Chapter Seven
"Uh. What should we call you?" Elrohir asked looking at Maedhros.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"Well we could call you Great-uncle or would you prefer us to call you something else," Elladan said.
"Just call me Meadhros or Nelyo," Meadhros replied.
"Alright," Both twins said and went back to their dinner. Right after Elrond finished showing Meadhros where he believed Maglor to be they all went to dinner. So far dinner was pleasant with a few questions.
"Hey. What did happen on that hunting trip you were speaking about?" Elladan asked. Elrond looked up and at Meadhros who smirked a bit and said, "I do not think your father will want you two to hear that story."
"What did he do?" Glorfindel asked.
"Not you too," Elrond said looking at his friend. Glorfindel just smirked and said, "I am sorry but yes. I would like to hear this story."
"Well, if Meadhros dose says this I think it will only be fair if I say over the story about when you tried archery for the first time," Fingon said.
Glorfindel quickly turned to him in a look of shock and a bit of horror. He then looked quickly at Maedhros and said, "You know there are a lot of other things we can talk about. Like....the weather? Trees?"
"Why? What happened when you first tried archery?" Asked the twins looking at the golden-haired elf.
"Nothing happened," Glorfindel answered a bit too quickly. "I fired the arrow and hit the target."
"I do not remember that happening," Fingon said with a smirk.
"Oh. Be quiet you," He said. Fingon just smirked a bit more and took a sip of his drink. Maedhros just kept his head down and focused on eating. Elrond was just holding his head and Arwen was watching a bit amusedly. Aragorn just was doing what Maedhros was, just eat and ignore the others.
"Okay. Now I really want to know what happened," Elladan said.
"With both stories," his twin said. Elrond and Glorfindel shared a look and both of them sighed knowing those two will find out at some point.
"Very well," Elrond said. "Just tell it,"
"You sure?" Maedhros asked. Elrond nodded and the other elf put down his fork and began the story.
"Stop worrying. Those two will be fine," Maedhros said as he rode beside Maglor who was looking behind him.
"What?" Maglor asked looking up clearly not hearing his older brother.
Maedhros groaned and said, "Elros and Elrond. Stop looking behind up, they will be fine. Honestly, you are worrying as much Mamil did."
Maglor glared at his older brother and said, "Well I am sorry if I am worried about them. They are my boys and I do not think it is a good idea to leave them like this."
"If you are concerned that much you can go back," He replied. "I am going to continue on."
"You do not have to be so rude," Maglor replied. "Just because I am worried about them dose mean I am going to rush back. I trust our guards will keep a close eye on them,"
"Right. So let's just focus on continuing on, we can stop by nightfall there should a good spot up ahead somewhere." Maedhros replied.
So, the two brothers rode on and finally found a place to stop for the night. Maglor got a fire going and settled back. Maedhros sat there sharpening a knife struggling just a bit to keep the rock still.
"Do you need any help, Mae?" Maglor asked looking at his brother. Maedhros looked up and said, "No. I am fine,"
Maglor nodded and laid back closing his eyes. Yet, he sat up as he heard loud scream and then rustling. Maedhros dropped the dagger and drew his sword out and stood up. Maglor had a hand on his dagger as he jumped to his feet as well. Both brothers stood still as they watched the bushes rustle but two small figures darted out and tackled Maglor to the ground.
"MOSTER!" They yelled.
"ELROS! ELROND!" Maglor exclaimed as he sat up causing both twins to fall off. "What in Arda are you doing here?!"
"We followed you," Elros said.
"We were bored at the house," Elrond added. Maedhros groaned and looked at the two elves and folded his arms. Maglor just stared at the twins unsure how to even react, he just sat there staring.
"But as we were following you-" Elros started.
"-A huge monster began to chase us!" Elrond finished. Maedhros held back his eye roll as he walked over to the bushes.
"It had glowing eyes!" Elros added waving his arms wildly.
"Maglor keep those two intruders. I'll see about this so-called monster," Maedhros sighed as he walked into the bushes.
"You have to stop him!" Elrond said looking at Maglor. "The monster will eat him!"
"Your uncle will be fine," Maglor said. "Now. What am I going to do with you two? I told you to stay and what would have happened if you two got lost or hurt while following us. I am disappointed in both of you, you should know better than this. Furthermore, I want you two to be safe and out of harm's way and by coming here you did just that."
