticipation only grew as a new window popped up that stretched across the whole screen but still had its top bar (including its Minimize/Maximize/Close buttons). It indicated that it was utilizing Jensen's League client, and then graphics and color appeared across the screen that suddenly made it something that would not look out of place in the League client.
"Nice! It's online, ready to upload." Jensen said with a smile.
"Great! Okay, time for final checks." Sneaky said. "Okay, we've got Ahri as the affiliated champion, we've got the skin listed as Cloud 9 Generation Popstar..."
"Is she getting your Runes and Masteries, Jensen?" Balls asked.
Jensen took a moment and clicked through the interface. After a few seconds, he said, "Yeah, she's getting them. That'll only make her even more dangerous."
"Nice! Okay, let's get it going." Balls said. "We don't have any time to lose."
"Yeah, let's do this." Jensen agreed and the camera showed him clicking on a familiar yellow golden button. Instead of it reading "Lock In" like it normally did on the League champion select screen, though, it read "Lock In And Upload."
There was a whirring sound that grew louder, and the lights in the room flickered before they went out, although the laptop was still running somehow and had its screen still working, meaning it was the only light in the room.
On the arena speakers, a woman's voice was heard saying, "Don't you trust me?"
It was Ahri's champion select quote...but it wasn't Ahri's voice, but Jessica's. The crowd gasped and some screamed at that in anticipation before the lights came back on in the room.
"Are you guys all right?" Taeyeon asked.
"Don't worry, we're good, Tae noona." Sneaky answered.
"One more thing, Taeyeon – during our tests, the process completed when someone also summoned her musically. I think you know how." LemonNation said with a smile, before he finished, "You girls go get 'em – we'll see you out there."
"Yeah, I think I do. Thanks a lot, guys!" Taeyeon replied. The four of them waved back and saluted before the video feed was turned off and all eyes turned to her. She then sang with no accompaniment,
Soweoneul malhaebwa
Ni mamsoge inneun jageun kkumeul malhaebwa
Tell me your wish
Tell me that small dream you have within you
As Taeyeon finished, there was a sound that sounded like a League recall, and another spotlight in front of Taeyeon revealed Jessica, apparently dressed as Popstar Ahri, saluting with the visor of her hat pulled down to hide her face. The C9 SONE section, including Mikki and Kurai, went berserk, knowing it was her after practice, while the rest of the crowd gasped.
Then she pulled up the visor and revealed her face, leaving no doubt that it was her. She gave a small grin and then mouthed, "Hello!" as it grew to a full-blown smile. As Mikki and Kurai told us later, true to Jessica's nickname of the Ice Princess, goosebumps almost visibly ran through the crowd – before in a matter of moments, now contrary to that nickname, it was as if wildfire ran through the audience, before she removed her hat and slid it offstage. Taeyeon was positively glowing as people all over the crowd were standing up, chanting, "Jessica! Jessica! Jessica!"
Jessica's outfit was what we called a Cloud 9 Generation Popstar Ahri chroma. She didn't have whisker marks, but she did have fox ears and nine tails. People could also see that a silver tag with something written on it hung from each tail but couldn't make out what it was. Also, instead of the regular Popstar Ahri purple tint, Jessica's version had a Cloud 9 blue tint, plus the sponsor bar patches, the Worlds winner's patch, and the new KCON patch on the jacket sleeves in a manner similar to our dress uniform shirts. Also similarly to our to our dress uniform shirts, she also had the C9 logo over one breast and the and GG Crown logo over the other, with her name and the American flag below the C9 logo. To round out the outfit, her dark pantyhose had a blue tinge to it and her high heels were also dark blue, and she wore the same kind of headset that the rest of Girls' Generation had been fitted with.
Since she had stepped down, the remaining eight Soshis had skipped her part out of respect, but now, as she sang it once again, also with no accompaniment, there wasn't a face that wasn't smiling in the Prudential Center and it also seemed like there wasn't a dry eye in the house.
Nimeorie inneun isanghyeongeul geuryeo bwa
Geurigo nareul bwa
Nan neoye Genie-ya kkumiya Genie-ya
Draw that ideal person you have inside your head
And then look at me
I'm your Genie, your dream, your Genie
As the crowd rejoiced at hearing that from her again – more notice to them that the Girls' Generation that had first taken Korea and then the world by storm and that they had fallen in love with was back in full force – the other Soshis came out, also in the naval uniforms, and crowded around her jubilantly.
"Thanks so much, girls, but not yet – we've got a crowd to rock." Jessica told them. Then she turned to the Cloud 9 SONE section and said, "Thanks so much to you as well, guys."
