A few days had passed since the break up of Justin and Danielle and I personally felt as if I was the one taking it the hardest. It broke my heart to see two amazing people split up and go their separate ways.
And with the way Danielle has just been moving on with life, just makes me feel even more sad for Justin. I was very upset towards Danielle and her actions towards the whole situation, but I know this is her life and she'd have to be the one to live with this mistake for the rest of her life.
Luckily, though with her staying with me I haven't had to face her much since she's been crashing at this new guy's place. A part of me had the urge to just tell her to pack her things and live with this man instead, but as her friend I knew I couldn't do her like that.
Plus, despite how I may have felt she did seem a lot happier with this guy. I just hoped it last, but deep down I just couldn't fully support this relationship due to how the relationship started.
However, I had other things to focus on such as getting ready for work. It was around maybe seven something in the morning and I had already showered, ate breakfast, did my make-up and hair, I just needed to find something to wear.
Getting dressed for work is always the hardest part of my day, I take the longest time to actually become satisfied with something and I hate it. As I scanned through my closet trying to find something that was cute, yet simple and not too dressy; I had half the mind to just throw on a pair of sweats and a hoodie but I knew my boss said she had a big opportunity she wanted to present to me today so I had to look my best.
Settling for a pair of my favorite black dress flare pants that hugged my booty just right, I matched it with a white and black plaid long sleeve button up shirt with ruffled sleeves and a pair of black heels.
Laying the clothes on my bed I walked over to my dresser and grabbed my black girdle to keep all this belly in one place. Sliding that on I looked in the mirror turning back and forth admiring my shape before grabbing my clothes and quickly getting dressed so I wouldn't be late.
In the midst of me strapping my heels my phone rung and when I saw it was Justin calling my heart stopped. Justin and I formed a good friendship through Danielle and we talked here and there, so this call was very unexpected.
Sliding the bar over to answer, I placed the call on speaker then went back to strapping my right heel. "Hello?" I called out.
I could hear a lot of shuffling on his end and a few coughs from his mouth before things fell silent and he cleared his throat a little. "...Shit hey Lex, excuse me my throat was dry."
"You're good, but what's up? Everything okay?" I asked even though I already knew the answer to that question.
"I'm just taking it one day at a time, but I didn't call to vent or anything I just need a favor from you only if you're willing to do it." He started off causing me to frown.
Standing up from my bed, I grabbed my keys off the dresser along with my purse that hung on the door and walked out the room being sure to shut off any light. "What kind of favor?"
He let out a deep sigh before answering, "I was just wondering if you could come over and grab the rest of Danielle's things out of our house. It's all packed up in boxes in the garage I wouldn't normally ask you to do this, but I just can't see her right now."
"I'm really sorry for what happened Justin, but maybe Danielle should come over so you guys can talk and I'm really not trying to get in the middle of this and cause even more drama." I expressed being totally honest.
I knew Danielle probably would be upset with me if she found out I was helping him move her stuff out even though her leaving was her decision. I just knew this could get a little messy and I didn't need any mess or drama in my life right now.
"I understand your worry Lex trust me and drama is the last thing I'm trying to cause. I'm just hurting right now and seeing her would not be good for me. But please, even if you can't do it, could you see if maybe one of your brothers would? I'm gonna be out of town for the next couple of days for work, so you or they can come at anytime during or after I'm back." He went onto explain.
Once I had everything I needed for work, I walked out of my apartment being sure to lock up then head down stairs to the parking garage.
"I'll text them and see if they can do it, then I'll get back to you." I felt that was a better plan to go with just to be safe.
"Thank you so much, I'll get out of your hair now though and I apologize for coming to you with this as well." He reassured making me smile.
For as long as I have known Justin he was always sweet and thoughtful. He hated drama or any type of altercations, but he was never afraid to get down if needed. I was really going to miss seeing him and Danielle together, that was my norm.
Reaching my car I hit the unlock button and threw my purse and briefcase in the passenger seat before hopping in and cranking it up. "No worries, you take care Justin."
I ended the call before he could say anything back, just feeling overall sorry for him and what has happened. I know in some cases taking your bestfriends side is usually the right choice, but in this case it wasn't. Danielle was wrong and even though I loved her to death I couldn't sit here and try to make excuses for her actions either.
Pushing Justin and Danielle's problems to the back of my mind I drove out of the car park garage waving to the guard before burning out and hopping onto 290 feeling the rush to speed rise within me.
Turning up my radio as my phone connected to my car, Key Glock's hit song, "Go Get It," played which lowkey helped set the mood for today.
Despite being secretly married to Key Glock in my mind, I loved everything about this man. His music was always a hit and I hate how slept on he is in the industry, but I do love that people are starting to wake up and fuck with his music now.
