Chapter Three
The rain lightened up in the morning so once again the two set out once more on their journey. They still were a few days away from Rivendell but Maedhros hoped they could get their sooner. Yet, Fingon reminded him that patience will help them. Since if they do get their faster than if they kept at this pace so they won't tire out the horses. As they rode and they got closer to Rivendell Maedhros, as normal, did not talk much. Yet, Fingon would not have them sit in silence so he mostly sang or he would force Maedhros to talk about different things. So, that was how they spent the next few days of their travels. Until they reached they finally reached the Rivendell border.
"How are you holding up?" Fingon asked as he rode by his friend.
"Fine," Maedhros asked.
"Just being sure," Fingon replied.
After a bit of silence Maedhros slowed his horse a bit and said, "Someone is coming."
"I hear them too," Fingon said listening closely. They both stopped and listened. A few moments a small group of elves walked around the corner. Fingon and Maedhros looked at each other when they saw the elf who was leading the group. That elf was none other than Glorfindel.
"Halt," He said. "Who are you two and what are you doing here in Rivendell."
"That's some hello to an old friend," Fingon replied as he pulled off his horse and slid off his horse.
Glorfindel stopped short when he saw him. His jaw dropped and it looked like his brain froze. He just stared and blinked staring at him. He then ran over and nearly tackled him in a hug.
"FINGON! YOU'RE ALIVE!" He shouted.
"That's what I have been told," Fingon replied with a light laugh. Glorfindel let go and grasped his shoulders. "What are you doing here?" He asked.
"That's a question saved for a bit later," Meadhros answered as he walked over taking off his hood.
Glorfindel turned and looked at him for a long moment. He then walked over and hugged him. Fingon had to cover his mouth to hide his laugh as he saw Maedhro's expression. Maedhros looked suprised and uncomfortable. "Laurefindil. Let go. Pleases." Maedhros said in a deadpan expression.
Glorfindel ignored him and said, "You're both alive!"
"Yes we are. Now let go or I'll give you a hair cut." Maedhros said.
Glorfindel intnetly let go and looked at him in horror. "You wouldn't," He said.
"He would," Fingon said calmly. Now as the is exchange went on the group of elves who were with him were whispering quietly among themselves about two arrivals and how one of them was Fingon!
Glorfindel just had to laugh. He looked between the two and asked, "So. What are you doing here."
"I did say to save it a bit later," Maedhros replied as he cast a bit of a look to the elves just watching them.
"Right," Glorfindel said as he looked at them. He walked over to one of the elves and spoke to them for a few moments. He nodded and walked off leading the other elves with him.
"There. Now, follow me. I can walk with you two the rest of the way to Rivendell." Glorfindel said. The two nodded and began walking.
"When we get there do you think we can speak with Elrond?" Fingon asked.
"Well, actually Elrond is not here. He is in Gondor visiting his daughter." Glorfindel replied. "Yet, if you want I can come with you there to see him. Since he will not be back in a while."
"You do not have to come with us," Fingon said.
"Well, it may be hard to see him since he is staying with the king and queen. Yet, if I am there you'll have a much easier time seeing him. Also, I will not miss the chance of seeing Elrond's face after he sees Maedhros." Glorfindel replied.
"You have not changed, have you?" Maedhros said with a shake of his head.
"I have not," He replied.
"Well, that is good to here. I have something for you," Fingon said as he reached into a bag he had. A few moments later he pulls out an envelope an passes it to Glorfindel. The golden-haired elf took it and stopped walking once he saw the name written on the outside. His hand traced the name and he closed his eyes and whipped away a tear.
"Thank you, for bringing this to me." Glorfindel as he held the letter closer.
"Of course," Fingon said.
"How is he?" Glorfindel asked.
"Ecthelion is good. Besides the letter, he says to hurry up or else he will storm here and drag you to Valinor himself." Fingon answered. Glorfindel chuckled and said, "I shall keep that in mind. Yet, how will he get here?"
"He said he'll swim," He replied. Glorfindel laughed a bit more and shook his head.
