Bring Our Maknae Home.
"How many of these do you need me to wash hyung?" Jungkook asked Yoongi as he grabbed bags of various fruits and vegetables they were preparing for lunch.
"Hm..maybe like 7 of each kind?"
"On it pronto hyung!!" Jungkook turned the sink on and began washing as he sang random songs to himself. Meanwhile, Jin and Hobi were also helping set up for lunch while Taehyung and Jimin were nowhere to be found, presumably cuddled up napping somewhere. Namjoon was reading on the couch.
The members were on a small break so they were spending most of their time at home. It was the holiday season so they were excited to have the time off. Most of the members even had time to get a lot of their Christmas shopping done. Their friend Dae was at the house today visiting. Well, more of an acquaintance than a friend. He worked with the members briefly for a few weeks not long ago until a situation caused him to have to move quite far away. However, the members still kept in touch every now and then and figured it'd be cool to meet up for the day.
"Jungkookie when you're done washing those can you help me cut these into smaller pieces?" Jin asked as he pointed to an array of meats he was slicing up.
"Absolutely hyungie," the youngest replied.
Dae was sitting at the kitchen counter watching all the chaos in the kitchen, and couldn't help but praise the youngest member, "He's so helpful. I have a little brother and he's useless," Dae laughed. Dae was a little bit older than Jin.
Hobi walked past Jungkook at the sink and ruffled the back of his hair, "That's our Jungkookie. He's always helpful. We love it." This made Jungkook blush, he absolutely lived for being praised by his hyungs.
Namjoon looked up from his book and chimed in from the living room, "We don't call him our Golden Maknae for nothing." Jungkook blushed even harder, "Noo it's nothing , really. I love helping."
Yoongi walked over and patted Jungkook's back, "And we love you, bunny."
A chorus of giggles and "Oooooo's!!" could be heard throughout the kitchen.
Jimin and Taehyung strolled into the kitchen together, yawning and presenting their bed heads in full fashion.
"Good morning sleeping beauty number one and sleeping beauty number two," Jin joked.
"..'morning hyung," they replied in unison. Taehyung walked over and gave Jungkook a back hug without saying anything. He was already helping Jin slice up meat, "Careful I'm holding a giant knife." Taehyung walked away without saying anything and grabbed a glass of water. Dae stared at Jungkook, noticing he wasn't only super helpful but also really responsible. He wasn't aware Jungkook was like this before, but their previous meetings had only been brief.
"Kook-ah," Jimin began, "Do you want to help me and TaeTae put together the new Marvel puzzle Namjoonie-hyung got us? It's 1000 pieces!"
"Yeah, maybe after lunch?" Jungkook asked. Taehyung and Jimin agreed. Lunch was served shortly after, and everyone thanked the four who helped cook. Namjoon, Jimin, and Taehyung started to clean up once everyone was done eating.
Jungkook started picking up plates and garbage, until Yoongi walked over and gently grabbed his wrist to stop him from picking stuff up, "Take a break Kook-ah. You've been helping us all day, they can clean up." Jungkook looked to the clean up crew and they all agreed , "You should go start the puzzle, we'll be there soon," Taehyung gestured.
Dae stared in awe at the maknae. He couldn't understand how he was such a hard worker. He just wanted to bring him home and keep him to help him around his own house whenever needed.
"His parents raised such a good kid," Dae said to nobody in particular.
"Thank you. We try," Yoongi smirked, gaining him a small slap from Jin who protested that HE raised him.
"We all raised him," Hobi chimed in laughing, "Well, maybe not Taehyung," he teased. Taehyung threw a wet sponge at Hobi.
They finished cleaning up and Taehyung and Jimin headed to their room to help Jungkook with the puzzle. Things were quiet with the three maknae's being preoccupied. Dae joined the rest of the members in the living room for a bit before he got an idea.
"Do you think Jungkook would like to help me go Christmas shopping?" Dae asked. The rest of the members looked around at eachother thinking it was a bit of an odd question.
"Uhh I don't know, maybe. When?" Namjoon asked.
"Well I was hoping to get most of it done today," Dae replied. Christmas was in less than two weeks.
"You could ask him. He'll probably want Taehyung or Jimin to go too, they could also help. He's probably tired though he already helped out with a lot today," Yoongi told him.
"Oh, I'd only have room for one in the car. I have a ton of stuff to buy."
"Why specifically Jungkook?" Jin asked. He sometimes got a little possessive of any of his dongsaengs when someone outside the group wanted to steal one for a little bit to hang out.
"He just seems the most helpful, I figured it'd be something he'd like to do."
"He does love shopping," Hobi mentioned.
"Up to him I guess," Yoongi shrugged.
Dae made his way down the hall and knocked on the maknae's bedroom door.
"You can come in but don't step on our puzzle!" Jimin's voice came through the door. Dae walked in to see the three already had a decent amount of it done.
"Damn, you guys work fast," Dae told them.
"It was mostly Jungkookie, he's good at these. He can find fitting pieces in two seconds," Jimin told Dae. Dae watched Jungkook quickly adding more pieces to the puzzle," Jungkook, do you want to do me a huuuuge favor?"
