Yeah, I don't know how much of this is true in either the series or the show, but I like it. I don't like Elena, at all... You might not like Elena all too much... and I am sorry. Don't hate me for it. Please leave comments.
Sofia stared at her reflection the next morning. The blonde felt like she looked like a mess, and it didn't help that she had to get ready for school. Especially after the night she had. On the bright side of her awful morning, she woke up early enough to get a shower in before school.
With a quiet sigh, Sofia went to the bathroom she shared with Elena and Jeremy. Grabbing her dark gray bathrobe- as well as her bathroom supplies. Ever since she had begun getting her toiletries she had always brought them to and from the bathroom. It used to be because Elena would always take her things, she still does when she snoops around her room, but now it's just routine.
She did all she could to not look in the mirror; she didn't want to see her reflection until she was cleaned. Sofia knew there was dried blood in places Damon had missed from his meal, and she knew she smelled of sweat.
Setting her things inside the shower- Sofia turned on the water and pulled the showerhead on before grabbing her brush and sitting down on the toilet seat. To Sofia, brushing her hair was a tedious chore in the morning, but she felt it needed to be done before her shower. With the first stroke, Sofia was glad to have decided to brush her hair as it was really snarly.
Huffing lightly, Sofia worked her way through her hair. Time passed quickly and she was soon getting herself inside the shower when Elena stormed in, shoving her inside the shower. Gasping, the blonde hit the water she felt her ankle pop.
"Hurry up," Elena growled, "some of us have places to be."
Getting herself up, Sofia was quick to start her shower- ignoring the pain in her ankle. She never understood why someone stood in the shower for longer than just cleaning, until the spray of the water hit her shoulders. She almost moaned in delight at how it worked out the stiffness. Though, she didn't stay in the shower longer than was needed so when she wrapped herself up in the bathrobe she was glad to see Elena was gone.
Elena was a good person, but she wasn't so nice to her. She wasn't trying to be mean, Sofia thought, she was just trying to get ready. Just like every other morning.
Her shoulder still felt a little stiff from where she allowed Damon to feed on her, despite him giving her his blood she still felt it. It still made her happy that she was able to help him last night while they were in the kitchen. Even if it was just giving him her blood to relieve the hunger he felt. She would be stopping at the house after school so she could finish the cake.
Wrapping her hair in a towel, Sofia went to her closet to find something she could wear for school- as well as an ankle brace. If Sofia was right, she had an hour before school, so she didn't need to rush. Inside her closet, Sofia had grabbed her favorite light blue jeans and a black shirt. The tank top had Stitch sitting with his head tilted with the words 'Fluff You,' on top of him and 'You Fluffin Fluff,' under the image.
Knowing she could get in trouble if her teachers caught sight of her shirt, so Sofia grabbed a dark blue fluffy hoodie to put on with the outfit. Rushing to get dressed, she fell quite a lot- making her feel even sorer than she did than when she had woken up.
"Ouch," she hissed under her breath as her elbow hit the doorknob as she got her brace and shoes on. "Stupid door..."
Shaking her head, feeling it was damp still. Not wanting to deal with it, she threw it in a half-up style with her long bangs still out of it. She grabbed her bag, her make-up in it, before rushing out of her room and down the stairs. If she didn't then Jenna would stall her and make her late.
Walking down the steps of her house and towards the direction of her school, Sofia dug around her bag in search of her phone. Checking the time, she saw she was going to be late if she didn't get there in ten minutes. Groaning, Sofia began to run down the street.
Her clocks were messed with again. She knew it was too good to be true to get to school on time. Tears threaten to spill onto her cheeks- why did Elena always want her to be late to school?
She was halfway there when a blue Camaro drove beside her. It got her attention as she stopped and looked at the car before looking to the driver. Damon.
"Need a lift?"
Rolling her eyes in exasperation, she opened the door and sat in the seat. "Please."
A smirk fluttered on his lips as he sped to the school. Luckily, the roads were mostly deserted from other cars. "Why were you out the door so late?"
With a small bite of her lip, she set her eyes out the window. "My clock said I had forty minutes before I would be to my first class," Sofia sighed, "but then I checked my phone when I got out."