They arrived at Rivendell and Glorfindel gave their horses and bags to an elf to take care of. He then led them to another area and sat down with them. They were brought tea and a bit of food. "I hope there is no trouble in Valinor," Glorfindel said after the two were settled.
"It is not that...we are here looking for Maglor. He has not returned to Valinor," Maedhros replied.
"You see they were forgiven for what they have done and a message was sent to him telling him that but he ignored it. Now, after even a longer time they asked if Maedhros can go bring him back." Fingon explained more of what's going on.
"I see," Glorfindel said taking a sip of his drink.
"You wouldn't to happen to know where he is. Would you?" Maedhros a bit hopeful.
"The last I saw him was in the second age," Glorfindel replied.
"How was he?" Maedhros asked.
"I am sorry but he did not seem to be in the best of places. I did what I could but he wouldn't have any of it and left before I could do anything more." Glorfindel replied. "When we see Elrond he may have more an ideas or a possible location. Yet, you both could go see your cousin. She may have some idea where he is."
"Galadriel?" Asked Fingon.
"That's right," He replied.
"It's certainly an idea," Replied Maedhros just taking a small sip of the tea he had. Yet, Glorfindel clearly heard a bit tension as he replied but chose to ignore it. He would rather not get into any fights between the Lady of Lothlorien and Maedhros. He almost got into one before and it did not end well for any of the perspective parties.
"Would you know of anyone else who may know who we could ask?" Fingon asked. Glorfindel sat back to think deeply. After a few moments of thinking he said, "Well, the two I can think of is going to ask Olorin or perhaps Thranduil."
"Thranduil?" Maedhros asked looking up.
"Right. He's actually related to Thingol." Glorfindel replied.
"Then he may not be the best choice," Maedhros replied.
"Thranduil is a very different elf then Thingol. Mind you he is a bit similar, they both have glared that can melt ice." Glorfindel replied. "Yet, they are two different elves and Thranduil rules over the woodland realm. He knows everything that goes on in that forest. So, if Maglor passed through there I am sure he would know."
"Someone to consider," Fingon said.
"Right but I have a question. How are things in Valinor? I mean with them being forgiven?" Glorfindel asked. Maedhros tensed and looked down at his cup. Glorfindel frowned a it and then said, "sorry. I should not have asked."
"No. It is a fair question," Maedhros replied.
"A bit tense," Fingon said stepping into answer so Maedhros won't have to explain it. "Yet, the ones who are truly upset know better to question a choice from the Valar. So, everyone is accepting the station and knowing they have to work on forgiving."
"That's good to hear," Glorfindel said. "Since none of you deserve that hate."
Maedhros looked up with a raised eyebrow. "Come again?" He asked.
"None of you deserve to be hated. I do understand why all of you did what you did. I am a bit upset about how somethings came out but I came to realize something. If something was meant to happen then it will happen in one way or another." Glorfindel replied calmly.
Maedhros gave him a long look and bowed his head slightly. "Hanta-l, Laurefindil." Maedhros said.
"Of course," Glorfindel replied bowing his head in return. He then turned to Fingon and asked, "How is your sister? I mean if she returned."
"She did and besides cursing a good deal on Morgoth's name and almost shooting the other former lords of Gondolin. She's doing he best she can." Fingon said.
Glorfindel paled a bit and asked "I'm getting shot by an arrow when I get to Valinor. Aren't I?"
"Yeah. Properly," Fingon replied.
"I think I'd rather fight that Balrog again than deal with an angry Aredhel," Glorfindel said.
"Wouldn't anyone?" Fingon pointed out.
Glorfindel turned to Maedhros and asked, "Hey. Can Celegorm talk to Aredhel for me? Possibly ease things up to help?"
"Celegorm can be an idiot for half the time. Yet, when it comes to her being upset he is smart enough to either avoid her or just listen to what she days." Maedhros replied.
Glorfindel sighed and let his head fall to the table. His hair spread out in an ocean of gold. He mumbled something was close to, "Well looks like I may die again." Yet, it was hard to tell.