"Maybe. What do you need?" He looked up from their puzzle and as soon as he did Taehyung started playfully throwing pieces at the back of his head. Jimin joined him.
"Would you want to help me Christmas shop? Now? I have so much to shop for I could really use the help."
"Can we come?!" Taehyung and Jimin asked in unison before Jungkook could even reply.
"I only have room for one, and could use Jungkook's muscles to help me carry everything."
Jimin and Taehyung pouted.
"Now as in...right now?" Jungkook asked, also a little pouty. He wanted to stay with the other two and hang out but it was basically impossible for his heart to deny someone who asked for help.
"Yeah, I'd like to go now."
"Okay. How long do you think it'll take?" Jungkook asked.
"Not too long, maybe a few hours."
"Let me just see what hyungs say," Jungkook got up after throwing some puzzle pieces back at his two best friends faces and made his way to the living room with Dae.
"Hyungies, Dae needs my help Christmas shopping. Are we doing anything else today or can I go with him?"
"Nah we don't have anything going on," Yoongi turned to Dae, "But could you have him home by around 5? That's usually when we have dinner." It was currently only 2 pm so that gave them a few hours.
"No problem," Dae replied and smiled. And with that, the two were quickly out the door.
"Where do you plan on shopping? And who do you need to shop for?" Jungkook asked as Dae drove them down the highway.
"I have to shop for literally everybody. There's a few places I was thinking, but I'd like to start at Beliv Mall."
"That's like an hour away though and we only have three hours."
"Don't worry about it, we'll be fine."
Jungkook shrugged, "If you say so." He sat back and played on his phone the rest of the way there. Once they got to the mall, Dae dragged Jungkook around into various random stores. And bought various random things. Jungkook's arms were getting tired from all the bags he'd been asked to carry.
"Can we please take a break? My arms are killing me."
Dae granted the request and they headed to sit at the food court. Jungkook got hungrier by the second but refused to let himself buy food because he didn't want to ruin his appetite for dinner. He knew Yoongi was cooking tonight and Yoongi's dinners were his absolute favorite. Taehyung sent Jungkook a picture of the marvel puzzle, looking half destroyed.
taetaehyungie: Jimin accidentally kicked it so dont be surprised when hes dead when you get home
jungkookie: NOOOOOOOOO!!!
taetaehyungie: do u know when you'll be home we miss you
jungkookie: Yoongi-Hyung told us to be back by 5 but it might be a little later we went to the far mall and hes literally buying like everything
taetaeyungie: well then glad i didn't come lol
jungkookie: MUST BE NICE
taetaehyungie: wait does that mean youll miss dinner??
Jungkook glanced at the time and noticed it was quickly hitting 4, and then his phone died.
"Ugh!!! My phone just died. We should probably get going though, if we leave now we can make it back by 5."
"I still have a few more places to shop," Dae said, completely unbothered.
"But I have to be home by 5.."
"I'll let them know we will be a little bit late."
"How late do you think?"
"I don't know Jungkook. I told you I had a lot of shopping to do."
"Isn't this enough stuff?" Jungkook gestured to all the bags he had been forced to carry around the mall. There were quite a lot.
"There's never enough stuff. But let's go, I want to head to Jinu Shop."
"Do you have a phone charger in the car?" Jungkook asked staring at his dead phone. He was never comfortable when his phone was dead if he was out of the house without one of his hyungs. He knew they weren't comfortable with it either. They were extremely protective and always told him he needed to have some form of available contact with them if he was out. He felt like he just lost his lifeline. He knew Jin had Dae's number, so that eased his mind a little bit.
"Yeah I do, grab the bags," Dae stood up.
"Could you help me grab some? I'm tired," Jungkook pouted. Dae grabbed a few and they headed to the car.
"Oh shit, I forgot I left my phone charger at home," Dae said , not very apologetically.
Jungkook pouted, "Oh...maybe I can buy one at the next store? Did you let hyungs know we'll be a little late ?"
Dae pulled out his phone and texted Jin.
Dae: "Hey sorry we are running late not sure when we will be back . Still have some stops to make. Also jungkook's phone is currently dead so we'll buy a charger."
Jin: " Do you have a time frame? We don't want him missing dinner."
Dae : "Probably going to miss dinner."
Jin: "ugh. ..tell him we'll have a plate for him when he's home but tell him not to feel guilty if he wants to grab something else while out. Im sure he's hungry and he gets cranky when that happens."
Dae : "ok"
Jin: " Try not to keep him out too late though tae and jimin have been pouting since you guys left lol"
Dae didn't reply.
"Can I call them?" Jungkook asked. Dae tossed Jungkook his phone and he hit the call button at the top of the messages.
Jin answered it immediately and put it on speaker so all the members could talk to their maknae.
"Hi Kookie!!" Hobi yelled.
"Jungkook-ah I told you to be back by 5!" Yoongi yelled into the phone, but Jungkook could hear the lightheartedness of it.
