Two Old Friends
Elsa's P.O.V.
It has been three weeks out of the hospital and I have made a full recovery. I finished my one kilometre jog around New Jersey and returned to my home, a security guard tagging behind me. Everything was back to normal for the gang, everyone was back at school and we were all in New Jersey. But, I didn't go back to school for Aunt Arianna and Uncle Marcus wanted to keep a close eye on me. They have been so fearful about me getting kidnapped again it's unreal. Not that I wanted to go back to school either. I have been acing my online classes and there has already been some talk of me getting a scholarship. Everyone knows my real name now, so I have a stage name and a real name. Anyways, I grabbed my towel off the porch and I wiped sweat off my face. I offered a clean towel to the security guard, after all he must not have liked following me on my jog, yet my offer was declined. I went upstairs and got changed into a pair of high rise, ripped, dark denim short shorts and a black T-shirt with white words. I put on my white Converse and a baseball cap that said, "Almost Famous." I put my wallet in my brown leather purse and put on some brown and black round glasses, for fashion. I did my hair in its signature braid and dusted on some golden brown eyeshadow and some natural lipgloss which matched the shade of my lips. I went downstairs and grabbed my laptop and did my online classes.
*Time skip to two hours later*
"Okay I'm done!" I cheered as I shut down my laptop. The lesson was a boring one on grammar which I already knew. I decided to message Ariel. I got out my phone and texted her.
Hi! -Me
Hey, Elsa! How are you doing? I haven't seen you in so long! -Ariel
I knew she was going to say "since the attack" instead, but refrained.
What are you doing? -Me
Just chilling in New Jersey 😎 -Ariel
Are you serious???? Are you in NEW JERSEY? -Me
Yeah, one of my sisters wanted to see me. -Ariel
Lol, I know. -Ariel
Are you busy now??? -Me
No, my sister's at work. -Ariel
Wanna hang out? -Me
Sure! -Ariel
How about the mall? -Me
Totally! I love the mall! -Ariel
Meet me at noon out in front of the entrance to Be Our Guest restaurant and we can walk to the mall together. -Me
Sounds good to me! Idk how to get around New Jersey 😝😝! -Ariel
"Aunt Arianna, I'm going to the mall in a bit to see Ariel!" I called.
"Not without Aladdin your not!" Aunt Arianna shouted back. Aladdin is my security guard who works in a trio with Genie and Jasmine, who are security guards as well. I checked my watch and saw that it was eleven thirty in the morning. I decided I'd get going and hopped into my Porsche. My Porsche was a stealthy black and was a welcome-home gift from Uncle Marcus and Aunt Arianna. It drove like a dream. Aladdin offered to chauffeur, but I have told him five hundred times that I like driving. I drove off to Be Our Guest, Aladdin in the shotgun. Boy, was I ever excited to see an old friend.
*Time skip to Be Our Guest*
I turned in a full circle, spectating the crowd and searching for some familiar bright red hair. Suddenly, I saw Ariel in a purple T-shirt with two seashells on it, tucked into ripped light denim jeans which went down to just a bit above her ankles. Her hair was tousled and wavy, and was pulled back with a rose shaped hair clip that was aqua. Ariel had on brown sandals with braided straps which revealed a new professional manicure which was aqua as well. "Ariel!" I squealed and we ran up and hugged each other tightly.
"It's so good to see you, I mean your heart stopped beating and now..." Ariel felt my heart beat against my chest and for once, my happy friend was crying.
"I'm here and I'm okay." I told her, like a mother to a child (even though she's twenty and I'm turning seventeen next week). "I'm fine, Ariel."
Ariel wiped her eyes and brushed underneath a layer of mascara she had on. "Look at me," she said, "I'm making a mess of myself."
"No your not!" I swatted her playfully, "C'mon, let's get some shopping done."
We walked into the mall, which is so huge! It has over two hundred and fifty stores! I mean, there's so much to check out! I saw a series of makeup stores and I felt a pang of sadness, missing Cinderella and Tooth. "We visited each other every day." Ariel said to me, reading my mind, "The main topic was always you. We were so upset about what happened. Hans- he was a good friend, but now I can't wait to see him behind bars."