Glorfindel suddenly picked up his head and looked to an elf who was carrying a few scrolls and walking towards them. Glorfindel picked up a hand and waved to the elf. "Erestor!" He called.
"Glorfindel, I heard we had esteemed guests here in Rivendell." He replied.
"That we do," Glorfindel replied as he stood up. He put an arm around the elf's shoulder and said, "Erestor. I would like you to meet Fingon and Maedhros."
Erestor moved Glorfindel's arm and bowed to the two elves. "It's a true honor to meet such esteemed elves." He said.
Fingon stood up and put his hand out. "The pleasure is ours," Fingon said to him with a smile. Erestor looked suprised at the hand that was held out before him. He straightened up and took Fingon's hand and shook it. Maedhros just gave a brief nod, ever since he left Angband he kept some of a distance between him and someone else he did not know. He kept that even though all physical wounds were gone but mental scars do leave there mark.
Maedhros looked at Glorfindel and asked, "When do you think we can leave for Gondor?"
"Tomorrow, but if you want to meet with Lady Galadriel then we should head there first," Glorfindel replied.
"I think since Elrond is much closer to my brother, going to him first will be wisest," Maedhros said.
"Alright. We can leave tomorrow morning then," he said. He then turned to Erestor and said, "I am taking them to meet with Lord Elrond so I will be gone for a bit of time."
"I am sure I can handle things here without you," he replied.
"Should I be insulted or not?" Glorfindel asked.
"Either one," Erestor replied. He took a small bow of leave and turned around walking away. Fingon looked at Glorfindel and asked, "Still getting into trouble I see."
"At times," Glorfindel replied. "Now come, you two must be tried from a long journey. I can show you to your rooms."
The two friends followed Glorfindel through the halls to two rooms that were a bit more off to the side. Their stuff was already put in the connecting rooms.
"There. If you two need anything do not hesitate to ask." Glorfindel said.
"Right," Maedhros replied as he walked into hisnroom and closed the door. Fingon looked after him and let out a breath. He was worried about him. Maedhros went through so much but pushed everything to the side. As much as he did heal he still had things he refused to speak about. Yet, those things still were heavy and at some point needed to be faced.
"Will he be alright?" Glorfindel asked sounding a bit concerned,
"He will. Eventually," Fingon replied. "Well thank you very much for all you are doing for us and I wish you luck with my sister when you return."
"Thank you. I will be needing that greatly," Glorfindel said as he turned and left. Fingon stood in the hall for a moment and went into his room. He slid off the cloak he still wore and placed it over a chair that was by a desk. He looked around the delicately designed room. Everything carfully made with beauty and care.
He sat down on he bed and looked to the door that was by Maedhros's room. He was trying to decide whether if it was a good idea to talk with him or was it a time to leave him alone. At times it was hard to tell. Yet, he stood up and walked to the door and gave it a knock.
"Enter," Maedhros replied.
Fingon stepped in and saw Maedhros sliding a dagger under the pillow of his bed. Fingon shook his head, "really?" He asked.
"Old habits," He replied.
"Right. Are you alright?" Fingon asked.
"Yes. Why?" He asked.
"Since you have been through a great deal and I want to make sure you are alright." He said.
"The best I could be right now," he replied.
Fingon gave him a nod but waited there. He looked at Maedhros for a long moment before the red haired elf sighed, "it is hard being around elves and being treated this way. I am not used to it."
"What? Respected?" Fingon asked.
Maedhros gave a bit of a nod and Fingon walked to Maedhros. He put an arm around his friend and said, "Take it and maybe try to get used to it. Since when we bring Kano back to Valinor and life returns to I some state of normalcy you might get this treatment in other places there. Since I respect that you need your privacy but I will not have my friend and cousins living under under a rock avoiding everyone and everything. You can leave that job to a lizard.
Maedhros looked down and said, "Alright. I will do my best to deal with it."
"Good," Replied Fingon said.
"Finno? Why do you have to keep checking on me and asking me how I am doing?" Maedhros asked.