"I'm sorry hyung I didnt know it would take so long."
"It's not his fault, he's not the one driving," Namjoon said to Yoongi.
"Jungkook - ah Taehyungie broke the puzzle!" Jimin yelled into the phone.
"No I didn't that was you!!" Taehyung yelled back at Jimin. Jungkook smiled hearing all his hyungs, but felt sad at the same time. He was missing them, hopefully he got to go home soon.
"Have you eaten yet since you'll be late?" Jin asked concerned.
"No not yet, but I'll probably get something."
"Okay just make sure to eat , bunny," Jin replied.
"I will don't worry. I'm gonna go but I'll text you once I buy a phone charger ."
"Okay bye kookie!!"
"Love you bunny!!"
"We love you!!!"
The members shouted their love for him through the phone and he said it back a million times before hanging up.
Dae looked at Jungkook and thought about how great of a kid he must be to have six hyungs who loved him so much.
They'll be really heartbroken to never see him again. The next shop Dae wanted to go to was also quite far away.
"Can we stop somewhere for food? I'm starving," Jungkook asked as he fiddled with his dead phone in his hands.
"Later, I want to get the rest of my shopping done first."
"But that'll take forever. Please can we stop somewhere . I don't care if it's just Mcdonald's or something, I can buy you something too."
"I said later, Jungkook."
"Dae, please.." Jungkook was practically begging at this point. He hadn't eaten since lunch time, and it was already after 5 PM. Dae hadn't eaten since then either, he didn't know how he wasn't also hungry.
"Jungkook!" Dae slammed his fist into the steering wheel. Jungkook sank back into his seat and pulled his knees up to his chest, resting his head on them and looked out the window. It was already dark out, so there wasn't much to look at. He was thankful for the darkness so Dae couldn't see the silent tears falling from his eyes as he wiped them with his sweater sleeve. He wasn't used to getting yelled at or scolded, his hyungs never did that to him. The ride was silent the rest of the way.
The members had just finished dinner. They tried to hold off waiting as long as possible to see if Jungkook would make it back in time, but he didn't.
"Did he say if he's almost home? It's getting late now," Hobi asked Jin. All the members had been trying to call and text their maknae but unfortunately his phone was still dead.
"No, I haven't heard from him. He said he'd buy a phone charger but that was two hours ago now." It was already past 7 PM.
"Can you call them?" Taehyung asked his oldest hyung.
Jin called Dae, and let out a sigh of relief when the man actually answered.
"Hi Dae. Are you guys almost done? We would like Jungkook-ah home now," Jin told him.
"We are still shopping."
"It's late though and we asked you to be back with him two hours ago."
"I didn't realize it'd take so long."
"Did he get a phone charger yet? Can I talk to him?"
"He's somewhere else in the store, I think he's looking for a charger now."
Yoongi stole the phone from Jin and scolded Dae, "Bring our maknae home already. You can finish shopping another time. I know the poor kid is probably exhausted by now. You can't keep him forever."
"We will be done soon."
"Well how soon is soon? Because we all want him home now."
"He's not a baby, Yoongi. God forbid he's out past his bed time."
Yoongi felt a pinch of anger course through him. It wasn't about a bed time or trying to act like a controlling parent. It was the fact that they didn't know Dae as closely as they would like to and it was frustrating that he wasn't bringing their baby home, at all it seemed. They just wanted Jungkook to be home safely before it got too late out.
Taehyung could see Yoongi grip the phone in his hand tighter and took it from him, "Let us talk to Jungkook-ah."
" Like I told your Jin hyung, he's somewhere else in the store looking for a charger."
"So go find him."
"Taehyung, I don't know where he went."
"So you're saying you lost him?" Hobi and Jimin both raised an eyebrow, " He lost Jungkook??" they both whispered.
"I didn't lose him! I'll bring him back when we are done! I have to go!"
"Bring Jungkook back!" Namjoon yelled into the phone before the call was cut off, Dae hung up on them. And he blocked Jin's number.
Everyone groaned in annoyance.
"How hard is it to just drive him home? There's no way he needs to shop for THAT much shit. They've been gone for over 6 hours already!!" Jimin pouted.
"I don't know, hopefully Kookie gets a charger. At this point I don't even care where they are I'll go pick him up if he wants me to," Jin told him. The members all gave eachother a sad expression realizing there wasn't much they could do until they heard from Jungkook or Dae finally brought him home. All they could do was hope they'd be back soon.
"Who was that?" Jungkook asked as he found Dae in the store.
"Just one of my friends."
"This store doesn't have phone chargers," Jungkook pouted. Why was it so impossible to just charge his damn phone?
"Damn, that sucks," Dae couldn't say he felt sorry about it. If anything, Jungkook having a dead phone made this whole ordeal a lot easier.
Dae bought more random items and they headed to the car. The car was practically stuffed to the brim with junk.
"Alright, that should do it. I think I'm all set for today," Dae started driving. Jungkook let out a huge sigh of relief, " Oh my God, finally. Could we please get food now that you finished shopping?"
"No, there's food at the house."
