Alex in MM
Driving on a back road with Duke headed to his grandparents house out in the country. I looked out the window in a peaceful daze as I stared up at the pretty blue sky and the beauty of the fields and pastures we passed with cows and horses standing around.
With my arm hanging out the window, I let the wind dance around my skin as I smiled in content. Closing my eyes I let the sound of Corrine Bailey Rae angelic voice from her song, "Like a Star," fill my ears.
Glancing over at Duke, I smiled. "This is why I love the country, look at all that land and the views." I gushed.
Smiling back, he nodded but didn't say anything in return. Since we got up this morning he's been very quiet than normal, I tried respecting his silence but now I was starting to get a little concerned.
After we finished watching Waiting to Exhale and he ended up crashing on me from being too high, I went back to my room. So, I didn't think he was mad at me or anything, but then again maybe he was.
Maybe, I shouldn't have gave him that edible. What if he's feeling sick because of it? Should I say something?
Staring at him from the corner of my eye, I tried reading his facial expressions but they weren't much help. He didn't look upset nor did he even really look happy, maybe he's sad?
Reaching over I turned the radio down causing him to look at me. "Are you okay? You've been really quiet since this morning." I pointed out.
Clearing his throat, he put his focus back on the road before mumbling, "I'm fine."
However, I wasn't stupid. Usually when people say they're fine, they're everything but that. Clearly something was bothering him and he's just not telling me.
Continue to stare at him, I folded my arms. "I know you are, but we aren't talking about your looks right now. What's wrong with you emotionally or I guess mentally?"
When I saw he almost cracked a smile, I smiled but it soon dropped when he stopped smiling. "Alex, everything is fine. Nothing is wrong with me." He replied still not looking at me.
"Okay explain why you aren't talking then? You talk more than me so this is very unusual for you to be this quiet, so I'm just concerned that's all," I reassured to make him feel as if I wasn't just being nosey, even though that's exactly what I am doing.
Letting out a low chuckle, he shook his head. "I just got a lot on my mind, but it's nothing too deep. I appreciate your concern though."
Deciding to let it go for now, we rode in silence for a while until Terry called my phone.
Sliding the bar over, I smiled once his face appeared on the screen. "Hey baby," I greeted but frowned when I saw he was crying.
"Why are you crying? What's wrong?" I asked concerned.
"I just found out my grandma passed away." He sniffled starting to cry all over again.
Feeling my heart break for him, I understood the pain he was feeling all too well. "I'm so sorry to hear that baby, I wish I could hug you right now. I'll be back in a few days, okay?"
Watching him wipe his eyes, he gave me a half smile. "It's okay, I know if you could be here for me you would be. Plus, I'll be leaving out of town tomorrow night to fly back home to St. Louis to help plan the funeral with my mama. Might be gon' for a couple weeks."
"If you need anything from me, just let me know okay? If you wanna just vent and cry to me, I'm here." I reassured him making him smile.
"I know and I appreciate you, but I'm about to call my mom and check up on her. I just wanted to let you know what was going on so if you didn't hear from me, this is why." He explained making me nod.
"Okay baby, I'll text or call you later to check up on you. Just let me know when you leave." I told him in which he agreed before we hung up.
Not expecting that news from him, I sat back in my seat a little lost for words as my mind filled with different thoughts.
"You alright?" Duke asked finally speaking up after a brief moment of silence.
Nodding my head, I looked out the window. "I just feel bad that I can't be there for him. Losing a grandparent is a different type of pain, it's been almost twenty years since the passing of my grandfather and I still haven't gotten over that."
"I'm sorry to hear that and tell Terry him and his family are in my prayers." Looking over at Duke, I smiled before looking back at the road to see us coming up on a house.
"Is this their house?" I asked sitting up a little.
"Yep, my great-grandparents built this house back in the 70s! Since then of course a lot of renovations have been done to it, I even added a second house to it for guests and that's where we'll be staying tonight." He explained as he pulled into the driveway.
It was a lot of cars parked out in the yard and the scent of barbecue filled my nose making my stomach growl. "Damn something smells good." I called out.