Spotlights revealed Jensen, Balls, Sneaky and Lemon now seated in the front row of that section. They stood, cheered Girls' Generation on and took the applause of the crowd before Sneaky cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled, "Anytime, Jessi noona! Now you girls go kick some ass!"
As loud as the crowd was, Jessica somehow knew what he said, as she said, "Don't worry, we will! I think I know how we can really get this going..."
She made a cueing motion with her hand, and the crowd then heard Hai's voice saying, "I just have one thing to say..." The Cloud 9 SONE section especially went off again at hearing that, knowing this was the Genie Mic Check from the Worlds Grand Final against OMG.
"What's that?" My voice asked in response..
"Turn it up!" Hai's voice answered.
"Oh, man!" I said, laughing.
"Oh, yeah!" Aurora said knowingly.
"Just turn it up!" Hai repeated.
"Get turnt!" Sneaky yelled.
"Turn it the (expletive muted) up!" Meteos shouted.
"Bam...bam-ba-ba-bam...bam-ba-ba-bam..." I ad-libbed. This time, it led right into the real intro of Genie, and the dancing started in earnest. They danced as they normally would except with no vocals before the end of the first verse, where Yoona, Seohyun and Yuri picked up where Jessica had left off.
It was also here that the fan chants started again. We implemented Mikki's proposal in that each group of rows in the C9 SONE section was responsible for a certain Soshi when her name was to be called or when she was performing by herself as part of a duo. Girls' Generation had also let the section know they would be Cloud 9 references during the song, which was another strong point of Mikki's idea – any fans who weren't active could react and cheer for C9.
"All right, let's go!" Yoona called, and she, Seohyun and then Yuri got going.
[Yoona/Seohyun] Deurimkareul tago dallyeo bwa
Neon nae yeopjarie anja
Geujeo nae ikkeullim soge modu deonjeo
[Yuri] Gaseum beokcha teojeo beoryeodo
Baramkkyeore nallyeo beoryeodo
Jigeum i sungan sesangeun neoye geot (Saranghae!)
[Yoona/Seohyun] Get in your dream car and speed off
You're sitting next to me
Just throw everything into my guidance
[Yuri] Even if your overwhelmed heart was to explode
Even if it all flies away in the wind
Right now, this moment, the world is yours
As the chorus started, it was hard to see a single soul in the crowd who wasn't dancing.
[All] Geuraeyo nan neol saranghae eonjena mideo (Eonjena mideo!)
Kkumdo yeoljjeongdo da jugo shipeo (Da jugo shipeo!)
[Yoona] Nan geudae soweoneul irweo jugo shipeun (Shipeun)
Haengune yeoshin
[All] Soweoneul malhaebwa (Kim Taeyeon!)
[Jessica/Tiffany] I'm Genie for you, boy
[Jessica] (Come on)
[All] Soweoneul malhaebwa (Jessica!)
[Yuri/Sooyoung] I'm Genie for your wish
[All] Soweoneul malhaebwa (Sunny jjang!)
[Jessica/Tiffany] I'm Genie for your dream
[All] Naegeman malhaebwa (So Nyuh Shi Dae!)
[Yuri/Sooyoung] I'm Genie for your world
[All] Yes, I love you, you can always believe in me
Dreams, passions, I want to give them all to you
[Yoona] I'm a goddess of fortune
That wants to make your wishes come true
[All] Tell me your wish
[Jessica/Tiffany] I'm Genie for you, boy (Come on)
[All] Tell me your wish
[Yuri/Sooyoung] I'm Genie for your wish
[All] Tell me your wish
[Jessica/Tiffany] I'm Genie for your dream
[All] Tell it only to me
[Yuri/Sooyoung] I'm Genie for your world
As Tiffany and Sunny started their verse, they pointed up to the screens, and the crowd gasped and cheered. In the front row of the C9 section, the four C9 members were all smiling and blushing because they were among the faces being shown.
Specifically, the screens were now showing black-and-white silent clips of every Cloud 9 member before we'd really made it – Hai, Lemon, Balls, Meteos and Sneaky during their Challenger Series days with Quantic, Aurora and me as we were debuting as stand-ins at All-Stars in Paris, and Jensen during his analyst days with SK Gaming while he was still banned from competitive play. Every Cloud 9 fan not responsible for Tiffany or Sunny was cheering at seeing this, seeing how it matched with the verse.
[Tiffany] Soweoneul malhaebwa (Malhaebwa!)
Jiruhan naldeuri neon jigyeopji anni? (Jigyeowo!)
[Sunny] Pyeongbeomhan saenghware neon mucheo beoryeonni
Ije geuman kkaeeona
Neon naye superstar, shining star, superstar (Superstar!)
[Tiffany] Tell me your wish
Aren't you tired of the boring days?