A hum from Damon left the conversation at that until they were at the school. He knew she was hiding something, he just didn't know how to get the information out without coming off as intrusive. He also didn't want to seem judgemental to someone who had shown him nothing but kindness.
Her cheek looked like she was biting the inside of it; whether it was for trying to keep things to herself or because she was going to be late, he didn't know. He could smell the saltiness of her tears pooling in her eyes as she wiped at the away before he could notice. All he knew at the moment was she was making him feel concerned for her.
How much pain was she hiding from herself, he wondered to himself.
He could tell that she was holding back the tears- most likely telling herself everything will be fine sometime soon. Telling herself she was okay with how things were going at the moment because it wouldn't stay that way. Time changes so it must mean that people and things change too. The question was, how long had she been telling herself all of that?
She had two minutes before she had to be in her class by the time they pulled in the parking lot. "Does this happen a lot?"
"Kinda," Sofia trailed off as she tried to avoid the fact that this was the first time she was on time. "Thank you, again."
Her hand was about to pull the handle of the door, but he placed a hand on her shoulder to get her attention. "I'll take you to and from school from now on. If you aren't ready by quarter to seven I will drag your ass out the door. Whatever clothes you have on is what you will wear to school. If you are indecent you will wear the clothes I bring for you just in case."
With a small shy smile, Sofia shook her head. She knew arguing with him on this would lead to nowhere, but she would give it a shot. "You don't..."
"Get out. I'll pick you up after school."
Sighing, Sofia decided it wasn't worth it to try arguing with a determined Damon. Instead, she nodded her head and did as he told her to. She was getting odd looks by all the other students who were still in the lot. The door was just a few feet away when her name was called. Turning to see Damon was standing by his car door.
"You might need your bag," Damon said. She heard the whispers begin to start as Sofia walked her way back to his blue car. How could she have forgotten her bag? "Be careful today."
He said nothing else as he handed her back her bag before getting in his car then pulling out from the lot.
She felt stares on her as she went about her day. Never saying a word to anyone- like normal- but it felt different. She didn't know how to process it because everything went the same as normal, but it felt like she was having an out of body experience. Even Elena was giving her a strange look. Still, Sofia didn't care.
A few of her classmates had tried to ask her about Damon, but they became annoyed when Sofia never answered- and begun to hide her face under her hood. She was shoved out of the way from people- Caroline Forbes was a very good person and was never one to watch as others attacked Sofia. Not even from Elena. The other blonde would shove those who shoved Sofia right back. Caroline wouldn't leave her side, not caring that she didn't speak to her; she just spoke for the two of them.
It was nice having Caroline around her. Caroline even said that she enjoyed her company more than her sister's. Elena never really listened to what Caroline said and was always in her own world of Stefan.
"I mean, like, she doesn't even pay attention to anyone anymore. Even Bonnie feels a bit uncomfortable about the whole thing. But Bonnie is just to nice to say anything though."
Sofia nodded her head. She agreed with the taller blonde completely. Before Sofia learned about the supernatural Elena seemed too invested in Stefan and his brother. The drama that Elena allows into her life was just outrageous. Damon was always putting double meaning behind all of his words, even though he never made it seem like he liked Elena- Elena believed that Damon was flirting with her. She would tell Stefan- who would look like someone had shoved a branch up his butt and left it there. Stefan would glower at Damon for the rest of the time he stayed over.
Speaking of which. Sofia found that Stefan was watching her whenever he was in the same place as her. It didn't bother her, but with the look of anger in his green eyes told her that something was on his mind.
Normal, if a little different. Not that most weren't unwelcomed. She could do without the stares, whispers, and the stalking from Stefan. It wasn't until she was about to head over to Damon's Camaro when something caught Sofia's eye. A group of football players was attacking a small black and white kitten. It made her blood boil with barely contained rage. The small pained mewls made her shiver.
Dropping her things she began running over to the group, forcing her way in the middle and drape herself over the bleeding animal. Sofia made sure the kitten had enough room to move and breathe okay.
Kicks, punches, and hits of a broken glass soda bottle hit her body. Her nose twisted at the pungent smell of alcohol mixed with the metallic smell of the kitten's blood. Adding her blood to the mix made her feel as though she were about to throw up. Feet met her face every now and again, the bottle only hit her cheek once. But she forced her mind to focus on the kitten who was shivering under her body; trying to hide its body against her knee and elbow.