"We are sorry Atar," Elrond said looking at the ground. "We did not mean to make you angry."
"Elrond we aren't sorry! They left us!" Elros stated angrily. "We want to be like you and Uncle Nelyo! How can we do if you leave us all alone?!"
"Oh. Elros," Maglor said. "Believe me you do not want to be like us,"
"Why? You two are strong and brave! Maedhros is the best sword fighter in all of Arda and you are so fast and kind! You both keep us safe, why can't we want to be like you two?" Elros asked staring up at Maglor. The older elf just hugged Elros tightly.
He then let go and put a hand on Elros's head. "Okay. You can be strong and brave like us." He said.
"Good," Elros said nodding. He looked at Elrond and said, "Hear that we can be strong and brave like them!"
Elrond just nodded and looked up at Maglor and said, "Are you still mad at us? I don't want you to be angry."
Maglor sighed and said, "No. I am not mad, a bit disappointed but we will talk about this when we get back."
The bushes began to rustle again and Elrond and Elros gripped onto Maglor very tightly. Maglor did his best to move but he found with both elves grabbing onto him he found he couldn't. He just looked at the bushes as they moved to the side and Maedhros stepped out. He wore a half-amused and half annoyed expression, "Well. I found their monster."
"Did you kill it?" The twins asked. Maedhros then just held up a small black cat that had bright green eyes. It gave an angry meow and swiped at Maedhros who just put the cat down and rubbed his arm. The cat gave a tiny hiss and ran off. The twins looked down both clearly embarrassed both about being frighted about the cat and now following them.
"Now. What are we going to do about them?" Maedhros asked looking down at the two boys.
"I guess we have to bring them back and go on this hunting trip later," Maglor sighed looking at the boys. The twos looked down and then up at the two elves.
"We are sorry about being scared of the kitty cat," Elrond said.
"In the dark and in the middle of the woods it looked like a huge hungry monster," Elros added.
Maedhros just shook his head and said, "Forget it, we are bringing you two back tomorrow morning."
He sat back down by the fire and Elros and Elrond sat on either side of Maglor. "You two are not mad at us?" Asked Elrond looking up.
"No. We aren't." Maglor said again. "We just are worried and disappointed. You two could have been hurt."
"By the cat?" Asked Elros.
"No. Not by the cat," Maglor said. "There are other things out there that can be dangerous."
"Like what?" Elros asked.
"Well...Nelyo? Help?" Maglor asked looking at his brother who shook his head.
"You got yourself into this. I am not saying anything," Maedhros replied holding up his hand. Maglor then looked down at the boys who looked at him waiting for him to say what was dangerous out there. He sighed and said, "The cat."
Maedhros finished the story and both twins were practically off their seats giggling. "You were frightened by a tiny kitty cat?" Elladan asked between fits of giggles.
Elrond just replied with a silent nod and Elladan went back to giggling. Arwen was smiling lightly and leaned over to her father and said, "I think it was very brave."
Elrond looked to his daughter and then just said, "Can we discuss something else now?" Throwing a slight glare at Glorfindel who was laughing lightly.
"Alright," The twins said and looked at Fingon who wasn't really reacting to the story. "So what happened when Glorfindel first learned archery."
"No!" Glorfindel said.
"I had my story told. It is only fair," Elrond replied.
"Fine but for future reference, it was not my fault." He stated as Fingon just laughed. He looked at the twins and held up his fork and began this story.
"Come on! You have to let me try!" Said Aredhel reaching up trying to grab Celegorm's bow. The fair-haired just held it high.
"No way! This is mine! Lord Orome gave me this!" He said dodging his cousin. Irisse just glared at him and stuck out her tongue at him. "You are a big meanie!" She said crossing her arms.
"Irisse," Fingon called to his sister as he was nearby reading a few letters, he stood up and walked over. "I do have a practice bow in the house if you really want to try it out." He said.
"Really!?" She asked jumping up and down.
"Yes. But you must be careful." He said.
"Can we use it too?" Glorfindel asked looking up at Fingon. The older elf smiled and said, "As long as all of you are careful and aim away from the house then yes."
"Yay!" He cheered with his friend Ecthelion who always seemed to be by his side. Fingon just nodded with a smile as he walked back to the tree and sat down to continue reading. He kept a slight eye on them so no one will get hurt.