I swallowed. "Yeah, me too." We silently changed the subject as we walked into a clothes store, and we began oohing, and aahing over clothes, Aladdin following close behind, looking bored. In the end, I bought a wooly grey sweater and matching leather grey boots, a pale pink belly top with spaghetti straps, a white dress with lace around the waist and skirt that went halfway down my thighs, a nude pea coat with olive buttons and a matching necklace with fake gems, and a shirt the faded from grey to black that was short sleeved and a matching bracelet that looked like a zipper in a circle. Ariel bought a striped, white and black T-shirt, thigh high, tan horseback riding boots, a red belly top blouse which was sleevless, and came with a white and black collared hankerchief, a long, casual dress-shirt that was grey and said, "Paris, je t'aime", and finally, a sky blue off the shoulder sweater. "I think you win on this shopping spree." Ariel breathed as we exited the mall.
"Oh c'mon! I don't have that much more than you." I joked.
"Yeah, yeah whatever." Ariel punched my arm lightly. The second we opened the doors to the outside world, the paparrazzi was back and at it again, with flashing cameras and loud microphones. This was the first time I saw them since the attack. My eyes had to adjust to their cameras' brightness and I blinked like sixty times.
"Is it true that the hospital called for Code Blue because of you?"
"Do you still love Hans?"
"Is your real name Elsa Delle?"
"What are you doing with Ariel Triton?"
"C'mon! We might lose them if we come over here!" Ariel shouted over the noise and jogged down a catwalk. I hurried over, close behind her, Aladdin close behind me. The catwalk was dark and trashy. "Are you sure it's safe in here?" I questioned warily.
"I don't know, I don't live here." Ariel pointed out, "I don't know... Maybe should we camp out in a lighter area until the paparrazi leave."
"Okay." I agreed. I didn't feel like answering any of their questions. We leaned against a brick wall and sighed. Suddenly, four thugs appeared, flipping out switchblades at us. Aladdin lunged at them, but one slammed him against a dumpster, knocking him out. We gasped and I was about to scream, but one of them silenced me with, "Make one move and he'll slit her throat." I turned to the right and saw one of them pinning Ariel to the wall, knife pointed at neck. "" Ariel choked, tears springing into her eyes.
"Shut up!" a thug shouted at her through clenched teeth, driving the knife dangerously close to her neck. "Listen very carefully, you're going to give us all your stuff and money or, you die." the thug that talked to me earlier, and seemed to be the ringleader, ordered.
"Okay..." I raised my hands in surrender, "Okay, okay." I knelt down and opened my bags, but saw a person, clad in black, on top of a dumpster behind a thug. They had a mask so I couldn't tell who it was, but I trusted them right about now. I nodded at them and the thug must have noticed it, for he turned around and the person pounced at him, knocking him to the floor, as he fell unconscious. "After that person!" roared the ringleader, and the two other thugs charged at the person clad in black, as the person flipped over them and kicked the two thugs in the stomach. They stumbled back and the person in black punched them both in the face, knocking them out. I was so astounded I didn't realize the ringleader had Ariel in a choke hold, knife hanging very close to her neck. "Go near me and I'll kill her!" the ringleader said shakily, "I swear I will!"
"I believe you." a feminine voice said and I could tell that this person in black was a girl. She sprinted at the pair of them and threw a knife of her own, pinning his sleeve into the wall. He dropped the knife and tried to wiggle himself free. Ariel ran away from his grip and watched as this person in black punched him, hard. He slumped back against the brick wall and sat there, unconscious. "Oh, thank you! Thank you!" I cried to this stranger in black. She turned her back to me and took off her mask, very slowly. A head of chocolate coloured hair fell out into loose waves. I gasped as she turned around slowly and faced me, smiling. "You're very welcome, Elsa. I'm just returning the favour that you did to me not so long ago." she said.
And Belle Beau ran up to hug me.
A?N: Belle is a ninja!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Isn't that cool or what? Why is Belle here, though? Keep reading and find out! Okay, bye now!
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