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Brigandine Knight Guide

Brigandine: The Legend of Forsena Character FAQPSXby Gourry and Evil R.12/30/04Version 1.20My E-mail: [email protected] R's e-mail: [email protected]============Introduction============Brigandine is a strategy RPG made by Atlus. It is somewhat similar to ShiningForce, except it uses hexagons, or hexes, instead of squares for unitmovement. This allows units to be surrounded by six sides rather than four,which makes for a slightly more interesting experience than the four sidesquare system.Brigandine features six playable countries that are attempting to reunite thecontinent of Forsena. Each country has its own unique qualities and Knights.Knights are generals who are able to use Rune power to control monsters. EachKnight has a varying amount of Rune Power, and each monster has a differentRune power value. For success in the game, a player has to learn tomicromanage Knights and monsters in order to make the most efficient use ofRune Power possible. Don't let the word 'micromanagement' frighten you, sinceany real micromanagement you do is minimal, and maximizing efficiency is nottotally necessary for success in the game.There are two phases in the game, the Organize phase and the Attack phase.Obviously, one can only attack during the attack phase. 3 Knights can attacka castle at a time. More than three can come to the assault, but only threewill actually be attacking. Knights that don't participate in the siege canbe used to fortify a castle the next turn. Despite the system's simplicity,Brigandine can get rather addicting.The storyline for Brigandine is simple. Zemeckis, influenced by the DeathKnight, Cador, betrays and kills the king of Almekia. The Prince of Almekia,Lance, flees to Padstow for help. Prince Lance gains Padstow's armies, and hevows to take back what is rightfully his. Each country has its own agendas,which all amount to unifying (or in some cases, taking over) the continent.The purpose of this FAQ is to inform readers on who's useful and who isn't.The first few versions had just potential power (I evaluated most peoplebased on level 30 stats). However, since leveling everyone to level 30 isoften impractical (who the hell is going to level Langueborg to level 30?), Imade some changes that acknowledged potential power, but mainly focused onhow well they'd do in the course of your conquests. Rune Power remains themost important aspect when it comes to rating knights, but this rewards somecharacters with high starting levels (who generally have poor stats incomparison to others at level 30 and thus may have received lower rankings)as well.The new "Is s/he worth using" part of the Knights section is generally meantto rate a Knight's performance in the context of the normal game, because itdidn't make sense for a character with little in game use (Rain, for example)to rank higher than decent Knights who may not end up that great on level 30.Gauging level 30 Knights aren't the best way to measure a Knight's worth,since many Knights are only available for a short amount of time. The gradeswere also removed because they were mostly arbitrary (as grades often are).Instead, the justifications for rating the Knight's use were fleshed out andgiven more detail.I added in Evil R's stats to reduce randomization. Also, his stats includesetups for dual classing, if that's your bag (and it probably should be).=================Table of Contents=================A. Copyright InfoB. Tips/StrategiesC. MonstersD. ClassesE. SpellsF. Game Mechanics [mech_guide]G. Countries1. Brief country overview2. In-depth country and Rune Knight overviewa. New Almekia [teh_salamander]b. Caerleon [teh_dorky]c. Leonia [teh_religious]d. Iscalio [teh_crazy]e. Norgard [teh_suck]f. Esgares [teh_evil]g. Quest Knights [teh_optional]H. Evil R's Knight Analysisa. New Almekia [Evil_NA]b. Caerleon [Evil_Caer]c. Leonia [Evil_Leon]d. Iscalio [Evil_Isca]e. Norgard [Evil_Norg]f. Quest Knights [Evil_Quest]I. Top Ten Knight StatsJ. Brigandine: Grand EditionK. Stuff I still needL. Feedback/FillerM. Version HistoryN. CreditsI made keywords to make it easier to jump specific sections. Use CTRL + F andsearch for the bracketed word.=================A. Copyright Info=================Copyright 2003 by Kao Chua. Do not reproduce this FAQ without my consent. Youmay not copy this into any other FAQ without my permission. You may use myFAQ on your website if you e-mail me first, but only if you do not alter itin any way.==================B. Tips/Strategies==================If you are a beginner, start with Lance or Cai. Lance (New Almekia) requiressome pampering, but most of his Knights are useful and he comes with aSalamander, an insanely powerful level 20 monster that is stronger than mostKnights. He also has an alliance with Caerleon, which seals off his southernborder. Cai (Caerleon) only has a single castle to defend from the beginningof the game, and he has several magic Knights that are valuable for theirability to rain magical death on your enemies. Do not try Lyonesse or Drystuntil you've gotten a good feel of the game. Leonia is in a comfortablestrategic situation, but its Knights and starting monsters are unimpressive.Dryst has decent monsters and competent Knights, but he doesn't have enoughKnights to protect his borders and make strong assaults at the same time.Vaynard's difficulty is intermediate, because he's in a terrible strategicsituation. What makes him manageable is that all of his Knights arerelatively powerful. Controlling Zemeckis can be rather difficult, since hiscountry is surrounded by all of the other countries and he starts out with 5cities to defend. Take note that it's not necessarily the battles that make acountry "easy" or "hard." Each country will eventually be on the same levelof power, except Esgares, which has a few Knights that are extremely powerfulat the beginning of the game, and Leonia, which has no good units at thebeginning of the game. The real differences show up in how well you can dealwith initial assaults. After you conquer your first country, you're prettymuch set for the rest of the game.When the leader in your country is injured (in other words, HP = 0), all ofyour Knights and monsters will retreat for that battle, so keep him/her welldefended. Conversely, if an enemy ruler is defeated, their Knights andmonsters will all run away. If you find yourself losing a battle (like if theenemy has too many monsters for you to deal with), try to attack andeliminate the ruler of that country. Lance and Lyonesse are easy targets,while Dryst, Vaynard, and Zemeckis are relatively difficult to take down. Caiis pretty easy to defeat, but he usually tears you a few holes in you duringthe process (if you have the initiative, a round of decent physical attackshould off him). The AI can be stupidly aggressive with him and bring him tothe front in order to get better position for magic, which makes him fairlyeasy to take out. The best ways to kill leaders are ranged attacks fromCentaurs and concentrated magic attacks, because leaders rarely leavethemselves undefended. This isn't always true, since Vaynard can be a moronand rush your army of dragons, so consider yourself lucky in thesesituations. Of course, you should probably use leader sniping as a lastresort tactic, because it is often much more profitable to destroy theenemy's monsters and Knights for additional experience than to simply poundon one Knight to end a battle.Don't put all your powerful generals together at first. It's best to havebalance in the game. For example, try not to have Gereint, Meleagant, andHalley in the same fighting party. By doing so, you leave your kingdomwith very few good defenders. It is best to have a few (maybe 2 or 3) prettystrong groups, than one godly trio and two weak ones. When you're puttinggroups together, keep Rune Power and monster costs in mind. You don't want abunch of guys who can only carry one or two monsters. Remember thatno matter how strong a Knight may become, monsters will always be the bulk ofyour army. In assessing whether a character is useful or not, I placed morevalue in Rune stats than unit stats, because a level 1 unit with 200 RunePower is almost always more valuable than a level 20 unit with ~150. Ingeneral, more monsters means a higher chance of victory (to a point, becauseyou can still pack your units with six Ghouls. But then you're dumb).Several Knights under level 5 eventually become worth using. I call thesecharacters "project Knights." Usually, they start out with low Rune Power,but have high growth and lots of levels to exploit that growth. Also, theyusually end up becoming decent units. Lance is the poster-child of projectKnights, starting out as a mediocre unit but ending up as a nigh unstoppablekilling machine with some leveling. Other project Knights won't end up quiteas good, but they follow the same mold. In the country sections, I'll try topoint out good project Knights.Knights don't die in this game, though I sometimes wish they did. They aregiven the Wounded status if their HP goes down to 0 in battle. After thebattle, they are sent to the country's capital (or the closest thing to it)and cannot perform any actions for a month. After that month, the Knight mustbe moved to another castle to do anything. This is a giant pain in the assbecause it often means that it takes two months for that Knight toparticipate in the offense again, so try to avoid losing generals in battle.Quests can also give Knights the wounded status. There are some situationswhere a general may be wounded for more than a month (like being turned intoa duck). Occasionally, Knights can be injured during the storyline. There isa trigger to "unwound" them in these cases, and it usually fixes itself giventime.Underestimating opponents was the cause of many of my losses in Brigandineearly on. Don't be too aggressive in your invasions. Look at other castlesduring the attack screen and try to assess their strength before rushing in.Eventually, your judgment will improve, and you will be able to tell if yourforce is strong enough to take a given castle. If you think it's dead even,save, then charge in. You may end up taking a casualty that may not have beenworthwhile.The stars on the status screen of your Knights show how many levels he/shehas gained in that class. When you level up in a class, you get a star (theprocess for getting stars in the Ninja class is unknown at this time). Whenyou get 5 stars/levels in a class, the screen says EXPERT where there wouldhave been stars. After you reach EXPERT, you can change into another classwith your EXPERT class's abilities.Example: Camden reaches EXPERT in Druid. He can change his class to somethingelse (his basic stats, like HP, MP, STR, INT, AGI, and Rune Power stay thesame), like a priest. In this new class, he still retains his old Druidabilities.This makes things like spell-casting fighters possible. Dual classing canmake for some very powerful Knights. However, important stats are oftendiluted in this process. Try not to give primarily physical characters magicclasses. They miss out on much needed HP, STR, and AGI. It might be okay togive a Priest or Bishop a fighting class for improved durability, but theyare usually lacking in INT afterwards. For the best results with dual-classing, it seems best to combine the Champion class with one of the otherprimary male paths (Cavalier/Paladin, Samurai/Shogun, Berserker/Avenger).Champion growth has a very positive impact on HP, STR, and AGI, which arevital stats for fighter classes. Magic users generally do well when switchingbetween the healing and offensive mage classes. This creates a relativelyversatile unit that can dish out damage or heal depending on the situation.Your mileage may vary, but these combinations have nearly always worked outfor me.After 12 turns of fighting, the battle ends and the attacking countryretreats, no matter what the situation is like. If you are defendingagainst someone you cannot beat, then have your Knights move to differentparts of the map. If you just sit around different corners of the map, thecomputer won't be able to take all of you down if you're too far away. If youcan keep this up for 12 turns (which isn't that hard), the enemy is forced toretreat. It's cheesy, but you might have to use it if you're desperate. Youmight even be able to wound one of their Knights in the process.Here's a boring story that illustrates this point: Once, I had Teath defendagainst an Esgares assault with a Roc, a Dragon, and a few Centaurs. Mira wasclosing in on him (she was leaving herself exposed by not placing monstersahead of her). So I says to myself, "what the hell, I'll attack her." I movedin with the Centaurs first, then the Dragon, then Teath. Teath managed tokill her, and Esgares ran away. The sit-around-and-wait-out-the-enemy-for-twelve-turns strategy is often tedious and unexciting. If you're seriouslyout powered and can't outmaneuver your enemy, go for Knights or powerfulmonsters. In another one of my battles, I had Soleil grouped with a bunch ofCentaurs and a Dragon. They were fighting Dryst, Iria, and Bagdemagus. I usedall of my Centaurs and a couple Divine Rays to chop down Dryst's Bahamut, andhe ran out of real fighting power. I ended up running, but I killed offIscalio's most powerful monster. "Lost" battles may end up being profitableif you can take something down with you.When you undergo a pincer attack (when you're attacked from 2 or moredirections), try to focus your strength on Knights that come alone. Unlessit's Zemeckis, three of your Knights should be able to overpower one of theenemy's. The AI usually runs if one of its Knights is injured, so this tacticis good if you're outgunned.Elements are pretty important in this game. Blue opposes Red, White opposesBlack, and Green doesn't oppose anything except itself (to my knowledge). Thedamage you take (and give) is increased by a percentage for the number ofopposite elements you have. For example, if a Giant (1 Red) attacks a LizardMan (1 Blue), the Lizard Man will take 25% more than usual. Conversely, ifthe Lizard Man attacks the Giant, it will take 25% more. For two spheres,damage is increased by 33%. For three, damage is increased by ~42% or so.This isn't exact, but these were values I noticed during the game. They'renot exact values, but they should be around that area. If Dryst (1 Black, 1Red) hits a White Dragon (1 White, 1 Red), the two reds will cancel out theweakness created by the Black and White, and Dryst's attack will yield normaldamage. For more precise information on this, check the mechanics section ofthis FAQ.Defend your borders! There's nothing more annoying than having to chase aninvader across your own territory. You have to move your attacking Knights toretake the land that was yours. It's a real pain in the ass. Leave at leastthree Knights with enough monsters at vital areas. Note that the AI doesn'talways take empty castles, but don't count on this.Most of the Rangers/Grapplers are worth working with. Shast, Gallo, Dillard,Batercus, and Hyude are some of the best Knights if you build them up.Champions have good movement and high critical hit rates. Team this up withan attack rating of 270+, a good glove, and 750+ HP at higher levels, and youhave an excellent Knight. The same is true for females in the Archer class.They can become an Artemis, which are excellent ranged units who can shootfrom 4 hexes away (they're also nigh unhittable because of high AGI). A 4range hex attack is incredibly useful to have around (that's more than someKnights' Rune Area).Winning a battle nets your surviving Knights and monsters 200 EXP. This isvery valuable for weak Knights and monsters. If you know you're in for aneasy fight, take someone weak (it's easy to tell when the AI is going to run.They'll wait for a little while in the harder modes, but they still run afterturn 1). They could use the experience more than some of your bettergenerals.Remember that more you can bring more than three people to attack a castle atthe same time. However, only three may actually enter the battle. Once youhave won, all of the Knights sent on the attack will be stationed at thecastle you sent them. This saves you the trouble of moving them the nextturn, and they can take part in future assaults from that castle.Place high HP and DEF units in the front and low HP and DEF units towards theback. This may seem incredibly obvious, but sometimes it is very tempting toput a mage in the front where they can wreak the most havoc. When you find agood place to cast a mass-destruction spell, put them behind stronger unitslike Dragons. In general, G-Scorps are useful meat-shields as well, thoughthey are obviously nothing close to dragons or hydras. Building a solid lineof defense is probably the best tactic available in Brigandine, and even atits best, the AI just can't do much to a decent line of tanks.When you destroy a country by taking all of its cities, you will receive someof its Knights. This may seem like an awesome deal, but your enemies getKnights as well. It also seems that they often get stronger Knights. It maybe more profitable for someone else to destroy another country so you get thebetter Knights. For example, if you destroy Iscalio, you get Daffy andVictoria, who are mediocre compared to Bagdemagus. I've heard that you have achance of getting Bagdemagus if you let someone else kill Iscalio off, but Ihave not confirmed this. The last time I played, an enemy destroyed Leonia,and I didn't get any of their Knights, so you don't always get Knights whensomeone else destroys a country. I've seen Bagdemagus, Batercus, Adilicia,Castor, MelTorefas, Faticia, Zerafin, Isfas, Charlene, Cierra, and Shastafter their respective countries were destroyed.Anyhow, here's a semi-complete list of transferred Knights. I still haven'tcompletely figured out how the Knight dispersion method works yet, but I willadd information as I find it.If you beat: You get:New Almekia: Carlota, LoufalCaerleon: Janfadar, BilcockIscalio: Daffy, VictoriaEsgares: Ivan, FielLeonia: Langueborg, ChantailNorgard: Dillard, KirkmondAlso, when acquiring certain Knights through questing, enemy countries alsoget some Knights sometimes. If you get Shiraha, the enemy gets Kazan. If youget Layoneil, the enemy gets Helrato. There are a few circumstances thatrequire something special (such as Liguel joining Iscalio when meetingMiguel). Enemy countries do quest occasionally, because weaker countries canget Aldis.When it comes to choosing a low-level Rune Knight with high Rune Power (likeDogal or Soleil), or a level 15+ Knight with 150+ Rune Power (like Layoneil),I would recommend taking the low level Knight. The additional monsters thelower leveled Knight could hold are always more valuable than anything asingle Knight could provide.Try to take out as many monsters as you can before you go for Knights. Thisinjures that country's Mana reserves, as it has to make up for killedmonsters by making new ones. It is fully possible to wage a war of attritionand win, even without taking all of a country's castles. Just keep killingtheir expensive monsters (Dragons and Angels especially). As a country losesits castles, it loses its ability to create and maintain new monsters, soeventually a country will only be able to make crappy fodder like Ghouls andG-Scorpions.Given the choice, I would rather kill New Almekia's level 20 Salamander thanLance in a given battle. Promoted monsters are not easily replaced, whileleaders just need a period of one month to become active again. However, ifyour army can't afford to waste time killing monsters, target the leadersinstead. When you kill a leader, there is a good chance that one of hismonsters will be left behind. If the castle a retreating Knight is in issurrounded or blocked off from that country's other castles, then retreatingleaders will have to initiate a Force Retreat. Force Retreats increase thechance of abandoned monsters by quite a bit. For the best results withmonster stealing, use Charm on the monster and kill it. Monsters that areoutside a Knight's Rune Area when a Knight force retreats or gets injuredhave a higher probability of being left behind, so Dimension is a handytactic there.Units have unlimited counterattacks in Brigandine, except against rangedattacks and magic. Make sure you can take a counterattack before you make anattack. You can calculate the amount of damage you do by subtracting theirdefense from your attack. For example, if a Golem (ATK 250) attacks anotherGolem (DEF 120), then that attack will do 130 (give or take a few points), or250 minus 120. With this knowledge and constant use of the status screen, youshould be able to play much more intelligently, especially when figuring outif your group of monsters can destroy a certain unit.Monsters are much weaker when they are outside their leader's Rune Area (theblue field that appears whenever you select your leader or his/her monsters).This is why leaders with a Rune Area of 3 are less useful. Their monstersmust stay within 3 hexes of the leader to remain effective. The wider rangeof movement for Knights with higher Rune Area allows for more diversestrategies. This does not necessarily mean that you should keep monstersinside the Rune Area at all times, however. There are some instances whereyou may need to take a monster outside of this area in order to get an extraattack in. Still, keep the monster's lowered statistics into account in yourplanning. Masterless monsters that are left behind by wounded Knights alsosuffer from lowered stats.Hitting monsters will give you around 50-100 EXP, but hitting Knights willalmost always give you 100+ EXP if you hit hard enough. Killing a monsterwill net you anywhere between 200-1200 EXP. Killing a Knight will give you600-1600+ EXP. To maximize experience gain, kill as many monsters aspossible, then go for the Knights. Defeating (or even hitting) countryleaders gives a lot of experience as well. The experience system inBrigandine is merit based, in a sense. The experience you get from a physicalhit or a spell is proportional to the amount of damage that it does. Supportspells give experience values equal to the spell's MP cost. Monsters with theHalo status always hit, and they also receive a 50% boost in experience,making the Halo spell a very useful leveling tool.There are a lot of Knights that you will end up not using in this game. Forexample, Langueborg and Brusom are absolutely atrocious Knights. They reallyend up hindering your progress in battle, so they would probably end uphelping you more if you sent them off to quest. When Knights quest, they willbe gone for 1-3 months. They can get upgraded stats, new items, weapons,monsters, and they can even recruit other Rune Knights. The drawback is thatthey could also get wounded in the process. Some Knights have special quests,like Loufal, Lucia, Hyude, and Mira and Millet.Centaurs are a valuable part of any army. They might not be very strong, buttheir ranged attack makes for reliable damage (high AGI means that theyrarely miss) with no retaliation. Also, they are relatively cheap (just 35Rune, so even stiffs like Langueborg can fit a couple). High Centaurs canshoot from 3 hexes away, which is insanely useful. If you have a Scout,Archer, or Artemis, team them up with lots of Centaurs. This is probably themost powerful support attack group I can think of, since they can kill ormortally wound a unit every round. Another thing that makes them so useful isthe fact that it is so easy to crowd around a single enemy. There are onlysix hexes around any single unit, and having all six open is rare,considering the enemy's allies and your own monsters. Their ranged attackgives a whole new row of offensive potential, and the increased range of theHigh Centaur makes for three potential rows of offense (one for frontlinemonsters, and the next two for Centaurs). Though the damage they do is neverstellar, repeated snipes will wear down almost any opposition you face. Ithink Centaurs are the most effective creatures in the game for this reason.This goes back to the point above, but if you find yourself in a situationwith sucky Knights, and you are forced to defend a castle, the best possiblelast minute army is a group the purely consists of centaurs. Even the worstRune Knight should fit at least 3 in their army. They're cost effective, andthey're probably the best units you can muster up for quick defenses. Somewould argue for dragons, but there's more than a 2/1 split between Dragonsand Centaurs in terms of Rune Cost. Centaurs are arguably better in thesesituations (they can snipe invading Knights, while Dragons have to fightthrough frontline monsters first). In these situations, it's almostinevitable that you'll take casualties, but this works out fine becauseCentaurs aren't hard to replace at all.Turn order is determined based on level. The Knight with the highest levelwill act first, and the rest of the characters follow this order. In case ofa tie, the person who goes first is random. Adjust your strategiesaccordingly. If you think you'll need healing late in a turn, put yourhealing monsters on a low-leveled character. This takes a little planning,but you should pretty much know which of your groups is going to take abeating. Also, keep in mind that lower leveled Knights will probably end upbehind higher level Knights and their monsters in full-frontal assaults,meaning that they might be trapped behind other units, unable to contributeto the battle.Every STR point is 2 ATK points. Every 3 AGI points yields 1 defense point.AGI also determines hit and evade rates. INT affects damage you take frommagic, and how effective healing and offensive spells are. It also effectshow often status spells like Charm, Stone, Paralyze, etc. work.Try not to make the first move in battles. If your enemy charges your armyfirst, then destroying them becomes very easy. Conversely, if you attackfirst, then the enemy has the advantage. Make sure you form a strongdefensive line that is difficult to penetrate. Strong frontline units likeDragons or Rocs should be in front of weaker units like Fairies, Centaurs,Unicorns, etc. Alternatively, you can make a defensive line using G-Scorpionsor Ghouls as fodder and then move in for the kill. Both are pretty goodstrategies, but buying new cannon fodder gets expensive.This game has a time limit. It's 60 years for Easy, 30 for Normal, and 15 forHard. I really don't know how someone could drag the game out for 60 years,though. This is more than reasonable at any difficulty level, since yourconquest should take you five to seven years at the most.===========C. Monsters===========Monsters are the most valuable part of any army. Even a level 30 Knight couldnot hold long against the onslaught of several monsters. Each Knight has astat called Rune Power, which determines how many monsters they can hold.Each monster has an amount of Rune Value, which is how much they cost. Youwill find probably that the most useful Knights are often ones with high Runepower. Most monsters can be upgraded at level 10, and others can be upgradedfurther at level 20. Some others require special promotion items to promote,but these upgrades aren't necessary.The monster's stats are in this format:Monster NameElemental Affinities (if any)Summoning Cost (only for level 1 monsters)HP:MP:RuneCost:Upkeep:STR:INT:AGI:ATK:DEF:MOV:Base ATK:Base DEF:Comments:Rankings:All summoned monsters start out on level one. All statistics except RuneCostand Upkeep are random. The numbers here are just approximations on the summonscreen. A Ghoul you summon may have a higher STR rating, but the number Ilist is merely an average.=======================Monster Promotion Trees=======================The numbers in parentheses are the levels required before a unit is eligiblefor the upgrade. Promotions always occur once at level 10, and some classeshave promotions beyond level 10. A few units (Thor, Loki, Lucifer, Lilith)require a special item to achieve the next promotion. More information aboutthat is listed in the monster section. Now I will subject you to my wonderfulpromotion trees. Don't cry too much. -> Dao (10) -> Marid (10)Jinn -> Djinni (10) -> Efreeti (10)Clay Golem --> Stone Golem (10) --> Bronze Golem (20) --> Talos (30)Roc --> Phoenix (10)Wyvern --> Couatl (10) --> Bahamut (20)Merman --> Triton (10) --> Poseidon (20)Lizard Man --> Lizard Guard (10)Hydra --> Tiamat (10)G-Scorpion --> Death Needle (10) -> Gigas (10) --> Thor (Promotion Item)Giant -- -> Titan (10) --> Loki (Promotion Item) --> Red Dragon (10) --> Salamander (20)Dragon --> White Dragon (10) --> Fafnir (20)Pixie --> Fairy (10)Mandrake --> Man-Eater (10)Centaur -> High Centaur (10) --> Pegasus (10)Unicorn --> Nightmare (10)Gryphon --> HolyGriff (10)Angel --> ArchAngel (10) > Seraph (20) --> Lucifer (Promotion Item)Ghoul --> Vampire (10) --> Vampire Lord (20)Hellhound --> Fenrir (10)Demon --> ArchDemon (10) --> Satan (20) > Lilith (Promotion Item)=========================Monster Data and Rankings=========================Jinn.120 ManaHP: 310MP: 100RuneCost: 30Upkeep: 12STR: 45INT: 60AGI: 65ATK: 205DEF: 101Base ATK: 115Base DEF: 80A level 10 Jinn is required before the promotion to Dao, Marid, Djinni, orEfreeti.Stat Growth:HP: 4-8MP: 4-6STR: 0-1INT: 0-2AGI: 1-2Comments: Jinns are pretty solid units. They don't get to counterattack, butthey get Air Storm, which hits two hexes in a straight line. Nothing cancounterattack Air Storm. With the Power spell, Jinns dominate, because Powerincreases ATK by 1.5x, and this directly affects the damage that Jinn breathsdo (against 100 DEF, their damage spikes from an unboosted 105 to 208, withPower). They're very cheap units, and they can be tacked on most groupswithout being much of a burden on Rune Power. They're useful to upgrade aswell, because you get to choose which element you want them to become. Theylevelup fairly quickly, too. I killed a Knight with a Jinn and it gained 7 levels.Their breath is usable even after movement. This is incredibly useful,because most spells and special attacks are unusable after movement. Thisallows Jinns to move wherever they need to be to get their breath attacksoff. Jinns have good mobility, they don't get countered, and they can usuallyattack units past obstacles, such as mountains. However, the nature of thebreaths means that they have to get pretty close to an enemy to deal damage.Jinns are not durable at all, so they are likely to get pasted quickly ifleft exposed. They have decent evasion, which helps a little, but it isn'tsomething to be counted on. It may be best to have a Jinn move in and use itsattack first, and then move the rest of your monsters in to protect it. Themajor drawback to level 1 Jinns is that they only get two shots of Air Stormat first. This changes quickly, but once they run out of MP, they're justdeadweight. The AI really loves to pick on Jinns. Jinns can't counterattack,so there are no real drawbacks to targeting them.How to deal with enemy Jinns: There isn't really anything to killing Jinns.They have a little bit of evasion (nothing that other flying units or rangedattacks can't handle), but poor HP and defenses makes them very easy to kill.The AI is usually pretty reckless with them, and they never use Power onthem, so they're usually pretty non-threatening.Lv10 JinnHP: 370MP: 145STR: 50INT: 69AGI: 80ATK: 215DEF: 106Dao, Marid, Djinni, Efreeti (1 Black, 1 Blue, 1 White, and 1 Redrespectively)Rune Cost: 45Upkeep: 28Base ATK: 120Base DEF: 85Stat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 4-6STR: 0-1INT: 1-2AGI: 1-2Lv30 Dao/Marid/Djinni/EfreetiHP: 570MP: 245STR: 60INT: 99AGI: 110ATK: 240DEF: 121Comments: They're basically the same as Jinns, except they have a 3 hex rangewith the breath attack, and they're all of a different element. This is adecent upgrade, and it's usually worth the higher Rune costs. The element canbe a drawback in some instances, so choose wisely (if you're going to use aJinn to fight Leonia, don't pick a White element upgrade). As you can see,their attack power never gets that high, but they're still worthwhile becausethey're good at dealing chip damage and they can become heavy hitters witha well-placed Power spell. Their attacks are slightly more expensive thannormal Jinns, but this isn't really a big deal.How to deal with enemy Daos/Marids/Djinnis/Efreetis: The logic from the Jinnsection also applies here. They now have an elemental weakness toexploit. They're a bit more evasive, but they're still not that threateningbecause they can't counter. Their HP never really grows that high, so they'restill fairly easy to kill.Clay Golem240 ManaHP: 540MP: 0RuneCost: 45Upkeep: 24STR: 85INT: 0AGI: 35ATK: 230DEF: 126Base ATK: 60Base DEF: 115A level 10 Clay Golem is required before the promotion to Stone GolemStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 0STR: 0-2INT: 0AGI: 0-1Comments: Clay Golems and Giants are almost opposites of each other in termsof ATK and DEF. Golems have good defense and OK attack, while Giants havegood attack and lousy defense. Given a choice, I would much rather haveGolems in my