The drive to work wasn't long and once I saw my exit and the view of my job coming up a wave of happiness came over me. I loved this place and I loved my boss, when I first got hired she truly saw something in me and gave me a chance when she didn't have to and has helped me grow as a writer and as a person over the years of me being with the company.
Pulling into the parking lot, I parked in my reserved spot quickly getting out not wanting to be late. Passing a few co-workers I smiled and waved as I passed them on my journey towards my office.
Reaching my office door I used my key to unlock it and frowned when I saw it was already unlocked. Pushing the door open slowly I jumped back when I saw a man sitting in one of the chairs that sat directly in front of my desk. "Who are you and how did you get inside of my office?" I questioned not once moving my feet from the door just to be safe incase I needed to make a run for it, but the longer I stared I soon realized who he was and the rate of my heart beat began to rise.
Becoming the only the sound I could hear my heart pounding inside my ears, almost driving me insane but I kept it together on the outside. I actually could not believe my eyes, at this point I was really starting to feel as if I was in a dream or if I had finally lost my mind.
Standing up he smiled, "I apologize, I'm Duke—" Before he could finish his sentence, I rose my hand stopping him.
"I know who you are, Mr. Duke Livingston, who doesn't know you for that matter?" I laughed nervously. "I'm honestly so confused, what are you out of all people doing in my office?" I asked in pure disbelief.
Duke Livingston was literally a walking legend here in Texas. The man was multi-millionaire who got his fame from playing pro-ball, but he later retired due to a career ending injury.
Since then he has used his earnings to invest his money back into his community, by helping lower income families with jobs and opening up recreational centers for the youth and created a program by the name of, "Buying Back The Block," which basically stood for taking ownership of the communities they once tried to destroy with drugs, alcohol and violence.
He has devoted many years renovating those communities with the help of others of course, as time passed his program grew and has become nationwide with other people doing the same thing.
Instead of answering he focused his eyes to something behind me and when I slightly turned my head I noticed my boss Sara standing there with a huge smile on her face.
"I am so glad to see you two have already met. I tried getting to you before you reached your office to explain what's going on, but I got caught up on the phone." She went onto explain confusing me even more, but I knew my questions would soon be answered so I went on and took a seat at my desk.
I watched as they both got comfortable in their chairs both holding smiles on their faces, which made me feel a little uneasy from the suspicion. "Okay so what's going on?"
Sara glanced towards Duke as they shared a look between each other before focusing back on me. "Mr. Livingston here was looking into having his memoir written and published. So due to him and I having such a good friendship he asked if I knew anybody who could help bring his story to life and I instantly thought of you."
"Me? Why me?" I asked confused, it was so many other writers here she could have chosen that actually specialized in doing biographies, my genre was always general fiction, romance and drama.
"Why not you?" Duke spoke up making me frown. "I read some of your work and I loved it, the way you are with your words is intoxicating and the visualisation is out of this world and I personally feel you would do great with my story."
The compliment itself made me smile as I looked down unsure as to what to say, when he took notice of my actions he stood up. "I know this isn't your exact genre you write in and I'm sure this is a lot to take in especially with you only being here at work for five minutes, but I really do feel you would do great. I'm not trying to pressure you or anything so I'll give you time to talk to Sara and discuss things over before you make a decision."
Placing his business card on my desk, he flashed me a toothless smile. "My personal number is on there whenever you make a choice, hope you have a good day Ms. Baldwin."
Reaching out my hand he firmly shook it, "You have a good day as well, Mr. Livingston. Thank you for stopping by." I smiled.
When he left and shut my door behind him, I immediately snapped my head back towards Sara who was purposley looking else where to avoid eye contact. "How long has he been wanting this done?"
She shrugged leaning forward, "He came over for dinner with Keith and I Sunday and he brought it up to me and before I could even fully think I suggested you for the job."
Leaning back in my seat, I blew out a frustrated breath. "But why? I love writing, but biographies are not my cup of tea. Kennedy is a beast at this, why not her?" I asked referring to Kennedy the other top writer we have here at Makeway Publishing.
"Kennedy has enough biographies to do already and despite all of that he wants you and he's willing to pay top dollar. After I suggested you he wanted to read some of your work so I showed him the rough draft biography you did over Maya Angelou and he fell in love instantly." She explained. "Plus you know I would never ask you to do something I knew you weren't capabale of doing. I feel this opportunity could open up so many doors for you so just think it over and get back to me by Friday or sooner whenever you make up your mind."
Watching as she left out I leaned back in my chair conflicted and stressed, I knew this one opportunity could basically either break or make me and that's what scared me the most.
Duke wasn't just some average person here, this man had an amazing story behind his name and only someone who was great with their words could pull this off and for the first time in my life I felt my work was not good enough.