She didn't know how long she was being beaten in place of the small defenseless kitten, but she heard many grunts of pain coming all around her. Still, she didn't get up until a hand was gently placed over her shoulder.
"Kitten," Damon said lightly, "let me see."
She got up, shaking her head as her hands scooped up the tuxedo cat to check it first. Him. Check him first. Her fingers checked the small animal feeling for breaks. None, but that didn't mean anything- she would have to go to the vet to double-check after she gave him a good check over.
There were many deep cuts from the glass bottle- they were bad so she had to cover them to hold the bleeding. Unzipping her hoodie, she took off her t-shirt before ripping it up in strips and placed them on her lap. With her water bottle, she wiped as much blood and dirt off of her hands. She was quick and gentle as she wrapped the kitten up in the dark cloth.
"Let's go to the vet," Sofia said lightly to Damon after a few minutes of careful bandaging. Tying the last of the cloth strips around the front left paw, "please."
She didn't care about herself at that moment. The kitten was more important. Stefan rushed in front of them, right in front of Sofia, and Sofia squeaked before rushing behind Damon. She huddled the kitten in her hoodie, her t-shirt- now a crop-top- was back on her body. Damon was the only being who had seen this much of her skin; actually, it was more than this, and she didn't feel comfortable with Stefan seeing her body like this. It didn't count when she walked around in nothing but her diaper or underwear.
"Move," Damon practically growled at Stefan.
"No," Stefan said as he tried to get to Sofia, "I'll take it from here."
"She is safe with me," Damon spat, "unlike with you."
"You have no control," Stefan hissed, "I do."
Growing impatient, Sofia grabbed Damon's wrist and brought him towards his car. "Let's go to the vet."
Stefan was in her way once more. She wasn't in the mood to play cat and mouse with the younger Salvatore, so she glared and forced her way past him. "Leave me alone."
Behind her, both brothers watched her go. Damon was amused but was concerned about Sofia's well being. Her blood covered every inch of skin on her, he could see bruises forming under her skin. She was even shaking as she walked away. He understood why Stefan was concerned, especially with how Damon is normally- he doesn't blame him. Then again, it agitated Damon that Stefan thinks he would harm someone so sweet and caring as Sofia is. That woman was the first in centuries to give a rat's ass about him.
Damon began to follow after Sofia, but Stefan gripped him around his elbow, stopping him. "I swear if you do anything to her..."
"You'll what? Kill me," Damon mocked. "Sorry, but you won't do shit to me with the way you are."
He ignored Stefan as he got in his car- picking up Sofia's bag as he got close. It was a silent drive to the vet, but Damon was fighting the urge to lick at Sofia's wounds. Damn her blood. Sofia was busy keeping the bloodied cat warm and comfortable- totally aware of how she was making him feel. He knew that with how she asked he open his window as she did the same to hers. Elena would never have thought to have done that for him or Stefan.
It helped him a bit, but she cuddled the cat closer to her body to keep it warm once more. The scent of her blood was going to linger for a long time on his seats, and he should be annoyed by it but he felt oddly comforted by the thought of her scent being around him. Just as they pulled into the vet Stefan was waiting at the front door. Sofia paid him no mind, other than telling Damon to stay out to get some fresher air.
"You had a tough ride," Sofia said lightly to him. "Enjoy the fresh air, it might help."
She stepped in the building after that, leaving him with a kind smile as she did. "What are you here for?"
Stefan had watched his brother for a moment before his brother turned his cold eyes to him. Damon didn't like that he could practically see the gears turning in his head. "Making sure she is alive."
With a roll of his eyes, Damon paced back and forth- needing to feel something other than the smell of Sofia's blood on his mind. "I might kill her someday."
They didn't say anything else as Stefan attacked Damon to the ground- before rushing them to the woods. Stefan was pinning Damon against a tree, but it didn't stay that way for long as Damon switched their positions. His hand clutched Stefan's throat tightly as he leaned forward- his breath was heavy as he tried to reign in his emotions.
"Don't attack someone much stronger than you," he spat at Stefan. "You will die."
As much as he wanted to sink a stake in Stefan's heart, he knew he couldn't since he needed his help if he wanted to bring Katherine back. Even though he didn't want to need his help. At all.