Jungkook's mouth dropped open in disbelief. He just wanted SOMETHING, " How far away are we from my house from here?" Jungkook knew they'd been out all day to random places, he wasn't quite sure what town he was even in anymore or which direction home was.
" I don't know."
"Can't you GPS it?"
"My phone doesn't have GPS."
Well, what the fuck.
Jungkook curled up back into the seat and let out a sigh as he rubbed his forehead. His stomach growled and he wrapped an arm around it. He was so hungry he was feeling nauseous.What he wouldn't give for some of Yoongi's cooking right now. Soon, though. Who cares how far away it was, at least he was finally headed home.
"Can I text hyung to let him know we are on our way back? They're probably a little bit worried."
"Nah they're not, actually, I asked them if I could bring you over to my house so you could help me wrap these presents up, they said they didn't see why not."
Jungkook felt anxiety shoot through his chest. He didn't agree to that. He never agreed to that. Dae lived two hours from them. No way would he ever have agreed to that.
"You didn' never asked me to do that. You asked me to help you shop, and I did. Way longer than you said it'd take too. I don't want to help you wrap all this, I just want to go home now, please.."
"I need help wrapping all this."
"I don't care. Find someone else to help you. Or bring them to my house and we will all help you."
"We are closer to my house, it'll just be easier. "
Jungkook started panicking. He reached for Dae's phone but Dae snatched it.
"What are you doing, maknae?" Dae asked angrily.
"I want to call hyung to come get me. I don't want to help you anymore. I'm exhausted and I'm starving and I want to be home. And don't call me maknae. I'm not your maknae," Tears of anxiety and frustration fell from Jungkook's eyes.
"You don't need to call them. I already told you they were fine with it."
" But you didn't ask ME. I'M not fine with it. I want to go home!!"
"And you will, when we're done wrapping."
Jungkook let out his frustration by kicking the dashboard of the car, "Just let me out. I'll call someone to get me."
"Yeah? With what phone? And go ahead and kick that again and see what happens."
Jungkook shot Dae a scared look, and decided not to test that. "Can't I use yours?"
"You're purposely not letting me leave?"
" I told you I need help."
Jungkook stared out the car window for a few minutes before making a realization.
"You're kidnapping me to help you wrap Christmas presents?"
"I'm not kidnapping you."
"I'm pretty sure this counts as kidnapping."
"You willingly came with me to help."
"But I don't willingly want to go to your house. I've told you multiple times I want to go home and you won't bring me and you won't let me call someone. I'm pretty sure this counts as kidnapping."
"You're not a kid, so how is it kidnapping?"
"You don't have to be a kid. This still counts!"
Dae grabbed Jungkook's shoulder and squeezed it, " I promise I will bring you home after we are done wrapping."
Jungkook backed out of the man's grip, " Don't touch me," he huffed as he crossed his arms. The rest of the ride to Dae's house was silent. As if being in the car with Dae wasn't freaking him out enough, seeing his house didn't make it any better. The man lived in the middle of nowhere, apparently. They drove down an old dirt road up to a small cabin surrounded by woods. Jungkook was starting to realize how scared he was. As soon as they parked, Dae asked Jungkook to help him carry stuff into the house.
"No. I'm done helping you."
"The faster you help me, the faster you go home."
Jungkook immediately grabbed multiple bags and began helping. Anything to just go home.
Once everything was inside, Jungkook asked to use Dae's phone charger.
"I don't have an iPhone, I don't have a charger for one."
Jungkook stared at him without moving, shocked. This whole night Dae knew he needed a charger, yet still brought him back to his house without letting him buy one?
"Can I please eat?" Jungkook was on the verge of tears again. Dae took a small apple out of a pantry and threw it at Jungkook. "That's it?" the maknae asked. Dae threw him a bottle of water, "I don't have much here."
"You said there was food at the house.."
"There is," Dae pointed to the apple Jungkook was holding.
"Why didn't you just let us stop somewhere?"
"Didn't have time. If you don't want it I can take it back and you can just have nothing instead."
Jungkook panicked, " No, no. This is fine."
"Your manners, kid?"
"Thank you for the food," Jungkook sat down on the couch and stared at the floor. As hungry as he was, he suddenly didn't feel like eating. He was too anxious to eat.
"Can I please call hyungs and check in?"
"I told you they know you're helping me wrap."
"I know, but I just want to call them. I haven't gotten to talk to them in hours, I miss them."
"I don't understand why you won't let me call them."
"I get charged money talking on the phone," Dae was lying, but Jungkook didn't need to know that.
"I will pay for it."
"Jungkook, I said no."
Dae got up and walked over to Jungkook, he hovered over him and leaned down in his face, " I don't get it. You listen to everything your hyungs say and ask you to do. Why are you being so defiant with me? I'm also older than you, so you'll show me just as much respect."
"Why would I show someone who kidnaps me any respect?"