Laughing, Duke parked his car next to some big Ford truck before turning the car off. Going to take my seatbelt off, I paused when Duke grabbed my arm stopping me.
"What's up?" I asked slightly confused.
"I just want to give you a heads up about my family, this is my moms side of the family you'll be meeting and they can be pretty loud and outspoken but they're great people so please don't take anything they may say the wrong way." He explained and I nodded not phased.
"Sounds like my family, but thanks for the heads up." I smiled.
Getting out of the car together, I reached in the back seat to grab the pan of ribs and links we got from Bodacious Barbecue.
Taking the pans from me, Duke shook his head. "Now why would you try and carry this when you're wearing white?" He asked as we walked towards the backyard where the sound of music could be heard playing.
Soon as Duke and I entered through the gate it was like the world stopped for moment and all eyes were on us.
"There goes my baby." I heard some woman yell out and when I looked to see where the voice came from, I smiled when I saw it was his grandmother. "You better come give granny some lovin'." She playfully snapped as she stood from her seat.
Meeting each other half way, I took the pans of ribs so they could embrace each other. Watching as they hugged I almost felt myself start to tear up at the moment along with everybody else who stood around watching.
"We missed you so much." I heard her say once they pulled away from each other and as soon as they did everybody eventually got up to hug him.
Standing off to the side, I just watched in admiration as his family showered him with love. I could tell by the look on his face and his smile that his family meant the world to him.
Smiling at some man walking towards me, I tried not to look so awkward but I honestly don't know how not to be awkward.
"Hey baby girl, you need me to take these pans from you? I can put em in the kitchen for you." He offered politely.
Handing him the pans, I smiled. "Thank you, my name is Alex by the way. I'm a friend of Duke's." I introduced.
"I'm Duke's crazy ass Uncle Lewis, he told us he was bringing a friend down to visit we wasn't expecting a woman though." He laughed making me laugh as well. "If you want something to drink, we got coolers full of sodas and shit in the kitchen."
Looking to see Duke still occupied by his family, I followed behind his Uncle into the house where two women stood around talking. "Lewis, don't tell me you don' brought another one of your young girls to a family function. You know Liz is here and I ain't tryna have no drama with my baby back in town." She scolded.
"Shut up Trish, this is Duke's lady friend and even if I did I'ma grown ass man last I checked. Liz better take her bow-legged ass on somewhere, she divorced me remember?"
"Yeah and we also remember the different women that led her to divorce your sorry ass." The ladies laughed.
"Here you go, always tryna bring up shit that don't even matter. What really matter's is why yo ass ain't outside greeting yo so-called baby? His rich ass out there looking rich as always." He asked her as he sat the pan of ribs on the counter.
"I'll get my hug from him when he brings his skinny ass inside for his plate, I'm so proud of him." She smiled before looking over at me. "And excuse me for being rude, hi baby! I'm Duke's auntie Trish and this is one of Duke's cousins and my daughter Mercedes." She greeted.
Waving, I reached down into the cooler and grabbed me a sprite. "I'm Alex, it's a pleasure to meet you guys." I smiled warmly just as the kitchen door opened and in came Duke smiling big as ever.
"Auntie! What's Up Cedes?" He semi-yelled embracing them into a hug.
"What's up withca Unc?" He asked as he slapped hands with his Uncle Lewis.
"Not shit, you know just tryna make out here and chase these hoes." He joked making us all erupt into laughter.
"You need to sit yo old ass down Unc." Duke replied shaking his head.
Walking back over towards me, he threw his arm over my shoulder. "My bad for not properly introducing Alex, but this is Ms. Alex Baldwin. She accompanied me on this trip to basically get a glimpse of who I am as a person and of course meet my family to help better capture my life for my memoir she's helping me publish."
Smiling, I looked down becoming shy.
"Oh that's amazing baby! I'm sure it's going to turn out so great and baby girl if you need some stories I got a few I can add about this boy here." His auntie Trish said to me making me laugh.
Throwing my hands up, I shook my head. "I'm down to hear them all, I think it's time I get to see who Mr. Clean Cut really is behind all that." I smirked as I looked up at him.
"By the end of this trip, you will know more than you need to. But come on, I want to introduce you everybody else. We'll come back for food later." Following behind him I made sure to wave bye to his aunt, cousin and uncle before we left out all together.