Taking a breath, Damon shoved Stefan as far away from him as he could. Thankfully, it was far. Clearing his throat, the raven-haired vampire straightened his clothes out while listening to Sofia and the vet.
He is lucky you got to him in time, Miss Gilbert.
Hearing Sofia take a relieved breath, he felt relieved as well. The sooner they could get her treated the better.
Any fractures?
Nope. Now give him these pain pills for the next few days.
Sighing, Damon began the trek back to the lot where she would be waiting for him. Speeding back, Damon was seeing Sofia holding the kitten carefully as she smiled at the doctor. It was odd to see someone feeling comfortable enough to be bloody around him, yet feel concerned for his well being. Yet here he was. Waiting for the girl who has been confusing him since he met her.
When she was beside him, Damon opened the door for her and the cat before getting in on his side. He sped to his home so he could get her cleaned up. With his abilities, he would be able to undo the majority of her injuries. Without care for the cat, Damon threw Sofia in his arms and rushed into his room- he knew Stefan was back; with Elena. He didn't want to see them.
Annoying pests'.
As he entered his room, he saw Stefan speeding towards his room. Rolling his eyes, Damon purposely left the door open as he took off Sofia's shirt. He couldn't see past the clothes she wore to see if there were any broken bones- the power doesn't allow him to see through clothes for some odd fucking reason.
"What are you doing," Stefan hissed as he ran towards the two, Elena now hot on his heels.
"Did she seduce you," Elena asked in annoyance as her eyes met Sofia's blue ones. Had she paid Sofia's appearance any attention she would see that she had a black eye.
Sofia shook her head as she allowed the tiny tuxedo cat to rest on the side of her thigh. Shaking her hair down to hide her battered face, she didn't notice the chilling power that was touching her so carefully. It wasn't until a dulled pain had filled her senses.
"Sorry," Damon said distractedly, "healing your bones, Kitten. A lot of them were broken."
"My clothes," Sofia whispered. She needed her mind off the pain she felt
"Had to take them off so I could use an x-ray like power. With them on, I am only able to see where you don't have clothes."
Interesting, Sofia thought. Slowly, Sofia began to feel pain grow. It was bearable, but she knew it would begin to hurt more. She just didn't know how long it will be until then.
"Ouch," Sofia hissed as she squeezed his comforter. Her bones cracked, she could feel them reconnecting. It hurt like nothing she had ever felt before. Not long, she thought bitterly.
"It will hurt," Damon agreed, "but it will feel better when I am done. I'm going to leave some bruises so no one gets suspicious."
It was her fault she had to do something like that in front of humans. Now I can't heal her fully.
All she could do was nod to what he said. She hurt in a way she never thought that she could, but she closed her eyes- ignoring the fact that she was practically bare- and went to her happy place. In her happy place, she was alone in a lush green area, with a waterfall near a cliff. She couldn't hear the animals chittering or moving about, but she knew they were there. The sky was dark, ready to rain upon her, and she knew it was cool weather.
Biting her lip, Sofia exhaled slowly through her nose trying to stay in her happy place. It shouldn't be this hard, but then again she was in front of three people in nothing but her underwear. She wasn't even in her bra. Luckily, Stefan wasn't looking at her, his gaze was firmly on his brother.
"Done," Damon said with a low growl in his tone. Her blood was tempting. He needed to control his breathing until she was clean. "Shower."
He pointed towards his personal bathroom. Sofia nodded, catching the shirt that was thrown her way. Heading in the bathroom, Sofia brought the cat with her thinking the warmth of the water will help keep him warm. A small smile rose to her lips as she worked the shower to how she liked it.
Sure, she was covered in blood, but she still felt good about herself today. So much so that she was humming to herself as she got in. At first, she hissed as the water hit her sore and tender skin, but she soon relaxed against the spray of the water.
Working hard to get most of the crusted and dried blood off of her, she almost hadn't realized that the soap she was using smelled like sandalwood.
Seems like something Damon would use, she thought with amusement.
Though, her skin was red from where she scrubbed hard; it was better than being bloodied though. She must have spent a good ten minutes making sure the blood was off her skin- as well as the scent of it. All she had to do then was her hair. Seeing the more feminine smelling shampoo's in the back corner, she grabbed a lavender scented one and washed her hair about three times- condoning it after making sure her hair wasn't bloodied.