party than Giants. Giants have a better MOV stat, but Golemsare a better (and cheaper) unit as a whole. One major downside of Golems istheir 0 in INT. This means that they'll take full damage from spells. Golemsoften fry to repeated Divine Rays or Curse spells. Also, Golems have aterrible hit rate due to poor AGI. They're immune to negative statuses likePoison, Paralysis, Stone, Stun, Charm, etc, which means that you can pit themagainst Rocs and Mandrakes without fear.I feel that Golems are superior to Giants because they have passable offenseand good defense. However, they still suffer the same accuracy problems thatGiants do. A 0 in INT means that they're going to take the full brunt of anymagic attack. Their good defense makes them serviceable front liners, andthey serve well as "fodder" of sorts. Low mobility may hold them back alittle, since they often are too far behind to get a spot to attack when thebattle is joined. Still, they're much cheaper than Giants (45 Rune Power vs60 Rune Power), and they're generally more effective units as a whole.How to deal with enemy Clay Golems: Any high power damage spell (Divine Ray,Curse, Exa-Blast, Fall Berg, Thunder) will take a huge bite out of a ClayGolem. They have fits against fliers, so Wyverns and Rocs are effectiveagainst them. If you have a Nightmare around, Dimension is pretty much anassured hit against Golems.Lv10 Stone GolemHP: 630MP: 0Rune Cost: 55Upkeep 38STR: 94INT: 0AGI: 40ATK: 258DEF: 133Base ATK: 70Base DEF: 120A level 20 Stone Golem is required before the promotion to Bronze GolemStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 0STR: 1-2INT: 0AGI: 0-1Lv20 Bronze GolemHP: 730MP: 0Rune Cost: 70Upkeep: 80STR: 109INT: 0AGI: 45ATK: 298DEF: 140Base ATK: 80Base DEF: 125A level 30 Bronze Golem is required before the promotion to TalosStat Growth:HP: 12-16MP: 0STR: 1-2INT: 0AGI: 0-1Lv30 TalosHP: 856MP: 0Rune Cost: 90Upkeep: 66STR: 124INT: 0AGI: 50ATK: 338DEF: 146Base ATK: 90Base DEF: 130Stat Growth (useless, but hey):HP: 16-20MP: 0STR: 1-2INT: 0AGI: 0-1Comments: The Golem upgrades are almost all identical, so I clumped them alltogether. They all have Rock Throw, a ranged attack that doesn't getpenalized against fliers (it's probably your best bet against flying units,despite the damage penalty). Also, the Golems get slightly more accurate withupgrades. All of them retain excellent defense, and the Talos has one of thehighest ATK ratings in the game. As you promote, the problems found in ClayGolems become less apparent. The upgrades still take nasty damage from magic,though high HP makes up for this deficiency at higher levels. Talosgolems rarely miss, and their mobility is passable. Still, getting a Taloswill be somewhat rare, since it has to be level 30. That's a little less than30,000 experience, which is an insane amount, even for Knights.How to deal with enemy Golem upgrades: It's pretty much the same deal as ClayGolems, except that they're a lot tougher as you deal with betterincarnations. As a general rule, offensive magic will always work well onGolems, and the Dimension trick will still work out. A Talos isn't verythreatening if it's fifty hexes away, is it? If that doesn't work out, you'llprobably end up having to fight the golem head to head. While they aregenerally more accurate than Clay Golems, they struggle with the samecreatures. Wyverns and other fliers with high AGI still give golems fits, andyou should probably use the Power spell on your best attacker to take thegolems down. They're really hard not to kill, but high HP and DEF can makethem last a long time.Roc380 ManaHP: 580MP: 110RuneCost: 70Upkeep: 38STR: 85INT: 35AGI: 60ATK: 230DEF: 105Base ATK: 60Base DEF: 85Spells: Cry BirdA Lv10 Roc is required before the promotion to Phoenix.Lv30 Roc.HP: 754MP: 197STR: 114INT: 64AGI: 89ATK: 288DEF: 115Stat Growth:HP: 4-8MP: 2-4STR: 0-2INT: 0-2AGI: 0-2Comments: Rocs are great. They have a chance to petrify their enemy, makingthem a very useful unit, especially if you petrify a Knight. They deal decentphysical damage, and they're somewhat evasive (60 AGI isn't that special, butflying gives a 20% evasion boost against ground vs air physicals). The CryBird ability does damage to everyone in a 2 hex radius, and it may paralyzeunits that are hit, including your own. This is a pretty useful ability, butyou have to consider the potential damage done to both sides before actuallydoing it. One strategy to utilize is to cast Protect on your Roc, then makeit draw enemy fire. More often than not, the Roc will petrify enough enemiesto make up for the damage taken. Also, if enough units cluster around theRoc, you can use Cry Bird for some damage and a chance of paralysis. Thisis a risky strategy, but it has paid off for me in the past. Even withoutcomplex strategies, Rocs are serviceable front-liners, since they cangenerally petrify at least one unit over the course of three or four hits.However, Rocs have poor defense and average HP, so you need to protect them.Their only other downside is that they're pretty expensive, and sometimes youdon't want a unit to be petrified. Being petrified makes monsters moreresilient to physicals (150 DEF), so it may end up hurting you if you need tokill a unit quickly.How to deal with enemy Rocs: Enemy Rocs can be one of the most annoying unitsin the game, especially because the AI is so aggressive with them. I rememberwhen I first played, Leonia won some battles with Rocs that it reallyshouldn't have. Ranged attacks like Centaur shots and magic deal with Rocsfairly well. Golems are immune to Stone, so they can attack Rocs without anyreal drawbacks, although they might have problems hitting them. Bring acouple units that can cast Cure along with you if you know you're going tofight a lot of Rocs. The stone effect doesn't kick in that often, but it'svery annoying when it works, since it effectively removes that unit fromparticipating in the battle.Lv10 Phoenix3 Red.HP: 634MP: 137RuneCost: 95Upkeep: 58STR: 94INT: 44AGI: 69ATK: 258DEF: 113Base ATK: 70Base DEF: 90Spells: Heal VoiceRegenerates 10% HP/turnLv30 PhoenixHP: 834MP: 237STR: 114INT: 64AGI: 99ATK: 298DEF: 123Stat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 4-6STR: 0-2INT: 0-2AGI: 1-2Comments: I like. They're strong attackers, and they have better defensesthan Rocs. They regenerate 10% of their maximum HP a turn, which isn't badsince they can get respectable HP scores later on. Heal Voice is a usefulhealing move which affects both friend and foe, and it is more likely to helpyou than hurt you, unlike Cry Bird. Phoenixes maul most blue units, sopitting them against Hydras and female mage classes is generally a good idea.The choice between a Roc and Phoenix is tough sometimes. On one hand, youlose the ability to petrify. On the other hand, you gain an even betterattacker that has regeneration and a good area heal move. The choice is up toyou, but the Phoenix tends to be better, statistically.How to deal with enemy Phoenixes: They're generally somewhat tough to kill,but using enough blue elemental units will eventually take the Phoenix down,though you should anticipate a nasty counterattack. Poison cancels outregeneration, but that's not always practical. Enough Fall Bergs or evenFrost spells will eventually take a Phoenix down. They're not nearly as hardto kill as high level Dragons are, so they don't warrant as much concern.Wyvern.320 ManaHP: 540MP: 100RuneCost: 60Upkeep: 32STR: 80INT: 30AGI: 65ATK: 220DEF: 106Base ATK: 60Base DEF: 85A level 10 Wyvern is required before the promotion to CouatlStat Growth:HP: 4-8MP: 2-4STR: 1-2INT: 0-1AGI: 1-2Comments: Wyverns are the most mobile unit in the game (7-7). They havepassable attack power, but it's nothing stellar. Still, they're never aburden, and they can usually reach anyone you want to get to. Becausethey're so mobile, they can often fly past your Knight's Rune Area. This ismore useful than you'd think, since you can finish off dying enemies thisway. The Wyvern's evasion is noteworthy as well. If you pit one against aGiant or a Golem, the Wyvern will probably come out on top due to sheerevasion (as well as the Giant/Golem's poor accuracy). A good unit, overall.They're somewhat pricey, but they're much better than Giants, another unitthat takes 60 Rune Power.How do deal with enemy Wyverns: Because they're so evasive, things likeGiants and Golems don't really stand a chance of hitting them. Instead, useother flying units (Rocs, Gryphons, other Wyverns) and ranged units(Centaurs). Ranged units don't get a penalty when hitting flying units, sothey should be able to do decently well. Wyverns are very easy to kill onceyou hit them, and the AI tends to be very aggressive with them.Lv10 Couatl.HP: 594MP: 130Rune Cost: 80Upkeep: 50STR: 94INT: 35AGI: 79ATK: 258DEF: 116Base ATK: 70Base DEF: 90Special Attacks: Dragon RoarA level 20 Couatl is required before the promotion to BahamutStat Growth:HP: 4-8MP: 2-4STR: 1-2INT: 0-1AGI: 1-3Comments: If you can afford the upgrade, there's no real reason not to like asouped up Wyvern. The boost in ATK gives Couatls a respectable offensivepunch, and the upgrade is definitely worthwhile. Some problems with Wyvernsare apparent, though. Couatls have poor HP for a pure slugging unit(especially one that's level 10), and they're pretty dependent on evasion tostay afloat. That works out well, until you run into the problem of unitslike Demons and Angels, who like to casually throw strong spells like Curseand Divine Ray around. They're still worth using, since they usually givemost ground units fits, but they still need to be pampered a bit. Dragon Roaris a pretty crappy attack. It does damage to every target in an area for 1/6max HP. This isn't really useful, since the Couatl could probably do moredamage with its physical, and that wouldn't endanger friendly units in thearea.How to deal with enemy Couatls: They're harder to hit this time around, butthe same principles that applied to Wyverns apply here. Also, note that theWyvern tree never gets good INT growth, which means that magic tends to makemincemeat out of them.Lv20 BahamutHP: 654MP: 160Rune Cost: 110Upkeep: 76STR: 109INT: 40AGI: 99ATK: 298DEF: 128Base ATK: 80Base DEF: 95Special Attacks: Final Breath, Dragon RoarLv30 BahamutHP: 754MP: 190STR: 124INT: 44AGI: 113ATK: 328DEF: 132Stat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 2-4STR: 1-2INT: 0-1AGI: 1-2Comments: Couatls turn into Bahamuts, which are a dragon class. While thebase stats for the Bahamut are lower than the other level 20 dragons, they'restill quite powerful. They lose the mobility of the Wyvern and Couatl, butthey get higher power in exchange. As usual, the Power + Breath combinationwith them is quite deadly, especially since they are non-elemental. They'renot as strong as other dragon classes, but I think the non-elemental breathis more useful in some cases. They're not nearly as tanky as other top tierdragons because of lower HP, but they retain the high evasion that theprevious Wyvern forms had. Still, they're not quite as costly as the top tierdragons, so it balances itself out.How to kill enemy Bahamuts: This comes up quite a bit, since Iscalio has one.Even at level 20, the Wyvern only has the HPs of a level 1 Dragon, so itshouldn't be too hard to take down with enough magic and ranged shots. Still,be careful, since you can get your ass kicked if you try to engage it toorecklessly. In the beginning of the game, the Bahamut is a real bastard tohit, and you often end up trying to hit it, missing, then eating a counter.Tanky units like the Dragon family shouldn't have huge troubles survivingBahamut attacks. Iscalio is pretty aggressive with its Bahamut, so use thisto your advantage.Merman1 Blue120 ManaHP: 410MP: 50RuneCost: 25Upkeep: 12STR: 65INT: 50AGI: 50ATK: 190DEF: 106Base ATK: 60Base DEF: 90A Lv10 Merman is required before the promotion to TritonStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 2-4STR: 0-2INT: 0-1AGI: 0-2Comments: Mermen aren't very good unless you're defending a coastal town.They have poor mobility on land, and they get a -10 hit penalty when fightingon the ground. They can only move and fight efficiently on water. They'repassable against red monsters, though. They're pretty wussy overall, but ifyou need a Blue unit and you can't afford a Hydra or a Lizard Man, just put aMerman in your unit, since they're pretty cheap. If you know that you'regoing to have to fight in a city with water in it, Mermen become lesshorrible, because they can take advantage of water regeneration, along withhit and evasion boosts. Still, the other blue monster families badly outclassthe Mermen family. If you're going to use one, be mindful that Mermengenerally aren't that great at hitting things, and they're no good at takinghits either. Use them in a support role, possibly to soften an opponent up orfinish it off.How to deal with enemy Mermen: Hit them once or twice with a dragon.Seriously, they're insanely easy to take down. 410 HP doesn't really cut itfor anyone, especially one with such an easily exploited weakness. Both redmagic and physicals from giants and dragons are more than enough to overwhelma merman. In my experience, Mermen often go down as collateral damage toGeno-Flame spells. At any rate, they're not threatening enough to reallyworry about.Lv10 Triton2 BlueHP: 500MP: 77RuneCost: 40Upkeep: 28STR: 74INT: 55AGI: 59ATK: 218DEF: 114Base ATK: 70Base DEF: 95A level 20 Triton is required before the promotion to PoseidonStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 2-4STR: 1-2INT: 0-1AGI: 0-2Comments: The Triton promotion strikes me as a "might as well" upgrade, in asimilar vein to Ghoul --> Vampire. Nothing substantial is gained with thisupgrade (+10 ATK, +5 DEF, slightly better stat growth), but it's a piddling15 Rune Power to upgrade, and the unit is still reasonably priced for whatyou get (though still kinda sad for a second tier unit). Tritons get theMaelstrom ability, which can be somewhat useful, but it's only usable in thewater. They're slow and still receive land penalties, but they're still astep up from Mermen. The extra blue sphere makes them more effective againstDragons, but they still fry to most red aligned spells or units. Again, usethese if you know you're going to defend or attack coastal towns (you canpretty much tell if a town has water in it if it's near a lake or the sea onthe World Map).How to deal with enemy Tritons: Same as Mermen, but be a tad more carefulwhen sending red units against them. They're still not much of a threat, sodon't alter your strategies to defend against one. Remember, Tritons aresecond tier, but that still doesn't mean that it's a particularly good unit.Lv20 Poseidon3 BlueHP: 590MP: 107RuneCost: 55Upkeep: 44STR: 89INT: 60AGI: 69ATK: 258DEF: 123Base ATK: 80Base DEF: 100Lv30 PoseidonHP: 730MP: 137STR: 104INT: 75AGI: 79ATK: 288DEF: 126Stat Growth:HP: 12-16MP: 2-4STR: 1-2INT: 1-2AGI: 0-2Comments: Poseidons, while still not that effective on land, are much moreuseful than their past forms. They have better movement, and they canactually do some damage. In the water, Poseidons own everything but Tiamatsand flying dragons. While the Triton was a rather lackluster upgrade, thePoseidon is truly worth having around to screw red element units up. ThePoseidon's 3 Blue element spheres ensure that they will make horrible messesof Dragons and red aligned Mages. However, it is rather difficult to get alevel 20 unit in this class because the past forms are so pathetic. The onlyPoseidon you're likely to see is Caerleon's Triton, and that's only if youbother to use it. That's a big if.Anyway, they get great bonuses in water, regeneration, and (most importantly)they lose their movement penalties, which means that they won't be laggingbehind with your Golems. Still, the effort you have to put into aMerman/Triton to get one of these probably isn't worth it compared to otherblue elemental monsters (Lizard Men and Hydras), which are usable without anyreal hassle.How to deal with enemy Poseidons: If you ever see one (I have never seen thecomputer use one in all my playthroughs), don't panic. Exa-Blast and Thunderstill screw them over pretty badly. They can deal pretty serious damage tored units, but it's usually a fair trade because red units usually have adecent enough offensive punch to make up for the elemental differences.Common sense will tell you to try to stay away from water, but you don'talways have a choice, especially when some maps are filled with water.They're quite potent on water, since they get Maelstrom and evasion boosts,but you should be able to draw them away onto land, where they're manageable.Lizard Man.1 Blue140 ManaHP: 450MP: 50RuneCost: 30Upkeep: 14STR: 70INT: 30AGI: 60ATK: 200DEF: 125Base ATK: 60Base DEF: 105A Lv10 Lizard Man is required before the promotion to Lizard GuardStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 0-2STR: 0-2INT: 0-2AGI: 0-2Comments: Lizard Men are pretty strong. They aren't very durable at first,but their physical defense is actually quite good for a level 1 unit. Stickwith them, because they're good at fighting dragons. They have a hefty hitbonus, so they will hit almost anything consistently except the most evasiveof creatures. Later on, their defense becomes very high, so you don't have toworry about their well being so much. They get hit and evasion bonuses whenfighting on water. They have mediocre ATK power at first, but this quicklyincreases since Lizard Men have decent STR growth. They become respectableattackers by the time they reach level 10, when they can promote to LizardGuards.Lizard Men are especially useful when you consider how cheap they are. Theycost only five Rune more than Mermen, but they have better ATK, accuracy,mobility, defense, and HP. 30 Rune will also buy 2 Ghouls or a Scorpion.Considering that a single Lizard Man could solo two Ghouls (I crunched thenumbers. It's somewhat depressing), and Scorpions generally suck, the LizardMan is probably one of the best units to fill empty spots with.Lv10 Lizard Guard.2 BlueHP: 540MP: 60RuneCost: 45Upkeep: 32STR: 79INT: 39AGI: 69ATK: 228DEF: 133Base ATK: 70Base DEF: 110Spells: Poison BreathLv30 Lizard GuardHP: 740MP: 80STR: 109INT: 59AGI: 99ATK: 288DEF: 143Stat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 0-2STR: 1-2INT: 0-2AGI: 1-2Comments: Lizard Guards are more than worth their upgrade. They get a 2-Hexbreath attack, and they get very high defense later on (it nearly rivalspetrification defense at level 30). They're also one of the most effectiveDragon killers in the game. Though they'll get the short end of the bargain,they can do respectable damage to any dragon. Against other units, theiroffense is respectable but not spectacular. Even so, they generally deal moredamage than they receive, which makes them very useful monsters. PoisonBreath gives them a decent option for a close attack without a chance of acounterattack, and it gives them a little bit more range as well (also, asthe name implies, it can cause poison!). They get the standard aquaticbonuses in water.Again, the 45 in Rune Power is nothing compared to a lot of other second tiercreatures. Hell, a lot of first tier units cost more, and they aren't nearlyas effective. 45 is the equivalent of three Ghouls (which is just a waste ofspace) or a single Clay Golem. Lizard Guards don't have the accuracy ormobility problems that Clay Golems have, and they generally don't fry tomagic. All that aside, Lizard Guards may be the most cost effective unitsin the game other than High Centaurs.How to deal with enemy Lizard Guards: They're actually somewhat tough tokill, but Lizard Guards don't have impressive HP. A few concentrated attacksshould be able to knock it out. As with Mermen, Exa-Blast, Flame, and Thunderreally take a bite out of Lizard Guard's HP supply. While annoying to fight,Lizard Guards don't pose the offensive threat that Dragons do. But then, whatdoes?Hydra.2 Blue460 ManaHP: 670MP: 110RuneCost: 80Upkeep: 46STR: 100INT: 30AGI: 35ATK: 260DEF: 111Base ATK: 60Base DEF: 100Special Attacks: Ice BreathA Lv10 Hydra is required before the promotion to TiamatStat Growth:HP: 4-8MP: 2-4STR: 1-2INT: 0-1AGI: 0-2Comments: Hydras are like Blue elemental dragons. However, they're reallyfreaking slow (3 hex movement on land), and they have lackluster defense.However, when you finally get to the enemy, it will wreak some serious havoc.They have the highest ATK power of any level 1 monster, and their breathallows them to exploit this power to hit multiple units. In a one on onefight with a Dragon, the Hydra will win most of the time. Roads and the Accelor Flight spells help rectify this issue. Flight is particularly helpful,since it gives Hydras good mobility in addition to giving 20% evasion againstground hits. If you can put up with their low mobility, they're really worthhaving around. They have low accuracy, but breaths never miss, and you canjust use the Halo spell otherwise.How to deal with enemy Hydras: Dragons can't go toe to toe with Hydras, butthey can still take a large bite out of their HP reserves. Despite excellentHP, Hydras tend to go down quickly due to average defenses. Fire magic doesextremely well against hydras because of their Hydra's low INT. As with mostunits with accuracy problems, creatures like Rocs, Wyverns, and Gryphons havea good chance of dealing damage to Hydras without taking damage fromcounterattacks. If the AI is aggressive, you may not even have to fightHydras because they'd be falling behind so much. In the water, Hydras arevery hard to kill, so just pound at them with magic and concentrated physicalattacks.Lv10 Tiamat.2 Blue, 1 BlackHP: 724MP: 137RuneCost: 110Upkeep: 70STR: 114INT: 35AGI: 44ATK: 298DEF: 119Base ATK: 70Base DEF: 105Special Attacks: Death Breath, Dragon RoarLv30 TiamatHP: 924MP: 197STR: 144INT: 55AGI: 74ATK: 358DEF: 129Stat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 2-4STR: 1-2INT: 0-2AGI: 1-2Comments: Though Tiamats are still slow, they're such insane powerhouses thatit doesn't matter. When they get to their destination, they'll just clobberanything in sight. Death Breath lives up to its name. It just murdersmonsters when Power'ed. High STR growth ensures that they will stay powerfulthroughout the game, even though they don't have a second promotion. With theextra Black sphere, they can simply obliterate Unicorns and Angels. They haveplenty of HP, and they have good durability because the upgrade makes theirdefenses passable. Decent AGI growth makes their accuracy issues a bit lessapparent. They're pretty much unstoppable on the water. If you can put upwith low mobility (which isn't that unbearable, since you have 12 turns,which is often more than enough to beat anything), Tiamats are veryworthwhile.How to beat enemy Tiamats: It is now weak to Divine Ray, so Tiamats aren'thuge fans of Angels and Bishops. Attacking Tiamats head on with White unitsis a pretty poor idea, but there are some cases where it could work out.Dinadan, for example, should be able to hold his own against a Tiamat. Still,use caution, especially since Zemeckis likes to cast Power on his own Tiamat.Scorpion1 Red.HP: 270MP: 0RuneCost: 20Upkeep: 10STR: 60INT: 10AGI: 45ATK: 180DEF: 135Base ATK: 60Base DEF: 120A Lv10 G-Scorpion is required before the promotion to Death NeedleStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 0STR: 0-2INT: 0-1AGI: 0-2Comments: Scorpions are pretty lousy. They never get much better, but theyhave pretty good defense. They have one red slot, which makes them good fortaking hits from dragons. Even so, their only real use is as cannon fodder.They do have the ability to poison, but this isn't immensely useful, asBrigandine poison is a fairly benign status (though it can kill if your HP islow enough). Low HP and INT make it so that even the weakest Blue spell willbe able to wreck Scorpions. However, they do decently well as meat-shields.Because they're inexpensive, just get a lot of them, place a mage behindthem, and let him/her go nuts with magic. Alternatively, make a wall ofscorpions and use breath attacks from afar. Like Ghouls, they gain levelsquickly and are much better in their second form.How to deal with enemy Scorpions: Scorpions are a nuisance at best. Any blueoffensive spell will easily wreck Scorpions, and they don't even last a longtime against other Red units. They have fairly bad accuracy, so they don'tpose any real offensive threat either, even to blue units. The ability topoison is somewhat irritating, but as stated above, it's not a real threat.Their low INT makes Dimension a near guaranteed hit.Lv10 Death Needle2 Red.HP: 360MP: 0RuneCost: 35Upkeep: 22STR: 69INT: 15AGI: 54ATK: 208DEF: 143Base ATK: 70Base DEF: 125Lv30 Death NeedleHP: 640MP: 0STR: 89INT: 25AGI: 84ATK: 248DEF: 153Stat Growth:HP: 12-16MP: 0STR: 0-2INT: 0-1AGI: 1-2Comments: Scorpions become more potent when they become Death Needles. For 15Rune Power, the scorpion becomes stronger and more mobile. They get decent HPgrowth as well, which makes them a very physically durable unit later on.Also, it seems that they poison their enemies more often. They're stillfodder, but they're fodder who can actually take beatings. Still, that seemsto defeat the point of fodder units. Fodder units are supposed to die and beeasily replaced, but it is a little harder relegating Death Needles to thatrole, because you put enough work into them so that they earned promotion.Maybe it's a personal thing.At any rate, they still can't take Blue spells. They actually get good HP atthe end of the game, and their physical durability may not be bad since DeathNeedle defenses eventually get better than petrified defense (150 DEF).They're still not an offensive threat, but that's not really what they'rearound for.How to deal with enemy Death Needles: They're still not threatening, and theystill tend to die in repeated Geno-Frost spells with no extra work. ~210 ATKisn't scaring anybody too much. 140+ DEF is impressive, but Death Needles arestill easy to take down because of pathetic HP.Giant.1 Red.280 Mana.HP: 540MP: 180RuneCost: 60Upkeep: 28STR: 95INT: 45AGI: 40ATK: 245DEF: 103Base ATK: 55Base DEF: 90A Lv10 Giant is required before the promotion to Gigas or TitanStat Growth:HP: 4-8MP: 2-4STR: 1-2INT: 0-1AGI: 0-2Comments: Giants are very strong, but they have a lot of trouble hittinganything. It takes several tries to hit flying enemies (especially Wyvernsand to a lesser extent, Rocs). As reference, they have roughly a 50-60%chance of hitting Wyverns at level 1. Giants have terrible defense for afrontline unit, and they don't really have the HP to make up for this.Because of their terrible hit rates, Giants won't do very well in the frontlines in the early game. Though accuracy issues fade away with promotions,feeding Giants kills seems like a bit of a waste of time and effort. Golemsare less mobile, but they have equal HP and better DEF, and they cost 15 lessRune.Still, Giants may have their uses. Against low AGI units, they do quite well.They have good ATK, and they tend to deal heavy damage against Hydras. Forthe best results, use the Halo spell on them. Halo gives a 100% hit rate andincreases experience gain, so feeding them kills this way is probablythe easiest method of leveling Giants. I don't think they justify a 60RuneCost, but they may be worth using if you can promote them.How to deal with enemy Giants: The computer is pretty reckless with them,which is good for you because Giants don't last very long. Flying units dowell against them because they don't hit very often. Lizard Men and Hydrasgenerally give Giants a hard time.Lv10 GiantHP: 594MP: 207STR: 110INT: 50AGI: 49ATK: 285DEF: 111Lv30 Titan/GigasHP: 794MP: 307STR: 140INT: 70AGI: 69ATK: 345DEF: 118Note: Since the stat progression for Titans and Gigases are identical, I usedthe same stats for both.Titan1 White, 1 RedRuneCost: 75Upkeep: 48Base ATK: 65Base DEF: 95A level 10 Titan and the Rage Lightning item are required for the promotionto Thor.Gigas1 Black, 1 RedRuneCost: 75Upkeep: 48Base ATK: 65Base DEF: 95A level 10 Gigas and the Wisdom Seed item are required for the promotion toLoki.Stat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 4-6STR: 1-2INT: 0-2AGI: 0-2Comments: These two classes are basically the same, but they have differentelemental affiliations. They have slightly better hit rates than normalgiants, but it's still rather unimpressive, because they still whiff a lotagainst most fliers. As usual, Titans/Gigas pack in quite a punch providedthat they hit. You may not have to rely on Halo as much to get them hits now.Their defenses are a little bit better, but they are still less durable thanthey seem. At level 30, they get some of the highest STR and ATK stats in thegame.As for the choice between Titans and Gigases, it's really up to you. Nothingdistinguishes one class from the other except that one has a black elementand the other has a white element. If you're going to fight Leonia, get aGigas. If you're going to fight Esgares (which has Cador, a Tiamat, a VampireLord and lots of Fenrirs), get a Titan. One matter of importance is thatthere is a marginal chance that you can get upgrade items through quests. Ifyou already have one of these items, promote the Giant to the correspondingclass. If you're just shooting to get one, Lokis are better, but the questfor the promotion item is so rare that you may not have a choice about it.How to deal with enemy Titans/Gigases: They're potent offensive attackers,but they're still not that durable, and now they have easily exploitableweaknesses. Curse and Divine Ray can be used by Angels, Demons, and a lot ofpriest/mage classes.Lv30 ThorHP: 874MP: 307RuneCost: 75Upkeep: 66STR: 150INT: 70AGI: 69ATK: 375DEF: 123Base ATK: 75Base DEF: 100Required Items: Rage LightningSpecial Attacks: MjollnirStat Growth:HP: 12-16MP: 4-6STR: 1-3INT: 0-2AGI: 0-2Lv30 LokiHP: 874MP: 307RuneCost: 75Upkeep: 66STR: 140INT: 80AGI: 69ATK: 355DEF: 123Base ATK: 75Base DEF: 100Required Items: Wisdom SeedSpells: Meteor DoomStat Growth:HP: 12-16MP: 4-6STR: 1-2ING: 1-2AGI: 0-2Comments: These are the real reason to use Gigases or Titans. They both haveinsane attack power. Their defense is still sadly low for creatures of theircalibur (equivalent of third tier), but they can take some abuse because oftheir high HP scores. The two spells these classes get are pretty powerful.Mjollnir is a decent area attack, and Meteor Doom is, well, Meteor Doom. It'sinsanely useful to have a unit that is able to cast Meteor Doom, but Lokisneed a few levels to be able to cast it. They're both good monsters, andaccuracy issues in these forms are minimal. The only real downside to theseunits is that the items required for the upgrades are incredibly rare, whichmeans that you'll have to quest a lot before you even get the chance to seeone. You're also not assured that you will get the right item. I had a Gigasonce, but I got the opposite item, so I was royally screwed and I cursedGod/the RNG for his cruelty.If you're unfamiliar with item promotions, just use Rage Lightning on a Titanto get a Thor, and a Wisdom Seed on a Gigas to get a Loki. There are no levelconstraints. All you need is a Titan or a Gigas and the corresponding item topromote them.How to deal with enemy Thors/Lokis: It won't ever be an issue, since the AIwill never get one. On the off chance that you do meet one, they still haveelemental weaknesses to exploit, but attacking them head on may bedisastrous. Lokis need to be killed quickly, because you really don't want toeat a Meteor Doom.Dragon1 Red420 ManaHP: 630MP: 100RuneCost: 75Upkeep: 42STR: 90INT: 40AGI: 40ATK: 240DEF: 113Base ATK: 60Base DEF: 100Special Attacks: Acid BreathA level 10 Dragon is required before the promotion to Red Dragon or WhiteDragonStat Growth:HP: 4-8MP: 2-4STR: 1-2INT: 0-2AGI: 0-2Comments: Dragons are the backbone of any good army. The best units in thegame are from the Dragon promotion tree. They have excellent offense and havedecent durability. They're expensive for first tier units, but they're strongenough to be worth it. As usual, Power + Breath is extremely useful. Theprevalence of dragons makes this tactic very useful, especially in thebeginning of the game. Their ability to dish out strong attacks and takeabuse should get you through most of your troubles in your initial assaults.They have a few accuracy issues, but only against things like Wyverns or highlevel Knights. Also, they're not as mobile as a lot of other creatures, butthis isn't a huge issue.The choice between the White and Red Dragon promotion isn't always that easy.Red Dragons are excellent against Blue units, but White Dragons fly and candeal heavy damage to black units (they're also a little bit more expensive).Neither is a great deal better than the other, but Salamanders tend to be abit more useful than Fafnirs.How to deal with enemy Dragons: Dragons (and their subsequent forms) tend todo poorly against Frost and Fall Berg. Hydras can usually take a Dragon downquite easily. They're fairly hard to kill, but it can be done if youconcentrate your fire on them.White Dragon1 White, 1 RedHP: 684MP: 127RuneCost: 100Upkeep: 64STR: 105INT: 49AGI: 49ATK: 280DEF: 121Base ATK: 70Base DEF: 105Special Attacks: Energy BoltA level 20 White Dragon is required before the promotion to FafnirStat Growth:HP: 4-8MP: 2-4STR: 1-2INT: 1-2AGI: 0-2Comments: White Dragons are just flying Dragons with an extra White element.Watch them destroy Demons and Hellhounds in two hits. It's funny. It's alwaysnice to have a high-powered White unit around, since the other White monstersaren't that great offensively (Gryphons are OK, but White Dragons naturallyhave more power). The Black weakness makes them vulnerable to Curse, buttheir high HPs make them pretty hard to kill.Lv20 Fafnir2 White, 1 RedHP: 738MP: 157RuneCost: 120Upkeep: 86STR: 120INT: 64AGI: 59ATK: 310DEF: 129Base ATK: 70Base DEF: 110Lv30 FafnirHP: 838MP: 187STR: 135INT: 79AGI: 69ATK: 340DEF: 133Stat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 2-4STR: 1-2INT: 1-2AGI: 0-2Comments: They're the strongest White units in the game. Fafnirs are probablythe best units around to take Tiamats down (1 Black, 2 Blue). They dealexcellent damage, and they're very hard to kill. Salamanders tend to be alittle bit better, but it's quite close.How to deal with enemy Fafnirs: You'll probably see at least Fafnir down theroad, since weak countries like to pick up Aldis and her Fafnir, Puro. Also,one of Vaynard's White Dragons may promote over the course of the game. Abarrage of Curse spells should be able to put them down pretty quickly.Tiamats match up well with Fafnir weaknesses, but they'd probably lose if youtried to pit one against a Fafnir because Fafnirs dodge more.Red Dragon2 RedHP: 684MP: 127RuneCost: 95Upkeep: 64STR: 105INT: 49AGI: 49ATK: 280DEF: 121Base ATK: 70Base DEF: 105Special Attacks: Fire BreathA level 20 Red Dragon is required before the promotion to SalamanderStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 2-4STR: 1-2INT: 0-2AGI: 0-2Comments: They're identical to White Dragons, except they don't fly, and theyhave different elements. They are a little cheaper than White Dragons. Theyget added land mobility, and their damage is stellar. 