Dae smacked Jungkook straight across the face, leaving his cheek bright red. Jungkook sat in shock as he clutched his burning face. He looked up at Dae with tears trickling down his face. He had never felt smaller than in this moment. Fear consumed him as he thought about his hyungs. He wanted his six older brothers. He needed them, badly. He wanted to be home with them where he knew he was safe and loved. Wrapped up in their arms. But right now, that seemed like a distant dream. He snapped out of it when he felt stuff being thrown at him, "Now. Get wrapping," Dae demanded. Jungkook looked around at everything they had to wrap, there had to be at least a million things. The sooner I get started, the sooner I go home. He started wrapping, occasionally stopping to wipe his tears and snot away.
"Where the fuck are they?" Yoongi yelled as he paced around the kitchen. It was already 9 at night.
" I don't know. Jungkook's phone is still dead and every time I try to call or text Dae it says no connection and nothing will go through!" Jin yelled back. Taehyung and Jimin sat at the kitchen table, anxiously biting their nails. Jin gave Dae's number to all the members and they all tried calling, it'd ring the first time for each one of them but before they knew it, all their calls were failing.
"I'm just going to say what we're all thinking," Namjoon turned to everyone, "They're missing."
Nobody wanted to admit that out loud, the thought of Jungkook missing was too scary. But Namjoon was right. Their maknae was in fact, missing.
Hobi's eyes were watering, "What if something bad happened to them? What if they got in an accident or something?"
"Should we try calling hospitals?" Jin asked. Everyone agreed and started dialing different hospitals around all of South Korea asking if they had a patient named Dae or Jungkook. They must've called every hospital in the country, but the two weren't at any of them. They couldn't tell if they were relieved or not.
"There is no way that man is still shopping," Jimin mentioned.
Everyone turned to Taehyung when they heard him start sobbing, burying his face into his hands.
"Tae? What is it?" Hobi rubbed his dongsaeng's back.
"Isn't it obvious?" Taehyung asked. Everyone looked around at eachother confused.
"He was kidnapped," Taehyung tried to catch his breath," Dae took him with no intention of actually bringing him home. Why didn't Jungkook get a phone charger yet? Why can't any of us get a hold of Dae? He doesn't want contact with us because his whole plan was to steal our maknae. And we let him. We just let him take Kookie without a second thought," Taehyung began crying harder as guilt consumed him.
Panic and anxiety shot through the room as everyone realized this more than likely was a kidnapping situation. And the guilt, Taehyung was right, they had all let Jungkook go without hesitation.
"I'm calling the police," Jin said as he immediately dialed 911. He spoke to a dispatcher for quite some time, and the members were confused when they saw Jin getting visibly upset with the person on the phone for a while before the call ended.
The members looked at Jin waiting for information.
"They said there's nothing they can do unless we haven't had contact with him in over 48 hours. She said because we talked to him today, knew who he was with, and because Jungkook willingly went with him, he can't be considered kidnapped or missing yet," Jin cried as he began tugging at his hair in frustration.
"Two days?! We can't wait two days! He's already missing!! Who knows what will happen within two days!!" Jimin cried.
Taehyung wiped more of his tears, "Dae wouldn't..wouldn't.." He was stuttering through his broken breathing, " You don't think he'd ...he'd...hurt him or anything do you? He wouldn't do anything to hurt Kookie right? What if he...what if he....hurts..." Taehyung couldn't finish his sentence as he threw his head back into his arms to cry harder. Everyone was crying now. They had no idea if Dae would try to hurt Jungkook or not. They didn't think he'd straight up kidnap Jungkook, so clearly the man was full of surprises.
"We're going to find him and if that man has hurt a single hair on our babies body I'll kill the bastard with my bare hands," Yoongi threatened.
"How are we supposed to find him? The police won't help us," Hobi pouted as he continued to rub Taehyung's back.
"Check their location on Dae's phone, " Yoongi ordered. Everyone tried tracking the location but unfortunately they all kept getting the same 'Location Not Available' message. They tried doing the same thing with Jungkook's phone but kept getting the same message. Apparently it didn't work if the phone was dead.
"We need to brainstorm. Where do you think Dae would have taken him?" Yoongi asked, trying to sound composed even though he was torn apart on the inside. He was so worried, they all were.
"Where do people usually take someone they kidnap?" Namjoon asked.
"Abandoned houses and creepy basements," Jimin wasn't trying to be sarcastic. He was generally concerned that his maknae was being held captive somewhere scary and alone. Somewhere they'd never find him.
"I just don't understand. Why Jungkook? Why would he want to take OUR baby?" Hobi asked.
"This morning he kept making comments about how good of a listener and how helpful he was, that clearly made him want to take him for some reason. What a damn creep!!!" Jin shouted.
"Let's think. If he really had done any shopping, he'd have to bring all that stuff somewhere right? And where would he most likely take it? Probably his house. We should go to his house. It's at least a start," Namjoon suggested.
"We don't know where he lives. All we know is he lives far away," Jimin frowned.
"Addresses are public information," Namjoon immediately went to a website, and to everyone's surprise, found Dae's address. Unfortunately, he lived a whole two hours away.