Feeling more refreshed, Sofia drifted out and grabbed a white fluffy towel to dry herself off with. Sitting on the toilet seat was the tuxedo cat, his hazel eyes watching her every move carefully. The entire time she was showering, she would glance at the cat seeing him leaning forward with cautious eyes. As if he was afraid she would end up hurt.
"You still need to be cleaned of the blood," she said to the cat. "I just don't know how to go about that..." Pausing to put Damon's gray shirt on, she wondered if she could trouble Damon to help her. Of course, she wouldn't mind if he said no to her. She saved the cat, so he is her responsibility.
"Let's go ask him."
Scooping the cat into her arms, she went back into his room to find him and Elena arguing about her.
"Erase her mind of this," Elena spat at him.
"It isn't your choice," Damon growled back, "it is her choice."
"I am her older sister."
Damon gave a cruel laugh before giving the brunette a dark look, "could have fooled me. I bet it was you that messed with her things that almost made her late this morning."
Elena stepped back, her eyes wide. Damon noticed Sofia in the bathroom doorway and directed her with his eyes to his closet. He was surprised when she followed his direction though, but he turned his attention back to Elena.
"She told you that," she questioned angrily. "That girl is always trying to get people to think I do things like that. She is jealous of me."
Rolling his blue eyes, Damon grabbed Elena by the arm and shoved her on the wall closest to his closet. "She didn't say anything about you doing it. She just said her clock showed she had time, but when she checked her phone she saw she was about to be late."
Damon moved his face closer to the brunette's, hearing her heart beating in fear, with a smirk on his lips. "My Kitten is so kind. If you hurt her, I will torture you to the point you wish you were killed." Backing away, Damon put a faux sad expression on his face, "now I have a bloody cat to clean up. You know the way out."
He compelled her to leave the house, he'd drop Sofia off later. Once she was gone, Stefan taking her home, he opened the door to the closet to see Sofia sitting on the floor. Her head bowed as her shoulders shook. It felt odd to see her crying, but not feel she was scared, upset, or angry. She was happy and relieved, and it confused him. Why was she happy?
The cat mewed as it limped off from her lap and rubbed against his leg. Plucking the cat off the ground, he made his way to the bathroom and began the tedious task of gaining control of the animal. If he could control the cat it wouldn't claw at him or try to squirm away.
He was halfway done, healing the critter as he went, when he felt frail arms wrap around his middle as a head rested between his shoulder blades.
"Thank you," a soft whisper sounded behind him.
Sighing, he allowed the human to hug him as he cleaned and healed the cat. Sofia didn't hug long, but she grabbed a towel and waited for him to place the cat in. Domestic.
The word made him want to attack her, she was making him domesticated. Wasn't she? Forcing a deep calming breath, he concentrated on the way she was feeling. She was happy, calm, she felt safe around him, and she doesn't feel alone.
At first, he was annoyed, but he knew deep down he was glad someone felt that way without him having to compel them or influence how they felt.
"Here," he gently placed the healed and cleaned cat in the towel. "Hungry?"
"Yeah," she said as she began to gently towel-dry the cat, "why?"
"How do you feel about burgers and fries at the Mystic Grill?"
Surprised, Sofia looked up at him with her wide blue eyes. "I haven't been there before."
"Why not?"
She went silent for a while before biting her lip, "I- uh..."
Huffing, Damon snapped his fingers drying the furball. He grabbed her and went to his other closet. The closet of the girls he had before drinking them dry. Opening the thing, he grabbed undergarments he knew would fit her. Despite her small frame, Damon had noticed she wasn't small in her chest area, maybe a D-cup but she was definitely a C-cup. Giving her a pair of blue skinny jeans and a flowy red silk top covered by a black leather jacket.
With each item of clothing, Sofia placed them on, except for the shirt. She refused to wear the shirt; instead, she grabbed a white tank top that had beaded gems covering the top and dripped down the front. He handed her a pair of socks and knee-high brown boots.
"What do you think," Sofia asked. She felt bad wearing some dead woman's clothes, but she decided she would buy them from Damon.
"You look like a real teen now," Damon said with a roll of his eyes. "Kitten, time to leave."
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