[Sunny] Have you become buried by your ordinary life?
Now stop and wake up
You are my superstar, shining star, superstar
Then it showed us starting to make our presence felt, now in color – match victories in the LCS and victory at All-Stars among them, including some player cams showing us during the game. Finally, beginning with the last line before the chorus, it showed Girls' Generation and Cloud 9's first meeting at KCON the previous year in Los Angeles, which stretched into the next chorus before the flashbacks stopped for the moment.
[Hyoyeon/Seohyun] Shimjang sori gateun tteollime
[Jessica] (Tteollime)
[Hyoyeon/Seohyun] Harley-e ni momeul matgyeo bwa
[Jessica] (Yeah)
[Hyoyeon/Seohyun] Ije i sesangeun ojik neoye mudae
[Jessica] (Oh whoa)
[Tiffany] Hwanho sori gateun padoga
Nae gaseumen neoye cheoni
[Jessica] (Tonight)
[Tiffany] Naneun neoye gil yeongweonhan biggest fan (Saranghae!)
[Hyoyeon/Seohyun] Release your body into the Harley
[Hyoyeon/Seohyun] That's like a trembling beating of your heart
[Jessica] (Yeah)
[Hyoyeon/Seohyun] Now this world is simply your stage
[Jessica] (Oh whoa)
[Tiffany] Waves that sound like cheers
In my heart, your body temperature
[Jessica] (Tonight)
[Tiffany] I'm your path, forever your biggest fan
The whole crowd had appeared to be dancing by the end of the first chorus and that was enough of a sight to behold, but by now, the whole crowd appeared to be bouncing and that was even more incredible.
[All] Geuraeyo nan neol saranghae eonjena mideo (Eonjena mideo!)
[Tiffany] (Nan neol mideo)
[All] Kkumdo yeoljjeongdo da jugo shipeo (Da jugo shipeo)
[Sooyoung] Nan geudae soweoneul irweo jugo shipeun (Shipeun)
[Hyoyeon] (Irweo julkke)
[Sooyoung] Haengune yeoshin
[All] Soweoneul malhaebwa (Tiffany!)
[Jessica/Tiffany] I'm Genie for you, boy
[Yuri] (Come on)
[All] Soweoneul malhaebwa (Kim Hyoyeon!)
[Yuri/Sooyoung] I'm Genie for your wish
[Hyoyeon] (Come on)
[All] Soweoneul malhaebwa (Kwon Yuri!)
[Jessica/Tiffany] I'm Genie for your dream
[All] Naegeman malhaebwa (So Nyuh Shi Dae!)
[Yuri/Sooyoung] I'm Genie for your world
[All] Yes, I love you, you can always believe in me
Dreams, passions, I want to give them all to you
[Yoona] I'm a goddess of fortune
That wants to make your wishes come true
[All] Tell me your wish
[Jessica/Tiffany] I'm Genie for you, boy (Come on)
[All] Tell me your wish
[Yuri/Sooyoung] I'm Genie for your wish
[All] Tell me your wish
[Jessica/Tiffany] I'm Genie for your dream
[All] Tell it only to me
[Yuri/Sooyoung] I'm Genie for your world
More shouts of joy came as Hyoyeon broke out a trademark solo bit before Tiffany came in for her English section:
Hey, tell me what you need
Tell me what you hope
DJ, put it back on! (Put it back on!)
They got even louder at that point because as Tiffany said that last line, the screens flashed back again, this time to the Game 4 draft in the Worlds Grand Final where we had picked Ahri.
As the last parts started up, the Cloud 9 section was basically jumping up and down because the clips they were playing now on the screen – which Jessica, Tiffany, Taeyeon, and Yoona were now taking time to motion to – were from Game 4. It was basically a highlight reel of our kills and objectives, plus cut-ins on our player cams and on Girls' Generation going crazy in the stands. The loudest cheers came for the last three clean aces – including my Popstar Ahri pentakill – and when we ended the game and officially clinched the championship.
[All] Geuraeyo nan neol saranghae eonjena mideo (Eonjena mideo!)
Kkumdo yeoljjeongdo da jugo shipeo (Da jugo shipeo!)
Nan geudae soweoneul irweo jugo shipeun (Shipeun)
Haengune yeoshin
Soweoneul malhaebwa
[Taeyeon] (Neoye Fantasy-reul sumgimeopshi malhaebwa)
[All] Nan neol saranghae neon naye Music (Neon naye music!)
[Taeyeon] (Naneun Genie gireul boyeo julkke)
[All] Nan neol saranghae neon naye gippeum (Neon naye gippeum!)
[Taeyeon] (Niga gajin soweon sumgimeopshi malhaebwa)
[All] Nan neol saranghae nan neoye haengun (Nan neoye hangeun!)