"Well, no time to waste. Let's go. Now," Yoongi grabbed his jacket and was the first out the door with the rest of the members right behind him. They gathered in their 7 seater SUV and headed out, Yoongi offering to drive. It was hard to ignore Jungkook's empty seat. Taehyung stared at it crying, thinking how if something bad has happened to his only dongsaeng he'd never be able to forgive himself. Jungkook shouldn't be missing, he should be cuddled up with them right now with a full stomach and half asleep while watching a movie. Warm and safe in his arms. Taehyung leaned against Namjoon and cried into his leaders chest while Namjoon cradled his head and kissed the top of it, " He'll be okay. He has to be."
Jungkook threw the last present in the pile and looked around, " Finally! Ahh! We finished!" He leaned back against the couch and let out a huge sigh of relief. He stood up, "Alright. There. We're done. Now can I PLEASE go home?"
"Well actually I was thinking I could just bring you home in the morning. I'm exhausted and you live so far way."
"...No. Take me home right now. Or I can call hyungs and one of them will come and get me. I'm going. Tonight. I helped you with everything you asked of me," Jungkook walked over to the front door and stood at it, "Let's go."
" I said I'll bring you back in the morning."
"I want to go home!! Give me your phone, I'll have hyung get me."
"What the hell do you mean no? You can't just trap me here."
"You really think any of them want to drive all this way just to come pick you up?"
"They would come."
"What makes you so sure?"
"I just know they would. Let me call them."
" I said no."
Jungkook opened the door and ran outside, booking it down the driveway. Dae chased him out, " Where the hell do you think you're going?!"
"I'm going home Dae! I'll fuckin walk if I have to!"
Dae kept chasing him, " You won't get very far out there in the dark! No phone, no light. You don't even know which way to go! And there's coyotes and bears!"
" I don't care! I'll find someone eventually! I'm sure anyone else will let me use their damn phone! You're trying to trap me here like a freak and I won't let you!"
Dae ran faster and caught up to Jungkook, forcefully pushing him onto the ground. He wrestled with him on the ground and turned him onto his back, pinning him to the dirt road by his wrists.
"You're not leaving."
"Get the hell off of me!!" Jungkook screamed as he tried to fight his way out of Dae's grip. Dae was sitting on his ribs, making it hard to breathe.
"Get back inside the house."
"No! HELP ! HEL-" Jungkook tried to scream but Dae slammed his hand over his mouth to shut him up.
"You're really starting to piss me off. You think anyone is really going to help you out here? Because the answer is no. Nobody is going to help you. Not a stranger, not me, and definitely not your hyungs. You're in the middle of nowhere , at night. It's just us buddy," Dae smiled, sending shivers through Jungkook. He could feel his heart trying to beat right out of his chest. He was so sick of crying, but he couldn't fight it. He was terrified. Dae took his hand from Jungkook's mouth.
"Please ...please just let me go," Jungkook tried to catch a breath, " I won't say anything to them I'll just go home and pretend nothing happened. Please I promise I won't say anything. I just want to go home," Jungkook began uncontrollably sobbing.
Dae wrapped his hands around Jungkook's throat and starting choking him, " How many times do I have to tell you that you're not leaving?"
Jungkook tried grabbing at Dae's hands to rip them off his throat, but he couldn't breathe at all, making it hard to accomplish much of anything. Would Dae really choke him to death out here? What had he done to deserve this? Dae choked him until his eyes started to roll to the back of his head , and then he let go just in time for Jungkook to suck in deep breaths. Dae stood up and grabbed Jungkook's wrist, hoisting him up to his feet. He began to drag him back towards the house but Jungkook slipped from his grip and started running back down the driveway as fast he could.
"I'm going to fuckin kill you you little brat!!!!" Dae screamed as he chased him. Jungkook ran like his life depended on it, considering right now it actually did. He couldn't see much of anything in the dark aside from whatever the moonlight was shining on. It was becoming too hard for him to breathe and he stumbled to the ground. Dae dove right on top of him and began laying punches to his face.
"See what happens when you don't listen?!" Dae started screaming as he kept laying punches to Jungkooks face, "This is called discipline. Something you clearly don't get enough of. I shouldn't have to repeat myself. If I say you're not going home, then you're not going home!" Jungkook tried screaming for mercy but his head became too fuzzy. He wasn't sure what was happening anymore or where he was or why. All he knew was he was hurting and cold, someone was screaming at him, and he really really missed his hyungs.
"Please....stop....I'm sorry..please...."his body gave up. The moonlight stopped shining as his eyelids fell closed and everything turned black. Dae stood up and gave a few last kicks to Jungkook's stomach and chest, the last one ending with a loud crack. He scooped him up in his arms and brought him back inside, locking the door behind him. He opened the door to a spare room in the house, it had absolutely nothing in it but a wooden floor. He walked over and dropped Jungkook's limp body into the corner with a loud thud before leaving the room and locking it from the outside.
"Are you sure this is it? We're literally in the middle of nowhere. How do we know this dirt road actually leads to a house?" Hobi asked, he was so scared.