After I introduced my family to Alex they all welcomed her in with open arms. I figured they would since my family was very loving at the end of the day. We were far from perfect but I wouldn't trade none of them for the world.
Each and everyone of them here today helped me be the person I am today, and for that I owe them my life and respect and I do so by honoring them any chance I get.
Sitting in one of the lawn chairs sipping on a coke, I ate a fork full of my granny's infamous baked mac and cheese.
This is what I missed the most.
Living in the city took me away from my family, but no amount of riches could ever make me feel as rich as my family does. They were the ones from the beginning who believed in me and motivated me to keep going and push myself beyond my limits.
Looking around at my family dancing and talking amongst each other, I sat back soaking in this moment. Noticing Alex off to the side talking to a few of my cousins, I smiled glad she was hitting it off with them as well.
I really wanted Alex to see me in my element so she could witness the real me beyond the fame.
Looking to the left of me when I noticed my cousin Marcus sat next to me. I playfully smacked my teeth, "What do you want man?" I asked him.
"The guys and I were planning on going out tonight, you know hit up one of the old spots since you're back in town. You can bring your lady friend if you want.." He informed me as we both looked over at Alex who was in the middle of talking with one of my cousins.
"Yeah, I'll see if she's down to come." I shrugged.
"What's up with that anyways? I mean is you claiming or what?" He asked which of course made me laugh.
I knew the question was coming, I was honestly surprised my family didn't ask sooner as to if Alex and I were dating. But, I knew before the night ended somebody was going to do it. I half expected it to be my granny though.
"That's why you brought yo ass over huh?" I asked him with a smirk on my face, he wasn't slick at all.
"Hey, inquiring minds want to know and by inquiring minds I mean granny." He shrugged laughing. "She believes she's a pure delight and has a genuine soul."
Taking a sip of my drink, I shook my head. "Well the answer is no, we're just friends and I brought her here for business related purposes. She's helping write my memoir and I wanted to bring her back to my home so she could get an honest feel on who I am and where I came from." I replied.
"Damn that's big, congrats on doing that fasho. Make sure to add me in that hoe though." He teased as we slapped hands. "But nah forreal, that's good shit! You been doing it big and I don't know if you hear this often but I'm proud of you man. Especially after everything you know happened back then, I'm happy you was able to overcome that and rise above."
Feeling my eyes burn a little, I looked away not trying to get emotional right now. "I really appreciate that man, not a day goes by where I don't think about that shit though."
"We all think about it, but I ain't even tryna go there tonight. Today is a good day and I don't need to be crying." He teased even though I could see he was a blink away from crying.
"Whatchu been up tho man?" I asked changing the subject.
Shrugging, I watched as he took a sip of whatever was in his red cup before looking out in front of him. "Besides living, just tryna make it and raise my babies."
"Where is Jr. and Kayla?" I asked just now realizing they weren't here.
"With their moms for the weekend, so you know what that means." He smiled causing me to shake my head.
Out of all my cousins, Marcus was the wildest one and he loved getting into shit. He was the one who either love the club in handcuffs or would end the night fighting somebody.
He was cool than a fan and loyal as hell, but the nigga had no type of sense whatsoever and that was why a part of me was a little hesitant to invite Alex out with us. My cousins don't know how to act and the last thing I need is for her to get caught up in some shit behind them.
"So, what made you fall in love with being an author and editor?" Duke's Grandma Clorice asked as we sat in her living room talking amongst each other.
We both somehow found ourselves drawn to each other and have been talking majority of the evening after we played a couple of rounds of Spades and Dominoes with some of Duke's uncles and aunts.
His grandma and I ended up teamed up together during Spades and of course we won and that just brought us even closer. I thought my family was competitive when it came to Spades and Dominoes, but I think Duke's family had mine beat.
His Uncle Lewis damn near wanted to fight his brother after losing three times in a row and I just found it all hilarious.
During the barbecue I managed to meet just about every one here and Duke was right, his family is indeed crazy and they are very honest but I loved it. They were so welcoming and funny as hell without even trying and reminded me so much of my family before all the drama.