"Since I'm your friend and you'll be stuck with me for all eternity." Fingon said as he went back to his room. He heard Maedhros give a long sigh and judging by the next sound he let himself fall on the bed.
Fingon looked outside and saw that it was a bit past sunset. Yet, he wanted to take care of things before he rested for the night. As he worked his mind happen to drift to a talk he had with Nerdanel before he left.
"So, Aunt Nerdanel. What can I do for you?" Asked Fingon as he sat down across from his anut.
"Nelyo told me he asked you to come with him to find Kanafinwe," She said.
"I am, is there a problem with me going?" Fingon asked.
She laughed lightly and said, "Of course not, Finno."
"Oh. Good, since Amras and Amrod where here earlier and they threatened me a bit to keep my eyes on him." He said.
"It is actually a similar request I am not going to threaten you. Just please, while you are there watch over him, please. Please, look after my pia nar. I know when it comes to a fight he is more than capable of taking care of himself but that is not what I mean." She said.
"I understand. You do not have to worry, I'll keep my eyes on him." He said.
"Thank you but maybe while you two are there you can convince him to let go of some things." She said. "I know you helped him greatly when you saved him from the enemy,"
"You know about that?" Fingon asked a bit suprised.
"I do and I thank you for that," she said.
"Of course. It was my honor to help him then and I will be honored to do so now." He said.
She smiled at him and asked, "What did I do to earn such a wonderful nephew,"
Fingon blushed a bit at the comment and was silent. He was not sure how to reply to that. Nerdanel stood up and said, "Hanta-l, Findekano."
"Of course. It is not any problem, please stop by again. Well, when we get back, I mean." He said as he walked her back to the door.
"I will, once again, thank you." She said as she took her cloak and draped it around herself. Fingon waved goodbye as she began walking down the steps. Before she reached the bottle she turned and said, "You will send my regards to your father. Will you?"
"Oh. Of course, I plan to see him before I go." He replied.
"Good. I wish you luck and once again thank you." She said with a slight bow. When she stood stright she said, "I wish you well. Goodbye. Findekano."
"Goodbye," Fingon said bowing his head in respect. She smiled and nodded at that and walked back down the road. Fingon straightened up and briefly wondered how she was still walking with her head held so high. After learning of all the suffering that happened to her sons and her husband. How can she walk with that kind of strength?
Fingon just chuckled and closed the door realizing where the sons of Feanor got their will to continue going form. He walked back to the living room and sat down with a breath, now he had to get back to preparing for this trip.
"Who was that Atar?" A voice asked from behind him.
Fingon turned as he looked over at Gil-galad as his son walked into the room. "Oh. That was my aunt Nerdanel. She wanted to speak to me about my trip, onya." He replied.
"Speaking of, I am sure you will be visiting Elrond when you get there. Please give him this for me will you?" He asked as he handed him a letter.
"I am pretty sure all of Valinor will be giving me letters or messages to pass on to a loved one or someone they know still in Arda." Fingon said with a light chuckle as he took the letter. He smiled and said, "You know I will be glad to Artanaro.
"Thank you, Atar." He replied.
"Of course, now come here. I could use some help from someone who knows the maps of middle-earth." He said gesturing his son over.
Gil-galad smiled and walked over sitting down by his father. "I'd be happy to help." He said. Yet once he sat down he was pulled in a strong side hug.
"Atar!" He explained. "I am not an elfling anymore."
"True but you are my still my elfling." He replied as he ruffled up his hair. Gil-galad gave an unamused glare at his father but he did laugh a bit as Fingon let go with a hurt expression. He leaned against him slightly and started explaining the more recent map of middle-earth or at least the things he knew of.
The memory ended and Fingon found himself smiling. He did miss seeing his son and spending time with him but he knew he would never forgive himself for not helping Maedhros. Gil-galad may also not forgive him if he did not say he will help. Yet, he can at least be thankful he, Ecthelion, and one other elf gave him letters to give to out.
Pia nar - little flame
Atar - Father
Onya - my son/my child
Hanta-l - Thank you
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