"The mailbox had the right number on it, this has to be his driveway," Yoongi replied. They pulled up to a wooden cabin, " That's his car!" screamed Jimin. Yoongi parked and all six of them immediately hopped out and ran to the front door and began banging on it , frantically turning the handle. Dae's car was in the driveway and there were lights on inside so they knew he had to be home.
"Dae??? Dae?!?! Open the door! We're here to pick up Jungkook!!" Screamed Jin. After what felt like an eternity, Dae opened the door, before he could say anything everyone barged into his house.
"Where the hell is he?" Yoongi turned to him.
"Oh he didn't tell you?" Dae asked. They all looked at him confused.
"Tell us what? Where is our little brother you fuckin creep?" Yoongi yelled at him.
"I can assure you he's not here," Dae began, " He ended up running into a friend while shopping and decided to go with his friend instead. So if he's missing, that's on them."
Namjoon laughed, " That's the most bullshit thing I've ever heard and none of us believe that for a second. Where is he Dae? We know you're the one who had him and we know you know where he is."
"I don't know what to tell you," Dae replied. He was being extremely casual, like nothing out of the ordinary was happening.
"You're going to tell us what you did with him. Is he here? Did you leave him somewhere else?" Yoongi walked up to Dae and gripped him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him in close, "Did you hurt him?" Yoongi narrowed his eyes waiting for a response. Before he could reply, Dae saw Taehyung and Hobi wiggling the door handle to the room he had thrown Jungkook in. He pushed Yoongi away and ran to them. He grabbed Taehyung by the back of the shirt and pulled him backwards, sending him stumbling to the ground and then he grabbed Hobi by the wrist and yanked him backwards, sending him flying on top of Taehyung. They both let out a loud cry as the two smacked heads. All the members ran to them, Jin pushed Dae back, " What the hell!! Don't you dare put your hands on them!!" Jimin and Namjoon were already kneeling down checking on the two , helping them up. Namjoon stared at the door handle, " Is he in there?" he knocked on the door, "Jungkook-ah?" he yelled. However, no response came from the other side.
Dae stood up, "Get the hell out of my house. This is breaking and entering!"
"Like we give a shit! You kidnapped our maknae! We'll break and enter all we fuckin want until we find him!" Yoongi shouted. All the members were at the room door trying to bust it open while Dae tried to fight them, but damn was Yoongi stronger than he looked. He held Dae back the entire time. The door finally flew open.
"Oh my God, Kookie NO!!!" Jimin screamed as he ran into the room. The rest of the members ran in behind him, all stopping in horror to see their maknae laying on the wooden floor, not moving, unconscious and covered in blood and bruises.
Jimin and Taehyung were both the first to dive to his side. Taehyung brushed his hand over Jungkook's cheek and hovered over his face, his tears falling all over the youngest's face, " Jung..kookie...wake up...please .... kookie please wake up..." Taehyung sobbed. Jimin checked for a pulse, he had one, but barely. Jin was already on the phone with 911 calling for an ambulance.
Hobi and Namjoon clung to the maknae's shirt, their hearts completely shattered, " I don't think he can breathe well," Hobi had noticed Jungkook's chest wasn't rising and falling the way it normally did. Namjoon lifted his shirt to reveal a giant black and purple bruise on top of a very noticeably broken rib.
"I'M GOING TO KILL HIM! I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!" Yoongi got up and was ready to go beat the living hell out of Dae, or kill him, he didn't even care, but found no trace of him inside the house, although his car was still outside. Yoongi ran outside in the dark, " SHOW YOURSELF YOU BASTARD! SO THIS IS WHAT YOU WANTED HIM FOR HUH?! TO JUST USE HIM AND THEN HURT HIM ONCE YOU WERE DONE?! COME OUT AND FIGHT YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Dae was still nowhere to be found, Yoongi dropped to his knees and held his face in his hands as he cried, " I should have never....I shouldn't have let him go. I should have just told him he couldn't go..." Yoongi got up when he heard sirens coming, he ran to the end of the driveway to wait for them.
"My baby.." Jimin cried while rubbing Jungkook's chest. He kept planting gentle kisses over all the wounds on his maknae's face. Everyone was a mess. Hobi was shaking violently while Namjoon rubbed his back. Taehyung was sobbing louder than anyone thought humanly possible, "He's going to die. Our maknae is going's going to die. Kookie please...please don't die.."
Jin wrapped his arms around Taehyung and brought him back into his chest, " He isn't going to die. Don't say that. We have to keep telling ourselves he will be okay." They heard sirens approaching outside and quickly paramedics were rushing in, Yoongi leading them. The paramedics asked for space while they shoved a breathing tube down Jungkook's throat and attached him to wierd tubes before quickly loading him onto a stretcher and dissapearing with him. Police had asked the members questions and said they would look for Dae, as he most likely ran away into the woods. Everyone quickly got in the SUV and followed to the hospital. They sat around in a waiting room for over seven hours, in which during that time the cops contacted them saying they found Dae in the woods and he was put away in jail. A nurse finally came in.