2 Red spheres allowthem to stomp on most blue units.Lv20 Salamander3 RedHP: 784MP: 157RuneCost: 115Upkeep: 86STR: 120INT: 59AGI: 59ATK: 320DEF: 129Base ATK: 80Base DEF: 110Lv30 SalamanderHP: 884MP: 187STR: 135INT: 69AGI: 75ATK: 340DEF: 133Stat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 2-4STR: 1-2INT: 0-2AGI: 1-2Comments: Salamanders are probably the strongest unit in the game. They haveplenty of everything: their HP, STR, ATK, and DEF stats are great. Theirbreath attack, Grand Flame will punch massive holes in your enemy's lines.Their only drawback is that they are of the Red element, so they won't domuch against Phoenixes or other dragons. This is hardly a drawback againstBlue elemental units, however. Vaynard soils his dress every time he sees NewAlmekia's Salamander.How to deal with enemy Salamanders: Cry. Fall Berg still does good damageagainst them, and Hydras/Tiamats can kind of hold their ground against them.You really want to avoid direct retaliation while fighting one, so rangedattacks and magic may be the way to go. Using Red units against Salamandersmay dilute their offensive prowess, but there's no guarantee that theSalamander will target your red units.Pixie.1 Green120 Mana.HP: 220MP: 160RuneCost: 30Upkeep: 12STR: 30INT: 65AGI: 80ATK: 130DEF: 86Base ATK: 70Base DEF: 60Spells: Protect, SilentA level 10 Pixie is required before the promotion to FairyStat Growth:HP: 4-8MP: 4-6STR: 0-1INT: 0-2AGI: 1-2Comments: Pixies are useless for physical combat, but they have fairly usefulsupport magic. Protect does wonders for a unit's defense, especially mages.Its long range makes it a very handy spell. Silent almost never works againsthuman mages, but it has a fairly good chance of success against enemyUnicorns. One bad thing about them is that they're completely worthless whenthey run out of MP. They don't even serve well as targets since they die soquickly (in spite of good evasion). Despite this, they're fairly cheap, andthey can be tacked onto a lot of groups. Pixies are generally well worthputting time into, because the Fairy upgrade gets the React spell.Many monsters can dispose of Pixies with two hits, so you should just keepthem towards the back of your ranks to cast support spells. Their Criticalattack can do lot of damage, but you shouldn't be using their physicalattacks in hope that they perform a critical. I believe that they can onlycritical off counters.How to deal with enemy Pixies: Hit them twice with any non-Ghoul unit,seriously. They're irritating, and they like using Protect a lot on the mostannoying units. The AI likes to waste MPs on Silent even it has a poor chanceof connecting, so use this to your advantage. Pixies aren't threatening atall, so don't make them a high priority.Lv10 Fairy2 GreenHP: 274MP: 205Rune Cost: 45Upkeep: 28STR: 35INT: 74AGI: 95ATK: 145DEF: 96Base ATK: 75Base DEF: 65Spells: Protect, Silent, ReactLv30 FairyHP: 474MP: 345STR: 45INT: 104AGI: 125ATK: 165DEF: 106Stat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 6-8STR: 0-1INT: 1-2AGI: 1-2Comments: Though still useless for offensive purposes, Fairies get the bestsupport spell in the game: React. For 126 MP, you give one unit two actionsin the same turn. This could be very useful if cast on a strong mage. A fewFairies teamed up with Cai or any Knight who knows Meteor Doom or the Genospells can indirectly cause a lot of destruction. The Fairy's new criticalattack causes Charm, but again, you shouldn't depend on this. Other thanthat, Fairies aren't that much different than Pixies are. Still, the abilityto allow allies to rain magical death upon opponents is well worth 45 RunePower.How to deal with enemy Fairies: If, by some freak accident, the computeractually gets a Fairy, you probably shouldn't worry too much about it. I'veseen an enemy Fairy, and they still might waste MP on Protect rather thanReact. Even if they use React, the AI makes poor choices, and you should haveno problem killing the Fairy off if need be.Mandrake1 Green200 ManaHP: 630MP: 0RuneCost: 35Upkeep: 20STR: 50INT: 5AGI: 30ATK: 160DEF: 100Base ATK: 60Base DEF: 90A level 10 Mandrake is required before the promotion to Man-EaterStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 0STR: 0-2INT: 0-1AGI: 0-1Comments: They're really lousy in the beginning. Their only merit is thatthey have high HP. They've got awful defense, and they're not too mobileoutside forest areas. They're also offensively hampered, struggling to domore than 50 damage to most any unit. One neat thing about Mandrakes is thattheir attacks have excellent hit rates despite low AGI. Another merit is thatthey have a good chance of paralyzing an enemy with their physical attack.This aspect is very handy, because if you have a Mandrake in the frontlinesdrawing attacks, you'll probably paralyze something through counterattacks.They're actually pretty useful frontline units, as they have durability andthe paralyze ability. Thing is, they're pretty expensive for fodder. Ghoulsare 15 Rune, and Scorpions are 20. 1 Mandrake would be equal to 2 Ghouls andalmost 2 Scorps. If you're planning to use them to promote them, they'reprobably worthwhile, but if you're using them just as fodder, you may as welljust pick up 2 Ghouls or Scorpions.How to deal with enemy Mandrakes: Like Rocs, fighting Mandrakes can getreally annoying. They have a lot of HP to eat through, and the paralysiseffect is irritating. Have a couple units with Cure spells around, and blast'em with magic. Dimension will almost always work because of the Mandrake'spathetically low INT (how smart do you expect a plant to be?).Lv10 Man-EaterHP: 720MP: 0RuneCost: 45Upkeep: 34STR: 59INT: 9AGI: 35ATK: 188DEF: 106Base ATK: 70Base DEF: 95Lv30 Man-EaterHP: 920MP: 0STR: 89INT: 19AGI: 55ATK: 248DEF: 113Stat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 0STR: 1-2INT: 0-1AGI: 0-2Comments: Souped up Mandrakes? Hell, why not? They cost just 10 more Runethan their previous incarnations, which is remarkably inexpensive for anupgrade. They still have great HP, and the defense boost is very helpful,considering the role that Man-Eaters have. They still have the paralysiseffect on their physical and counters, but they also get a ranged attack,which means that they can stay back and attack as well (or attack unitsfarther away from the front-lines). They're useful if you can actually getone, but it's not always easy to get a level 10 Mandrake. Use them asmeatshields (well... plant-shields) to maximize their effectiveness. Use theProtect spell on them for the best results, as this combination makes thempretty hard to kill.How to deal with enemy Man-Eaters: Same as Mandrakes. It just takes a littlelonger.Centaur1 Green.160 Mana.HP: 360MP: 0RuneCost: 35Upkeep: 16STR: 60INT: 45AGI: 65ATK: 180DEF: 101Base ATK: 60Base DEF: 80A level 10 Centaur is required before the promotion to High CentaurStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 0STR: 0-2INT: 0-1AGI: 1-2Comments: Centaurs should have a part in almost any good army, in my opinion.Ranged attacks are incredibly useful in a game like Brigandine. Whether it'spicking off weak units or wearing stronger units down, Centaurs are the mainmonster for the job. Their one in Green makes their attacks against otherGreen creatures weaker, though. This isn't that bad for other elements,because Green is outside of the other elemental oppositions. They're prettyaccurate, and they can hit flying units without getting penalized. Though thedamage they deal isn't great, it adds up after four or five shots.Centaurs are probably the most cost effective level one monsters around.Think of it this way: in most other situations, monster behind your frontlineare rarely productive since they usually have to stay back and wait. If yoursecond line of units consists of centaurs, however, you essentially gain awhole row of offense that would not have been utilized otherwise. Because ofthe game's hex system, this can be potentially deadly, because four to sixsnipes from centaurs is going to wear the target down, even if a few miss.Protecting them is a bit annoying sometimes, but they aren't horrible atsurviving because of their decent AGI.How to deal with Centaurs: Even though they have low HP, they're stillannoying to kill because they usually hide behind other units to shoot you.Magic, breaths, and other ranged attacks can get through, and they're nothard to kill as long as you have a shot at them. Centaurs can get annoying,since they're dealing damage that can't be countered (well, unless they're asingle hex away).Lv10 High CentaurHP: 450MP: 0RuneCost: 50Upkeep: 32STR: 69INT: 50AGI: 80ATK: 208DEF: 111Base ATK: 70Base DEF: 85Lv30 High CentaurHP: 650MP: 0STR: 99INT: 60AGI: 120ATK: 268DEF: 125Stat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 0STR: 1-2INT: 0-1AGI: 1-3Comments: The upgrade to High Centaur is well worth it. They can attack from3 hexes away now, and they're stronger than before. With a group of HighCentaurs, your army will be pretty unstoppable. They're probably the mostuseful unit in the game.If you take the second line of offense example from the Centaur commentary,imagine having a third line of Centaurs. Very little can survive 8-12 snipes,and your other units can clean up what's left. I'm not saying that yourarmies should consist solely of Centaurs, but their ranged attacks allow foroffense that you would not have had if you were using other units.How to deal with enemy High Centaurs: High Centaurs are annoying to takedown, but they enemy can be unusually reckless with them, often going forshots even if it leaves the Centaur overextended. If this is the case, thenthe Centaur should be an easy kill.Unicorn1 White220 ManaHP: 350MP: 140RuneCost: 40Upkeep: 22STR: 55INT: 55AGI: 65ATK: 165DEF: 96Base ATK: 55Base DEF: 75Spells: Heal, CureA level 10 Unicorn is required before the promotion to Pegasus or NightmareStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 2-4STR: 0-2INT: 0-2AGI: 1-2Comments: Unicorns get healing spells, which make them decently useful.Protect them, because they're fragile. Their critical attack knocks the enemyback a hex. If the enemy is next to a wall, then they cannot counterattackafter getting knocked back. Their ability to cure status effects also makesthem worth using (Stone in particular is annoying at the beginning of thegame). They lack any sort of offense, and they're pretty useless afterrunning out of MP.You have another choice to make here when Unicorns reach level 10. Pegasi canfly, which makes them fairly useful as mobile healers. Nightmares sacrificehealing for better physical stats and a few status spells. Pegasi are betterin my experience, but you should consider if you have too much healing ornot. If so, get a Nightmare. Nightmares have their uses, since Dimension isvery useful if it succeeds.How to deal with enemy Unicorns: Unicorns are fragile, so it doesn't takemuch. Hellhounds deal good damage against Unicorns. They don't have muchoffense, but they should be taken down, since their healing spells can getannoying. Sometimes Unicorns will prioritize healing a status rather thanhealing HP damage, so it's possible to waste their MP on curing somethinglike Poison.Pegasus.2 WhiteHP: 440MP: 167RuneCost: 55Upkeep: 38STR: 64INT: 64AGI: 78ATK: 188DEF: 106Base ATK: 60Base DEF: 80Spells: Heal, Cure, HaloLv30 PegasusHP: 640MP: 267STR: 74INT: 89AGI: 118ATK: 224DEF: 119Stat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 4-6STR: 0-2INT: 1-2AGI: 1-3Comments: Pegasi can fly and heal. They're fast and pretty useful, but keepthem away from the frontlines. They also get the Halo spell, which can beused to help giants/golems hit things, or to help Knights level up quicker.There's no reason not to upgrade them, but they're still not that special.Healing is always useful in a pinch, but they lack the offense to be trulygood units.How to deal with enemy Pegasi: Curse.Nightmare2 BlackHP: 440MP: 167RuneCost: 55Upkeep: 38STR: 64INT: 64AGI: 78ATK: 198DEF: 111Base ATK: 70Base DEF: 85Spells: Dimension, WeaknessLv30 NightmareHP: 640MP: 227STR: 94INT: 94AGI: 118ATK: 258DEF: 124Stat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 2-4STR: 1-2INT: 1-2AGI: 1-3Comments: Nightmares have better physical stats than Pegasi, but they aren'tas useful. The Dimension spell can teleport a unit to another location on themap. This can be pretty handy against Knights, because that Knight's monsterswill be severely weakened if the Knight is moved far away. However, theNightmare's lowish INT gives its status spells poor accuracy. Weakness isalso pretty useful when it works, but it's not that accurate. Still, againstGolems, Mandrakes, Scorpions and monsters with near 0 INT, Dimension is anassured hit, so take advantage of this. Like Unicorns, Nightmares aren't muchhelp after they lose their MP, but they can deal a little bit of damage.How to deal with enemy Nightmares: Gryphons and Cavaliers generally murderNightmares. Nightmares can be pretty annoying if Weakness is successful, soyou may want to kill one quickly if the enemy has one.Gryphon1 White300 ManaHP: 500MP: 0RuneCost: 55Upkeep: 30STR: 80INT: 35AGI: 60ATK: 220DEF: 105Base ATK: 60Base DEF: 85A level 10 Gryphon is required before the promotion to HolyGriffStat Growth:HP: 4-8MP: 0STR: 1-2INT: 0-2AGI: 0-2Comments: Gryphons are the main physical White monsters. They may seempathetic at first, but they're deceptively strong. Gryphons are useful fortaking out Demons and Hellhounds. Also, they're fast and hard to hit. Theymake a good addition to any army. They're basically a wussier Wyvern unitwith less HP and mobility. Still, that's fairly useful, and they gain offensefaster than Wyverns do. They have pretty poor durability, so they have atendency to die if you are too aggressive with them.How to deal with enemy Gryphons: Curse makes short work of Gryphons. They'refairly fragile for frontline units, and a few attacks from Dragons or a goodphysical Knight should easily take it out.Lv10 HolyGriff2 WhiteHP: 554MP: 0RuneCost: 80Upkeep: 48STR: 94INT: 40AGI: 65ATK: 258DEF: 111Base ATK: 70Base DEF: 90Lv30 HolyGriffHP: 754MP: 0STR: 124INT: 70AGI: 95ATK: 318DEF: 121Special Attacks: Feather StormStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 0STR: 1-2INT: 1-2AGI: 1-2Comments: HolyGriffs are quite a bit stronger than Gryphons. They get FeatherStorm, a 2 hex ranged attack, which is actually fairly powerful because ofthe HolyGriff's decent ATK score. They're worth the expensive upgrade. Astrong HolyGriff can take large chunks out of Avengers, and they handleHellhounds and Demons with very little problem. The only downside to aHolyGriff is that their defense is still rather low. Even so, it's the bestphysical White monster outside of Fafnirs, and it costs 35 less Rune.How to deal with HolyGriffs: Same as Gryphons. Gryphons don't have good statgrowth, so HolyGriffs aren't particularly hard to kill for a level 10 unit.Even so, they have enough offense to warrant some caution.AngelHP: 360MP: 300RuneCost: 85Upkeep: 50STR: 63INT: 65AGI: 70ATK: 186DEF: 113Base ATK: 60Base DEF: 90Spells: Heal, Divine Ray.A level 10 Angel is needed before the promotion to ArchAngelStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 2-4STR: 0-2INT: 1-2AGI: 0-2Comments: Angels are good units. While not physically imposing in any sense,they have Divine Ray, one of the strongest single target spells in the game.If you place an Angel two hexes away from a target, they can unleash DivineRay the next turn. This gives them the best damage potential of the level 1units. They're never a burden, and you should buy some if you can affordthem. Of course, with that Rune Cost, you could have a Dragon instead, butDivine Ray is excellent single target damage. Your call.How to deal with enemy Angels: Hellhounds and Curse spells from Demons andDruids kill Angels pretty quickly. 360 HP is nothing, and Angel defense isn'tgood enough for more than a couple of turns. Try to keep your distance fromthem, as Angels really like to cast Divine Ray. To avoid this, try tomortally injure any of his allies. The AI will almost always use Heal insteadof Divine Ray if one of his allies is near death, which is good becauseDivine Ray hurts.ArchAngelHP: 450MP: 327RuneCost: 105Upkeep: 74STR: 73INT: 80AGI: 79ATK: 216DEF: 121Base ATK: 70Base DEF: 95Spells: Heal, Halo, Divine Ray, Holy WordStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 4-6STR: 0-2INT: 1-2AGI: 0-2A level 20 ArchAngel is required before the promotion to SeraphComments: ArchAngels get some ATK and DEF boosts, which is nice, but the bestaddition by far is the Holy Word spell. Holy Word is pretty potent in thehands of ArchAngels, because they have decent INT. It is also an excellentoption in tandem with other multi-target spells. After Holy Word, level 10ArchAngels should have just enough MP for Divine Ray. You can use their MPoffensively for 1 Holy Word and 1 Divine Ray, or you can relegate them to asupport role for 5-6 Heal spells. I prefer to use them offensively sincesupporting roles are best left to Unicorns, and it's a big waste of the HolyWord spell.How to deal with enemy ArchAngels: They can cast Holy Word, so you shouldprobably make them into a high priority. Curse still works well, though highINT softens its impact. They're still not particularly durable, so wail away.Lv20 Seraph.3 WhiteHP: 550MP: 374RuneCost: 120Upkeep: 98STR: 83INT: 95AGI: 89ATK: 246DEF: 129Base ATK: 80Base DEF: 100Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Divine Ray, Holy WordLv30 SeraphHP: 650MP: 424STR: 94INT: 110AGI: 104ATK: 268DEF: 134Stat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 4-6STR: 0-2INT: 1-2AGI: 1-2A level 20 Seraph and the Fruit of Vice item are required before thepromotion to Lucifer.Comments: Seraphs get Light Feather, which is a ranged attack that can beused after movement. This is immensely useful. You don't have to put out verymuch effort to keep these guys alive anymore, because of added defense (whichAngels sorely need). They should be able Holy Word twice at level 20, so tryto conserve your MP for that purpose. They're very expensive units, buttheir damage potential is high enough to justify the costs.How to deal with enemy Seraphs: Same as ArchAngels.Lv30 Lucifer1 White, 1 Black, 1 RedHP: 650MP: 424RuneCost: 120Upkeep: 122STR: 98INT: 115AGI: 119ATK: 281DEF: 139Base ATK: 85Base DEF: 100Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Divine Ray, Holy Word, Meteor Doom,Dimension, Flame, PowerRequired Item: Fruit of ViceStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 4-6STR: 1-2INT: 1-3AGI: 1-3Comments: Lucifers are excellent units if you can actually get a Fruit ofVice. It already takes a Seraph to promote one, so the chances of actuallygetting one are quite marginal. They get Meteor Doom, and they have excellentINT scores, so you probably know what to do. The Lucifer's Dimension spellwill work pretty often because of high INT, and it even has the Power spellto supplement your other units (hey, something has to be done with the MPafter Meteor Doom).How to deal with enemy Lucifers: You don't.Ghoul.1 Black.60 ManaHP: 410MP: 100RuneCost: 15Upkeep: 6STR: 55INT: 20AGI: 50ATK: 170DEF: 96Base ATK: 60Base DEF: 80Spells: NoneA Lv10 Ghoul is required before the promotion to Vampire.Stat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 2-4STR: 0-2INT: 0-1AGI: 0-2Comments: To put it plainly, Ghouls suck. However, they do eventually becomethe formidable Vampire Lord. Until then, you'll have to put up with a lot ofmediocrity. However, it's not so bad, because they gain levels very quickly.If a Ghoul kills an average monster, they are guaranteed to get at least onelevel. When they get to level 10, they can become a Vampire, which areaverage at best, but still a step up from Ghouls. You can use Ghouls asdecoys. The AI likes to target them a lot for some reason. This is the onlyreal good thing about them. You can use them to fill in your ranks, sincethey're the cheapest monsters around. They're great fodder since they drawfire and are quite easy to replace. It's really sad/hilarious to see Dinadanand White Dragons kill off your Ghouls in one hit.How to deal with enemy Ghouls: Don't worry. They can't hurt you. They have atendency to get in the way, but they're really not worth wasting a Divine Rayover. A couple smacks should get them into the range where the AI pulls aunit back.Lv10 Vampire.2 Black.HP: 500MP: 127RuneCost: 30Upkeep: 12STR: 64INT: 25AGI: 59ATK: 198DEF: 104Base ATK: 70Base DEF: 85Special Attacks: Blood Suck (heals some damage after hitting something)5% HP regenerationA Lv20 Vampire is required before the promotion to Vampire LordStat Growth:HP: 12-16MP: 2-4STR: 0-2INT: 0-1AGI: 1-2Comments: The Ghouls you have that survive can become Vampires. Vampires arevery average creatures, but average is still leagues ahead of Ghouls. Evenso, they're on par with level 1 monsters. They are more expensive thanGhouls, and their upgrade isn't very cost-effective. They can suck a bit ofblood from enemies, but the damage they do is so pathetic that any HP you getis inconsequential. They recover 5% of their max HP each turn, which is...something. They may be able to hold their own against Clerics and Unicorns.Vampires also level up quickly, which is nice considering that they becomeVampire Lords.How to deal with enemy Vampires: Divine Ray and Gryphons still take care ofVampires quite well. Like the Ghoul, they're more of an annoyance thananything else. Dimension usually works on them, but it may not be worth theeffort, since they're so easy to kill.Lv20 Vampire Lord.3 BlackHP: 640MP: 154RuneCost: 70Upkeep: 42STR: 74INT: 29AGI: 74ATK: 228DEF: 114Base ATK: 80Base DEF: 90Special Attacks: Bat AttackSpells: Weakness, Necro RebirthLv30 Vampire LordHP: 780MP: 204STR: 84INT: 44AGI: 89ATK: 248DEF: 11910% HP regeneration, heals 25% of melee damage done.Stat Growth:HP: 12-16MP: 4-6STR: 0-2INT: 1-2AGI: 1-2Comments: Now we're talkin'. Finally, after all that crap, the dividends payoff. They regenerate 10% or so of their HP every turn and heal 25% of thedamage they deal with their physical attack. They have a ranged attack calledBat Attack, which is pretty strong. They also get the Necro Rebirth spell,which turns the enemy's dead monsters against him/her. This is especiallyuseful after you kill a promoted monster. The three black elements, alongwith decent attack, make Vampire Lords into one of the best monsters to killWhite units with. They're still not great at pure slugfests, but they canusually hold their own. Vampire Lords are the prize you get for putting upwith the horrible previous classes.How to deal with enemy Vampire Lords: At this point, it may be worthwhile toDivine Ray these guys. They just stomp on your White units, but units likeWhite Dragons, Fafnirs, HolyGriffs and Cavaliers/Paladins should be able todo well against them. Their offense is decent, but it's nothing too scary(Lv1 Dragon level), so they don't really have to be a high priority.Hellhound1 Black.180 ManaHP: 450MP: 100Rune Cost: 35Upkeep: 18STR: 65INT: 30AGI: 70ATK: 190DEF: 103Base ATK: 60Base DEF: 80A level 10 Fenrir is required before the promotion to FenrirStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 2-4STR: 0-2INT: 0-1AGI: 0-2Comments: Hellhounds are very useful. They lack strength, but they have theHit&Away ability, which allows them to move again after attacking. This isvery useful if you want to get rid of a certain unit, since it allows moreunits to get attacks in. Also, in higher difficulty modes, you can use aHellhound to attack a certain unit, and then run back to your own lines. TheAI on Hard difficulty is often reluctant to make the first move, so thistactic is useful for getting the computer off its ass (the AI goes onoffensive mode only when you get too close or when you deal damage).Hellhounds get Hellfire, which attacks in a two hex line. It's not toostrong, but it's nice to have around. They're helpful in any situation fortheir hit and run offense. They have poor HP and DEF, but they can usuallyhide behind other units after attacking.How to deal with enemy Hellhounds: All things considered, these guys reallyaren't that much more durable than Ghouls are. Hellhounds are irritatingbecause they run away after attacking, but they can't really take very manycounters before dying. Divine Ray kills 'em dead, if you're willing to spendMP on it.Lv10 Fenrir2 BlackHP: 540MP: 127Rune Cost: 50Upkeep: 36STR: 75INT: 35AGI: 79ATK: 220DEF: 111Base ATK: 70Base DEF: 85Lv30 FenrirHP: 740MP: 187STR: 105INT: 55AGI: 109ATK: 280DEF: 121Stat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 2-4STR: 1-2INT: 0-2AGI: 1-2Comments: Fenrirs are one of the most useful Rune Monsters around. They dealgood black elemental damage, and they are highly mobile. The Hit&Away abilityis just as deadly as ever, especially when paired with decent offense.They're hard to hit, and they have a 3 hex breath attack to play around with.Have at least one around to harass your enemies. They're an absolute bargainat 50 Rune Power.How to deal with enemy Fenrirs: Same as Hellhounds. They're much harder tokill, but Divine Ray and other heavy duty spells will do the job.Demon2 Black480 ManaHP: 360MP: 300RuneCost: 85Upkeep: 48STR: 68INT: 65AGI: 70ATK: 196DEF: 113Base ATK: 60Base DEF: 90Spells: Venom, CurseA level 10 Demon is required before the promotion to ArchDemonStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 2-4STR: 0-2INT: 1-2AGI: 0-2Comments: Demons are the evil counterpart of Angels. They're generallystronger, and faster, but they lack the ability to heal. Venom and Curse arepretty handy attack spells. Venom is weak, but it has a very long range andit has a chance of causing the poison status. Curse requires the Demon to berelatively close to her target, but it dishes out very heavy black elementaldamage, which is very handy for taking out enemy Bishops, Gryphons,Cavaliers, and White Dragons. They're very expensive, but it's nice to have aunit that can dispose of White element creatures quickly.How to deal with enemy Demons: Demons are generally annoying because they cancast Venom from afar. If you don't get too close, however, they can't Curseyou. Sadly, there's no real MP baiting tactic for Demons, so you'll probablyhave to waste them pretty quickly. Gryphons are excellent for this task, andCavaliers also tend to do well.Lv10 ArchDemon3 BlackHP: 450MP: 327RuneCost: 100Upkeep: 72STR: 77INT: 80AGI: 79ATK: 224DEF: 121Base ATK: 70Base DEF: 95Spells: Venom, Curse, Dimension, WeaknessStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 4-6STR: 0-2INT: 1-2AGI: 0-2Comments: They're still fragile, but they now have all the Nightmare spells.Weakness is very useful and can be used with Power to make something die.Curse is as strong as ever, and Dimension is useful for stealing monsters (orjust launching them across the battlefield). They're generally better thanNightmares, since they, you know, have offense. Also, ArchDemons tend to bemore intelligent than Nightmares, which means that their status spells have ahigher chance of working.Lv20 Satan3 BlackHP: 550MP: 374RuneCost: 120Upkeep: 96STR: 87INT: 95AGI: 89ATK: 254DEF: 129Base ATK: 80Base DEF: 100Lv30 SatanHP: 650MP: 424STR: 97INT: 110AGI: 104ATK: 274DEF: 134Spells: Venom, Meteor Doom, Curse, Dimension, Weakness, Necro RebirthSpecial Attacks: Death Lip, Nasty NeedleA level 20 Satan and the Liquor of Charm item are required for the promotionto Lilith.Stat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 4-6STR: 0-2INT: 1-2AGI: 1-2Comments: Look! Meteor Doom! Well, if you're like me, and you're careful notto catch too many of your allies in the crossfire, you should do fine.However, they only have enough MP for one casting, and little left foranything else (maybe a Curse or a Dimension). They're still great damagedealers (high intellect and Curse). They have a decent ranged attack in NastyNeedle. Dimension and Weakness have a pretty good chance of working on youropponent because Satans have excellent INT and their status spells areboosted a little bit (more on this in the mechanics section. Yes, I'mplugging my own FAQ within my own FAQ).How to deal with Satans: Divine Ray will hurt, but White Dragons andHolyGriffs are probably your best bets. Satans actually last quite a whiledespite averagish HP because they have such high defenses. They're quitedangerous, since they can fling Meteor Dooms around. If your opponent happensto have one, you should probably make it your first priority.Lv30 Lilith1 White, 1 Black, 1 RedHP: 650MP: 424RuneCost: 120Upkeep: 120STR: 102INT: 115AGI: 109ATK: 289DEF: 136Base ATK: 85Base DEF: 100Spells: Heal, Divine Ray, Venom, Meteor Doom, Curse, Dimension, Weakness,Necro Rebirth, Frost, CharmRequired Item: Liquor of CharmStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 4-6STR: 1-2INT: 1-3AGI: 1-3Comments: Liliths are quite useful. Meteor Doom is a very useful spell, asusual. The Lilith's Charm spell has an excellent chance of working because ofthe Lilith's insane INT (120 is unbeatable). Liliths have Divine Ray, Curse,and Frost, which means that they cover every important element (Green doesn'tcount) except Red. Getting one is insanely rare, but if you get the item, youshould train up a Satan.How to deal with enemy Liliths: No.==========D. Classes==========Rune Knights are basically soldiers who lug monsters around. Without aRune Knight, monsters cannot be used. Rune Knights are the only units thatcan defend or take a castle. Monsters inside castles that aren't assigned toa Rune Knight are taken with the castle. Monsters in reserve cannot defendcastles. Rune Knights are the most important part of the game. As their levelincreases, their Rune Power and other stats (HP, MP, STR, etc.) increase.A weak Knight with a high Rune Power is more valuable than a strong Knightwith a low one. On level 10 and 20, Rune Knights can change classes or bepromoted. Each level you get in a Class, you get a star. After 5 stars,you'll become an EXPERT in that class. EXPERT just means that you retainabilities from that class if you switch classes. It is also a prerequisitefor many of the 2nd and 3rd tier classes.