Looking down at his business card, I grabbed it knowing that this one card could possibly change my life forever and I was now conflicted on if I wanted change or if I wanted things to remain the way they were now, which was simply safe.
Sitting at my desk revising and editing some work of mine, a knock at my door caught my attention and once I saw it was my assistant Tiana I smiled motioning for her to come in. "Hey beautiful, what's up?" I greeted.
"Mr. Livingston is on line one and someone also delivered this card and roses for you." She explained before revealing what she was talking about from behind her back.
Sitting the vase of roses on my desk along with the card, she took a step back and folded her arms as if she was waiting for me. Giving her a look to get back to work, she playfully rolled her eyes before heading towards the door. "Fine, don't tell me then. I see how you is."
Laughing to myself at her, I grabbed my phone pressing the line Mr. Livingston was on clearing my throat to make sure my voice sounded professional. "This is Alex speaking,"
"Ms. Baldwin," The way my last name rolled off his tongue with such bass and dominance in his voice had me already choking up.
Quickly snapping out of my daze, I soon realized he had been calling my name making me face palm myself. "I'm sorry, I accidently placed you on mute. " I lied.
"Oh that's fine, I was wondering what had happened." He laughed.
"I apologize, but um what can I help you with Mr. Livingston? I'm still thinking over my decision as of right now." I explained hoping he wasn't about to ask what I decided to do.
"I know and I promise you I am not rushing you, I was just curious to know if you were down to go out for coffee tomorrow morning to discuss a few things strictly business related of course." He offered.
Glancing down at my calendar on my desk, I frowned. "Tomorrow morning actually isn't good for me, I have a couple of meetings with a few clients. How about lunch?"
I could hear him shuffling around in the background, before he cleared his throat. "Lunch sounds good actually, is 12:30 good for you?"
"That's perfect." I smiled.
"Great, we could meet at Moonshine off of Palmer lane?"
Jotting that down on my calender, I nodded. "Sounds good to me, I guess I'll see you tomorrow at 12:30."
"Looking forward to it." Hanging up the phone, I let out a sigh before focusing on the vase of flowers.
Picking up the card, I sat back in my chair and opened it to see who was generous enough to deliver flowers to my job.
"Baby girl, words could never express how proud your father and I are of you for all your accomplishments. We hope these roses brought a smile to your face and made your day a little better.
Call us or stop by the house when you get the chance, we miss you baby."
- Love Mom and Daddy❤️
Smiling to myself I felt my eyes start to water as I read over the card, I didn't visit my parents much which was something I knew I needed to work on. I often let life get in the way of me spending time with my family for personal reasons, but it was still no excuse to miss out on the time I do have with my folks when we all know tomorrow is never promised for either of us.
Pulling out my phone, I went to my moms contact and pushed the call button. I listened to the phone ring almost three times before she answered, and just the sound of her voice made me smile.
"Hey baby, I see you must have gotten your roses." She greeted warmly.
"I did and I really love them mama, tell daddy I said thank you." I smiled.
"I will and you're welcome baby. You know your father and I be worried about you out there in Austin, when are you going to stop by the house sometime? We didn't think moving to Marble Falls would cause us to not see our baby that much anymore." She replied.
I heard a lot of movement in her background so I figured she must have been cooking since that was one thing my mother loved to do.
Growing up she was known on the block we grew up on for her infamous apple dumplings, homemade banana pudding and her delicious cornbread casserole. My mama's cooking could bring a smile to anyone's face and I had to admit I did miss that.
"I know mama and I'm sorry. Just work has been a little busy, I have a few new clients I'm working with far as helping revise and edit their novels and the whole publishing process as well." I explained.
"I understand, but always remember to make time for your family baby. Your father and I are not getting any younger, we're in good health but we never know what tomorrow may bring us." My mom told me and I nodded my head knowing she was right.
"I'll stop by after work, because I honestly can't lie and say I don't miss you guys. I could really use one of your hugs right now and some advice." I told her just as my assistant Tiana walked in placing a folder on my desk before leaving out.
"Oh great! I'll be sure to tell your father you're stopping by and I'll even cook your favorite tonight." I could hear it in my mama's voice she was smiling, which made me smile.
"I would love that."
"Okay good, well I'll see you later then baby. Can't wait to see my baby tonight, I love you." She replied.
"I love you more mama, I'll see you later."
When the call disconnected, I sat back in my chair in deep thought trying to ignore the thoughts that tried to creep inside my mind whenever the thought of going back home came to mind.
It was more than just being busy that kept me from visiting, the memories that haunted me at night is what kept me away but I knew I couldn't avoid it forever.
Despite how hard I have tried to do so over the years.
Hope y'all enjoyed!
Thanks for the love & support!
- Denise 🤎
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