Sitting back in the couch with my feet kicked up, I took a sip of the homemade lemonade she made and sighed. "Well, I've always had a love for it as a kid and just overtime it grew. I honestly didn't see myself going this far with it at first, but I'm honored for the opportunities I have been granted in this line of work." I expressed.
"Plus, Duke doesn't even understand the blessing he has been in my life for allowing me to capture something so personal for him. It's allowed me to really test my limits and expand my skills and so far the journey has been pretty amazing as far as getting to know him outside of what I have seen and heard in the media." I told her and she stared at with a smile on her face.
"Yeah my baby can be full of surprises at times. He has been talking about doing this memoir for a while, I'm just glad to finally see he's going through with it." She replied as she glanced out the window.
"I feel people are going to love his story and find themselves relating to him as a person more than they expected. Because you know on the outside you would think he was a man with little to no flaws, but it's like beyond that surface you see he has the same fears, concerns and thoughts just like anybody else." I replied.
"Duke has always had a big heart and would literally do anything for anybody." She softly chuckled, I guess thinking back on old times. "I always felt that was often why people would befriend him and use him."
Frowning, I looked over at her. "What do you mean?"
Releasing a deep sigh, she looked down at him. "Duke's kindess was often taken for granted by those he trusted and due to his will to help others it has put him some sticky situations. Those few incidents change him for a while, but I'm glad to see him slowly going back to who he was before but better."
Going to respond, we both focused our attention on the back door when it opened revealing Duke and one of his cousins whose name I could not think of at the moment.
"Granny, please come get your drunk ass brother. He out here tryna fight Liz and her new nigga who came to pick her up." His cousin blurted out causing his Grandma to immediately stand up.
"I'm sorry baby, we can finish this conversation later." She apologized.
Getting up and walking over to Duke, he shook his head seeming frustrated. "I knew it was only a matter of time before some shit popped off." He mumbled as he grabbed him a water out of the fridge.
"Are you enjoying yourself though?" He asked me and I nodded.
"Your family is funny, especially your grandma." I replied as I leaned over the counter.
"I see you two really hit it off, what were y'all up in here talking about?" He asked being his usual nosey self.
Squinting his eyes at me, he frowned. "Good things I hope, what was she saying?"
"Don't worry about it." I laughed. "Can you show me where we'll be sleeping though? Your cousin Mercedes invited me out tonight and I want to freshen up and change clothes."
Nodding his head, he tossed his empty water bottle in the trash before walking out the backdoor as I followed.
Bypassing his family trying to calm down his Uncle Lewis and who I assumed was his ex-wife Liz trying to keep her new man back, Duke shook his head in disbelief.
Approaching a gate I watched him type a code in before holding it open for me to walk in first and we followed this trail. No words were said only thing that could be heard was the sound of our feet walking and the crickets chirping.
"Have you heard from Terry?" He randomly asked which sort of startled me.
"No, I called him three times earlier and texted him but I haven't heard back. I'm worried about him, but I want to give him his space." I admitted trying not to worry so much.
"He'll come around eventually, just give him time and keep letting him know and showing him that you're there for him." He replied.
Finally approaching the house I was kind of amazed at how big it was and I figured a few other family members were staying here as well with us.
"How many rooms does this have?" I asked as we approached the front door.
"Five bedrooms and four and a half baths." He replied as he let us in.
Following him up the stairs, he lead me to a door on the far end of the hall and opened it up for me to step in first. "We have our own room, but we share a bathroom." He said as he pointed to the jack and jill bathroom.
"This house is beautiful." I complimented.
"Thank you, I also had went ahead and brought your bags in for you, but if you need anything else just call me I'll be back up at the house." He told me before he went to leave out, but I stopped him calling his name.
"I was just wondering if you were coming out with us tonight?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'ma just go check and make sure everything is good with my uncle. Then I'll be back to get dressed." He told me and I nodded glad that he was coming.
"Okay good, I'm looking forward to see how you Livingston's get down." I joked. "Heard y'all get pretty wild and dirty."
Laughing, he winked at me. "You'll see."
Continuing their trip next chapter☺️
Thanks for the love & support as always!!
- Denise🤎
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