Aredhel ran inside the house and ten minutes later came running out with the small training bow and a bunch of small arrows. She ran to Celegorm and said, "Okay now I have my own bow can you show me how to use it, Turcafinwe?"
Celegorm smiled and nodded. He loved showing off to his cousin and her two friends. He got his bow ready and notched an arrow. "You do this. Aim and release the arrow." He said and fired the arrow, sending it into the center of a tree.
"WOW!" Aredhel gasped with Glorfindel and Ecthelion.
"My turn!" Aredhel said proudly and did what Celegorm did. Yet, when she released the arrow it did not have enough strength when she pulled the arrow back and it dropped to the ground a few paces away.
Celegorm chuckled and patted her head, "It takes practice." He said with a smirk. She glared at him and stepped on his foot.
"Ow! What did I say?" He asked as he rubbed his toe.
"My turn!" Glorfindel raising his arm into the air.
"No. I am not done yet," She replied and grabbed the fallen arrow and fired it again. It missed once more. She huffed in disappointment and stomped over and grabbed the arrow. She marched over to Celegorm and said, "Show me again!"
"Okay. You notched the arrow-like this and keep your elbow leveled. You pull the string back with some strength and aim. Then you let the string slide out of your fingers." he said going through the motions of it. The arrow flew through the air and hit the tree again.
The next few minutes Aredhel tried again and again and eventally she hit the side of the tree. She jumped with joy and hugged Celegorm. "I got it! I got it! I got it!" She said. She turned to Fingon and called, "FINNO! LOOK! I DID IT!"
Fingon looked up and gave a thumbs up. "Great job Irisse." He called to her.
"My turn now," Glorfindel said pouting.
"Okay, here you go," She said passing the bow to him. Glorfindel took the bow and notched the arrow.
"You may want to tie your hair back," Celegorm said. "It could get in the way when you are first leaning."
"No. I am fine," Glorfindel said as he did what Celegorm showed him. Yet, two things happened when the little elf fired the arrow. Firstly, he pulled it back with more strength then he realized and when it went flying forward it got some hair caught on it and ripped a bit out causing the elf to cry out in shock. The next was the wind came and blew the arrow off course sending into an open window. A sudden shout and thud was heard and all the four elves froze; as they looked back at the house. They then went running off as fast as they could as the door opened and Fingolfin stepped out covered in light green paint.
This time everyone on the table was laughing a bit, except Glorfindel who was rubbing a part of his head. Presumably where he got some hair pulled out.
"Did your father catch them?" Asked Elladan.
"No. He didn't," He said.
"So that's why they showed up at my home that day," Maedhros said suddenly recalling the day the four elves came shooting into the house and vanishing into Celegorm's room. As well as Fingolfin coming later who still had some green paint in his hair to pick up his daughter and the other two elves.
"Now we are done with stories from the past let's speak about something else," Glorfindel said.
"Perhaps, you should think about a hair cut," Elhoir suggested. Glorfindel glared at the elf but turned away from him. Yet, they stopped and looked up as the door was pushed open and a small boy came in. He walked in dragging a blanket and went over to Arwen.
"Eldarion?" She asked. "What are you doing up so late?"
She picked up the small boy and put him in her lap. He gave a small yawn and said, "I couldn't sleep."
He then looked at Maedhros and said, "You're the elf my grandpa tackled!"
Maedhros chuckled and said, "I am."
"Eldarion. This is my uncle." Elrond said gently to the boy.
"Really?" The boy asked and Elrond nodded.
Eldarion looked back at Maedhros with a quizzical expression after a few moments he said, "You are really big!"
"Eldar," Arwen said. "That was mean." She softly scolded him.
"Oh. Sorry," He said looking at Maedhros who just shook his head and said, "It is fine."
"Come on Eldarion, I will put you back to bed," Elrond said with a smile.
"Okay!" The small boy said and let his mother pass him to the elf. Elrond smiled as he held his grandson and carried him out of the room. Yet, once he left the twins turned to Maedhros and asked, "What else did our father do when he was younger?"
"Dear Valar...are all twins the same?" he asked looking at the two shaking his head.
"Most likely," They asnwered togeather and Maedhros just shook his head.
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