Aimee's POV
I grabbed out my secret drawing book and grabbed my sketching pencils and my touchscreen laptop. I got up a picture of the three proxy's; Ticci Toby, Masky, and Hoodie. I grabbed my picture that had nothing on it, yet. I drew Toby in the middle holding one of his two hatchets in his right hand. Masky was on his left and hoodie on the right.
Eyeless Jack was just behind Masky and Jeff the killer was holding his knife just behind Hoodie, he wasn't going to kill him though. I made Slenderman tower over them all in the background and I coloured it in blending all the colours. After I finished it I put my signature on it and hung on my wall.
"Aimee mum and dad are home early!" Y/N shouted as she raced into my room.
I stared at her in disbelief. "N-no, it cant be-e. They aren't su-upos-s-ed to be home yet!"
I heard the door open downstairs. It's true. My phone buzzed and I read it, it was a notification from Jaime. The guy I've had a crush on since year 6. Y/N walked over to me and read the message outloud.
"Aimee I know you like me, I don like you. Why would I like a girl like you, you tik and stutter and twitch all the time. It's annoying and weird. Just die and put everyone out of their misery you are just a burden, like your sister Y/N."
Tears started flowing down my face. How could he say that?
There was a soft knock on our door. Mum. I wiped my tears and looked over to the door as she opened it. She has and empty wine glass. Dad walked in behind her with an empty beer bottle. They walked in and glared at us.
"Aimee Get here!" Dad screamed.
"Y/N get here!" Mum screamed.
Y/N hesitantly went over to mum but I didn't budge. I just glared at dad. Heard glass smash and Y/N fell to the floor with a thud. Blood trickled down her face to the floor. Just as I was about to cry out to Y/N I felt a hand go around my throat.
"You fucking listen to me when you are spoken to! Got it!" Dad screamed in my face.
"Yes-s," I replied.
"Stop the stuttering it's weird," he replied hastily.
I glared at him. He raised his hand and hit me with the beer bottle. Ouch is what I would say if I could feel it. Thankfully I have C.I.P.A, Y/N does too. I looked to the floor as I saw a puddle of blood beginning to form, I felt the side of my head and looked at my hand. Just as I expected it was covered in blood.
I looked over to Y/N who was being kicked in the stomach by mum. I began I stand up when I was kicked to the floor. I looked over to dad who had kicked me in the stomach. The last thing I saw was his boot going for my head before it all went black.
I looked over to Aimee to see if she was okay when I saw dad walking away. Aimee was in a pile of blood and unconscious. I looked at mum who began to walk away. When she and dad left I got up and raced to Aimee's side.
We need to get out of here!
I picked Aimee us and put here in her bed. She should wake up soon. I grabbed out my laptop and logged in, I went onto YouTube and began watching horror shorts. They were pretty good but weren't realistic enough or scary for a matter of fact. My phone buzzed and I checked the notification.
I shrugged my shoulders and read it, it was the news. I couldn't be bothered reading it so I played the video.
"There has been a mysterious murder last night in the Milligan residence. Freya, Cillian, Brian and Abigail Milligan were found early this morning slaughtered in their house. 'Go. To. Sleep.' Written on the wall in their blood. The killer is so far unknown and no evidence was left at the crime scene. We are warning any locals to stay aware, lock all doors and do not go out at night incase the killer is still out there."
The video finished playing and I heard Aimee groan as she got up. I looked over and saw her sitting up. She looked over to me and smiled.
"Aimee we need to get out of here, also the Milligan family are dead, I think Jeff The Killer killed them." I said.
She nodded cheerily. "Okay."
She jumped up and grabbed a bag. She packed some clothes and grabbed her stash of money. Secret stash of money. She threw me a bag and I got up and put clothes in it. I also have a secret stash of money so I put that in too. I looked outside to see he sun setting. I smiled and grabbed two torches and extra batteries. I threw Aimee a torch and some batteries.
"We will use my torch for now to save batteries," I suggested.
Aimee nodded enthusiastically. "Oki."
I opened out window and got ready to jump into the bushes. "Wait!" Aimee whispered loudly.
I groaned. "What?"
She looked at me maniacally. "Mum and dad need to pay! We should slaughter them make them suffer for all the abuse and trauma we endured in our childhood."
I grinned. "That would be lovely!"
Aimee's POV
We went to the kitchen silently not disturbing mum and dad. I grabbed a knife and threw it to Y/N. She caught it and I saw an insane glimpse in her eye.
"Peyton I'm gonna grab some hatchets from the shed," I smiled.
Y/N has two sides. Y/N, the usual one and Peyton, the insane one. She nodded and followed me outside. I opened the shed door and grabbed the two hatchets. I stared at them before I laughed maniacally, Peyton soon joined in. Soon after we walked back inside where we saw mum cooking dinner.
"Get in your rooms you fucking pieces of shits!" She screamed.
Dad walked in and I looked at Peyton.
"I'll get dad, you get mum" She nodded and walked up to mum.
I walked up to dad, he just glared at me waiting for me to back down. I chuckled as if I would back down. I stopped walking as I threw one of the hatchets impaling him in the shoulder. He screamed out in pain and I heard mum scream as Peyton laughed insanely.
I ran up I dad holding the second hatchet in both hands before hacking into his body. His painful screams filling my ears before all sound except for mine and Peyton's heavy breathing subsided. I grabbed both hatches and we walked out the house. I stopped at the door before walking back to dad.
I kicked his dead corpse before hearing police sirens. I jumped and so did Peyton.
"What do we do?" She yelled. Y/N.
"We need to run off," I whispered loudly. We ran out the back door and jumped the fence. I looked behind us and saw the flashing light and car doors opening. I turned and we both ran into the forest that was behind our house not caring about all the blood that covered our clothing.
We kept running and running eventually we didn't hear anything but we still kept running. We slowed down when we saw a shack, it looked abandoned so we decided to stay the night.
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