============Male Classes============------------------First Tier Classes------------------FighterNo ElementsAttacks: Fighter Blade, Power StrikeClass Change: Berserker, Cavalier, SamuraiBase ATK: 65Base DEF: 95Stat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 2-4STR: 1-2INT: 0-1AGI: 0-2Comments: Fighters are the basic male Knights. Treat them like a monster thatneeds to be trained and defended well (feed them kills on dying enemies).Many of the Knights that start out as Fighters (Ector, Loufal, Eloute,Teath), usually have good potential, so it might be wise to build them up.The decision to become a Cavalier or a Samurai is pretty important in theevolution of your Knight, so choose well. If you have an excess of eitherCavaliers or Samurais, choose the one you have less of. Samurai become prettypotent offensive forces, but Cavaliers aren't a bad option, overall.BarbarianNo ElementsClass Change: Berserker, Cavalier, SamuraiBase ATK: 70Base DEF: 85Stat Growth:HP: 12-16MP: 0-2STR: 1-2INT: 0-1AGI: 0-2Comments: Barbarians are Fighters with more ATK and less DEF. They generallydon't hit as often, but have better HP and STR growth. They've got inferiordefense, but later on, they can become Berserkers and Avengers. Avengers arestronger than Paladins, but they don't heal or have Holy Word. When they getto level 10, make these guys Berserkers.Priest1 White.Class Change: Monk, BishopSpells: Heal, CureBase ATK: 60Base DEF: 85Stat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 4-6STR: 0-2INT: 0-2AGI: 0-2Comments: Priests are the basis for the male healing classes. They lackoffense, and training them can be a pain. It's best for them to attack weakblack element units like Hellhounds, Demons, and Sorceresses. If you theKnight to focus on physical power, become a Monk. If you want better healingand a good offensive spell, become a Bishop. For all intents and purposes,these guys are slightly stronger Unicorns that require more protection.RangerNo ElementsClass Change: GrapplerBase ATK: 65Base DEF: 90Stat Growth:HP: 12-16MP: 0-2STR: 1-2INT: 0-1AGI: 1-2Comments: Rangers are pretty wussy at first, but stick with them. No rangerin the game is ever useless. They become grapplers, then Champions. Championshave the highest HP and STR growth in the game. Rangers have pretty high MOV,and they always end up being tough due to high HP, STR, and AGI growth.Mage1 RedClass Change: Druid, SorcererSpells: Flame, Geno-Flame, Thunder, PowerBase ATK: 50Base DEF: 75Stat GrowthHP: 4-8MP: 4-8STR: 0-1INT: 1-2AGI: 0-2Comments: Mages are the basic male offensive magic class. Mages have strongFire spells, but the Power spell is very useful as well. Because breathattacks are based on ATK and the Power spell increases ATK by 1.5x, anyPowered Breath attack will deal excellent damage in a line. Mages don'treally have troubles leveling like the other first tier male Knights dobecause Geno-Flame gives them good area damage (which gives lots ofexperience), and Thunder is a high powered attack spell that can easily killmonsters with around 150 HP. If you want Black element spells, promote yourmage to a Druid. If you want a variety of red/blue spells, pick the Sorcerer.Dual-classing them to a Priest class probably isn't a bad idea, since theycan Heal and use offensive magic at the same time.-------------------Second Tier Classes-------------------Bishop2 WhiteClass Change: CardinalATK: 65DEF: 90Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Divine RayStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 4-6STR: 0-2INT: 1-2AGI: 0-2Comments: The Bishop upgrade gives a big boost in usefulness. Divine Rayprovides good offense, which the Bishop sorely needs. Area Heal and Halo aregood additions as well, but try to conserve your MP until you need it (ingeneral, Priests are inferior to offensive mages in terms of MP). Don't castArea Heal unless you've been hit with a big area spell or are just in direstraits. Otherwise, Heal is cheaper and more cost effective. If you haveenough Unicorns around to give healing, you can use Divine Ray at your ownleisure.Sorcerer1 Red, 1 BlueClass Change: WizardATK: 55DEF: 80Spells: Flame, Geno-Flame, Thunder, Exa-Blast, Power, Frost, FogStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 6-8STR: 0-1INT: 1-2AGI: 0-2Comments: Sorcerers have a large variety of spells. Exa-Blast is the mostpowerful Fire spell in the game. Geno-Thunder, while weaker, hits a circularrange around a single hex. Frost makes the Sorcerer useful against Dragonsand other red Creatures. Fog is pretty useless, but it can screw Giants overif it ends up working. Sorcerers have more variety than Druids, because theyget access to both sides of the red/blue elemental opposition. However,Druids become Necromancers, who may be more useful than Wizards because ofMeteor Doom.Druid1 Red, 1 BlackClass Change: NecromancerBase ATK: 55Base DEF: 80Spells: Venom, Curse, Weakness, Flame, Geno-Flame, Thunder, PowerStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 6-8STR: 0-1INT: 1-2AGI: 0-2Comments: Druids can be more useful than Sorcerers in some cases. Venom has alot of range, but it doesn't do much damage. Curse is a very powerful spell,and it will take down Unicorns and Angels very quickly. Weakness is prettyuseful since it makes good use of the Druid's high INT. A Weakness spell on amonster along with a Power spell on one of your own units usually ends upwith a dead enemy monster.Monk1 WhiteClass Change: GuardianSpecial: Debar Knuckle may paralyzeBase ATK: 70Base DEF: 95Spells: Heal, CureStat Growth:HP: 12-16MP: 2-4STR: 1-3INT: 0-2AGI: 1-2Comments: Monks are slightly stronger than Bishops, but they don't becomepotent fighters until much later. They don't get any more spells, but theyget much better HP, STR, and AGI growth than Bishops do. As a tradeoff, aMonk's INT and MP growth is lower. Debar Knuckle has the annoying tendency(well, depending on who is on the receiving end) to paralyze an enemy. Thisclass isn't a horrible option, but it's generally a poor man'sBishop/Grappler. The stats are diluted, and you end up with a unit that isn'tparticularly great at anything. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but itseems like you should just use a Grappler or a Bishop instead.Cavalier1 WhiteClass Change: PaladinBase ATK: 70Base DEF: 105Spells: HealStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 4-6STR: 1-2INT: 0-2AGI: 0-2Comments: Cavaliers get the Heal spell, as well as a White element. Ingeneral, Cavaliers are weaker than Berserkers and Samurais, but they have thebest defense of the three. They don't get anything special like regenerationor high hit rates, which makes dual-classing them a lot less useful. The Healspell isn't that great for a unit that's primarily in battle as a frontlinecharacter, but it has its uses here and there. Cavaliers and Paladins getsome decent swords if you quest enough.Berserker1 BlackClass Change: AvengerBase ATK: 80Base DEF: 95Stat Growth:HP: 12-16MP: 0-2STR: 1-3INT: 0-1AGI: 0-2Comments: Berserkers are stronger than Cavaliers, but they have much lowerbase defense. They also have trouble hitting things sometimes, becauseBerserkers have lower AGI. Berserkers recover 5% of their max HP per round,which is handy. Berserkers get to use Axes, and there are some prettypowerful axes around if you can get them. If you get your hands on Balor (+18ATK, Black element), the Berserker's physical can become pretty potent.SamuraiBase ATK: 75Base DEF: 100Class Change: ShogunSpells: Iai Slash (40 MP)Stat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 2-4STR: 1-2INT: 0-2AGI: 1-2Comments: Samurais are always a good class to change to if you can't choosebetween a Cavalier and a Berserker. They rarely miss, due to good AGI andtheir +10% to hit rates. They're pretty strong, and they get Iai Slashability. This lets them attack from 2 hexes away at cost of 40 MP, allowingSamurai to be involved in the offense without having to get too close to theenemy. Even if the enemy is next to them, they cannot counterattack the IaiSlash. Usually, Samurai can cast this 2-3 times. They're not a great class todual to, since they don't really give any great abilities (the added hit rateis nice, but it's not as good as regeneration or an increase in criticalrates).GrapplerBase ATK: 75Base DEF: 95Stat Growth:HP: 12-16MP: 0-2STR: 1-3INT: 0-1AGI: 1-2Comments: Grapplers are pretty good Knights. They get very good STR and HPgrowth, which makes them into deadly fighters. They also get a +10% to theirCritical hit rate, which is especially good as a dual-class ability since ittransfers over to other classes. Their defense isn't too great, but theyusually have more than enough HP (or, later in the game, evasion) to take it.------------------Third Tier Classes------------------Cardinal2 White, 1 BlueBase ATK: 70Base DEF: 95Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Divine Ray, Holy Word, Flight, CharmStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 4-6STR: 1-2INT: 1-3AGI: 0-2Comments: Cardinals are the final step on the Priest/Bishop path. They get afew Blue spells, as well as Holy Word. Flight is useful for Hydras/Tiamats orany other slow units. Charm works on a semi-regular basis because of highCardinal INT, and Charmed monsters are almost always left behind after theKnight dies. Some Cardinals get decent attack ratings, too. Their INT growthseems to be consistently high. They're really not too bad, but lowish MP isstill an issue, which may mean that you should plan to dual-class them with amage class.Wizard:1 Red, 1 Blue, 1 GreenBase ATK: 60Base DEF: 85Spells: Flame, Geno-Flame, Thunder, Geno-Thunder, Exa-Blast, Power, Frost,Geno-Frost, Fog, ReactStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 8-10STR: 0-1INT: 1-3AGI: 0-2Comments: Wizards are incredible magic units. They get every Geno-spell, andReact. React probably won't be useful for a Wizard, but Geno-Thunder givesWizards an offensive punch. It has a nice range, and it is pretty versatilein its ability to deal damage because you choose where it targets. Think of aWizard as a Mini-Cai.Necromancer2 Black, 1 RedBase ATK: 60Base DEF: 85Spells: Venom, Meteor Doom, Curse, Dimension, Weakness, Necro Rebirth, Flame,Geno-Flame, Thunder, PowerStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 8-10STR: 0-1INT: 2-3AGI: 0-1Comments: Necromancers are very powerful. At higher levels, they can castMeteor Doom twice in a fight. Screw everything else, just use Meteor Doom alot. It's hard to set up sometimes, and sometimes you have to take a hit touse it, but the raw damage you can do to large areas with this spell isunmatched. The Necromancer's other spells besides Meteor Doom are prettyinsignificant in comparison, though Dimension and Necro Rebirth can be handyin a pinch.ShogunNo ElementsBase ATK: 85Base DEF: 105Spells: Iai Slash (45 MP)Stat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 2-4STR: 1-3INT: 0-2AGI: 1-2Comments: Shoguns almost never miss (+20% Hit Rate), making them goodcandidates for fighting more evasive flying units. They get good HP atlevel 30 (780+), and they can get +3 in STR when they level up now. There'snothing bad about them. Also, the fact that they have no elements makes ableto deal good damage against any unit. Iai Slash's MP cost is increased forShoguns, but this isn't a major issue.Avenger2 BlackBase ATK: 85Base DEF: 105Spells: Curse, WeaknessStat Growth:HP: 12-16MP: 2-4STR: 1-3INT: 0-2AGI: 0-2Comments: Avengers are probably the strongest physical class in the game,except Champions. They regenerate 10% of their maximum HP a turn, and theycan absolutely womp White units. The Curse spell is useful to weaken theenemy from afar, if you have the MP to use it (many Avengers don't at first).They use swords, but they lose the use of Berserker/Barbarian axes. Most ofthe strongest Knights in the game are Avengers. They usually end up with morethan 115+ STR at level 30.Paladin2 WhiteBase ATK: 80Base DEF: 110Spells: Heal, Cure, Holy WordStat Growth:HP: 12-16MP: 4-6STR: 1-2INT: 0-2AGI: 0-2Comments: Paladins get better DEF, blah, blah, blah. They get Holy Word, butmany cannot use it until a later level. Holy Word isn't a bad spell, but it'snot too frightening with Paladin INT. Paladins are good fighters, but they'regenerally inferior to Avengers, Shoguns, and Champions in terms of physicalability. They're pretty good at knocking Demons and Hellhounds out, and theirgood defense should make them last a while.Guardian2 WhiteBase ATK: 80Base DEF: 100Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, HaloStat Growth:HP: 16-20MP: 2-4STR: 1-3INT: 1-2AGI: 1-2Comments: Guardians don't really get that much new. Guardians can stillparalyze, and this is still probably their most useful ability. TheGuardian's new spells don't help him that much. Area Heal is good, but it'snot something that Guardians need. Guardians get Champion level HP and STRgrowth, but the fact that they started out as priests makes them weaker inthe long run. They end up as passable fighters, but Champions are clearlysuperior.ChampionNo ElementsBase ATK: 85Base DEF: 100Stat Growth:HP: 16-20MP: 0-2STR: 2-3INT: 0-1AGI: 1-2Comments: Champions are probably the best male physical class. They getincredibly high Critical rates, and many can get HP values of 900 and up!They're never a burden, but some suffer from subpar defense. Sometimes, theircriticals can do up to 300+ damage. These aren't a bad investment, especiallyconsidering that its weaker class forms aren't bad at all. Later on,Champions become very hard to hit because of their decent AGI. Dualling themwith Avengers is generally agreed to be one of the best combinations in thegame.==============Female Classes==============------------------First Tier Classes------------------ScoutNo ElementsClass Change: Archer, LancerBase ATK: 65Base DEF: 90Stat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 2-4STR: 0-2INT: 0-1AGI: 1-2Comments: Scouts are slightly stronger Centaurs with no elementalaffiliation. They can become Archers or Lancers. Pick their class based onwhat you need. Archers can still shoot, but from a longer distance (3 hexesas compared to 2). Lancers are the best melee attackers that females canbecome. Scouts are not hard to train at all because they can attack withoutfear of reprisal.Enchantress1 BlueClass Change: Sorceress, MysticSpells: Frost, Geno-Frost, Fog, CharmBase ATK: 50Base DEF: 75Stat Growth:HP: 4-8MP: 4-6STR: 0-1INT: 1-2AGI: 0-2Comments: Enchantresses are the basic female offensive magicians. Frost andGeno-Frost make them very useful against Dragons and Scorpions. Charm workswonders against some enemies, and it's very helpful if you're trying to stealmonsters. Fog is pretty useless, so stick with Frost. They can becomeSorceresses or Mystics at level 10. Mystics are somewhat useful since theyget heal and have good MP growth, but the Sorceress path will eventually leadto Meteor Doom.Cleric1 WhiteClass Change: Lector, MysticSpells: Heal, HaloBase ATK: 60Base DEF: 85Stat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 4-6STR: 0-2INT: 0-2AGI: 0-2Comments: Clerics are very weak. They have no damage output, but they'repretty good as support units. Halo helps Giants and Golems out by giving a100% hit rate. However, they're pretty much deadweight until they becomeLectors or Mystics. Lectors get Holy Word, but Mystics get more offensivevariety. Your choice.-------------------Second Tier Classes-------------------Lector2 WhiteClass Change: SaintBase ATK: 65Base DEF: 90Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Holy WordStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 4-6STR: 0-2INT: 1-2AGI: 0-2Comments: Lectors are infinitely more useful than Clerics because of HolyWord. With this spell, they finally get an offensive ability. Use Holy Wordto weaken enemy units for your monster parties. They also get Area Heal, butHoly Word is generally more useful.Archer1 GreenClass Change: ArtemisBase ATK: 70Base DEF: 95Spells: Accel, Paralyze, SilentStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 2-4STR: 0-2INT: 0-1AGI: 1-3Comments: Archers aren't exceptionally good offensive units, but they canattack from very long distances. Accel and Paralyze are good spells to use,but Silent is best left to Fairies. Accel increases a unit's MOV stat(helpful for Hydras), and Paralyze has a pretty good chance to make a targetimmobile. Archers are worth using, if not just because they can becomeArtemi. In a choice between Archers and Lancers, I would really considerusing Archers. Their long attack range, good mobility, high AGI (evasion andincreased defense), status attacks, and a group of good Centaurs are morethan enough to justify their presence in your army. Lancers are good if youreally need a strong Blue elemental melee fighter, but Lizard Guards andTiamats cover the Blue element pretty well.Lancer1 BlueClass Change: ValkyrieBase ATK: 75Base DEF: 100Spells: FogStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 2-4STR: 1-2INT: 0-1AGI: 1-2Comments: Lancers are the only way for a female character to become acompetent melee attacker. They're not too strong, but they tend to be hard tohit at the beginning of the game. They get Spear Throw, which allows them toattack from 2 hexes away. They're decent, but they may not be worth choosingover the Archer path. Still, Lancers that start out on the Lancer path arestill useful. There are a lot of good spears floating around, like the GaeBolg (+18 ATK). Considering trying to quest for one if you think your Lancersare too weak.Mystic1 White, 1 BlueClass Change: SageBase ATK: 65Base DEF: 80Spells: Heal, Halo, Frost, Geno-Frost, Flight, Fog, CharmStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 6-8STR: 0-1INT: 1-2AGI: 0-2Comments: Mystics are relatively useful, but they don't have much that theEnchantress doesn't. Halo and Flight are OK, but their use is mostlysituational. Heal is the only thing that the Mystic really gets that theSorceress doesn't. This is kind of useful, but it takes away potentialGeno-Frosts. It doesn't make much of a difference, but they get a higher baseattack than the Sorceress does (you'd have to be pretty damn desperate ifyou're actually using their physicals).Sorceress1 Blue, 1 BlackBase ATK: 55Base DEF: 80Spells: Venom, Dimension, Frost, Geno-Frost, Fall Berg, Fog, CharmStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 6-8STR: 0-1INT: 1-2AGI: 0-2Comments: Sorceresses have a good spell set. Fall Berg is an immenselypowerful Blue spell (best for Dragon hunting), and Dimension can teleport aKnight far, far away, if you're lucky (the chances aren't that bad, sinceSorceresses have good INT). Venom is also good for a long ranged attack.==================Third Tier Classes==================Valkyrie1 White, 1 BlueBase ATK: 85Base DEF: 105Spells: Heal, Holy Word, FogStat Growth:HP: 12-16MP: 2-4STR: 1-2INT: 0-2AGI: 1-2Comments: Valkyries are the best female warriors around. They are very hardto hit, and they tend to deal decent damage. They can heal and cast HolyWord, which makes them more useful than some other classes. Use them withcaution, because they're somewhat fragile against Dragons and Tiamats. Still,the added White element makes them good against Demons and other blackelemental creatures.Saint3 WhiteBase ATK: 70Base DEF: 95Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Divine Ray, Holy WordStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 4-6STR: 0-2INT: 1-3AGI: 0-2Comments: Saints are the same as Lectors, but they get a concentrated damagespell, Divine Ray. With the Saint's high INT, Divine Ray is prettydevastating. Other than this, they're just slightly stronger Lectors. They'reessentially watered down versions of Lyonesse, which isn't bad, per se.Artemis2 GreenBase ATK: 75Base DEF: 100Spells: Accel, Protect, Paralyze, Solid, React, SilentStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 4-6STR: 0-2INT: 0-2AGI: 1-3Comments: The Artemis is one of the most useful classes in the game. They canattack from 4 hexes away! That's farther than the range of most magic spells.They are pretty strong, but they need protection. Solid is one of the mostannoying spells in the game (for the opponent). Give an Artemis a lot of HighCentaurs, and you're pretty much set. The computer can't really handle thisat all, and Artemi are insanely evasive.Sage1 White, 1 Red, 1 BlueBase ATK: 70Base DEF: 85Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Halo, Exa-Blast, Power, Frost, Geno-Frost, Flight,Fog, CharmStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 8-10STR: 0-1INT: 1-3AGI: 0-2Comments: Sages get a large variety of spells. Exa-Blast is useful againststronger Blue opponents (Vaynard), and Power is an insanely useful spell formonsters with breaths. However, her best Area attack is still Geno-Frost.This tones down her usefulness a little bit, since other third tier mageshave something like Geno-Thunder and Meteor Doom.Witch2 Black, 1 BlueBase ATK: 60Base DEF: 85Spells: Venom, Dimension, Frost, Geno-Frost, Fall Berg, Fog, Charm, MeteorDoom, Necro RebirthStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 8-10STR: 0-1INT: 1-3AGI: 0-2Comments: Meteor Doom. 'Nuff said. If you want actual commentary, they don'tactually get that much except Meteor Doom. Necro Rebirth can be a prettyuseful spell, but it doesn't cause the destruction the Meteor Doom does. MDis rather expensive, but most Witches should be able to cast it and Geno-Frost in the same battle.=========================Rulers and Unique Classes=========================PrinceNo ElementsBase ATK: 75Base DEF: 100Attacks: Twin Blade, Wing SlashSpells: Heal, FlameStat Growth:HP: 12-16MP: 4-6STR: 1-2INT: 1-2AGI: 1-2Comments: Lance's class. He gets pretty good stat growth, as well as the Flameand Heal spell. At first, he'll have to be a support Knight with Heal, butlater on he can attack other units with high efficiency. He's a hassle, buthe's worth putting up with, because he's pretty unstoppable at higher levels.King1 RedBase ATK: 80Base DEF: 100Spells: Heal, Flame, Geno-FlameStat Growth:HP: 12-16MP: 4-6STR: 1-3INT: 1-2AGI: 1-2Comments: By the time Lance is a King, he won't be a burden anymore (that is,if you used him at all). The King is just a Prince with enhanced stat growthand the Geno-Flame spell. With Geno-Flame, Lance finally has an area attack,making him several times more useful. To get Lance to the King class, bringhim to Logres (Esgares's capital), and let him stay there. You'll get ascene, and he'll become a King.Lord1 BlueBase ATK: 80Base DEF: 109?Attacks: Caladbolg, Wolf FangSpells: Frost, Geno-Frost, FogStat Growth:HP: 12-16MP: 2-4STR: 1-3INT: 1-2AGI: 1-2Comments: Vaynard's class. Vaynard has good STR growth, and he gets prettyintelligent later on. He's mainly a physical powerhouse. Towards level 20+,he can cast Geno-Frost twice. He can crush G-Scorpions in one hit, andDragons in a couple more. However, keep him away from red monsters that aretoo strong, like Lance's Salamander or Phoenixes.Emperor2 RedBase ATK: 80Base DEF: 110Attacks: Tempest Bow, Lightning BowSpells: Geno-Thunder, PowerStat Growth:HP: 12-16MP: 2-4STR: 2-3INT: 0-2AGI: 1-2Comments: Zemeckis's class. Zemeckis rules. He can attack as far as a HighCentaur. He can cast power on himself to do even more damage. He also hasGeno-Thunder to wreak havoc upon a concentrated area. He'll never lose in aone on one duel, because he can just move away, cast Power, thencounterattack. Non-Esgares players are lucky that he has such mediocre statsfor a high level Knight. His high starting level makes it so that most earlygame monsters don't stand a chance against him.Queen2 WhiteBase ATK: 115Base DEF: 90Attacks: Liath-FailSpells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Divine Ray, Holy Word, Charm, ProtectStat Growth:HP: 4-8MP: 6-8STR: 0-1INT: 1-2AGI: 1-2Comments: Lyonesse's class. She's very frail, but she's not really meant forthe front lines. She can cast Holy Word 2-3 times at the end of the game.That's enough to severely weaken the enemy's armies. Divine Ray along withher high INT growth is deadly. Her Heal spell heals about 280 at level 30.She has surprisingly high base ATK, but that is made up by her crappy STRstat. Lyonesse is probably the weakest Lord, but she's certainly worth using.Tyrant1 Black, 1 RedBase ATK: 80Base DEF: 110Attacks: Vandal Scythe, Dark SpiralSpells: Curse, Weakness, Flame, PowerStat GrowthHP: 8-12MP: 4-6STR: 1-3INT: 0-2AGI: 1-3Comments: Dryst's class. Dryst is not as strong or as intelligent as some ofthe other leaders, but he's fast. His attack packs a wallop against Whiteelement units. He also has a pretty good assortment of spells. Power andCurse are probably his best. A Power spell cast on Dryst's Bahamut spellstrouble for the enemy.SuperTyrantComments: For Dryst to become a SuperTyrant, all you have to do is get him tolevel 30. It's pretty much the same as normal Tyrant, except he getsdifferent attack names and Meteor Doom. He usually doesn't have enough MP forMeteor Doom, either. This means thatA. Never cast Meteor Doom, since you can't.orB. Kill New Almekia, get Carlota and Loufal, and take Carlota's Ring.C. Quest for PotionsI like B better.Warlock1 Red, 1 Blue, 1 GreenBase ATK: 60Base DEF: 90Attacks: Word of MagicSpells: Heal, Flame, Geno-Flame, Thunder, Geno-Thunder, Exa-Blast, Frost,Geno-Frost, Flight, SilentStat GrowthHP: 4-8MP: 6-8STR: 0-2INT: 2-3AGI: 1-2Comments: Cai's class. The Warlock is an ubered Wizard with better INTgrowth. He also gets the Heal spell, which makes the Warlock more useful thanother offensive mage classes. Flight increases a ground unit's defense andincreases mobility. The Warlock is a magic powerhouse later in the game. Caican cast Geno-Thunder 3 times with some tweaking. That's more than enough tokill almost anything the computer throws at you.Death Knight2 Black, 1 RedBase ATK: 85Base DEF: 110Attacks: Death Bringer, Dolorious StrokeSpells: Curse, Geno-FlameStat Growth:HP: 12-16MP: 6-8STR: 2-3INT: 1-2AGI: 1-3Comments: Cador's class. The Death Knight is pretty impressive, but his statsaren't the only scary thing about him. He's on level 29 when all of yourcharacters are relatively weak. He's not as good as he's cracked up to belater in the game, but he's still pretty tough. Curse and Geno-Flame are verygood attack spells. Also, he can take down Unicorns with one shot if he getsin a critical. Be cautious if you fight him. He's probably the strongest unitthatEsgares can throw at you in the beginning of the game.Ninja1 Black, 1 GreenBase ATK: 70Base DEF: 95Attacks: Kunai, Illusion, ShurikenSpells: Weakness, Accel, ParalyzeStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 0-2STR: 1-2INT: 0-1AGI: 1-3Comments: Shiraha and Kazan's class. Like Hellhounds, Ninjas have the Hit andAway ability, which means that they can move after they attack. They alsohave a ranged attack, the Shuriken, which is useable after movement. Theirspells are pretty useful, but it would be more wise to just attack (theirstatuses are INT based). Ninjas are very fast and hard to hit. I've usedShiraha to defend castles alone. This sounds really stupid, but theregeneration and defensive bonuses you get from the castle allows him tosurvive for a very long time, even with six attacks coming his way (many ofwhich will miss because of his evasion). This doesn't always work, but it'sfunny to see.Ninja Master1 Black, 2 GreenBase ATK: 80Base DEF: 100Same attacks as NinjaSpells: Dimension, Weakness, Accel, Protect, Paralyze, Solid, SilentStat Growth:HP: 8-12MP: 2-4STR: 1-2INT: 0-2AGI: 1-3Comments: Take everything useful about a ninja, add Protect, Solid, Silent,Dimension, and higher stat growth, and you get a Ninja Master. They actuallyhave respectable HP growth. Ninja Masters are the 2nd fastest class in thegame (behind Artemis). Their Shuriken now can hit from 3 hexes away. They'reprobably the funnest class in the game to play around with, but there justaren't that many of them. They're also the hardest to hit. Sometimes, Shogunsmiss Ninja Masters, which is just nuts. The ability to snipe using Shurikenor Hit and Away is very handy.ClaimerNo ElementsBase ATK: 70Base DEF: 95Attacks: Endless SeekerSpells: Venom, Meteor Doom, Curse, Dimension, Weakness, Necro Rebirth,Geno-Thunder, Exa-Blast, Fall Berg, SolidStat Growth:HP: 12-16MP: 6-8STR: 1-2INT: 2-3AGI: 1-3Comments: Bulnoil's class. This class was dummied out of the original game.There have been an insane amount of rumors about being able to fight Bulnoil,but none of them have been confirmed. This info is just here for fun.=========E. Spells=========As a precursory note, spell damage works like this:(Caster's INT - Target's INT) + Base Spell PowerFor example, if a 120 INT casts Flame (120 spell power) on a Roc (40 INT), itwould do 120 - 80 + 120, which equals 160. I'll add more in my mechanicssection.Unless stated otherwise, healing spells heal only allies, and offensivespells will only hit enemies. There are a few exceptions.-----White-----1. Heal (65 MP): 180 Base Spell Power. 3 Hex Range. I'm not exactly sure howhealing works, but Lyonesse can heal up to 280+ at higher levels.2. Cure (54 MP): Heals status effects. 4 Hex Range.3. Divine Ray (112 MP): 180 Base Spell Power. 2 Hex Range.4. Area Heal (147 MP): 120 Base Spell Power. Heals all allies up to 2 hexesaway from the caster.5. Halo (88 MP): Ensures that a target's attack will hit. Also increasesexperience gained. 4 Hex Range.6. Holy Word (183 MP): 70 Base Spell Power. Hits all in a 4 hex area aroundthe caster.-----Black-----1. Weakness (66 MP): Halves an enemy's ATK and DEF. 4 Hex Range.2. Dimension (93 MP): Teleports an enemy away. Teleported enemies tend to getleft behind when if the event of a rout.3. Venom (45 MP): 70 Base Attack Power. 3 Hex Range.4. Curse (108 MP): 170 Base Attack Power. 2 Hex Range.5. Necro Rebirth (97 MP): Brings a dead unit back to life. Lasts until combatends. 1 Hex Range.6. Meteor Doom (255 MP): 140 Base Attack Power. 3 Hex Range. Affects a circlewith a radius of 3 hexes. Friendly fire.---Red---1. Flame (68 MP): 120 Base Spell Power. 3 Hex Range.2. Geno-Flame (166 MP): 90 Base Spell Power. Attacks all enemies within a 3hex range of the caster.3. Power (62 MP): Multiplies target's ATK by 1.5x. 4 Hex Range4. Thunder (91 MP): 150 Base Spell Power.5. Exa-Blast (152 MP): 200 Base Spell Power.2 Hex Range.6. Geno-Thunder (193 MP): 120 Base Spell Power. Has a 3 Hex range, andaffectsall hexes around the target hex.----Blue----1. Fog (49 MP). Lowers target's hit rate. 4 Hex Range.2. Frost (68 MP): 120 Base Spell Power. 3 Hex Range.3. Geno-Frost (166 MP): 90 Base Spell Power. Attacks all enemies within a 3Hex Range around caster.4. Charm (110 MP). Makes an enemy fight other enemies. Charmed units almostalways stay behind. 2 Hex Range.5. Flight (90 MP). Allows target to fly. Flying targets can move farther andget a 20% evasion boost against ground units. 3 Hex Range.6. Fall Berg (135 MP): 190 Base Spell Power. 2 Hex Range.-----Green-----1. Silent (50 MP): Target is unable to use magic. 4 Hex Range2. Protect (61 MP): Adds 30 DEF to a target. 4 Hex Range3. Solid (77 MP): Turns an enemy into a statue. Petrified enemies have 150DEF, which means that they're hard to damage, but they can't counterattack.4. Accel (59 MP): Increases a unit's MOV stat. 3 Hex Range.5. Paralyze (77 MP): Causes Paralysis. Paralyzed enemies can't counterattack.3 Hex Range.6. React (126 MP): Enables another unit to go twice in a turn. 2 Hex Range=================F. Game Mechanics [mech_guide]=================This section details the basic mechanics of the game. In it, I detail howvarious things work, like damage, elemental weaknesses and strength, magic,and status. Knowing the inner workings of the game should help you become amore intelligent player. Note that some of these are based on Brigandine:Grand Edition mechanics, so not everything may apply. The only thing I'm notsure about is status rates, which need to be tested some more. Everythingelse should be the same, mostly.Brigandine uses a subtraction system for all its hit rates and damage, exceptwhen elemental weaknesses are factored in. Many of these are based off ofBrigandine: GE, so they might not all apply to the original Brigandine.---------------Physical Damage---------------Assuming no elemental strengths or weaknesses) the damage done in a meleeattack is simply:Attacker's ATK - Target's DEF = damageThere is random some variance involved, but it is not substantial. Criticalhits deal 25% more damage than normal, and they're factored in after elements(look below).------------Magic Damage------------Assuming no elemental strengths or weaknesses, the damage done in a magicattack is:Caster's INT + Base Spell Power - Target's INT = damageBase spell powers (for reference)---Holy Word: 70 Base Spell PowerVenom: 70 Base Spell PowerGeno-Flame and Geno-Frost: 90 Spell PowerFlame and Frost: 120 Base Spell PowerGeno-Thunder: 120 Base Spell PowerMeteor Doom: 140 Base Spell PowerThunder: 150 Base Spell PowerCurse: 170 Base Spell PowerDivine Ray: 180 Base Spell PowerFall Berg: 190 Base Spell PowerExa-Blast: 200 Base Spell Power--------------------Status Success Rates--------------------For statuses, the chance for a status to hit is not dependent on the spell.Each spell has the same base hit rate. The formula is:Caster's INT + Base status chance - Target's INT = % of status hitting.Base status chance varies based on the caster. "Weak" casters (in GE, thisincludes Archers, Avengers, Nightmares, Enchantresses, Pixies, Ninjas) have abase status chance of 38%. Second tier mages and a few monsters (Druids,Sorcerers, Sorceresses, Mystics, ArchDemons, Ninja Masters, Cador, Dryst)have a 43% base status chance. Third tier mages (Cai, Lyonesse, Wizards,Cardinals, Witches, Necromancers, some higher level Demons) have a 48% basechance."Friendly" statuses such as Protect, Power, Flight, Accel, Halo, and Reactalways hit.This base status chance is targeted on monsters with no resistance. In GE,units have differing levels of status resistance. This list is by no meanscomplete, but it should have more in newer updates.