[Taeyeon] (Neoye Genie naega deureojulkke)
[All] I dwego shipeo
[All] Yes, I love you, you can always believe in me
Dreams, passions, I want to give them all to you
I'm a goddess of fortune
That wants to make your wishes come true
Tell me your wish
[Taeyeon] (Tell me all your fantasies)
[All] Yes, I love you, you're my music
[Taeyeon] (I'll show you the Genie's path)
[All] I love you, you're my joy
[Taeyeon] (Tell me all your wishes)
[All] I love you, I want to become
[Taeyeon] (I, your Genie, will grant them)
[All] Your luck
Not since Seoul and San Jose had we seen so many people in one place who were just about completely beside themselves. As Girls' Generation sang the ending, the screen was showing us coming out with them to receive the Summoner's Cup, us lifting it, us and them during the Kissing You finale, our huddle afterwards, the Soshis also lifting the Summoner's Cup and our victory lap. The last shot as the final line played was a still shot of all of us at the end of Kissing You with the Summoner's Cup front and center.
[All] Soweoneul malhaebwa (Choi Sooyoung!)
[Jessica/Tiffany] I'm Genie for you, boy
[All] Soweoneul malhaebwa (Im Yoona!)
[Yuri/Sooyoung] I'm Genie for your wish
[Jessica] (Hey, baby)
[All] Soweoneul malhaebwa (Seo Joohyun!)
[Jessica/Tiffany] I'm Genie for your dream
[Tiffany] (Boy aha)
[All] Naegeman malhaebwa (So Nyuh Shi Dae!)
[Yuri/Sooyoung] I'm Genie for your world
[All] Soweoneul malhaebwa (So Nyuh Shi Dae!)
[Jessica] (Whoa)
[Jessica/Tiffany] I'm Genie for you, boy
[All] Soweoneul malhaebwa (Saranghaeyo, So Nyuh Shi Dae!)
[Yuri/Sooyoung] I'm Genie for your wish
[All] Soweoneul malhaebwa
[All] Tell me your wish
[Jessica/Tiffany] I'm Genie for you, boy
[All] Tell me your wish
[Yuri/Sooyoung] I'm Genie for your wish
[Jessica] (Hey, baby)
[All] Tell me your wish
[Jessica/Tiffany] I'm Genie for your dream
[Tiffany] (Boy aha)
[All] Tell it only to me
[Yuri/Sooyoung] I'm Genie for your world
[All] Tell me your wish
[Jessica] (Whoa)
[Jessica/Tiffany] I'm Genie for you, boy
[All] Tell me your wish
[Yuri/Sooyoung] I'm Genie for your wish
[All] Tell me your wish
As they finished, not only all of Girls' Generation but also Balls, Sneaky, Lemon and Jensen pointed towards the stage edge that was in between them. With a ringing sound similar to a League queue pop notice, another spotlight came on and, as if by magic, the Summoner's Cup itself was revealed on a small pedestal there.
The place felt like it was almost visibly rocking with cheers as they finished and the Cup was revealed, and they only kept going as the other Soshis crowded around Jessica and each gave her sisterly hugs before the nine of them took a bow.
"Make some noise for Cloud 9 too! They won it for all of us and all of you, they're the reason we lifted the Summoner's Cup and this performance wouldn't have been as hype without them." Yuri said, indicating Lemon, Jensen, Sneaky and Balls, all of whom stood and bowed.
"Yeah, let them hear it! Cloud 9! Cloud 9! Cloud 9!" Sunny chanted. Balls was still on camera and almost staggered at the sight of Sunny telling the crowd to cheer for them (Not that the C9 section needed to be told that!) but smiled wholeheartedly.
"Sica, we love you! Come to Paris again!" One young lady shouted audibly in a French accent as the noise started to die down a bit.
"Oh, we love you too." Jessica responded to cheers. "Hey, let's not forget – we're already qualified for Worlds, so Cloud 9 is going to be there and I get the feeling I won't be the only one out of the nine of us who'll be there too." She motioned to the other eight Soshis as she mentioned that, and they smiled and nodded as the crowd roared.
"Speaking of Cloud 9, if you want to ask where the others are, there's a good reason you haven't seen them yet." Hyoyeon told the crowd, who ooh-ed at that.
"Following MSI, Riot contacted Jessica and Tiffany and asked if they would be interested in doing a song in English ahead of Worlds." Sunny narrated.
"They not only accepted, but they decided to involve Cloud 9 and the rest of us dare say they've done a great job. They haven't performed this song in public...until now." Taeyeon finished, before nodding at Tiffany and Jessica and inviting them to be front and center.
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