I'm Not Crazy
Elsa's P.O.V.
Some days are harder than others, but this day was just plain nasty! First day that Anna was gone. I had the urge to confine myself in my room, and hide while the policemen and women questioned all of us. Hide and never come out until Anna was safely returned. My shaking fingers brushed against the door knob to my room, as I contemplated: Should I, or should I not? Close the door or leave it open? Suddenly, a police officer emerged up the stairs and said, "Miss Delle, we'd like to ask you a few questions, may I enter?"
"Yes, yes!" I replied quickly and opened the door wide enough so the officer could enter.
He grabbed a notepad and a pen and said, "Have a seat." The officer gestured to my bed. This is my room, why is he giving orders? Yet, I plopped down on my bed. "So, you're Elsa Delle, older sister of Anna Delle?" the officer began.
"Yes!" I responded.
"It says here that you are also Wynter Storm, famous rock-star. Care to explain how you came to be?"
"Well, I had a fight with my friends and I ran away, but came back after I forgave them." I explained quickly and my cheeks flushed with guilt.
"You...ran away?" the officer repeated, and scribbled notes down.
"Y-yeah." I answered shyly and ducked my head down.
"M'kay. Next question: Do you and your sister get along well now?"
"Totally! Never been better!" I said, smiling a bit.
"What we're you doing on the Fourth of July when your sister disappeared?"
"A date, with my boyfriend Jack, and her boyfriend Kristoff. Plus Rapunzel and Eugene and Hiccup and Merida." I told the officer.
"What happened on the date?"
"First we went to Be Our Guest, then the New Jersey Carnival. Merida, Hiccup, Jack, and I went on a big ride while everyone else went on a smaller ride, and we all met up and decided to go to the Ferris Wheel." I explained, "The Ferris Wheel got stuck with Jack and I at the top, and when we finally got off, and were re-grouping, Kristoff said that somebody took Anna."
"Beforehand, did you and Anna have any fights?"
"F-fights? What does this have to do with-" I began.
"In case she ran away, sweetie."
"But Kristoff said-"
"Your friend Kristoff Bjorgman was and still is being treated for a drug found in his system. One of the main symptoms is hallucinations. He probably didn't know what he saw." the officer clucked his tongue.
I gasped. Anna would never run away! Why would she do that? "She wouldn't do that!" I exclaimed, rising to my feet, "She's my sister!"
"But there's always a chance-" the officer reasoned gently.
"It was Pitch! Pitch, Malificent, and Hans!" I shrieked, "They took her! It all makes sense!"
"Miss, you may need to calm down-"
"Calm down? Never. Not when my sister is still out there!" I roared as the officer whispered something in his Walkie-Talkie. "If you won't find her, I'll do it myself!" I shouted in his face and ran towards the door. However, another police officer stood in my way. "Elsa, I think it's time you need a break." he soothed gently. I tried to dart to the side, but he caught my wrist. I was dragged back to my bed and that's when I started screaming and thrashing. They had no right to do this! "YOU HAVE TO SAVE HER!" I screamed, "YOU HAVE TO-" Suddenly, a needle was jabbed in my hip and the room began spinning. I had no more energy. Everything grew fuzzy and then I blacked out.
I woke up in my bed, head rested neatly on my pillow. I tried to move my left arm, but it was cuffed above my head. I tried to sit up, but saw that I was strapped down to the bed. An IV was going through my right hand, and I had many heart monitors on. What happened? I saw a figure at the end of my bed, sitting there. I could only make out who it really was when they turned.
It was Jack.
"Good, you're awake!" Jack smiled and brushed some of my hair out of my face.
"Wha-what happened? What is this?" I asked quickly and the heart monitor beeped louder.
"Shhh, you were freaked out." Jack soothed, like I was a baby, "They had to sedate you."
"That's so wrong!" I burst out angrily, "You know Anna was kidnapped! She wouldn't run away without purpose!" I thrashed against my bindings. "Jack, get me out of here!" I wailed, "I need to save my sister!"
"I, uh, I..." Jack said, flustered. Suddenly, a nurse appeared with a needle. More sedation? "No, no, no, please, no!" I begged as she stuck it in my IV. "Jack stop her!" I screeched, but all he did was rush out of the room, tears coursing down his face.