------------------Status Resistances------------------Tier 0: No resistance (most physically based monsters and fighter typeKnights).Tier 1 (Ninja, Cavalier, Fairies, Unicorns): -3%Tier 2 (Lance, Zemeckis, first tier mages): -5%Tier 3 (Cador, Dryst, Demon, Samurai, second tier mages): -10%Tier 4 (Lyonesse, Samurai Master, Cai?): -15%?---------Hit Rates---------Attacker's AGI + Base Hit Rate - Defender's AGI = % chance to hit.Base Hit Rates vary for different units. 98 is the most common value for BaseHit Rates, but there are a few strange ones, like the Mandrake (142) andLyonesse (130). It should also be noted that most promotions give small hitrate boosts, which explains why the Golems get progressively more accuratedespite virtually no AGI growth. The Samurai and Lizard Man hit rate boostsare factored directly into their Base Hit Rates.If pressed, I'll get a list of base hit rates, but for your calculations,just remember that most units have a base hit rate around 100.Ground units have a 20% penalty to hit flying units. Ranged units do notsuffer from this penalty.Offensive magic has a 100% hit rate. Casting the Halo spell on a unit willmake its physical attack have a 100% hit rate.The numbers you see in the lower right corner of the status window arebonuses a unit gets from terrain. The first number indicates a hit ratebonus, and the second indicates the evasion boost. Flying units do not getboosted or penalized by any terrain. In general, castles give units a +15%evasion boost. Forests give a 10% evasion boost (except for Mandrakes, whoreceive a +10/+10 bonus). Mountains give a +15% evasion boost. Ground unitssuffer a 10% penalty in both accuracy and evasion in water, while bluemonsters receive bonuses in the water, ranging from +15/+15 to +25/+25depending on the monster.--------Elements--------Blue and Red oppose each other, and Black and White oppose each other. Greenisn't strong against anything, but Green attacks will do less against othergreen units.The element of the attacker/spell is the main factor in elemental damagebonuses when hitting weaknesses. The multiplier is applied whenever you hitan elemental weakness, but this multiplier is not dependent on the number ofspheres the target has. Rather, the multiplier is dependent on how manyspheres of the opposing element that the attacker has. For example, if aGryphon (1 White) hits a Hellhound (1 Black), the multiplier would not changeif the same Gryphon hit a Fenrir (2 Black).Elemental spheres multipliers when applied to a weakness:1 Sphere: ~1.25x2 Spheres: ~1.33x3 Spheres: ~1.41xThe multiplier is applied after damage is calculated, whether it is physicalor magical.Spells vary in elemental intensity:Flame: 2 RedGeno-Flame: 2 RedGeno-Thunder: 2 RedThunder: 2 RedExa-Blast: 2 RedHoly Word: 2 WhiteDivine Ray: 3 WhiteVenom: 2 BlackCurse: 3 BlackMeteor Doom: 2 BlackFrost: 2 BlueGeno-Frost: 2 BlueFall Berg: 3 BlueIf a White Dragon (1 White, 1 Red) hits Dryst (1 Black, 1 Red), the weaknesscaused by the opposite white and black spheres is cancelled by the twocompatible reds, resulting in normal damage. Weaknesses and strengths canceleach other out.When two creatures of the same elements hit each other, a different set ofmultipliers is used. In this case, damage is reduced based on the number ofelemental spheres that the target has. So, the more spheres a unit in acertain element, the more it reduces damage from that element.Elemental sphere multipliers when applied to resistance:1 Sphere: 0.76x2 Spheres: 0.67x3 Spheres: 0.56x====================Example Calculations====================1. From the Gryphon/Hellhound example, let's say that the level 1 Gryphon(220 ATK, 1 White) hits a level 1 Hellhound (103 DEF, 1 Black).220 (Gryphon's ATK) - 103 (Hellhound's DEF) = 117.117 is the damage that the Gryphon would do if it wasn't hitting a weakness.However, it is hitting a weakness in this case. Gryphons have 1 White sphere,so it does 25% extra damage.117*1.25 = 146.2. Now, let's take a level 1 Angel (65 INT) and have it cast Divine Ray (3White) on a level 1 Hellhound (30 INT, 1 Black).65 (Caster INT) + 180 (Divine Ray's spell Power) - 30 (Hellhound's INT) =215.Divine Ray has a 3 in White, so it does 1.41x more damage to black alignedunits.215*1.41 = 303.3. Let's say a dragon (240 ATK, 1 Red) hits a Salamander (130 DEF, 3 Red).240 - 130 = 110.Salamanders have a 3 in Red, which means that the damage taken when hit byany red attack is multiplied by 0.56.110*0.56 = 62.--------------I hope this section was useful. Hopefully, it will help you make morerational decisions about combat. If you have questions or if anything wasunclear, feel free to e-mail me at [email protected].=============G. Countries=============Most of Brigandine's replay value comes from beating the game with each ofthe six rulers. Each has its own set of Knights and each ruler is unique.--------------------------G1. Brief country overview--------------------------*New Almekia, led by Prince Lance. RedBasic Plot: Lance retreats from the coup in Logres to Padstow, a countrystill loyal to Old Almekia. King Coel asks a question to Lance and his ownson, Meleagant: What does it take to be a good ruler? Meleagant saysauthority, and Lance says trust. Because Lance answers this questioncorrectly, King Coel abdicates in favor of Lance. Now, Lance fights toreunite the continent and take what was stolen from him.Location: New Almekia is located in the west. New Almekia neighbors 3countries, 2 of which are hostile. It makes a treaty with Caerleon early onwhich protects its southern border.Difficulty: Easy*Caerleon, led by King Cai. GreenBasic Plot: The leader of Caerleon is Cai, the Silent Wise King. Caerleon hasalways been loyal to Almekia, and it forges an alliance with New Almekia atthe beginning of the game. He is aided by his little sister, Merriot, acompetent archer, and Dinadan, the powerful Knight Master. Cai aims to helpLance regain the throne.Location: Caerleon is a country close to the sea in the southwest corner ofthe continent. It is rather isolated compared to other countries, having justa single border to defend at the beginning of the game. Caerleon establishesan alliance with New Almekia early on, leaving 2 hostile countries for him todeal with.Difficulty: Very Easy*Leonia, led by Queen Lyonesse. Light BlueBasic Plot: Lyonesse is the young Queen of Leonia, a country full of priests,cardinals, and other clergymen. It is located in the east. Though normally aneutral nation, Leonia declares war on Norgard early on because of Vaynard'srude behavior at a conference. Leonia doesn't have a lot of firepower, butLyonesse and her childhood friend Kiloph want to bring peace to thecontinent.Location: Leonia is located in the eastern part of Forsena. Leonia'ssouthernmost city (the one that borders Iscalio) is easily blocked off due toa narrow mountain pass. Just stick a bunch of monsters in there to block thepass off, and its impregnable. If you do this, invading Norgard shouldn't betoo much of a problem.Difficulty: Medium*Norgard, led by King Vaynard. BlueBasic Plot: Norgard was crippled after a war with Almekia, but it has a youngand ambitious King, Vaynard. Even though the old king had a daughter, Vaynardwas given control of the country. The coup in Esgares gives Vaynard thechance he needs to regain power.Geography: Norgard is a country in the north that is constantly covered withsnow, but it's considered the same as grassland in battle. It does not have avery good strategic position. It has many cities that need to be defended onits borders. 4 choke points can be a real pain to defend if not handledproperly.Difficulty: Hard*Iscalio, led by Mad Monarch DrystBasic Plot: Iscalio is a very chaotic country. Led by the Madman, Dryst, noone knows quite what will happen there. Wild parties and celebrations seem tobe a daily occurrence there. With Knights like clowns, guys named Daffy, andan insane tyrant as the leader, Iscalio has a very strange collection ofwarriors. Dryst isn't a bad person, though. All he wants to do is take overthe world.Location: Iscalio is in the southeastern corner of the map. It is in ahorrible strategic position, as its two border cities are surrounded byseveral cities belonging to other countries.Difficulty: Hard*Esgares, led by Emperor Zemeckis. To play as Esgares, press L1, R2, andStart on the ruler screen.Basic Plot: Esgares, formerly Almekia, is a country full of Knights loyal toZemeckis, as well as people who fight against their will. Since it's a secretcountry, Esgares doesn't have much plot, and it can't get Quest Knights.Location: Esgares is in the middle of the continent, and has 5 borders todefend. Starting out is difficult, but it is possible if playedintelligently.Difficulty: Very Hard=============================G2. In Depth Country Overview=============================Each country has its own advantages. However, you'll probably want to know alot more about a country before devoting your time to one. It isn't wise fora beginner to start a game as Iscalio or Esgares, because you should figureout how the game works first.Each section is dedicated to a country and its Knights. I also give briefcommentaries about each Knight after I post their stats. Note that Rune Poweris a very large factor when I rate them. I also rate them based on practicaluse in the game, so Knights from a country like Esgares may get higherrankings, since you have to use all of your Knights pretty effectively towin.================G2a. New Almekia [teh_salamander]================New Almekia (formerly Padstow) is a country led by the exiled Prince Lance.It is a country full of powerful Knights, and it is in a relatively favorablestrategic position. Blocking off contact with Esgares is very easy. Just putstrong Knights like Meleagant, Adilicia, and Coel on that border, and you'llbe fine. Caerleon is your ally from the south, and Cai help may take a biteout of Esgares and Iscalio for you. On the first month, don't bother puttingdefenses in the lower castle, because that's Cai's territory.Lance is an annoying weakling at the beginning, but he becomes the mostpowerful Knight in the game towards the end. New Almekia is always a funcountry to play. New Almekia has some of the most powerful Knights in thegame, which is always nice to know when picking countries. Invading throughNorgard, and beating Esgares and Leonia in the south and east is probably thebest way to go. Attacking Esgares from the west isn't always that easy,because you have to defend a lot of borders that way.Country Statistics---Starting Castles: Calmary, Phazard, BaydonHill, Camelford, Gorule (5)Starting Mana: 797Starting Knights: Lance, Gereint, Coel, Meleagant, Carlota, Batercus,Adilicia, Brusom, Aphelia, Gilsus, Liguel, Loufal (12)Knights gained through storyline: Glauze, Halley (temporary), Alsace (3)Starting # of Monsters: 31Recommended Knights: Lance, Gereint, Halley, Coel, Meleagant, Adilicia,Batercus, GlauzePromoted Monsters: Lv20 Salamander, Lv10 Iron Golem, Lv10 Nightmare-------------------Rune Knight Summary-------------------Lance.Lv1 Prince [Ruler]HP: 446MP: 161RunePow: 220RuneArea: 5Rune Growth: High (6-8)STR: 64INT: 63AGI: 65ATK: 203DEF: 121Starting Monsters: Salamander, Clay GolemLv30 King [parenthesized stats indicate King growths from level 1]1 Red.HP: 852!MP: 306RunePow: 423!STR: 108 (122)INT: 107AGI: 109ATK: 296 (324)DEF: 141Is s/he worth using?In a word, kyar. 220 Rune Power at level 1 is stellar, and his Rune growth istop tier. Some people think that it might be worthwhile to wait until youtake Logres to actually use him (Kings have better strength growth than thePrince class). I suppose there is merit in that (after he gets Geno-Flame, itshould be relatively easy to gain levels), but I personally use Lance fromthe get-go. It's really easy to level him up (feeding him kills is insanelyfun to me, for some reason), and he should expect to have a little less than~300 Rune Power by level 10. Goooood stuff.At level 30, Lance is very powerful. I wouldn't really hesitate to call himthe best Knight in the game. He is basically an all-rounder, but his physicalstatistics may be the most noteworthy thing about him. He can cast spells andkick ass at the same time. Also, he can heal for a lot, due to his aboveaverage INT. In the beginning, have him stand towards the back, and set upkills for him (I would use the Flame spell). He gains levels pretty quickly,and he'll probably be your strongest Knight later in the game (unless youdon't use him, of course). He gains lots of Rune Power, and he gets reallyhigh defense later on, which means he stops being a burden. Also, he has akickass Salamander with him when you start the game. Lots of people don'tlike him because he's so weak in the beginning, though.The King gets 5 more attack points, 5 more defense points, 1 red elementsphere, and the Geno-Flame spell. In a normal game, you'll probably be ableto level him up to level 20 if you use him in all your invasions. The onlydownside to him is that he'll only be able to cast Geno-Flame once withoutusing items or equipping a Ring.Background: The former Prince of Almekia, which was overthrown by Zemeckis. Ayoung man who is reckless, but kind. His gallant figures reminds one of afresh wind. After the coup, Lance fled to Padstow. He vows to unite thecontinent once again.Coel.Lv16 BishopHP: 498MP: 291RunePow: 254RuneArea: 5Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 62INT: 79AGI: 66ATK: 189DEF: 112Starting Monsters: Dragon, Gryphon, Stone GolemLv30 CardinalHP: 618MP: 361RunePow: 338STR: 76INT: 105AGI: 80ATK: 222DEF: 121Is s/he worth using?I'd say so. Bishops often get a bad rap, since they're relatively weak onoffense. They're decently good support units, with Halo and quite a bit ofhealing. Even if you don't like Bishops, I feel that Coel's worth using. Hehas excellent Rune stats (ruler level Rune Area, which makes sense since hewas the former king), and he fits well in most parties. If you don't likethe bishop class, you can switch him to a regular mage class so that he getssome offense. He won't have great MP, but he'll have offense (Divine Ray isgreat for single target damage, but this obviously wouldn't be as devastatingas a Geno spell). Despite being level 16, he's rather fragile, so you have towatch out for him.One thing about him is that you'll probably quest him in one of the first fewmonths to get Glauze. This may hamper some plans for early conquests. It'snot much of a hindrance, since Glauze is a pretty good Knight himself.Background: The King of the Padstow Kingdom. He is loyal to Almekia Kingdomand accepts Lance after the rebellion. His people are very fond of him sincehe is gentle and humble towards his people.Gereint.Lv19 SamuraiHP: 651MP: 132RunePow: 284RuneArea: 5Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 90INT: 64AGI: 82ATK: 263 (+8 from Tora)DEF: 127Starting Monsters: Dragon, Wyvern, Centaur, CentaurLv30 ShogunHP: 761MP: 165RunePow: 321STR: 112INT: 75AGI: 99ATK: 317 (+8 from Tora)DEF: 138Is s/he worth using?Yes. 284 Rune Power is great, and he has impressive stats at the beginning ofthe game. You probably shouldn't expect to get too many levels out of him(maybe around 5), but that still leaves him in a great position in the end ofthe game. 1 more level and he can become a Shogun, which lets ups his offenseand improves his already decent defense. Also, Iai Slash becomes a 3 hexattack.By the end of the game, he should have about 3-4 Iai Slashes, making him verypowerful. As a Shogun, he'll almost never miss, due to the Shogun's added hitrate. He also comes with a special sword, the Tora. The only drawback withhim is that his Rune Power doesn't increase that much when he levels up. Thisisn't so bad, since his starting Rune is more than enough for most any partyyou can come up with.Background: Has fought in over 100 battles and is famous for his experience.A little unmannerly, his loyalty to Prince Lance is steadfast. He finds hisduty in protecting the Prince and to reinstate Almekia.Meleagant.Lv20 AvengerHP: 650MP: 139RunePow: 209RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 89INT: 58AGI: 78ATK: 263DEF: 131Starting Monsters: Nightmare, Hell HoundLv30 AvengerHP: 790MP: 169RunePow: 270STR: 109INT: 68AGI: 88ATK: 303DEF: 134Is s/he worth using?Yes. Despite pathetic Rune Power for a level 20 character, 209 is still solidcompared to most characters at the beginning of the game. Where this hurts,however, is that a lot of lower levelled characters have similar Rune Powerand can easily pass him. Still, he has alright growth and solid stats, whichshould make early conquests very easy for New Almekia. He's probably thesmartest Avenger (as useless as that distinction may sound). Still, Curse ishandy for early game damage and for taking out pesky Gryphons.Overall, Meleagant is pretty strong. His strength is pretty good, and he'spretty fast and smart for an Avenger. Anyway, give him a good sword, you andhe's set to go. Meleagant and Gereint are very close in power when they startout, but Gereint's higher Rune Power makes him a little more useful. Heshould probably be in one of your primary attack parties instead of borderduty.Background: Son of Old King Coel, successor to the Padstow Kingdom. He findsimportance in his authority and hates to show his weakness to others. Hismental immaturity dictates whatever that comes to mind without thinkingfirst.Carlota.Lv8 EnchantressHP: 341MP: 389 (419 w/ Ring of Sorcery)RunePow: 170RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 45INT: 69 (73 w/ Ring of Sorcery)AGI: 72ATK: 140DEF: 99Starting Monsters: Gryphon, Mandrake, PixieLv30 WitchHP: 553MP: 549 (579 w/ Ring of Sorcery)RunePow: 301STR: 56INT: 107 (111 w/ Ring of Sorcery)AGI: 94ATK: 172DEF: 116Is s/he worth using?Eh. The most useful thing about her is the Ring of Sorcery (the +30 MP isvery handy for other characters) she comes with. Gilsus was generally moreeffective for me as a magician, but New Almekia is relatively weak in themagic department in general. 170 Rune Power is very ordinary, and despitedecent growth, it's doubtful that she'll be much more than a borderdefender/quest knight for most people. If you put work into her, she could bepretty good, but New Alemekia has so many other options.The Ring of Sorcery should go to someone else in the country. Gilsus orAphelia are probably the best choices. Lance may be able to use it after hebecomes a King so that he can cast 2 Geno-Flames in a single battle.Background: Her dream is to become a great magician and gain the respect ofthe people. She seems conceited, but in reality, she is a pure and sensitiveperson. She tends to nag at Prince Lance like an older sister, but that'sonly because she cares about him.Batercus.Lv13 GrapplerHP: 604MP: 94RunePow: 176RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 77INT: 48AGI: 78ATK: 229DEF: 121Starting Monsters: Giant, 2 GhoulsLv30 ChampionHP: 882MP: 111RunePow: 287STR: 116!INT: 57AGI: 104ATK: 317DEF: 134Spells: NoneIs s/he worth using?Yes. I have a slight bias for the Ranger/Grappler/Champion path, but Batercusis very useful. He doesn't really need to be spoonfed like many of the otherKnights in the game. He can take care of himself and still do good damage.176 Rune Power is very underwhelming (this is generally a problem forGrapplers), but I think Batercus is decent enough to use in spite of this.He's always a pretty decent pickup after New Almekia falls (it's kinda rare,but it happens). He always ends up getting the seven levels he needs tobecome a Champion, and he's pretty nasty at that point. His INT is a bit low,so magic can take a big bite out of his HP reserves.Later on, he gets a 320+ attack rating, which is phenomenal. Champions havean incredible Critical Hit rate, so you can expect hits of 300+ pretty oftenat higher levels. He's even better if you can find a decent Knuckle weaponfor him.Adilicia.Lv11 LancerHP: 502MP: 152RunePow: 230RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 74INT: 57AGI: 77ATK: 223DEF: 125Starting Monsters: Angel, GryphonLv30 ValkyrieHP: 732MP: 209RunePow: 343!STR: 103INT: 72AGI: 107ATK: 291DEF: 140Is s/he worth using?Yes. 230 Rune Power is good, and she has solid enough growth to make herworthwhile later on. Her stats aren't stellar, but her Rune stats make herworth using, IMO. Halley's better, but she's temporary. I recommend that youtake Halley's Brionac and give it to Adilicia before Halley leaves. Later on,Holy Word is useful for quick offense. Statistically, Adilicia's prettydecent, with good STR and AGI for a Valkyrie.Background: Looking at the way she uses her spear, one can hardly imaginethat she is from a distinctive family. The enemies fear her and call her the"Death Lady". On the other hand, she has a very likable personality.Brusom.Lv13 SamuraiHP: 497MP: 104RunePow: 158Rune Area: 3Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 78INT: 49AGI: 70ATK: 231DEF: 123Starting Monsters: Wyvern, 2 ScorpionsLv30 ShogunHP: 667MP: 155RunePow: 228STR: 108INT: 66AGI: 96ATK: 301DEF: 137Is s/he worth using?Ugh, no. Gereint is so much better than Brusom that it isn't funny. Brusom'sHP score is atrocious, and his Rune stats make him almost unusable. 158 RunePower would cut it if he were level 1, but he's level thirteen. Only insanestats would justify using a character with such pitiable rune stats, but hisstats are very average. I don't recommend using him for conquests for anypurpose, except possibly as a last resort border patrol. He's a quest knight,at best.It might seem kinda cruel, but I used the monsters that he came with morethan I used him.Background: The mentor of Meleagant. He was feared and respected during hisprime. His simple minded demeanor make it hard for people to get along withhim. However, he is a man of unyielding spirit, earning him the title of"Brusom the Gale".Aphelia.Lv9 ClericHP: 451MP: 288RunePow: 183RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 61INT: 68AGI: 69ATK: 182DEF: 108Starting Monsters; Angel, Giant, PixieLv30 SaintHP: 661MP: 393RunePow: 315STR: 82INT: 104AGI: 90ATK: 234DEF: 125Is s/he worth using?Possibly. She might fit in for a third string party or as support in one ofyour main assault units, but she's not very impressive until she promotes.Luckily, she's just a level away from promotion, and Lectors are generallydecent enough because of Holy Word. The downside is that she'll have a singleshot of that for a while. To fix this problem, you could give her Carlota'sRing of Sorcery. You're not likely to get that much mileage out of her, butyou might be able to promote her to Saint if you use her a lot. She's one ofthe easier Clerics in the game to use, since you only need to spoonfeed her asingle level. After becoming a Lector, she shouldn't have any problemsgetting levels, since Holy Word is excellent for experience. Her Rune Area isbad, but her Rune Power is salvageable, so using her isn't a terrible idea. Igave her a shot once, and I wasn't unhappy about it.I'm not sure if it's a property of Lectors, but she has surprisingly decentSTR at level 30. Huh.Background: She was living in a monastery in Padstow when she heard about therebellion and came to assist King Coel. She seems like a classy woman with nofaults, but her friend Adilicia states, "Aphelia is actually a wolf insheep's clothing."Gilsus.Lv11 SorcererHP: 378MP: 344RunePow: 189RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 58INT: 72AGI: 64ATK: 171 (181)DEF: 101Starting Monsters: Scorpion, UnicornLv30 WizardHP: 568MP: 490RunePow: 271STR: 68INT: 106AGI: 83ATK: 196 (206)DEF: 112Is s/he worth using?Sure. He's probably New Almekia's best magic user (shut up, best out of twois still the best). He's also the only person in the country with Power, andPower + Grand Breath is a devastating combo. Bad Rune stats make him prettyhard to use sometimes, but he's a decent mage in a magically bereft country.The Power + Grand Breath combo alone is potent enough to justify his use insome cases. If you crunch the numbers, that combo will do 350 damage or so toeverything in the line (assuming 100 DEF and no elements). That's just sick.I personally don't use him that often, because his Rune stats are so poor. Ifyou put him with Lance and Gereint, those two should provide more than enoughRune Power to create a fairly powerful army. Gilsus can contribute 190himself, so you may not be short-handed if you use Gilsus.Background: The most handsome man in Padstow. He has never been without awoman and this causes problems among other male Knights. He is nice to anyfemale, regardless of age or their social status. However, he is very strictwith men.Liguel.Lv2 ScoutHP: 398MP: 123RunePow: 163RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: High (6-8)STR: 57INT: 51AGI: 63ATK: 179DEF: 111Starting Monsters: Unicorn, PixieLv30 Artemis.HP: 678MP: 207RunePow: 365STR: 85INT: 70AGI: 115ATK: 245DEF: 138Is s/he worth using?It depends. Like Lance and Alsace, Liguel's pretty weak at the beginning ofthe game. She never gets that strong statistically, but she gets lots of RunePower, and she makes a good leader for a group of Centaurs (she should beable to fit 4, initially. This works out well enough, and she'll probably beable to get five after killing a Knight). She was part of my Sniper group,and I could take down any Knight within one round with her. Training herisn't nearly as hard as it is for most Knights, because her ranged attacksprevent counters. She can be immensely useful if you can fit her on a team,but that isn't always the case. If you don't actively use her, she doesn't dobadly as border patrol.Make sure you don't have her fight any of her brothers (Castor and Miguel),because she'll defect to their country. I think that she can recruit them toyour country as well, but I'm not too sure what the conditions are.Her levels 30 stats are pretty impressive, but it's doubtful that you'll everget her that high normally.Background: The youngest of the Rand Family. She grew up being loved by hertwo brothers. She had to be separated from them for the sake of the familyname. However, she doesn't care about her name and would rather live togetherwith her brothers.Loufal.Lv6 FighterHP: 482MP: 125RunePow: 165RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Low (3-5), then High (6-8) after the promotion quest.STR: 70INT: 56AGI: 65ATK: 205DEF: 116Starting Monsters: Lizard Man, MermanLv30 PaladinHP: 762MP: 237RunePow: 313STR: 106INT: 78AGI: 89ATK: 297DEF: 139Is s/he worth using?Despite atrocious starting Rune stats, it may be worth using him for a littlewhile. Give him 4 levels, promote him to Cavalier, and quest him. He'llreceive his father's Mithril Sword, which is pretty handy. After that, it'sreally up to you whether you want to use him or not. His Rune Power at thatlevel will be low, but passable (~180). Still, the 3 in Rune Area may turnsome away. Glauze always seemed more useful than him despite slightly worsestats (on equal levels, of course). He's really quite powerful for a Cavalierat level 30, but that takes a lot of work.Background: He has been working in the palace for a long time, but due to hispersonality, he lost his chance to get promoted. He is too confident withhimself. His father was regarded as the greatest Cavalier in Padstow, placingLoufal under his shadow.Glauze.Lv15 CavalierHP: 575MP: 143RunePow: 222RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 80INT: 61AGI: 72ATK: 230DEF: 139Lv30 PaladinHP: 765MP: 218RunePow: 312STR: 103INT: 76AGI: 87ATK: 286DEF: 139Is s/he worth using?Probably. He's not available automatically, but he's around early enough toget good use from him. His Rune stats and decent stats make him a decentcandidate for a 2nd or 3rd string team. However, if you're using Loufal, itmay not be practical using two characters that are on the Cavalier path inthe same party, so you may want to separate them. As a fighter, Glauze isn'tbad, but he lacks the raw power that Gereint and Meleagant have.You get him after you quest Coel. Within the first few months, Coel shouldsay something like, "Hmm... I wonder where officer Glauze is" (not exact), soquest him. In the next month or so, you'll get Glauze.Background: Glauze is from a family whom used to work for Almekia. His fatherwas falsely accused of a crime and was banished from the country. King Coelsaved him and became a Knight under him. Due to this, Glauze has mixedfeelings for Prince Lance.Halley.Lv21 ValkyrieHP: 603MP: 221RunePow: 292RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 88INT: 71AGI: 95ATK: 277 (+16 from Brionac)DEF: 136Lv30 HalleyHP: 729MP: 248RunePow: 347STR: 102INT: 80AGI: 109ATK: 289 (305)DEF: 141Is s/he worth using?Yes. You don't get her for quite a while, but she's good enough to replaceone of your other frontliners for a little while. Brionac gives her anexcellent ATK score, and her stats are good all around. She's probably thebest Valkyrie in the game (compare her stats with Iria's sometime). Herattack power is better than Gereint's and Meleagant's, which is quite a feat.Her only downside is that you only get to use her for about a year or so, andthen she splits. Make sure you take the Brionac before she leaves, though,since Adilicia can use it as well. She has more than enough MP to cast HolyWord, which is always a nice option to have around.Background: A female Knight, who has a sad look in her eyes. She is calledthe "shooting Star Halley" for her beautiful, yet fierce way of fighting. Shesearches around the continent for Bulnoil, the magician who killed Leland,the only man she ever loved.Alsace.Lv1 FighterHP: 422MP: 107RunePow: 155RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Very High (7-9)STR: 63INT: 55AGI: 64ATK: 191DEF: 116Lv30 AvengerHP: 792MP: 174RunePow: 380STR: 117INT: 75AGI: 93ATK: 319DEF: 136Is s/he worth using?I personally never use him, but he's pure potential. You get him late intothe game, and using a level 1 character at that point isn't very appealing,especially since his starting rune power is so poor. While raising him isn'tthat hard, it might not be worthwhile. Still, he's functional if you decideto use him. Assuming Halo + killing a Knight, he should gain 5-7 levels,which puts him above 200 Rune Power, on average. Considering that you canachieve this in a single battle, it doesn't take much work to make Alsaceusable.As you can see, his level 30 stats are very impressive. Despite havingmediocre HP for an Avenger, he makes up for it with his sheer strength. He'sgot plenty of Rune Power, which makes him useful if you plan on building himup.Background: The number one fan of Prince Lance. He has a pure heart, whichhelps him overcome anything. He is never tired of saying, "I'll also become aKing someday!". Adults admire his youthful innocence because it reminds themof their own childhood.=============G2b. Caerleon [teh_dorky]=============Caerleon is led by Cai, the Silent Wise King. Cai is said to be one of themost intelligent men on the continent. He has very powerful magic, making hima tough opponent. With him are Dinadan, the Knight Master, BeauArte, Cai'shead adviser, and Cai's younger sister, Merriot. Together, they form apowerful group of Knights.Caerleon borders the sea, which means that it has a lot of aquatic creaturesand cities. It also borders three countries, Iscalio, New Almekia, andEsgares. Early on, New Almekia and Caerleon forge an alliance, which givesCaerleon only one city to defend from the start. It has the best startingstrategic position in the game, as it is free to beat the crap out of Iscalioor Esgares at its own leisure. Caerleon can just stay in Hervery until it isready for a large-scale attack. I feel Caerleon is the easiest country to winwith. Since Caerleon is lacking in physical attack Knights in the beginning,you might consider questing to get Layoneil, Hyude, or Dogal. You may wish todo so anyway, since Caerleon has a limited amount of Knights to work withanyway.Country Statistics---Starting Castles: Linnuis, Kail, Squest, Baynock, Hervery (6)Starting Mana: 682Starting Knights: Cai, Dinadan, Merriot, BeauArte, Shast, Janfadar, Cierra,Bilcock (8)Knights gained through storyline: Millia, Eloute, Gush, Lecarra (4)Starting # of Monsters: 23Recommended Knights: Cai, Dinadan, Merriot, BeauArte, Shast (level him up andhe's great), Janfadar, Cierra, Eloute, Millia, Lecarra (everyone but Bilcockand Gush, I guess)Promoted Monsters: Lv10 High Centaur, Lv10 Couatl, Lv10 Triton-------------------Rune Knight Summary-------------------Cai.Lv22 Warlock [Ruler]HP: 480MP: 533RunePow: 319RuneArea: 5Rune Growth: High (6-8)STR: 59INT: 96AGI: 62ATK: 178DEF: 110Starting Monsters: Dragon, High Centaur, 2 Lizard MenLv30 WarlockHP: 528MP: 589RunePow: 375STR: 67INT: 116AGI: 74ATK: 194DEF: 114Is s/he worth using?Hell yes. In a country that consists mainly of mages, Cai stands out. He'slike an uber-Wizard, with every Geno spell and even some healing. Consideringhow insane his intelligence is, the healing he provides should be ample. Withhis MP supply, he can cast Geno-Flame and Geno-Frost three times in a singlefight. Very little can survive three Geno-spells, and the rest should be atleast half dead anyway. His single target spells also pack quite a punch,especially Exa-Blast (watch him blow Mermen and Lizard Men out of the waterwith it).Cai's only downside is that he's very fragile. He has less HP than a lot oflevel 1 monsters, and this means that you should be careful not to send himtoo far into the frontlines, as tempting as that may be. Geno-Thunder hasplenty of range, but that may not be enough for some. Like the other rulers,his Rune stats are superb.Background: King of Caerleon, which is the known as the "Magic-Kingdom". Ayoung man so gentle that he may give the impression that he is a weak king,but he has profound wisdom and passion in his heart. He is also known as the"Silent Wise King".Merriot.Lv3 ScoutHP: 396MP: 134RunePow: 221RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: High (6-8)STR: 56INT: 60AGI: 72ATK: 187 (+6 from Elven Bow)DEF: 114Starting Monsters: Pixie, Unicorn, JinnLv30 ArtemisHP: 666MP: 215RunePow: 407STR: 83INT: 78AGI: 123ATK: 241 (247)DEF: 141Is s/he worth using?Sure. I have a bit of a bias towards the Archer path, but they can be reallyawesome if trained well. Treat her as a Lance-type character (with a lesseramount of protection, since she's not a country leader). The Elven Bow givesher a minor boost in power. You can probably quest and get something muchbetter, but anything works at the beginning.Her high initial Rune Power and solid Rune Area make her worth using, IMO. Bylevel 10, she should be just a little short of 300 Rune Power. Good stuff.Just watch out, since she's very fragile, though this shouldn't be too muchof a problem because of her ranged attack. She's one of the easiest knightsof her type (starts out as a mediocre character, ends up stellar) to train.At level 30, her Rune Power is one of the highest in the game.Dinadan.Lv25 PaladinHP: 675MP: 204RunePow: 307RuneArea: 5Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 100INT: 69AGI: 90ATK: 280DEF: 140Starting Monsters: CouatlLv30 PaladinHP: 745MP: 229RunePow: 339STR: 108INT: 74AGI: 95ATK: 296DEF: 141Is s/he worth using?Hell yeah. Dinadan is Caerleon's only real dedicated physical Knight (itdoesn't really get another one unless you really train Shast), and he's adamn good one. He's your main man against Cador in the beginning few fights(the two can basically take each other out if left alone. If you supportDinadan, you'd beat him quite easily). 