"Jeon Jungkook?" She asked. Everyone jumped to their feet, " That's us! How is he? Is he okay? Can we see him now?" Everyone was bombarding the nurse with questions when she said he was stable and they could go to his room now. They walked in and frowned when they saw their youngest sleeping in a hospital bed, hooked up to this machine and that machine with needles in his arms. On the bright side the oxygen tube they had shoved down his throat was out, now he only needed a regular oxygen mask. They all gathered around his bed as a doctor came in explaining his injuries. He had a small fracture in the cheekbone under his left eye, the bruises around his neck were from being choked, he had a fractured rib that punctured a lung in which they had to surgically correct. That was the extent of it, there was no internal bleeding however he would be sporting some bad bruises on his face and neck and ribs for a while. The members thanked the doctor and as soon as he was out the door, they all broke down crying.
"How could someone do this to him....I mean of all people...he's the purest person on earth how could someone hurt him," Jimin pouted as he wiped away tears. Taehyung had sat down next to the bed and had his head resting near Jungkook's arm, he rubbed his arm up and down avoiding all the wires. The members had no response to Jimin's question, they didn't know either. Jungkook's body started to shift and everyone looked at him holding their breath.
Jungkook's eyes slowly opened, but only halfway, however that was good enough.
"KOOKIE!!!!" They all shouted in unison. Jungkook looked around the room in silence before opening his mouth, " I? What happened?" Painkillers he was on had him noticeably out of it.
"You're at the hospital. It's not exactly a five star rating, but it was the closest one," Jin said as he ran his fingers through Jungkook's hair. Jungkook let out a small laugh, " How'd I get here?"
"An ambulance," Hobi replied. Everyone looked at him and laughed, " I think he's asking what happened," Jimin told his hyung.
Yoongi was rubbing Jungkook's knee gently, " you remember yesterday? At all? Or last night?"
Jungkook looked like he was thinking hard for a moment, " Taehyungie hyung broke the puzzle."
Taehyung reached over and punched Jimin playfully, " THAT WAS JIMIN NOT ME!" This got a chuckle out of everyone, including Jungkook.
"Anything else?" Yoongi continued.
"I went shopping with Dae to help him buy Christmas presents and then...oh."
Jungkook remembered. All of it. As much as he wished he didn't.
"What happened to you? I mean you don't have to tell us, if you don't want to," Hobi asked.
"He..I..I was just helping him and then he wouldn't let me buy a charger or get food or contact anyone. He brought me to his house. He said you guys were okay with it."
"That fuckin bastard," Yoongi chimed in as he clenched his fist, "Well he lied to you. We were waiting for you to come home for hours. We tried contacting you both but couldn't get in touch with either of you."
Jungkook stared at his hyung, of course that whole scenario wasn't true. He knew his hyungs wouldn't have agreed to that.
"He was trying to keep me at his house. I just wanted to go home. I just wanted you guys. I tried to run away and he caught me. Then I don't remember. He must have beaten me up," Jungkook gestured to his bruises.
"I'm so sorry. You must have been so scared.." Jin choked back his tears, " We should have never let you go with him."
"Don't blame yourselves. You didn't know."
Jungkook stared down at Taehyung, who had been silently staring teary eyed up at him. Jungkook slowly lifted his hand and patted Taehyung's head, " Are you okay?" the maknae asked. Everyone let out a chuckle, what a role switch.
"I just want you home," Taehyung took Jungkook's hand in his and kissed the top of it, next to one of the IV's.
"I also want me home," Jungkook told him as he frowned a little bit. All he's wanted for the past almost 24 hours was to just go home. However, at least he was with his hyungs again, which was basically the same thing.
"I talked to the doctor earlier and he said you can be discharged tomorrow," Yoongi told him. Jungkook threw up a 'rock on' sign with his hand and then asked, " How was I found? Who found me?"
"Namjoonie-hyungs 148 IQ led us right to you. We realized you were being kidnapped and he suggested to check Dae's house first. He found the address and the rest is history," Jimin informed him. Jungkook looked up at Namjoon and whispered a small, "Thank you." Instant tears fell from the leaders eyes as he caressed Jungkook's cheek that wasn't bruised up.
"What happened to Dae?" Jungkook asked.
"Yoongi killed him," Jin said in a serious tone. Jungkook shot a doe eyed look between Jin and Yoongi, his mouth falling open but he was speechless.
"You're too easy, maknae. Yoongi-ah was out for blood but Dae ran into the woods. The cops found him. He's in jail," Jin assured their maknae that Yoongi didn't actually murder anyone.
"Just so you know bunny, you're never allowed to leave the house ever again or hang out with anyone ever again without one of us," Yoongi gave him a giant smile. The rest of the members laughed.
"Honestly..I'm okay with that," he whispered as he let his head fall back. He quickly drifted off to dreamland at the feel of multiple people running their fingers through his hair.
Yoongi spoke up after a while, " I wonder if anywhere sells tracking device implants we could just stick in his arm," he chuckled. The members all laughed at the idea. They all looked in awe at their sleeping maknae.
He was hurt for now, but they all knew he'd be okay.
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