I was alone, mistrusted, betrayed.
And scared.
Jack's P.O.V.
I hated seeing my love like this. True, I had once believed that Anna was kidnapped by Pitch, Malificent, and Hans as well, but the evidence was falling into place, proving I was wrong. Elsa just needs to see that, I thought, and then she can be released. The police officers told me that Anna most likely has severe stress right now, due to all the things happening in her life, and got in a fight with Kristoff. Kristoff hallucinated that she had been kidnapped because of the drug. They found a stash of them in his bathroom cabinet, although he claims he hasn't had drugs. Ever. That's a lie, though. It must be. I was waiting outside of Elsa's room, waiting for the nurse to leave, but an ambulance pulled up on the driveway and a stretcher was brought upstairs. Five minutes later, Elsa was being lowered downstairs. "What's happening?" I asked a police officer, "What's gonna happen to Elsa?"
"She seems to still be very unsettled and angry," the officer said gruffly, "they're taking her to the hosputal for further treatment. With all that has been going on, there is a high likelihood that your girlfriend has a mental disorder."
"You mean like crazy?" I asked.
"I don't know."
"Kay...thanks." He left and I ran my hands through my hair. Not you too, Elsa!
Elsa's P.O.V.
I woke up in a hospital bed that was in the middle of a weird room. For one, it had no outside window, but a maxi glass one on the inside of which two security guards were standing outside of. My heart monitors and IV were still there, but I had new, more secure bindings. It was a strap that went around my waist, with my arms pinned to my sides by cuffs attached to it. As I looked at that, I noticed that I was all in white too. Like a mental hospital patient. Oh no... They must not think I'm crazy? This is all Pitch! He twists with you! My thoughts switched back to present day as a person said through an intercom from the corner of the room, "Miss Delle? Miss Delle, can you hear me?" I looked through the window to see a lady with cropped, wavy black hair, pale skin, ruby red lips, and sparkling brown eyes. I nodded and said, "Yes."
"Alright, I'm Dr. Snow White. Can I enter and ask some questions?"
"Okay." I said, but added, "Only if I can ask my own." There was some rustling and conversation, but I waited. Finally, Dr. Snow White said, "Yes." She entered and sat on a chair that was in a corner of the room, and brought it up next to me. A nurse grabbed another medical machine, and put a monitor on the left side of my head, on my temple. "What's happening?" I asked.
"We're asking you some questions."
"The restraints? What's the point?" I questioned bitterly, tugging at them.
"You thrashed and kicked around at police officers earlier, and they wanted to make sure that didn't happen again." Dr. Snow White explained in a soft tone.
"That's because-" I began, but was cut off.
"Do you normally obsess over Pitch, Malificent, and Hans?" Dr. Snow White asked.
"Well, duh!" I said sassily, rolling my eyes, "They tried to kill me, my uncle and aunt, and they did succeed in killing one of my friends. Of course I think about them because they keep trying to ruin my life!"
"I see." Dr. Snow White said, and rapidly typed on her laptop. "How did you cope when Belle died?"
"B-Belle?" I gasped, and my eyes got all watery. What the heck was wrong with these people? "Belle... I was so sad! I am so sad! I just cried and cried in our tower all day!" I sobbed. I'm not crazy! I hated being treated like this! Dr. Snow White clucked her tongue and I rolled my eyes through my tears. She was typing when suddenly she gasped as weird, spooky sounds started coming through the computer. Then, I heard a high-pitched scream. Her eyes turned to pure terror and her knuckles turned white as she grasped the computer. The noises stopped, but Dr. Snow White was petrified. "What?" I asked her. "What is it?"
"Dear Lord, Elsa." Dr. Snow White said and hugged me. "You were right."
I cocked my head, confused. "About what?" I asked her.
"Everything. That was your sister, Anna."
A/N: THEY THINK ELSA'S CRAZY! At least, at the beginning. But, Dr. Snow saw something with Anna in it, so that's not true about Elsa. What is it, though? What did Dr. Snow White see? Anyways, I can barely focus on typing anymore because I am SO TIRED, so yeah. Night, night!
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