307 Rune Power at the beginning of thegame is very handy. He should probably be part of all your main assaults.It's always fun to see him wipe out a Hellhound in a single blow. Dinadan canuse Holy Word for additional magic damage if need be.His level 30 stats aren't the best, but that's true of most Knights level 25and over. Obviously, their utility comes in the early/middle part of thegames, where they're unstoppable powerhouses, and they're usually stillperfectly functional knights at endgame.Background: The strongest Knight in Caerleon and the only Knight Master onthe continent. He has a malicious tongue. He doesn't like anything that hasto do with the palace. King Cai is the only reason he continues to work inthe palace.Some of the dialogues he has with other Knights are amusing.BeauArte.Lv12 BishopHP: 479MP: 260RunePow: 224RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 61INT: 74AGI: 62ATK: 187DEF: 110Starting Monsters: Giant, MandrakeLv30 CardinalHP: 659MP: 350RunePow: 331STR: 84INT: 106AGI: 80ATK: 238DEF: 121Is s/he worth using?Eh. Sure. As bland as he is, he's decent enough at what he does (carrymonsters around and support them). 224 Rune Power is good, and Caerleondoesn't have many other Knights to use. You could switch him over to a mageclass so that you can have added firepower and a higher MP score (Mage MPgrowth > Bishop MP growth). His high-powered Divine Ray may make him a decentchoice to take along with Dinadan to fight Cador in the first few fights.Background: A Bishop who has worked for the Caerleon Royal Family since thelate King. People think of him as being a coward but this isn't true. Hecontrols young Knights who may act recklessly, and supports the King.JanfadarLv12 DruidHP: 376MP: 359RunePow: 198RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 48INT: 84 (+6 from Ancient Book)AGI: 61ATK: 151DEF: 100Starting Monsters: 2 Golems, 2 GhoulsLv30 NecromancerHP: 556MP: 505RunePow: 309STR: 58INT: 115 (121)AGI: 74ATK: 176DEF: 109Is s/he worth using?Sure. A word of advice, though. The Ancient Book he has is a bit more usefulfor Cai). The boost isn't substantial, but every little bit counts when youconsider that Cai usually throws three Geno-spells out a battle. Janfadar'sINT is still good without the Ancient Book. His Rune Power isn't bad, thoughthe 3 in Rune Area hampers him a little bit. Along with Cai and Cierra, youprobably have roughly 7 Geno spells to throw around in a single fight. Thisis by no means an ideal party, but its raw magical potential may overcome anyphysical deficiencies the party may have (honestly, you use 2nd and 3rd tierDragons if you want lots of physical power). Once he gets the Necromancerpromotion (not too unreasonable if you use him a bit), Meteor Doom crushesstuff pretty badly. Early on, his Power spell is invaluable (Dinadan isprobably the best to use it on, as Caerleon doesn't have a "go to" monsterthat New Almekia and Iscalio have).Background: A magician who has devoted his entire life to perfect the art ofmagic. Due to the time he spends on his research, he has distinguishedhimself as the most knowledgeable magician in Caerleon.Cierra.Lv15 SorceressHP: 403MP: 457RunePow: 180RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 50INT: 81AGI: 75ATK: 155DEF: 107 (+2 from Earring of the Sea)Starting Monsters: Hydra, Triton, MermanLv30 WitchHP: 553MP: 582RunePow: 269STR: 58INT: 109AGI: 90ATK: 176DEF: 115 (117)Is s/he worth using?Possibly. She's not quite as impressive as Janfadar, but she's pretty good.The extra MP she has lets her cast more spells after repeated Genos, and shecan get a third Geno much more easily than Janfadar can. What really holdsher back, however, is the fact that her Rune Power is worse than Janfadar's,and she's three levels higher. This is bad, since 180 isn't too impressivefor a promoted Knight, and she's a little harder to extensively train. Still,if you can get past that, she might be worth the trouble.By the time she's level 20, she can cast Meteor Doom once (just missingthe second). Building her up to this is really the point of using her.Shast.Lv12 GrapplerHP: 601MP: 113RunePow: 172RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 78INT: 51AGI: 81ATK: 231DEF: 122Starting Monsters: Wyvern, GryphonLv30 ChampionHP: 893MP: 131RunePow: 286STR: 119INT: 61AGI: 109ATK: 323DEF: 136Is s/he worth using?I'd say so. Keep in mind that his Rune Power is bad at first. He's at a levelwhere it's not impossible to remedy, though. He has high stats, and he hasthe potential to be one of the strongest units you have in your game. He'salso a big asset to Caerleon since he's one of its only real physicalfighters. Keep this in mind when you make your parties. He's also at a pointwhere he's not really a liability to train, since his offense is pretty good.Background: An enthusiastic Knight of Caerleon, he considers justice to bethe key to everything and he is willing to fight anyone who opposes. Healways gets into an argument with Dinadan, however, their teamwork on thebattlefield is unique.Bilcock.Lv5 PriestHP: 421MP: 216RunePow: 156RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 60INT: 63AGI: 58ATK: 180DEF: 104Starting Monsters: Jinn, PixieLv30 CardinalHP: 669MP: 339RunePow: 257STR: 86 (+1 after beating up his robot)INT: 103AGI: 83ATK: 242DEF: 134Is s/he worth using?Sure... as a Quest Knight. Caerleon has a far superior person on this path(BeauArte), making Bilcock pretty much obsolete. His stats are low, his RunePower and Growth are atrocious, and his Rune Area is terrible. This, alongwith average to bad stats across the board, makes him quite unusable as awhole. Quest Knights are useful in their own right, though. Just not on thebattlefield.Background: A Priest who spends more time on his inventions instead ofpraying, which casues BeauArte headaches. His inventions are usually notpractical, but King Cai states, "They are practical, they amuse Merriot."MilliaLv5 EnchantressHP: 392MP: 383RunePower: 194Rune Area: 5Rune Growth: High (6-8)STR: 45INT: 70AGI: 64ATK: 142DEF: 90Lv30 WitchHP: 622MP: 568RunePow: 375STR: 59INT: 113AGI: 89ATK: 178DEF: 114Is s/he worth using?Statistically, she's excellent. She has 70 INT at level 5, and her RuneGrowth is impressive considering she can get up to 25 levels of it. 194starting Rune Power isn't bad, and that value shoots up quickly.Unfortunately, she's not always reliable, since you have to quest her to getEloute, Gush, and Lecarra.If it weren't for that, she'd be more useful, and I'd definitely use her overCierra (who has worse Rune Power 10 levels above Millia). Of course, Caerleonis so easy to defend that you could probably afford to wait it out.At level 30, she's above average in most categories, for a Witch. It might beworth your while to build her.Background: Um.Eloute.Lv9 FighterHP: 513MP: 121RunePower: 208RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 72INT: 79AGI: 64ATK: 209DEF: 116Lv30 ShogunHP: 723MP: 184RunePow: 336STR: 109INT: 100AGI: 95ATK: 303DEF: 136Is s/he worth using?Depends. I made him a Samurai, but that doesn't really matter much. His highinitial intellect seems to indicate that he'd make a pretty goodCavalier/Paladin, though (or even an Avenger, with a high-powered Curse).Caerleon is hurting for physical Knights, so if you're willing to work with alower levelled character, I'd say he's worth your while. If not, quest him.Again, if you do use him, you may have to leave him out of a few assaultsearly on to get Caerleon's other quest Knights. His Rune Stats are fairlygood for his level. He could be worth using on minor assaults or on defense.Background: ?Gush.Lv11 MonkHP: 474MP: 262RunePow: 167RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 68INT: 67AGI: 71ATK: 206DEF: 118Lv30 GuardianHP: 780MP: 319RunePow: 244STR: 105INT: 87AGI: 94ATK: 290DEF: 131Is s/he worth using?Gush is fairly worthless. His Rune stats are atrocious, and there's nothingdistinguishing about him at all. Caerleon needs physical Knights, but he'sreally not worth using. Monks generally have low HP for fighters, which makesthem liabilities sometimes. Monks like Isfas are decent, but Gush is nowhereclose to his level of ability. It's kind of sad that a country hurting forphysical Knights would pass him up. QUEST HIM. He may get someone worthwhile,like Hyude.Background: He is involved in the martial arts and has mastered manydifferent techniques. Shast was both his fellow pupil and his rival. Since hebelieves that all people are created equal, he has never served under anyLord. He has confidence in his skills.Lecarra.Lv16 MysticHP: 418MP: 494RunePow: 217Rune Area: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 49INT: 82AGI: 73ATK: 163DEF: 104Lv30 SageHP: 558MP: 612RunePow: 305STR: 56INT: 108AGI: 87ATK: 163DEF: 114Is s/he worth using?Sure. She's the big bonus you get for having to quest Millia and Eloute allthe time (no one really cares about Gush). You might get her a tad late, butthe Mystic class is fun. Lots of people disparage it for being toorestrictive, but it's quite good at what it does. Her real power comes whenshe's promoted. She gets lots of useful fire spells, namely Exa-Blast andPower. She has passable Rune Power, and her high MP pool should be a realasset. If you play your cards right, she can cast 4 Geno-spells by level 30.Of course, this is of questionable use because anything and everything willprobably die by the time you cast three Geno-spells, but it's still worthmentioning.Background: She talks with a different accent since she was brought up in arural area of Iscalio. She supported herself by telling fortunes in Logres,the old capital of Almekia. There, she met Millia and felt a strange fatewith her. She decided to follow her.===========G2c. Leonia [teh_religious]===========Leonia is a holy country located in East Forsena. Led by the young QueenLyonesse, Leonia houses a lot of Monks and Priests. It borders Norgard andIscalio. Lyonesse declares war on Norgard early on, and Iscalio is at warwith the world. Leonia is the only country that does not border Esgares. Thisgives them a slight advantage, because it does not have to worry about earlyassaults from Cador and Zemeckis until later. Most Leonian castles can makeholy element monsters, such as Unicorns, Angels, and Gryphons.Offensively, it is not in a very favorable strategic position. However, it israther easy to defend. When starting out, I recommend that you keep a strongforce to keep Iscalio at bay, then attack Norgard. The Castle of Asten(Iscalio), opens up a very hostile area. If you take Asten, then you will besurrounded by four castles, making any attack from Asten pretty ineffective.Unless you want to destroy some of Iscalio's monsters, try not to attackAsten. I feel attacking Humber (Norgard) at first is easier, because aftertaking Humber, only two castles are adjacent to you. However, Vaynard usuallykeeps his borders pretty safe. I still feel it is better because you canconcentrate on one country instead of three. Also, you should note thatLeonia's southernmost castle is easily blocked off by strong monsters,because it has a narrow mountain pass that only a few units can fit through.The main strategy on this map is to fit two tough monsters (Dragons, forexample), keep them alive through Leonia's plentiful healing, and wait theopponent out.Country Statistics---Starting Castles: Tallas, Kelilauns, Damas, Whisland, Glume, Hadrian (6)Starting Mana: 797Starting Knights: Lyonesse, Kiloph, Paternus, Asmit, Chantail, Raizen, Filo,Sophia, Isfas, Charlene, Langueborg (11)Knights gained through storyline: Baleen, Galonwand, Georg (3)Starting # of Monsters: 26Recommended Knights: Lyonesse, Kiloph, Paternus, Isfas, Asmit, CharlenePromoted Monsters: Lv10 HolyGriff, Lv10 Phoenix, Lv10 Pegasus-------------------Rune Knight Summary-------------------Lyonesse.Lv3 Queen [Ruler]HP: 358MP: 362RunePow: 262Rune Area: 5Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 33INT: 81AGI: 57ATK: 181DEF: 109Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Divine Ray, Holy Word, Charm, ProtectStarting Monsters: Holygriff, Angel, PixieLv30 QueenHP: 520MP: 551RunePow: 373STR: 47INT: 122AGI: 98ATK: 209DEF: 122Is s/he worth using?Yeah. She almost has the highest starting Rune power in Leonia (second onlyto Paternus). There are two ways of using her. One is to just keep her in theback, using protect and healing spells. The other way is to keep her near thefront, making sure to surround her with strong monsters. Use Holy Word a lot.Later on, she gets 2 Holy Word spells. Holy Word is pretty MP intensive, sodecide whether it is more beneficial to use Holy Word for widespread damageor to use her MP for healing and support. She also has the potential to bethe most intelligent Knight in Forsena, depending on the random growth.She's never really a liability due to Holy Word, and she should be thepremier member of Leonia's Big Bad Holy Word club. The spell itself isn'tthat great, but the fact that you can cast it en masse usually adds up torespectable chip damage. If you're willing to get close to an enemy,Lyonesse's Divine Ray spells generally hurt quite badly.Background: The Queen of Leonia, a sacred country. She used to be an ordinaryvillage girl, but was chosen to the Queen by the prophecy. Everyone is movedby the way she strives to fulfill her duty as Queen. Kiloph has been herclose friend since childhood.Kiloph.Lv3 BarbarianHP: 501MP: 83RunePow: 203RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: High (7-9)STR: 72INT: 51AGI: 63ATK: 214DEF: 106Starting Monsters: PhoenixLv30 Avenger/ChampionHP: 899MP: 120RunePow: 421STR: 126INT: 69AGI: 99ATK: 337DEF: 133Lv30 ChampionHP: 919MP: 113STR: 128INT: 65AGI: 104ATK: 341DEF: 134Is s/he worth using?Hell yes. Check out his level 30 stats. He's probably the strongest Knight inthe game. The excellent Rune stats are an added bonus. He can go for theAvenger/Champion combo for hard hits with a good critical rate, as well asregeneration. After a few levels, he's an absolute monster on thebattlefield. He's even more useful because he's in Leonia, since it isgenerally weak on physical Knights (whether he alone makes up for thisdeficiency is actually arguable). I haven't talked to anyone who has everregretted using him.Background: A friend of Lyonesse since childhood, Kiloph became a Knight sothat he could protect her. Despite his attitude, he is very kind at heart.Although he may act snappish towards Lyonesse, he is really fond of her.Paternus.Lv20 CardinalHP: 582MP: 307RunePow: 273Rune Area: 5Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 78INT: 87AGI: 72ATK: 238 (+8 from Gravity Mace)DEF: 119Starting Monsters: Gryphon, Pegasus, CentaurLv30 CardinalHP: 682MP: 357RunePow: 335STR: 93INT: 107AGI: 82ATK: 256 (264)DEF: 122Is s/he worth using?Sure. He's more of a crutch for Leonia at the beginning, but his usefulnessnever really fades. His Rune stats are excellent all around. He is part ofthe Holy Word club as well, but his limited MP score allows him to cast itonly once. He has a surprisingly good attack score for a Priest class. SMASHIN THE NAME OF GOD, and such.He also gets extra points for calling Dryst a moron. I had Paternus killDryst in that one, too.Background: He's a Cardinal who supports Queen Lyonesse. Since Lyonesse isnot familiar with politics, he administers the affairs of the state. Hewatches over Lyonesse and Kiloph like a guardian.Asmit.Lv13 BishopHP: 491MP: 272RunePow: 214Rune Area: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 71 (+3 from Almighty Ring)INT: 83 (+3 from Almighty Ring)AGI: 71 (+3 from Almighty Ring)ATK: 207DEF: 116 (+3 from Almighty Ring)Starting Monsters: Gryphon, CentaurLv30 CardinalHP: 661MP: 357RunePow: 313STR: 90 (93)INT: 111 (114)AGI: 85 (88)ATK: 250 (256)DEF: 124Is s/he worth using?Eh. He's not that bad, but he's massively overshadowed by Paternus. TheAlmighty Ring should probably go to someone else, too (Kiloph, maybe).However, I've gotten good use from him by switching him over to the Mage pathso that he has some offense. This helps with him quite a bit, since Leonia'sonly natural mage blows. His Rune stats make him worth using, but he'sutterly average otherwise (well, outside of his exceptional intelligencescore).Background: A wise Knight in Leonia, who is also known as the "Perfect Man".His perfectionism usually puts people off. However, the Queen places completetrust in him. Kiloph may be jealous of him because the Queen relies on Asmiton most occasions.Chantail.Lv6 MageHP: 337MP: 326RunePow: 168Rune Area: 4Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 46INT: 61AGI: 54ATK: 142DEF: 93Starting Monsters: Mandrake, UnicornLv30 WizardHP: 561MP: 510RunePow: 263STR: 58INT: 102AGI: 78ATK: 176DEF: 111Is s/he worth using?His initial Rune stats and his crappy Rune Growth scream out "QUEST ME." Hehas the Power spell, but Asmit can switch over to the Mage path as soon ashe's level 15 for the same effect. Characters with poor Rune Power and Growthneed something else to justify use, but Chantail just doesn't have anythingworth mentioning. He and Langueborg join your country if you take overLeonia, making for quite possibly the most pathetic combination of Knightsyou could get.Background: A magician of Leonia who can deal with anything with composure.He loves his baby very much and talks about him all the time, even in frontof the Queen. His dream is to make his son the palace magician of Leonia.Raizen.Lv11 MonkHP: 485MP: 246RunePow: 160Rune Area: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 70INT: 65AGI: 68ATK: 216 (+6 from Rivet Knuckle)DEF: 117Starting Monsters: 2 GiantsLv30 GuardianHP: 791MP: 303RunePow: 274STR: 108INT: 85AGI: 91ATK: 296 (302)DEF: 130Is s/he worth using?OK, 160 Rune Power at level 11 is really horrible. However, his growth andRune Area aren't bad, so he can potentially be salvaged (if you go through agame normally, you can probably expect to gain 10 levels out of someone youuse quite a bit. More if they're low levelled to start with). Guardiansaren't bad, but you'll probably be near the end of the game when you get himto that path. He's okay for defensive purposes, but I'd never use him in areal assault. The Rivet Knuckle he has fits much better on Isfas.Background: A man obsessed with fighting. He never talks to the otherKnights, but is always in search of someone to fight. He accidently killed aman during Kumite and is now despised by his people. However, he never madeany excuses for the action.Filo.Lv7 ClericHP: 405MP: 279RunePow: 193Rune Area: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 58INT: 68AGI: 67ATK: 176DEF: 107Starting Monsters: Wyvern, Unicorn, JinnLv30 SaintHP: 635MP: 394RunePow: 328STR: 81INT: 105AGI: 90ATK: 232DEF: 125Is s/he worth using?I dunno. I used her, Sophia, and Raizen to defend the lower pass. The mapthere is incredibly easy to defend, because you can wedge two monsters inthere, and only three enemies and ranged units can attack (the best monstersto stick there are Dragons, since they can use breaths). If you keep thosetwo monsters healthy (which you can, with all the healing that Sophia, Filo,and the abundance of white aligned monsters around), you're pretty much set.On her own, Filo's not that special. If you can get Filo and Sophia to level10, they can start the mass Holy Word'ing.Lectors are handy since they have some decent offense, I suppose, but themethod above is difficult to gain experience in (since you're mostly healingand supporting).Background: A female officer of Leonia. She always listens to Lyonessediscuss her problems. Her gentle personality calms those around her. However,she can be strong-willed whenever things get rough.Sophia.Lv7 ClericHP: 398MP: 281RunePow: 171Rune Area: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 61INT: 70AGI: 62ATK: 182DEF: 105Starting Monsters: Gryphon, Jinn, PixieLv30 SaintHP: 628MP: 396RunePow: 322STR: 84INT: 107AGI: 85ATK: 238DEF: 123Is s/he worth using?Same as Filo, but with worse Rune Power.Background: A very intelligent female officer of Leonia. She often makeslittle mistakes for being talkative. She has visited the Wiseman Solon withher friend Filo to increase their intelligence. Her bravery and logical wayof thinking deserves everyone's applause.Isfas.Lv16 MonkHP: 557MP: 266RunePow: 233Rune Area: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 76INT: 74AGI: 70ATK: 222DEF: 118Starting Monsters: Roc, 2 GolemsLv30 GuardianHP: 793MP: 308RunePow: 317STR: 104INT: 93AGI: 91ATK: 288DEF: 130Is s/he worth using?While most Monks are rather ordinary, Isfas stands out since he's a goodphysical Knight in Leonia. His Rune stats are good, and he's decent supportfor his monsters. Still, like all Monks, he's weak on HP and defense, so hestill needs to be protected more than most other physical Knights. However,once he becomes a Guardian, he receives a decent boost. Guardians haveChampion level growth (at least for HP and STR), which is always a plus.Still, I just can't shake the feeling that Guardians are just watered downChampions who have minor healing spells.Background: A smiling giant with a gentle heart who works under CardinalPaternus. His hobby is gardening and is often seen feeding birds. Isfas actslike a big brother to Kiloph and would put his own life on the line for theQueen.CharleneLv12 LancerHP: 506MP: 164RunePow: 226RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 69INT: 64AGI: 80ATK: 223DEF: 126Starting Monsters: Angel, PixieLv30 ValkyrieHP: 758MP: 218RunePow: 299STR: 96INT: 78AGI: 107ATK: 277 (287)DEF: 140Is s/he worth using?Sure. She doesn't really distinguish herself too much, but she has goodstarting Rune Power. Low growth doesn't hamper this that much, since her RunePower will be decent throughout the game. It'll just get annoying when you'repromoting monsters. The Ice Javelin makes her a decent attacker, and she'sfairly evasive.Background: Her father brought her up to be a soldier, since he had no son.She has a very rational personality. Referred to as the "Snow Crystal ofLeonia" by the people, she is admired for never letting her personal feelingsinterfere with her duties.Langueborg.Lv10 CavalierHP: 538MP: 127RunePow: 138 (terrible)RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 76INT: 49AGI: 67ATK: 216DEF: 127Starting Monsters: 2 G-ScorpionsLangueborg. Lv30 PaladinHP: 778MP: 227RunePow: 218STR: 106INT: 69AGI: 87ATK: 292DEF: 139Is s/he worth using?Langueborg sucks. He has a friggin' 138 in Rune Power. That means he might beable to have 2 moderately powered monsters, while most of the others can have3 or 4. He can heal, but his 2 monsters will probably die before he even getsa chance. Even if he does get to heal, his 49 INT makes the amount he healsvery insignificant. He's probably the worst Rune Knight in the entire game.Unlike some other "project" Knights, there are no real incentives to use him,since he doesn't become anything worthwhile at any level. QUEST.At level 30, his stats aren't all that bad. Still, 218 Rune Power doesn't cutit for anyone, and he's too statistically average to actually use. He'sreally not worth the trouble.Background: He calls himself "The Brain". Originally Norgard, but he leftwhen Vaynard took over the throne. He didn't think Vaynard had the ability tomake a good King. He always bothers Queen Lyonesse with suggestions that haveno meaning.Baleen.Lv1 ScoutHP: 385MP: 120RunePow: 187RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 57INT: 49AGI: 66ATK: 179DEF: 112Starting Monsters: NoneBaleen. Lv30 Artemis.HP: 675MP: 227RunePow: 358STR: 86INT: 69AGI: 120ATK: 247DEF: 140Is s/he worth using?Sure. If you can find space for her, I'd go for it. It's always worthwhile tohave someone on the Archer path around for a sniping team (Centaurs). Shejoins early, and her initial Rune stats are workable. The 3 in Rune Area is abit of a hamper, but it can be overlooked for her other merits. Her initialstats are low, but she gets pretty impressive if you train her.Background: A dark skinned girl from a savage tribe. She has a sharp mind aswell as a short fuse. She is a close friend of Kiloph, but they argue everytime they see each other. She tries to be more lady-like, but that is adifficult task for her.Galonwand.Lv2 BarbarianHP: 484MP: 81RunePow: 157RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 66INT: 54AGI: 55ATK: 202DEF: 103Starting Monsters: NoneGalonwand. Lv30 AvengerHP: 866MP: 129RunePow: 259STR: 119INT: 74AGI: 83ATK: 323DEF: 132Is s/he worth using?Probably not. Low starting Rune Power and growth make for a godawfulcombination. He is rather strong for a level 2 character, but that alonedoesn't make him worthwhile. He's not totally unusable, but it's much betterto quest him and use Kiloph.Background: Kiloph's best friend. Rough and optimistic, his motto is "Dothings as they come". But when either his friends or his mother country getinvolved, he doesn't mind risking his life for them. Also, there is a girlthat he has a crush on.Georg.Lv8 PriestHP: 438MP: 215RunePow: 177RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 59INT: 68AGI: 56ATK: 178DEF: 103Starting Monsters: NoneLv30 CardinalHP: 658MP: 325RunePow: 267STR: 86INT: 105 (110)AGI: 78ATK: 242DEF: 126 (131)Is s/he worth using?Georg is a priest who you get from a quest. He's a pretty interesting guy,but he's not very battle worthy. It's much better for him to be one ofLeonia's many quest Knights. The last thing Leonia needs is more priests.His level 30 stats are alright, but his inferior Rune stats bring him down.============G2d. Iscalio [teh_crazy]============Iscalio is a rather unpredictable country located in the southeast. It is ledby the great and mighty Dryst, who is a nutter. It's never boring there. Withclowns for Knights and an insane leader with a creepy grin plastered on hisface, Iscalio probably has the most interesting assortment of Knights in thegame. Aside from its Knights, there isn't much to say about Iscalio.Beginning players probably should not try Iscalio first. Iscalio is not in agood strategic position for offense. It is in an incredible defensiveposition, though. It is blocked off with two castles, but there aren't enoughpowerful Knights to launch an effective offensive and make good borderpatrols. I had Bagdemagus, Camden, and Gallo start attacking Leonia, leavingMiguel, Lucia, and Daffy to defend Asten. They actually did a pretty decentdefense job. They fended off Cador, Esmeree, and some weak Knight (I think itwas Fiel), and managed to wound both Cador and Fiel. Managing your limitedKnights in this situation is difficult, so I advise that you quest to try toget someone like Hyude or Dogal as soon as possible. Iscalio's Knights areall above average.Country Statistics---Starting Castles: 6Starting Mana: 797Starting Knights: Dryst, Iria, Camden, Ulster, Bagdemagus, Gallo, Hula,Teath, Daffy, Miguel, Lucia (12)Knights gained through storyline: 0Starting # of Monsters: 33Good Knights to use: All of them are pretty good, and you need to use most ofthem to win with Iscalio. Avoid Victoria, though. She sucks.Promoted Monsters: Lv20 Bahamut, Lv10 Gigas-------------------Rune Knight Summary-------------------Dryst.Lv21 Tyrant [Ruler]1 Red. 1 BlackHP: 652MP: 202RunePow: 322RuneArea: 5Rune Growth: Good (6-8)STR: 91INT: 65AGI: 89ATK: 262DEF: 136Spells: Curse, Weakness, Flame, PowerStarting Monsters: Bahamut!, Demon, Hell HoundLv30 Super Tyrant1 Red. 1 BlackHP: 742MP: 247RunePow: 385STR: 109INT: 74AGI: 116ATK: 298DEF: 140Spells: Meteor Doom, Curse, Weakness, Flame, PowerIs s/he worth using?Dryst is pretty damn good. He starts out with a Bahamut and the Power spell.When you cast Power on his Bahamut, the breath attack will do about 300+damage to all creatures in a line. He has the Curse and Flame spell, but Igenerally don't use those, because Dryst's intelligence is rather low (He's agenius, though, no matter what that INT stat says) for a leader. He also hasvery good physical stats. His physical attack does good damage, and high AGImakes him pretty hard to hit. However, he seems to be inferior compared toother leaders. Unlike the other rulers (except Lance), Dryst doesn't get amass destruction spell until much later on in the game. When he gets to level30, he becomes a Super Tyrant, which (from what I can tell. This might not bethe only improvement) gives him the Meteor Doom spell. This is great, butmore often than not, he doesn't have enough MP to cast it, which means youhave to give him a Ring of Sorcery (you can get one from Carlota afterdestroying New Almekia or a potion). It would seriously suck if Dryst hadMeteor Doom and couldn't cast it. Even when he is able to cast Meteor Doom,he can cast it once for OK damage, due to his crappy INT.Background: Known as the "Mad King of Iscalio", he is selfish, self-righteous, and far from being respectful or virtuous. However, he isextremely powerful. His actions cannot be explained with logic as he is a manwho does as he pleases.Iria.Lv20 ValykrieHP: 593MP: 180RunePow: 248RuneArea: 5Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 83INT: 62AGI: 96ATK: 257 (+6 from Black Spear, which is a black element)DEF: 137Starting Monsters: Demon, Hell Hound, PixieLv30 ValkyrieHP: 733MP: 210RunePow: 317STR: 98INT: 72AGI: 111ATK: 281 (287)DEF: 142Is s/he worth using?Iria is excellent. She has great physical stats and really high Rune Powerand Area. When she gains a few levels, she can cast Holy Word, giving her adecent ranged spell. Her defense is top-notch, and she's incredibly hard tohit at the beginning of the game. She has a Black Spear, letting her attackwhite element enemies with more efficiency. She should definitely be a partof your assault squads. One interesting thing about her is that the elementof her weapon is Black, and she's White/Blue. This means that she'll be ableto damage white units very well, since she does increased damage while stillretaining an innate white sphere for defense purposes.Background: Mysterious female Knight who follows around King Dryst as hisshadow. Nicknamed the "Killer Doll". Dryst's orders are absolute for her. Noone knows her background other than that Dryst found her somewhere severalyears ago.Camden.Lv14 DruidHP: 409MP: 380RunePow: 235RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 51INT: 79AGI: 69ATK: 157DEF: 103Starting Monsters: Gigas, 2 GhoulsLv30 NecromancerHP: 569MP: 512RunePow: 303STR: 59INT: 113AGI: 80ATK: 178DEF: 111Is s/he worth using?Camden is alright. His Rune Power will not grow much higher than it is at thestart of the game, but it starts off high enough to offset this. He is aDruid, so he gets lots of Black and Red Element attack spells. He also hasthe Power spell, which you can use on Dragons or Jinns for improved damage.He's not that smart for a Necromancer, though. Still, he's only six levelsaway from Meteor Doom, so he should work out pretty well for most people.Background: A well known brown noser around King Dryst, he isn't liked byUlster. However, one should not underestimate his ability. Competence andnobleness often do not go hand in hand in Iscalio.Ulster.Lv12 BishopHP: 483MP: 254RunePow: 228RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 65INT: 72AGI: 66ATK: 195DEF: 112Starting Monsters: Dragon, Golem, JinnLv30 CardinalHP: 663MP: 314RunePow: 334STR: 83INT: 104AGI: 84ATK: 236DEF: 123Is s/he worth using?Ulster is very good. He has pretty good INT stats, and his Rune stats areabove average. However, like most Bishops, he lacks the MP to make asignificant impact on a battle. A reasonable course of action may be toconvert him into a mage class so that he can reap the benefits of higher MPgrowth while getting decent attack spells. This is pretty simple, since youjust need to put three more levels in Bishop to get the EXPERT status. Hebecomes a potent magic user, and his list of 18 spells with this combo isquite impressive. I put him in a group with Dryst and Iria, and they were mybest group.Background: A very smart man of good sense who is somewhat oppressed by thepeople. Despite his numerous suggestions for the future of Iscalio, none ofthem have been adopted by the King. Life continues for this unfortunate man.Bagdemagus.Lv16 BerserkerHP: 676MP: 98RunePow: 215RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 90INT: 38AGI: 69ATK: 268 (+8 from Power Glove)DEF: 122 (+4 from Power Glove)Starting Monsters: Dragon, Lizard Man, MandrakeLv30 AvengerHP: 872MP: 132RunePow: 299STR: 124INT: 50AGI: 83ATK: 333 (341)DEF: 132 (136)Spells: Curse, WeaknessIs s/he worth using?Bagdemagus is the main powerhouse of Iscalio. He has a lot of HP, but hisdefense is rather mediocre. His AGI and INT aren't so hot, either. You maynot feel that INT is very important, but it really makes a difference forthose Curse spells and magic defense. Low INT means that he takes big hitsfrom even small fry spells like Flame. As an Avenger, the spells he getsaren't that useful because of his lousy INT stat, but he's not made to castspells. He's just there to walk around and hit stuff for a lot of damage, andhe does this quite well. Low agility makes hitting things an issue with himsometimes, but this usually isn't a huge problem.Background: A barbarian who is fond of Dryst and enjoys running wildly withhim. He's not very smart, but he's extremely powerful. The way he laughs outloud with his mouth open signifies that he doesn't have any worries.He also doesn't mind picking on Camden. YAY!Gallo.Lv9 RangerHP: 571MP: 109RunePow: 197RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 72INT: 49AGI: 80ATK: 209DEF: 116Starting Monsters: Wyvern, Hellhound, CentaurLv30 ChampionHP: 905MP: 130RunePow: 323STR: 119INT: 60AGI: 112ATK: 323DEF: 137Is s/he worth using?Sure. Gallo isn't very impressive when you first get him, but if you workwith him, he'll be one of your best (a statement that can be applied toalmost any ranger/Grappler). He's a single level from becoming a Grappler,and his starting stats are actually rather impressive for his level,particularly the 80 in AGI, which gives him good accuracy and evasion. As aChampion, he has excellent offense and rarely gets hit. His Rune stats aren'tbad, either.Background: He is a Knight with a painted face. He was a travelingperformance before hearing about the reputation of King Dryst and coming toIscalio. He makes friends with anybody since he is a smooth talker. Galloeven gets along well with Bagdemagus.Hula.Lv1 ClericHP: 336MP: 239RunePow: 175RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: High (7-9)STR: 48INT: 60AGI: 57ATK: 156DEF: 104Starting Monsters: UnicornLv30 SaintHP: 626MP: 384RunePow: 401!STR: 77INT: 104AGI: 86ATK: 224DEF: 123Is s/he worth using?Hula has the potential to be a very good Knight, but she starts outincredibly weak. Send her on a few battles towards the beginning, and herlevels and Rune will skyrocket (~260 RP by level 10). Lots of people switchher between many classes, but she should have some sort of focus. Make herall-magic or all physical, because most of the dual-classing between magicaland physical classes give you weak Knights (there are some exceptions). Ifyou can improve her Rune Area (there are potions and items that increase RuneArea), she can be great. Her high STR even as a Saint makes me wonder if shewas meant to be a physical Knight... nah. Starting her on the path of aphysical Knight isn't easy, because her starting strength is so poor.Background. She is a Knight of Iscalio, but acts as a maid to King Dryst.Pure and honest, but a little naïve, she completely trusts King Dryst. Thepeople are nervous because she is defenseless around him.Teath.Lv2 FighterHP: 429MP: 101RunePow: 153RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 61INT: 50AGI: 62ATK: 187DEF: 115Starting Monsters: 2 Lizard Men, 1 MandrakeLv30 ShogunHP: 709MP: 185RunePow: 317STR: 108INT: 74AGI: 100ATK: 301DEF: 138Is s/he worth using?Probably not. Since he starts out so weak, he's tough to train. However, ifyou do train him, he becomes passable. He's got lousy Rune Power at first,and his Rune Area prevents him from being a very effective leader. Thisprevents him from ever being truly efficient, and it's why I rarely use him.Teath is pretty fast and strong, and he has very good AGI for a Samurai. Youcan train him any way you like, but I just decided to make him a Shogun forsome reason. Still, it's hard to justify the use of someone who just doesn'tend up that good.Background: For an ordinary Knight, he had a warped background. However,everything changed when he met a girl named Hula. Ever since the met, he hasmade an effort to better himself as a Knight.Daffy.Lv12 SamuraiHP: 598MP: 91RunePow: 181RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 79INT: 52AGI: 67ATK: 233DEF: 127 (+5 from the Horned Helm)Starting Monsters: Roc, 2 GhoulsLv30 ShogunHP: 778MP: 145RunePow: 289STR: 111INT: 70AGI: 94ATK: 307DEF: 141 (+5 from Horned Helm)Is s/he worth using?Sure. Daffy's very strong for a Samurai. He's probably the strongest level 30Shogun in the game. At the same levels, he's stronger than Gereint, thoughGereint's a bit faster and he has more MP. Daffy is pretty important forDryst's success, because he starts out decently tough, and Dryst needs allthe Knights he can get. He has below average rune stats, but he's someonethat you'll probably end up using anyway, because he's moderately powerful asan attack unit. The Horned Helm makes him a decent tank early on.Background: Nicknamed the "Wallet with a hole", he is always complainingabout how his reward is not enough. It is because of this that makes him lookmore like a mercenary. However, those who are not careful have beenhospitalized.Miguel.Lv10 CavalierHP: 514MP: 138RunePow: 178RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 74INT: 54AGI: 70ATK: 218DEF: 128Starting Monsters: Wyvern, GiantLv30 PaladinHP: 754MP: 238RunePow: 301STR: 104INT: 74AGI: 90ATK: 288DEF: 140Is s/he worth using?Maybe. Miguel really isn't that special, but he's not a bad Knight. He getsgood Rune Power each level, and he's pretty strong. Like Daffy, he startswith unimpressive Rune Power, but you have to use him either way. BecauseIscalio makes you work with Knights that don't have great Rune Power, youprobably need to use more cost effective monsters (Cost effective meaning nottwo dragons and a Ghoul. More like a mix of Centaurs, Lizard Men, maybe aWyvern or two). Anyhow, Miguel is probably best left to defense situations.He's not particularly good or bad, but he doesn't distinguish himself either.Background: The eldest son of the Rand Family. The three siblings had to beseparated and forced to work for different countries in order to maintain thefamily name.Lucia.Lv8 ScoutHP: 443MP: 140RunePow: 165RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: High (6-8)STR: 63INT: 53AGI: 73ATK: 191DEF: 114Starting Monsters: 2 Centaurs, Unicorn, PixieLv30 ArtemisHP: 663MP: 226RunePow: 330STR: 90INT: 74AGI: 121ATK: 255DEF: 140Is s/he worth using?At first, Lucia isn't impressive at all. She has low Rune Power and strength.Quest her until she gets the scene with the boy. A few months later, questher again, and she'll receive a giant bonus from it (+5 on STR, INT, AGI, and+30 Rune Power!). At any rate, these are about 3-4 levels of stats!After that, use her along with a group of Centaurs. When she becomes anArtemis, her effectiveness increases tenfold. She can shoot from 4 hexesaway, which is godly. She's excellent. However, she might turn out weaker,because Artemis's strength growth is erratic (I've seen 0-2, and sometimes, Iwould get 5 levels of +2's and 5 levels of +0's). If you can get her questdone, she can become a valuable part of your army. Her high Rune Growth thethe general high utility of the Archer class can make her worth the troubleof training her even if you avoid doing her quest.Background. One of the few Knights who has common sense in the IscalioPalace, where the most people are rather weird. She used to have a brightpersonality and was always smiling. However, she hasn't smiled since the"Incident" that occurred several years ago.Victoria.Lv11 SorceressHP: 353MP: 401RunePow: 144Rune Area: 3Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 47INT: 74AGI: 68ATK: 149DEF: 104 (+2 from Pixie Hat)Lv30 WitchHP: 543MP: 553RunePow: 216STR: 57INT: 108AGI: 87ATK: 174DEF: 114Is s/he worth using?Nah. Victoria isn't very useful at all. She has very low Rune Power and RuneArea (she may have the worst Rune stats in the game), and her spellcastingability does not offset this weakness. Iscalio lacks Knights, but I never hadto use her at all, except as a quest Knight. She's Iscalio's only femalemage, but if you really want a good Sorceress, go for some quest knight likeCortina.Background: A beautiful witch infamous for her wicked character and strongperfume, self conscious to a point that she could stare in the mirror allday. She only likes authority when she has it, not when someone else does.However, with all this, people still like her.============G2e. Norgard [teh_suck]============Norgard is a country to the north, where the harsh snows make the Knights wholive there very tough and hardy. It is led by the White Wolf, Vaynard, whogained the throne after King Doremiditt died. Princess Brangien, Doremiditt'sdaughter, is angry about this, and she holds a large grudge against Vaynard.As a whole, Norgard is very strong.It has good Knights who have pretty high levels. However, it has severalborder cities, so it needs all the Knights that it can get. Make sure to winyour first battle, so that you can get Luintail quickly. Morholt should joinshortly afterwards. Fortunately, people who play Norgard shouldn't have toomuch trouble defending their borders, because its Knights and monsters arestrong enough defend from most any siege. Because Leonia is initially soweak, attack them first. I would also advise you to attack bordering Esgarescastles, while carrying out your conquest of Leonia (shouldn't be too hard.Iscalio might help you out by taking out Leonia's southern borders).Afterwards, stab into Iscalian territory. If you have enough Knights, you caneven try to invade New Almekia. You should have a decent foothold in Esgares,and it is the easiest country to take out (besides Leonia). Afterwards, thegame is cake.Country Statistics---Starting Castles: Flogeru (Capital), Kardiff, Senadon, Humber, Jukes,Listinoise, Alliryme (7)Starting Mana: 1265Starting Knights: Vaynard, Brangien, Guinglain, Yvain, Palomides, Roadbull,Elaine, Zerafin, Faticia, Ector, Noie, Kirkmond, Dillard (13)Knights gained through storyline: Morholt and Luintail (2)Starting # of Monsters: 44Recommended Knights: Vaynard, Brangien, Guinglain, Yvain, Morholt, Luintail,Palomides, Roadbull, DillardPromoted Monsters: 2 Lv1 White Dragons, 1 Lv10 Efreeti-------------------Rune Knight Summary-------------------Vaynard.Lv18 Lord [Ruler]1 BlueHP: 637MP: 304RunePow: 332RuneArea: 5Rune Growth: High (6-8)STR: 93INT: 82AGI: 79ATK: 266DEF: 135Starting Monsters: White Dragon, Dragon, Wyvern, Hell HoundLv30 LordHP: 805MP: 340RunePow: 420!STR: 117INT: 100AGI: 97ATK: 314DEF: 141Is s/he worth using?Kyar. As a whole, Vaynard is probably the second best physical fighter amongthe rulers, barring Zemeckis. As with all rulers, his Rune stats areexcellent. He gets Geno-Frost, which gives him good area damage when pairedwith his high INT. He's pretty tough, and he doesn't need to be pampered asmuch as Lance and Lyonesse do. His stats as a whole are pretty good, but he'ssomewhat lacking in AGI. His other qualities make up for this, but he canhave trouble hitting more evasive opponents. Also, being a blue element is adouble-edged sword. Powerhouse units (the Dragon family, Phoenixes, andGiants) are all red elemental, so they'll hit Vaynard hard. On the otherhand, he hits them back just as hard. Still, this isn't always an idealtradeoff, because monsters are (mostly) expendable, but you lose the battleif Vaynard gets injured (0 HP). Just be careful with him, especially againstNew Almekia's Salamander.He's somewhat hard pressed to get two Geno-Frosts, so you may want to questfor MP potions early on. Failing that, take over New Alemekia and swipeCarlota's Ring of Sorcery.Background: A young King who rules the country of Norgard. Known as the"White Wolf" for his bravery. As one of the best strategists on thecontinent, he is able to analyze any situation. His older sister is the wifeof Zemeckis, the Emporer of Esgares.Brangien.Lv10 ArcherHP: 448MP: 171RunePow: 257RuneArea: 5Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 68INT: 64AGI: 83ATK: 221 (+15 from Heaven Bow)DEF: 122Starting Monsters: Demon, Gryphon, Efreeti, PixieLv30 ArtemisHP: 648MP: 241RunePow: 378STR: 90 (+2 from storyline sequence)INT: 79AGI: 123ATK: 270 (+15 from Heaven Bow)DEF: 141Is s/he worth using?Yes. She's arguably the best Archer in the game, and that's quite a featsince the Archer classes are so useful. With a special bow and good Strengthgrowth, she usually outpowers most of the other archers. She's the fastestcharacter in the game at level 30. Also, she has very high Rune stats, with~260 to start off with and a 5 in Rune Area. As with the other archers,surround her with some Centaurs and you're pretty much set.Background: The daughter of the late King Doremiditt. She lost her father inthe battle against Almekia. Since women are not qualified to succeed to thethrone of the King, she had to give it up to Vaynard, who is one of herrelatives. She is not happy with this.Guinglain.Lv17 CavalierHP: 611MP: 163RunePow: 294RuneArea: 5Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 86INT: 80AGI: 77ATK: 256 (+14 from Answeller)DEF: 130Lv30 PaladinHP: 781MP: 228RunePow: 373STR: 106INT: 93AGI: 90ATK: 306 (+14 from Answeller)DEF: 141Starting Monsters: White Dragon, Gryphon, Lizard Man, Hell HoundIs s/he worth using?Definitely. He's quite intelligent for a Paladin, which makes his Holy Wordspell pretty potent. With the Answeller (white element), he is a respectablephysical attacker, and he absolutely wrecks most black elemental units. Thismakes him one of the better people to use to fight against Cador at thebeginning of the game. His Rune stats are also superb. Though his level 30stats aren't the best, this doesn't really matter because he's the secondbest Knight in Norgard in the normal game (the first being Vaynard, ofcourse).Background: A good friend of King Vaynard and a master strategist. He doeseverything with prudence. He grew up with Vaynard and is his right hand man.He often becomes perplexed by the bold acts of Vaynard, but supports him inan exquisite manner.Yvain.Lv13 CavalierHP: 546MP: 148RunePow: 231RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 81INT: 70AGI: 75ATK: 232DEF: 135Starting Monsters: Dragon, Wyvern, CentaurLv30 PaladinHP: 756MP: 213RunePow: 334STR: 107INT: 87AGI: 92ATK: 294DEF: 140Is s/he worth using?Sure. Yvain may seem like Guinglain's mini-me, but that's not necessarily abad thing. At the same levels, he'll end up being faster and stronger, butless intelligent. However, INT isn't that important for a Cavalier/Paladin.Yvain and Palomides (White and Black elements) make a very useful team. HisRune stats make him a worthwhile investment.Background: A handsome Knight from Norgard, who charms everyone around himwith his beautiful way of fighting. Elegant to a point that he is able toread the thoughts of Vaynard. A long time friend of Palomides, who oftenfights together in battle.Palomides.Lv13 BerserkerHP: 644MP: 72RunePow: 211RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 85INT: 46AGI: 67ATK: 250DEF: 117Starting Monsters: Roc, 2 GiantsLv30 AvengerHP: 882MP: 109RunePow: 320STR: 119INT: 60AGI: 84ATK: 323DEF: 133Is s/he worth using?Sure. Palomides is quite strong for his level, and he has excellent HP. Theconversion to the black element after becoming an Avenger may mean that hisbest use may come from attacking Leonia, a country full of White elementKnights and monsters. As with most Berserkers, he has pitiable intelligence,but it's particularly bad in his case. He has a little trouble hittingWyverns and Gryphons sometimes, but you should notice this becoming a littleless of an issue when he becomes an Avenger. There is a concern that he won'tget enough MP for the Curse spell at level 20, but it's not really worthworrying about, because his INT is so low that his Curse wouldn't do thatmuch damage.Background: The savage hero of Norgard. He is impulsive and acts withouthesitation. He has the ability to cut his way through any situation. He is agood friend of Yvain, who is very different than he is. This is a mystery foreven a smart man like King Vaynard.Roadbull.Lv14 BishopHP: 503MP: 289RunePow: 247RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 69INT: 81AGI: 64ATK: 203DEF: 111Starting Monsters: Hydra, Wyvern, Hell HoundLv30 CardinalHP: 663MP: 369RunePow: 313STR: 85INT: 110AGI: 80ATK: 240DEF: 121Is s/he worth using?Yes. He has exceptional intelligence, and he ended up getting beaten by Caiand Lyonesse for me. His high INT goes to good use with Divine Ray.Roadbull's Divine Ray deals roughly 250 damage to Cador, which is excellentif you can get close enough. Other than that, he's like most other Bishops.Change him to a Mage if you want more MP, the Power spell, and a good areaattack. His Rune Growth is poor, but his starting Rune Power is so high thatit doesn't matter.Background: He has been working for Norgard since the late King Doremiditt.He was in constant disagreement with King Vaynard right after he took overthe throne, but once he saw the ability and talent of Vaynard, he started tothink more highly of him.Elaine.Lv1 EnchantressHP: 290MP: 351RunePow: 151RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 42INT: 62AGI: 59ATK: 134DEF: 94Starting Monsters: Clay Golem, Unicorn, PixieLv30 WitchHP: 542MP: 566RunePow: 318STR: 57INT: 111AGI: 88ATK: 174DEF: 114Is s/he worth using?It depends. She's a project Knight, and those usually turn out surprisinglywell. Mage projects are easier to train than fighter projects, but theyusually end up less effective, overall. Norgard lacks any other knights inthe female mage path, but this doesn't mean that you should use her. Herstarting Rune stats are horrifyingly poor, she can easily be killed in onehit if you don't protect her. However, she can become decently powerful ifyou bother to use her (a single good kill against a Knight can propel her ~5levels. Maybe more with the Halo spell), but I've never felt that she wasworthwhile, especially since Norgard has plenty of other mages to choosefrom. If you decide to use Noie as an Enchantress, Elaine is effectivelyobsolete.Background: A beloved daughter of Roadbull. She respects her father anddecided to take on the same job. The way she defends Vaynard may be reflectedby her feelings for him. She took her mental strength after her father, andexpresses herself clearly.The way she suckers Roadbull out of his dinner is classic.Noie.Lv2 ClericHP: 302MP: 264RunePow: 201RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: High (6-8)STR: 38INT: 67 (+4 from Madonna's Rod)AGI: 59ATK: 136DEF: 104Starting Monsters: Wyvern, 2 Unicorns, PixieLv30 SaintHP: 582MP: 404RunePow: 405!STR: 66INT: 110 (+4 from Madonna's Rod)AGI: 87ATK: 202DEF: 124Is s/he worth using?Project Knight! 405 Rune Power is quite impressive, but that's at level 30.Still, her starting Rune Power is not bad at all, and her growth is aboveaverage. She has 28 levels of growth averaging 7 a level, so she'll be ableto carry lots of monsters around by the time she promotes. This is easiersaid than done, however. The Cleric class is crippled offensively, and it'srather difficult to feed her kills. You basically have to get the opponentbelow 30 HP, because her ATK is so poor. However, if you can get her to level10, her offensive problems are resolved (also 270 Rune Power omg), because ofthe Lector's Holy Word spell. At this point, she stops being an offensiveliability.It is fully possible to turn her into an Enchantress at the beginning of thegame. In fact, this solves her offensive woes, so it may be the best way togo. She already has a level in Cleric, but this doesn't matter that much. ASaint/Witch dual class is possible, which isn't a bad combination, since thestat growth of the classes complement each other, and it combines support andoffensive magic.Background: A girl with an angel's voice who is loved by everybody. However,only a few know of her illness, from which she will die. She decides todevote the rest of her life serving Vaynard and goes out into thebattlefield, despite her illness.It's funny. She has a fatal illness, but the game doesn't let her die untilyou've beaten the game. This means that she can be in her late 70's and stillbe alive, despite her illness. OK, that's not funny at all, but it isinteresting.Kirkmond.Lv12 SorcererHP: 384MP: 357RunePow: 191RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 51INT: 76AGI: 66ATK: 157DEF: 102Starting Monsters: Demon, Clay Golem, Lizard Man, GhoulLv30 WizardHP: 564MP: 503RunePow: 262STR: 60INT: 108AGI: 84ATK: 180DEF: 113Is s/he worth using?Kirkmond, while a decent Wizard, isn't too useful. He's got bad Rune stats,and he's really nothing special. Power is always a good spell to have aroundfor Vaynard's White Dragons or Norgard's Dao, I suppose. If you can toleratehis poor Rune stats, he may be worthwhile. Still, Morholt is much better, andhe's closer to promotion.Background: Kirkmond acts as a mediator between King Vaynard and the oldministers, since the death of King Doremiditt. He is adept at directingsoldiers on the battlefields and is often given many responsibilities on astrategic level.Dillard.Lv10 GrapplerHP: 582MP: 107RunePow: 180RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 73INT: 57AGI: 79ATK: 221DEF: 121Starting Monsters: Dragon, Lizard ManLv30 ChampionHP: 902MP: 137RunePow: 304STR: 118INT: 67AGI: 109ATK: 321DEF: 136Is s/he worth using?Sure. He should level pretty quickly, which makes up for his 180 startingRune Power. Though his offense isn't that special at first, Grapplers quicklyaccumulate STR (and thus, ATK), and they end up being very powerful andevasive, with lots of HP to make up for average defenses. If you can make himinto a Champion, you're set. At the end of the game, Dillard is awesome. Hegets some of the highest physical stats in the game (he has the highest HP),and he is probably the best Champion at level 30.Background: He was hired after King Vaynard took over the throne. A man offew words and speaks only when necessary. Therefore, it's hard to see what'son his mind. However, he is trustworthy since he delivers what is expected ofhim.Zerafin.Lv7 MageHP: 345MP: 323RunePow: 175RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 49INT: 66AGI: 60ATK: 148DEF: 95Starting Monsters: Clay Golem, 2 Scorpions, GhoulLv30 WizardHP: 563MP: 498RunePow: 261STR: 61INT: 106AGI: 83ATK: 182DEF: 112Is s/he worth using?No. Mediocrity personified. He's almost exactly like Kirkmond, but he startsout at a lower level. Quest and hope he brings in someone worth using.Background: A magician who survived the battle of Fort Lidney, where the lateKing Doremiditt was killed. He feels very bad about not being able to savethe King. That is the reason why he is determined to protect his King thistime.Faticia.Lv10 LancerHP: 491MP: 153RunePow: 164RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 71INT: 70AGI: 78ATK: 217DEF: 126Starting Monsters: Gryphon, Centaur, JinnLv30 ValkyrieHP: 731MP: 213RunePow: 254STR: 101INT: 85AGI: 108ATK: 289DEF: 141Is s/he worth using?Not really. Usually, the incentive for using Knights with poor rune power atlower levels is that they have lots of room to accumulate Rune Power andother stats, but Faticia's lousy in every aspect when it comes to Rune stats.Her other stats aren't that bad, but you really need to be a powerhouse tojustify such crappy Rune stats.Background: A female Knight who assists Guinglain and is a loyal follower ofhis tactics. She gives the impression of having a solemn personality due toher diligent work habits. However, she tends not to smile when she is not onduty.Ector.Lv5 FighterHP: 461MP: 118RunePow: 161RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Very High (7-9)STR: 67INT: 53AGI: 66ATK: 199DEF: 117Starting Monsters: Roc, Centaur, JinnLv30 ShogunHP: 711MP: 193RunePow: 363STR: 110INT: 71AGI: 101ATK: 307DEF: 139Is s/he worth using?Maybe. He's actually similar to Faticia, except he has top tier Rune Power,which makes him a helluva lot better. Also, he starts at a lower lower level,so he can take advantage of this growth more. Though his starting Rune Powerisn't impressive, he should near 200 (passable) by level 10. It's hard to saywhat to promote him to. He has excellent MPs, and he can use Iai Slash 4(almost 5) times in a battle as a Shogun. High MPs may imply that he couldmake a decent Cavalier/Paladin later on, but his low INT score ruins that abit. I felt that Shogun was the way to go, because Norgard is already packedwith physically oriented Knights. It has two Cavalier/Paladins and twoBerserker/Avengers, but no Shoguns. That's not a reason to use him, but it'swhat influenced my decision for his promotion path when I did use him.Background: A Knight of the lowest rank in Norgard. He is very bright andenergetic which causes him to be recognized. Loyal to King Vaynard, he makesa constant effort to become an excellent Knight and hopes to someday becomehis right-hand man.Morholt.Lv16 DruidHP: 420MP: 379RunePow: 205RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 51INT: 80AGI: 69ATK: 157DEF: 103Lv30 NecromancerHP: 560MP: 497RunePow: 288STR: 58INT: 111AGI: 83ATK: 176DEF: 112Is s/he worth using?Yes. Morholt's level 30 stats aren't too impressive, but the fact that hestarts out on a high level makes him useful. He starts out with goodintelligence and plenty of MP, which are the only things a mage needs. He canrip enemies apart with Curse and Geno-Flame, and support Vaynard's Dragonswith Power. He joins a few months after the game starts, so you may need tofix your parties accordingly. He might be the only Norgard mage that isusable, since Kirkmond and Zerafin generally suck. His Rune stats aren't toohot for his level, but they're not a huge hindrance.Background: He used to be a Knight of Almekia Kingdom. He lost his onlybrother in the rebellion. He applied to work for Norgard, because he thinksVaynard is the only one with the ambition and ability to defeat Zemeckis. Heis the other strategist in Norgard.Luintail.Lv17 BerserkerHP: 684MP: 105RunePow: 225RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 88INT: 60AGI: 66ATK: 256DEF: 117Lv30 AvengerHP: 866MP: 138RunePow: 306STR: 114INT: 71AGI: 79ATK: 313DEF: 131Is s/he worth using?Sure. Luintail is one of Norgard's best Knights. He's got good Rune Power,but bad Rune Area. Once he becomes an Avenger (only three levels away), hebecomes more useful due to his Curse attack (he'll definitely have enough MPfor one Curse spell by the time he's level 20). Palomides is arguably betterbecause he is statistically superior to Luintail in every stat but INT, alongwith better Rune stats overall, but Luintail holds a decent level advantageover him. Luintail joins after Vaynard's first victory. If you play yourcards right, you can net both Luintail and Schutleis in the same month. Justinvade Esgares first.Background: A former cabinet member under the rule of the late KingDoremiditt. He originally quit working in the palace after Vaynard took thethrone. He didn't want to serve such a young King. However, he begins toacknowledge Vaynard as a great leader.Dammit, where did the rest of those cabinet members go? Norgard really needsmore Knights like Luintail.============G2f. Esgares [teh_evil]============Esgares has many strong Knights, but it has several cities that it has todefend. Luckily, Knights like Zemeckis and Cador make this process mucheasier. There's no easy way to play Esgares. The first order of business isto take over the New Almekia castle that borders you (can't remember thename). Destroy New Almekia. Then, you can slowly start taking out eitherCaerleon or Norgard. Make sure you use all of your Knights to their fullestpotential. All of the Knights in Esgares are good except for Ivan and Irvin.Starting Castles: Logres, Lidney, Fato, Toria, Dilworth, Cadbury, Orkney,Eorsia, Oltroute, Salisbury, Karnabone (11)Starting Mana: 833Starting Knights: Zemeckis, Esmeree, Cador, Ivan, MelTorefas, Soleil,Esclados, Shiraha, Paradoll, Roecod, Fiel, Ranguinus, Gish, Eniende, Castor,Mira, Millet, Irvin (18)Knights gained through storyline: None (0)Starting # of Monsters: 58Recommended Knights: Zemeckis, Esmeree, Cador, Gish, Esclados, Mira, Millet,Soleil, ShirahaPromoted Monsters: Lv10 Tiamat, 3 Lv10 Fenrirs, Lv20 Vampire Lord-------------------Rune Knight Summary-------------------Zemeckis.Lv27 Emperor [Ruler]2 Red.HP: 738MP: 196RunePow: 351RuneArea: 6!Rune Growth: High (6-8)STR: 98INT: 74AGI: 78ATK: 276DEF: 136Starting Monsters: Tiamat, Demon, 2 FenrirsLv30 EmporerHP: 780MP: 205RunePow: 372STR: 106INT: 77AGI: 84ATK: 292DEF: 140Spells: Geno-Thunder, PowerIs s/he worth using?YES. Zemeckis is scary. He can shoot as far as a High Centaur can, and he hasGeno-Thunder. Sometimes, he can kill female mages (blue element) in a singlehit. Still, he isn't the hardest guy to kill. The problem is that he probablyhas that annoying Tiamat and many other monsters. Luckily for you, the CPUuses Zemeckis very aggressively. Instead of sticking back at taking shots atyou, he gets up close, sometimes in front of his monsters, letting you beathim mercilessly (OK, he'll beat you mercilessly in the process, but there ispower in numbers).When you control Esgares, it's quite obvious that he's the best Knight touse. He's nearly unkillable in the beginning of the game. Ranged attacks makehim insanely useful, and he is able to employ the sniping strategy aseffectively as Artemi. He still ends up as the best ranged unit at the end ofthe game despite somewhat unimpressive stats because of his excellent ATKpower. Power is a great spell for him, especially in conjunction with theTiamat he comes with. Geno-Thunder is very useful, because it's stronger thanthe other Geno spells (sacrificing some range).Background: The former commander of the Almekian army. He is now the Emperorof the Esgares Empire. His goal is to dominate the continent by force. Helooks like a demon standing on the battlefield with a giant crossbow.Esmeree.Lv17 LectorHP: 506MP: 353RunePow: 304RuneArea: 5Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 56INT: 83AGI: 73ATK: 177DEF: 114Starting Monsters: Angel, Demon, 2 UnicornsLv30 SaintHP: 636MP: 418RunePow: 382STR: 69INT: 107AGI: 86ATK: 208DEF: 123Is s/he worth using?Yes. Statistically, Esmeree is pretty impressive. Her Rune stats are amongthe best in the game, and she's very intelligent. Her Holy Word can bedevastating due to her high INT, and she has very good Rune stats. With aRune Area of 5 and a starting Rune Power of 300+, she should be one of yourleaders during Esgares's conquests. She's just one or two levels away frombeing able to cast Holy Word twice. Still, she has a few drawbacks. She'svery easy to kill, and repeated hits from the weakest of black units (well,not Ghouls) can knock her out.Background: The older sister of the King of Norgard and the wife of theEmperor of Esgares. She was sent to Almekia as a hostage under the rule ofthe late King of Norgard and became the wife of Zemeckis who at that time wasthe commander of the Kingdom Army.Cador.Lv29 Death Knight2 Black. 1 Red.HP: 708MP: 284RunePow: 275RuneArea: 5Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 101INT: 78AGI: 81ATK: 287DEF: 137Spells: Curse, Geno-FlameStarting Monsters: Vampire Lord, Wyvern, FenrirLv30 Black KnightHP: 722MP: 291RunePow: 281STR: 104INT: 80AGI: 83ATK: 293DEF: 132Is s/he worth using?Yes. Cador is really nothing special compared to many other level 20+Knights, but he still stomps most units in the beginning of the game. Let'sput it this way: at the beginning of the game, you formulate strategiesspecifically designed to kill or incapacitate Cador. He has Geno-Flame andCurse, two decent offensive spells. He's a good physical attacker, and he canusually take out most White monsters in two or three hits. Still, he's noteven close to being invincible. Guinglain and Dinadan both tear into Cadorquite badly, and any concentrated assault with Divine Rays or Gryphons willput him out of commission. Even strong Blue attacks can take a bite out ofhis HP supply.If you're Esgares, I highly recommend using him. He's a high-powered unit whotakes no training to become useful, and his Rune stats are more thanpassable, even at the end of the game. One thing to note is that if you takeEsgares down to four (I'm not sure if this is the exact number) or socastles, he disappears. This seems to appliy when you don't control Esgaresas well, which means that the best way to get rid of him is to whittleEsgares's cities down.Background: He is also known as the "Death Knight" for his supreme power andunusual appearance. No one knows his background and everything about him ismysterious. He is the head of the 4 leaders of the Empire, as well as theright-hand man of Zemeckis.Ivan.Lv10 DruidHP: 358MP: 336RunePow: 154RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 46INT: 69AGI: 56ATK: 147DEF: 98Starting Monsters: Hydra, MermanLv30 NecromancerHP: 558MP: 496RunePow: 237STR: 56INT: 109AGI: 76ATK: 172DEF: 109Is s/he worth using?No. Ivan is just mediocre. He's probably worse than Kirkmond and Zerafin,which is quite a feat. There's nothing good about him at all, besides thefact that he can cast Geno-Flame twice. Gish and Ranguinus are so much betterthan Ivan it isn't funny. Quest him, or use him as desperation. His statswouldn't be a huge hindrance if his Rune Power weren't so bad, but 154 RunePower on a level 10 Knight is just unacceptable.Background: A magician who used to work for the former Almekia Kingdom. He isa close friend of Gereint. Ivan is very indecisive and tends to be easilyinfluenced by trends. He feels bad for Gereint, but is reluctant to leave hiscurrent position.MelTorefas.Lv7 FighterHP: 503MP: 112RunePow: 152RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: High (6-8)STR: 69INT: 51AGI: 65ATK: 203DEF: 116Starting Monsters: Hell Hound, Merman, ScorpionLv30 AvengerHP: 813MP: 161RunePow: 318STR: 114INT: 68AGI: 88ATK: 313DEF: 134Is s/he worth using?Project Knight. Despite his terrible name, MelTorefas can be fairly powerful.His low starting Rune Power can be rather annoying, but high growth makes upfor this, somewhat. His stats don't really push him towards any class, somake him anything you want. He's not really a great Knight to use, butEsgares generally needs all the Knights it can get. As a whole, he's usable,but you have to pamper him for quite a while.Background: He fights to be recognized for his power by the others. Heworships Cador and became his follower. He believes that power is the key toeverything.Soleil.Lv11 BishopHP: 474MP: 269RunePow: 311RuneArea: 5Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 67INT: 73AGI: 68ATK: 199DEF: 112Starting Monsters: 2 Gryphons, Centaur, PixieLv30 CardinalHP: 664MP: 364RunePow: 383STR: 86INT: 108AGI: 87ATK: 242DEF: 124Is s/he worth using?Yes. Despite being in the Bishop path, Soleil's insane Rune Power makes himwell worth using. Low growth isn't a problem, because his starting Rune Poweris so good (he's only behind a few rulers and some others at the beginning ofthe game, and he's only level 11). He's not too bad in battle, either. HisINT isn't too bad, and you can switch him to be a mage at level 15 if youwant more offense.After Esgares falls, Soleil will join the country that Schutleis is in.Schutleis is always in some country, because he joins the first country totake an Esgares castle. For this reason, I suggest that you try to getSchutleis as soon as possible, though this is not possible with Leonia.Background: Known as the "Beast Ruler", a title usually reserved for animallovers. He has an opinion of one's own. He was thought to be loyal to theKing of Almekia, but he showed up as a Knight for the Empire. Schutleis islike a brother to him.Esclados.Lv26 ShogunHP: 665MP: 158RunePow: 218RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 99INT: 63AGI: 92ATK: 283DEF: 135Starting Monsters: Dragon, Wyvern, Lizard Man, GhoulLv30 ShogunHP: 705MP: 170RunePow: 241STR: 107INT: 67AGI: 98ATK: 299DEF: 137Is s/he worth using?Yes. As with most level 25+ characters, Esclados has poor stats in a relativesense. He's really not as good as Gereint is at equal levels. Still, his highstarting level alone makes him worthwhile. He's agile enough to evade most ofwhat's thrown at him, and he packs in quite a punch. His Rune stats are verypoor for his level, but they're passable as a whole. Decent growth makes thisa non-issue, but he only has three levels to grow.Background: One of the 4 leaders of the Esgares Empire, who used to be aninstructor in Almekia. He was also Gereint's master. He has been respected bymany warriors in other countries. It is a mystery why he has become a Knightof the Empire.Shiraha.Lv14 NinjaHP: 626MP: 125RunePow: 173RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 77INT: 59AGI: 88ATK: 232 (+8 from Painless Knife)DEF: 124Spells: Weakness, Accel, ParalyzeStarting Monsters: Roc, 2 Hell Hounds, GhoulLv30 Ninja MasterHP: 786MP: 161RunePow: 261STR: 101INT: 74AGI: 120ATK: 290 (+8 from Painless Knife)DEF: 140Spells: Dimension, Weakness, Accel, Protect, Paralyze, Solid, Silent,Is s/he worth using?Yes. Shiraha is one of the most useful Knights in the game. The Hit and Awayability lets him act like a Hellhound. He can move and still use his Shurikenattack to strike from a distance. He's very hard to hit, and even if he ishit, his defense is surprisingly good. He also has above average HP. As aNinja Master, he gets insanely useful. With a sizable bonus to ATK and DEF,as well as more status spells, he becomes a force to be reckoned with. HisRune Power is low, but he's so useful it doesn't matter.After Esgares falls, you can recruit him by questing. Once you get him, Kazanwill join another country.Background: A member of the assassin group hired by a minister of the formerAlmekia Kingdom to defeat Zemeckis. The assassin group was annihilated exceptfor him and one other member. For an unknown reason, he became a Knight forthe Empire.Paradoll.Lv11 BishopHP: 456MP: 249RunePow: 182RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 63INT: 70AGI: 64ATK: 191DEF: 111Starting Monsters: Roc, 2 ScorpionsLv30 CardinalHP: 646MP: 344RunePow: 262STR: 82INT: 105AGI: 83ATK: 234DEF: 122Is s/he worth using?No. Use Soleil. Paradoll's stats aren't bad, but his Rune stats are, and goodstats on a Bishop aren't that useful. He's a poor investment, with poor RunePower and growth. However, you'll probably end up using him sometime sinceyou're Esgares, so you don't really have much choice.Background: A priest who supported the conspiracy in Almekia. He instigatedthe conspiracy by causing mass hysteria. He was a promising priest, but nowhe is simply doing it for a place in the palace. His dream is to have thepower to rule the world.Roecod.Lv11 CavalierHP: 527MP: 130RunePow: 177RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 75INT: 53AGI: 68ATK: 220DEF: 127Starting Monsters: Dragon, Gryphon, FairyLv30 PaladinHP: 757MP: 225RunePow: 293STR: 104INT: 72AGI: 87ATK: 288DEF: 139Is s/he worth using?Fiel is stronger than he is, but Roecod has better Rune stats. Neither ofthem are anything special. You're probably going to be forced to use the twosucky Cavaliers anyway. Roecod fails to distinguish himself even at level 30,and he'd probably fail to crack any other country's roster.Background: The leader of the Priest Knight Corps, who supported therebellion of Zemeckis. He believes in Zemeckis and is against Prince Lance. Aman of strong will and sticks to his ideals. Paradoll convinced him to jointhe army of Zemeckis.Fiel.Lv12 CavalierHP: 618MP: 91RunePow: 166RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 78INT: 50AGI: 64ATK: 226DEF: 126Starting Monsters: Centaur, JinnLv30 PaladinHP: 838MP: 181RunePow: 270STR: 105INT: 68AGI: 82ATK: 290DEF: 137Is s/he worth using?He's better than Roecod! Fiel's got Champion level HP and good STR. He getsHoly Word at level 30 (barely). Fiel is durable, and he's superior to Roecodon the field. He's a bit of a dumbass, so try to keep him away from enemyCurse spells. Like Roecod, poor Rune Power cripples his use, but you'reprobably going to have to use every Knight you can with Esgares (though it'sfully possible to keep the computer from attacking if you pack your unitswith enough monsters).Background: A member of the Priest Knight Corps. However, the title meansnothing to him as he was forced to become a Knight to stay alive. He wastreated as a Knight of Esgares during the rebellion against his will, but hejust thinks of it as "God's Will".Ranguinus.Lv16 SorcererHP: 413MP: 402RunePow: 216RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 51INT: 84AGI: 64ATK: 157DEF: 101Starting Monsters: Gryphon, Lizard Man, Unicorn, ScorpionLv30 WizardHP: 553MP: 520RunePow: 298STR: 58INT: 110AGI: 78ATK: 176DEF: 111Is s/he worth using?Yes. Though Gish is superior in every way stat-wise, Ranguinus's Rune statsare much better. He's got a lot of MP, he's pretty intelligent, and he canuse two Geno-spells in a battle. Gish does overshadow him, but I usedRanguinus a lot more for his Rune Power. Esgares's Druids really suck, so youprobably need to use Ranguinus and Gish as your primary magical punch.Ranguinus can join you after Esgares falls, but my memory of this is a littlesketchy. You need to have Rain with you, but I'm not sure of anything besidesthat.Background: The head of the Carlsen Family which is known for its powerfulmagic. He is Rain's father and Millet's foster father. During the rebellion,he stayed in the castle, because he was worrying about his people. This ledto him becoming a soldier of Esgares.Gish.Lv20 WizardHP: 468MP: 445RunePow: 232RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 56INT: 91AGI: 74ATK: 172DEF: 117 (+8 from Dark Robe)Starting Monsters: Dragon, Centaur, Jinn, 2 GhoulsLv30 WizardHP: 568MP: 535RunePow: 271STR: 61INT: 111AGI: 84ATK: 182DEF: 121 (+8 from Dark Robe)Is s/he worth using?Yes. Gish is a magic powerhouse. He's pretty much the same as Cai except hehas a little bit less INT and a slightly different spell selection (he hasPower and React. Cai has Heal and Flight). He has bad rune Area, but hismagic more than makes up for this deficiency. Gish is very important toEsgares, because its other magic Knights tend to be subpar (well, Ranguinusis alright). The Dark Robe makes him slightly better at taking hits, thoughit hardly makes him into a tank.Background: One of the 4 leaders of the Empire. He used to be the palacemagician of Almekia, and often gave advice to the late King. However, eversince the rebellion, he has been supporting Zemeckis as if he was a totallydifferent person.It doesn't explain why he was totally changed. Maybe it's the work of thatdastard, Cador.Eniende.Lv11 ArcherHP: 419MP: 149RunePow: 192RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 69INT: 56AGI: 78ATK: 208DEF: 121Starting Monsters: Wyvern, Centaur, UnicornLv30 ArtemisHP: 609MP: 226RunePow: 271STR: 88INT: 71AGI: 116ATK: 251DEF: 138Is s/he worth using?Possibly. Eniende has mediocre Rune stats, but she's a competent archer. 95STR is pretty high for a level 30 Artemis, and her attack comes from 4 hexesaway. She's also nearly unhittable at that level. In the normal game, she'snot that bad because 192 Rune Power is still enough to hold 5 Centaurs, whichis my primary strategy for the Archer classes. Still, you might run into afew snags when these Centaurs hit level 10, since a few of them may not beable to promote. Even so, the Centaur strategy works well with her, and she'snot bad, statistically.Background: A daughter of a Knight who was forced to leave the country byZemeckis in the Almekian era. She became a Knight for the Empire withoutrevealing her true self. Revenge may be the reason why she is working for theEmpire.It never says why she fights. It doesn't help that Atlus didn't give Esgaresany plot at all.Castor.Lv8 FighterHP: 517MP: 106RunePow: 169RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 68INT: 52AGI: 65ATK: 201DEF: 116Starting Monsters: Giant, Ghoul, PixieLv30 ShogunHP: 737MP: 172RunePow: 302STR: 106INT: 73AGI: 97ATK: 297DEF: 137Is s/he worth using?Depends. He's a project Knight, but very little about him sets him apart fromother Fighters. He has poor Rune stats, and this never really changes.Statistically, he's actually not that bad. If you manage to get him to level10, the choice probably isn't that hard. Esgares has an abundance ofCavaliers (even though they generally suck), and it already has a strongSamurai in Esclados. Making another Samurai can't really hurt, but it'spretty much down to Samurai or Berserker. I generally make MelTorefas into aBerserker, so I make Castor into a Samurai, but that's just a personal thing.Once Esgares falls, he will join a country where one of his siblings is in.If he meets Liguel in battle, he joins her country, so make sure not to useCastor in battles against her. You should be able to tell if it's her becauseshe's the only New Almekian Scout. This usually doesn't come up much, sinceNew Almekia doesn't like to use her.Background: The second son of the Rand Family. He became an officer of theEsgares Empire, thinking that there may be an opportunity for him to becomesuccessful. His dream is to someday call his brother and sister to live withhim.Mira.Lv10 LancerHP: 493MP: 146RunePow: 223RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 72INT: 61AGI: 79ATK: 227 (+8 from Goddess Spear)DEF: 126Starting Monsters: Dragon, Jinn, PixieLv30 ValkyrieHP: 733MP: 206RunePow: 344STR: 102INT: 76AGI: 109ATK: 297 (+8 from Goddess Spear)DEF: 141Is s/he worth using?Yes. Both Millet and Mira are very useful Knights. They've got high RunePower and Rune Growth, which gives them insane Rune Power potential late inthe game (~280-290 by level 20, on average). It doesn't hurt that Mira'sstats aren't bad. Also, she starts out with a special spear, which makes hera decent attacker. In the beginning, her main use is to cart monsters around,but she soon stops being a burden when she comes into her own as an attacker.As with all Lancers, high AGI makes her pretty difficult to hit. She's one ofthe better Valkyries at level 30.Mira and Millet both become available after Esgares falls by questing. Aseries of quests will lead to Rain, Carmine, and an accessory that grants +8to defense.Background: The adopted daughter of the Nastor Family, a distinguishedwarrior family from Almekia. She has a twin sister, Millet, who was raiseddifferently. As a tomboy, she has been interested in swordsmanship ever sinceshe was a child.Millet.Lv10 SorceressHP: 471MP: 403RunePow: 219RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 50INT: 77AGI: 76ATK: 161DEF: 105Starting Monsters: Wyvern, Clay Golem, PixieLv30 WitchHP: 671MP: 563RunePow: 355STR: 60INT: 112AGI: 96ATK: 180DEF: 117Is s/he worth using?Yes. Millet starts out able to cast Geno-Frost twice, which is very useful.She's intelligent and has decent HP for a magician (the other Sorceressespale in comparison). Like her sister, she has high Rune Power and Growth,which makes her a good investment. Mira and Millet are two very importantKnights for Esgares's success.If you quest after Esgares is defeated, you can recruit Mira and Millet.Background: A girl adopted to the Carlsen Family, of whom are famous fortheir magic. She has a twin sister, Mira, and this fact has made their livescomplicated. She pledges the reinstatement of her family with her sister andhas applied to work for the Empire.Irvin.Lv3 MageHP: 322MP: 310RunePow: 162RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 47INT: 62AGI: 57ATK: 144DEF: 94Starting Monsters: DemonLv30 NecromancerHP: 564MP: 505RunePow: 272STR: 61INT: 107AGI: 84ATK: 182DEF: 113Is s/he worth using?No. Irvin has average stats, and he's not worth building up at all. Irvin'sanother "no RP, no growth" character that is really not worth spending timetraining up. Even at the end of the game, other Necromancers are moreintelligent, and most of them have better Rune stats. Esgares already hasseveral mages to choose from, and most of them don't suck this badly. Stupidpunk.Background: He grew up with Prince Lance as if they were brothers. It wasthought that when Prince Lance grew up, Irvin would become his right-handman. However, he has become a Knight of the Empire. No one knows why hebetrayed Lance.==================G2g. Quest Knights [teh_optional]==================Quest Knights are characters that you can usually get by questing or throughother various means. It's possible that I've missed some characters, so if Ihave, please e-mail me at [email protected]. Unless I've statedotherwise, you can get all of these characters by doing quests. These Knightsdon't get rankings based on practical use, since many of them come in so latein the game.Hyude.Lv4 RangerHP: 500MP: 103RunePow: 202RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 64INT: 50AGI: 69ATK: 193DEF: 113Lv30 ChampionHP: 884MP: 129RunePow: 358STR: 118INT: 63AGI: 108ATK: 321DEF: 136Is s/he worth using?Yes. Lots of countries can use someone like Hyude around for a Knight withdecent Rune Power and physical prowess, especially Caerleon, Leonia, andIscalio (they'd want him for different reasons). He's not much at first, but202 Rune Power overcomes most any complaint against him. He's a bit of ananomaly because other Rangers/Grapplers have poor Rune stats. At the end ofthe game, Hyude is a great Champion. He has the second highest HP in thegame. If you want, dual him into the Avenger path so he gets regeneration,too. If you get him early on, he'll be a strong contributor to your country.Background: A wandering Knight who loves freedom and therefore goes fromcountry to another without working for any particular Lord. He may be more ofan adventurer than a Knight.Limlight.Lv5 MageHP: 326MP: 348RunePow: 150RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 44INT: 76AGI: 62ATK: 138DEF: 95Lv30 NecromancerHP: 556MP: 543RunePow: 250STR: 57INT: 119AGI: 87ATK: 174DEF: 114Is s/he worth using?No, probably not. First off, to get him, you need to quest Hyude for a bit,and it's a rather long quest (he goes to the Elf Village and stays for awhile, and Limlight joins after he leaves). It takes three or more months, sothis puts Hyude out of commission for a while. If your country needs Hyude,this can be pretty annoying. As for Limlight himself, poor Rune stats andgrowth shut down any possible use for him. He's one of the worst Knights inthis regard, ending up as the eighth worst Rune Knight in this regard (closeto Faticia) despite 25 levels of growth. Limlight does have remarkableintelligence and MP, but this does not make up for his deficiencies.Background: A young man from the village of the Elves that live in theFileria Forest. He is a wandering Knight who loves his freedom and thereforeis free-spirited.Layoneil.Lv16 SamuraiHP: 609MP: 137RunePow: 172RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 87INT: 56AGI: 80ATK: 249DEF: 126Lv30 ShogunHP: 749MP: 179RunePow: 228STR: 113INT: 70AGI: 101ATK: 311DEF: 138Is s/he worth using?Probably not. He's a competent warrior, but his Rune stats are atrocious.He's not even the best Samurai around, so unless you're hurting for Samuraifor whatever reason (I could see it in Caerleon's case, perhaps), he'sprobably best left to questing. He actually ends up worse than Limlight RunePower-wise, and this is quite a feat.His presence in your country will prompt Helrato and his monsters to joinanother country.Background: Born in Norgard, he is a swordsman who has traveled everywhere toimprove his technique. He always says, "There isn't anyone in I can't defeatin this world." He has shown his ability to uphold this statement.Carmine.Lv10 BishopHP: 465MP: 219RunePow: 184Rune Area: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 64INT: 78AGI: 63ATK: 193DEF: 111Lv30 CardinalHP: 665MP: 319RunePow: 304STR: 84INT: 113AGI: 83ATK: 238DEF: 123Is s/he worth using?Probably not. To recruit him, you have to have recruited Mira and Millet.After that, you have to send the twins on a quest. Several months later,their quest will be finished, and they will get a +8 Defense accessory. Ayear later, Carmine will join. Because you have Mira and Millet, Esgares hasbeen defeated, which probably means that the game is almost over. You have towait a year and a half to actually get Carmine, and you'd really have to beslow to not be done with the game at this point. In the end, Carmine has nopractical use because he joins at a point where he's not necessary. It's ashame, because he has excellent potential, with decent Rune growth andexcellent INT.Schutleis.Lv12 CavalierHP: 536MP: 133RunePow: 171RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 77INT: 59AGI: 71ATK: 224DEF: 128Lv30 PaladinHP: 756MP: 223RunePow: 279STR: 104INT: 77AGI: 89ATK: 288DEF: 139Is s/he worth using?It depends on your situation. He's an extra Knight, and he's pretty easy toget, so get him if you want him. Stat-wise, he's nothing special, though hedoes have passable strength. He'd be decent in countries like Caerleon, whichwants more physical Knights, and Iscalio, which needs Knights, period. AfterEsgares falls, Soleil will joins whichever country that has Schutleis (I'venever seen Soleil join up with Schutleis if his country is controlled by theenemy). This is a great plus because Soleil is great, and this alone makesSchutleis worth getting, even if you never use him.To get him, your country has to be the first to successfully take an Esgarescastle. After this happens, Schutleis will join shortly after. I think it'simpossible for Leonia to get him because none of its cities border Esgares.You'd have to invade Iscalio first and then hope that none of the othercountries invade Esgares.Background: He used to work for the former Almekia Kingdom. He was seriouslywounded while escaping on the night of the rebellion. Soleil and he are soclose that people often mistake them for brothers.Cortina.Lv1 EnchantressHP: 294MP: 355RunePow: 199RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 42INT: 61AGI: 68ATK: 134DEF: 94Lv30 WitchHP: 548MP: 560RunePow: 373STR: 57INT: 110AGI: 97ATK: 174DEF: 117Is s/he worth using?Project Knight, and a good one. Cortina probably has the most potential ofany Knight that you get through questing (besides Hyude). She is very fast(from her dancing) and intelligent, and she starts out with pretty good RunePower for a level 1 character. Her Rune stats become stellar once she hitslevel 10 (~260), and she's well worth using if you get her early. She gainsintelligence very quickly, and she's very dangerous as a Witch. One drawbackis that she's very easy to kill. Zemeckis can probably take her out in oneshot in the right circumstances. You just need to quest to get her.Background: An apprentice dancer who dreams of becoming the top dancer of atroupe that travels across the country. She is friendly and impartial sinceshe was raised in an open and free environment. When she feels good, shelikes to dance for everyone.Klaques.Lv4 PriestHP: 404MP: 223RunePow: 163RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 53INT: 66AGI: 61ATK: 166DEF: 105Lv30 CardinalHP: 664MP: 353STR: 79INT: 107AGI: 87ATK: 228DEF: 114Lv30 GuardianHP: 784MP: 313RunePow: 319STR: 99INT: 92AGI: 97ATK: 278DEF: 132Is s/he worth using?Nah. You don't really need a level 4 Priest when you get him, especially onewith only 163 Rune Power and 3 Rune Area. I'm not sure what possessed me tomake him a Guardian. His INT is really too high for a Guardian, which makesme think that he was meant to be a Cardinal. He's not bad for someone whoshould've been something else (in other words, I am a dumbass).Quest and you'll get Cathleen and Klaques. If I recall correctly, their questtakes quite a while. Also, the person questing must know a healing spell.Background: A Priest who heals the injured on the battlefields with hissister, Cathleen. He also looks after orphans. He's a little indecisive andpassive, so he tends to let others push him around. He is constantly worriedabout the health of his sister.Cathleen.Lv12 LectorHP: 428MP: 318RunePow: 170RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 54INT: 72AGI: 71ATK: 173DEF: 113Lv30 SaintHP: 608MP: 408RunePow: 278STR: 72INT: 104AGI: 89ATK: 214DEF: 124Is s/he worth using?Possibly. She has Holy Word, and this can be useful if you need someone witha magical punch. However, all the countries except Norgard and Iscalio haveunits that can use Holy Word, so she may not be that useful for them,especially Leonia, who probably has too many units that cast it. She's afairly good Saint, but poor Rune stats make her a bit of a liability.Background: She travels to the battlefields of Forsena to treat the injured.Her relationship with people is very important to her. She hopes that thismeaningless war will end soon.Aldis.Lv10 LectorHP: 447MP: 297RunePow: 301RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 61INT: 68AGI: 67ATK: 187DEF: 113Monsters: Puro (Lv20 Fafnir)Lv30 SaintHP: 647MP: 397RunePow: 421STR: 81INT: 103AGI: 87ATK: 232DEF: 124Is s/he worth using?Sure, if you can get her. I'm not exactly sure how to get her. Many peoplehave said that you need to weaken your country before you can get her, but Ihave not tested it myself. She always seems to go to a weak country. I thinkthat you have to get her quest, lower yourself to 3 or so castles, and thenquest again to get her. I read various things saying that you need to "treatyour dragons well" or something, but I'm not really sure what that means. Iknow that in Brigandine: Grand Edition, you need to have three or so castles,so it may be the same case in the original game. Anyway, if you're willing tolose all your territories, you have a hope of getting her. It may not be ahorrible course of action in the beginning of the game, because no countrybesides Norgard and Esgares (it probably can't get her anyway) has that muchterritory to give up, and you get a shiny Fafnir in return (as well as aKnight with 301 Rune Power).Background: She is able to communicate with the Dragons. She was living inthe forest because she doesn't like the violence. She couldn't stand facingthe fact that the Dragons were used as weapons for the war, which eventuallyled her to join the war.Helrato.Lv20 AvengerHP: 661MP: 136RunePow: 190RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 93INT: 56AGI: 79ATK: 285 (+14 from Tyrhung)DEF: 131Starting Monsters: 2 Fenrirs (Fluffy and Machismo)Lv30 AvengerHP: 801MP: 166Rune Power: 230Rune Area: 4STR: 113INT: 66AGI: 89ATK: 325 (+14 from Tyrhung)DEF: 134Comments: You never get to use him, because always joins an opposing country.He's strong, but like his rival, has bad Rune Power. Tyrhung makes him a lotstronger than many other Knights, because of its hefty attack boost. Thecomputer uses him a lot because of his high level. Helrato will join anothercountry once Layoneil joins you, along with his two Fenrir pets.Background: A one-eyed soldier who has absolute confidence in hisswordsmanship. He doesn't work for any particular Lord. He travels from onebattle to the next in his search for Layoneil, who caused him to lose hiseye.Balder.Lv10 SorcererHP: 368MP: 347RunePow: 185RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 51INT: 75AGI: 65ATK: 157DEF: 101Lv30 WizardHP: 568MP: 507RunePow: 305STR: 61INT: 110AGI: 85ATK: 182DEF: 113Is s/he worth using?Eh. His starting Rune Power isn't that bad. Countries requiring a magicalpunch may want someone like him. Actually, most countries could use someonelike him, except Caerleon. Statistically, he's intelligent but notoutstanding for a Sorcerer. Decent growth makes him a decent investment,overall. If you get him early, he may be worth using.He joins after doing a quest. If you're New Almekia or Iscalio, you mightwant to pick him up. Power is an especially good spell for those, consideringthe Salamander and Bahamut they have, respectively.Background: He is the son of the head of the merchant guild in Forsena. Hisfather has the idea of making a connection with the nobles by sending his sonto the palace as a Knight. However, he doesn't care and just plays all day.Kazan.Lv15 NinjaHP: 614MP: 114RunePow: 179RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 79INT: 57AGI: 91ATK: 228DEF: 125Lv30 Ninja MasterHP: 764MP: 149RunePow: 239STR: 102INT: 70AGI: 121ATK: 274DEF: 130Monsters: Bronze Golem (forgot name), Dao (Blackie)Comments: Kazan joins an opposing country after Shiraha joins your country.He comes with some promoted monsters, and he's got an Anti-Magic Ring.Background: A Knight of few words. He never talks unless someone talks to himfirst Kazan always acts on his own and doesn't do anything except what he isordered to do.Rain.Lv1 MageHP: 311MP: 302RunePow: 149RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Very High (7-9)STR: 42INT: 60AGI: 52ATK: 134DEF: 92Lv30 NecromancerHP: 565MP: 507RunePow: 381STR: 57INT: 115AGI: 81ATK: 174DEF: 112Is s/he worth using?Sadly, no. He's intelligent, like his father. In fact, I think he could bebetter than his father in many ways. Rain joins your country shortly afterMira and Millet do. Soon afterwards, you can recruit Ranguinus (if Esgares isgone), but I forgot what exactly transpires in order for this to happen.Sadly, can only get him after Esgares falls (Quest to get Mira and Millet,and Rain will join shortly). By this time, a level 1 mage with 149 Rune Powerwon't be very useful. It sucks because Rain is one of the best ProjectKnights in the game in terms of raw potential. His Rune Power is atrocious atfirst, but he's level one with 29 levels of 7-9 growth. He won't be bad atall once he hits level 10, which isn't hard. Just cast Halo on him and feedhim a couple kills. Rain gets one of the highest Rune Power values in thegame at level 30, and he's very intelligent. Still, all this doesn't make upfor his late arrival, and Project Knights are only decent because they havetime to develop.Background: The son of Ranguinus and the step-brother of Millet. He fell inlove with Millet the day she was adopted, but has not had the chance to tellher how he felt. He isolated himself in his mansion after Millet left to jointhe Empire.Dogal.Lv2 BarbarianHP: 471MP: 80RunePow: 268RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 68INT: 42AGI: 55ATK: 206DEF: 103Starting Monsters: Pixie (Tinkle), Centaur (Pinto), Hellhound (Fido)Lv30 Avenger.HP: 863MP: 128RunePow: 380STR: 120INT: 62AGI: 85ATK: 325DEF: 132Is s/he worth using?Yes. Dogal's good for any country. He has insane Rune Power for a level 2character, which makes him more valuable than most of the other Knights. Theonly real drawback is his 3 in Rune Area. As an Avenger, he's incrediblystrong, and his Rune Power level gets very high towards the end of the game.He's a tough old guy, too, but he's slow and cannot hit things well.All you have to do to get him is to go on a quest. He comes with anassortment of named monsters, which is a departure from a lot of other QuestKnights, who come with nothing.Background: Although he was able to become a Knight, he was banished to themountains for his ugliness. He no longer trusts or likes humans for that.Instead, he communicates with monsters and takes care of them as if they werehis children.Shred.Lv20 ChampionHP: 703MP: 116RunePow: 160RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 94INT: 53AGI: 94ATK: 286 (With Ogre Knuckle equipped)DEF: 131Starting Monsters: noneLv30 ChampionHP: 883MP: 126RunePow: 200STR: 119INT: 58AGI: 109ATK: 323DEF: 136Is s/he worth using?I have no earthly idea when or how Shred joins a country. Sometime in thegame, Esgares has a chance of getting him, but I don't know what triggersthis. Some have speculated that if you take Logres when Esgares has three orfewer castles (which makes Cador go away), Shred will join Esgares. At anyrate after Esgares falls, he joins another country. Even if I knew, he'sreally not that great. Statistically, he's not that bad, but this doesn'tmake up for a 160 Rune Power value at level 20. His projected Rune Power atlevel 30 is 200, which would be the worst in the game.Background: The only one of Zemeckis' troops who tried to stop the rebellion.He was captured by Cador and was imprisoned in Logres Castle. He was releasedwhen the castle fell. He had no choice but to join the Empire. He is one ofthe four leaders of the Empire.===========================H. Evil R's Knight Analysis===========================Back in the day (some two years ago), justain m posted a topic aboutanalyzing Knights on the GameFAQs message board. It was a trying experience,but eventually I posted my Knight stats at level 30. Evil R also posted hisKnights on the board. Being the kind person that he is, he let me post hisown stats on this FAQ. While my Knights generally took the "straight" classpath, he used diverse and interesting class change combinations. His Knightsare generally better than mine because they've crossed classes. This alsoshows how random Brigandine's stat growth system can be. These are also hisrankings, so if you have comments on them, send them to his e-mail address([email protected]).

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