Alex in MM (Instagram @ aspencristi ✨)
A few weeks have passed since everything has transpired with Duke and honestly things were going better than I thought. We have had a few meet ups here and there and as time passed I was learning a lot about him and naturally with him having to be a little vulnerable with exposing his life to me, it brought us closer.
However, in my personal life things with Terry were really starting to heat up. Since our date which went amazing, we have been up under each other almost everyday. We alternate days on when we're at each other places, but he's made it a mission to go out on dates every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Some dates were small but still well thought out since he wanted to make it special. On our first date he took me to Romano's Macaroni Grill and then we later went to a Movie. Then for our second date we went to the Botantical Garden and walked the trail using that timd to really get to know each other better outside of sex.
On our third date he took us to Painting with a Twist. This one so far was probably my favorite since I was able to showcase my artistic side, the drawing he chose was of a sunset over water. It was simple but still very complex since you had to mix and blend certain colors.
We spent most of our time talking and laughing amongst each other, he wasn't much of an artist but I think that's what made it even better because he was willing to try something new knowing that I liked it.
So, today was my turn to treat him and take him out. It took a lot of convincing since he wasn't used to a woman doing anything for him. But, I had to remind him that we spoil and take care of our men this way.
Plus, since we've been getting to know each other I discovered his secret love for cooking. He opened up to me how he used to love cooking with his father who passed away when he was a kid to Cancer and eventually lost the love for it.
So, I booked us a date at a cooking class to try and help spark that love he once had for it again and then later we were going to a vineyard for a wine tasting and to make our own wine.
I was a little anxious to show him what all I had planned, but I had a good feeling he would like this and with it being something new and different for me I was really excited myself.
Terry and I planned to meet at his place by three o'clock today since our cooking class started at four. It was noon now so I knew I had to get on it, I wanted to make sure I looked my best whenever we stepped out and you know it takes time to look this fine.
Plus, I had just got my hair done and I was ready to step out on the scene and be seen. Terry and I were cute together and I felt like we complimented each other very well with our heights and dark melanin skin.
Standing in my bathroom with my box braids tossed in a bun, I just finished my skincare routine and was getting ready to do my make up. I recently discovered a black owned make up brand by the name of, "Beauty Bakerie," her whole aesthetic was based around baked goods and sweets and I loved her products and how well her foundation matched my skin tone.
For a dark skin girl this was a major milestone for me, it was already hard to find foundations that matched my skin tone. Usually a lot of foundations would be too dark or too light, so I would have to mix foundations and concealers in order to get my exact tone.
So, I was very pleased with the way the beauty industry has changed to meet the needs of every skin tone and showcasing different body types as well. We still had a long way to go, but it was still good to see that representation of women like me getting that praise and recognition.
Once I completed my make-up and I applied my lashes, I was now focused on finding a cute way to style my box braids. I already had my outfit picked out for the date but I knew I needed to set the look with a cute style.
In the midst of me pinning my hair back, my phone started ringing. Walking into my room I grabbed it to see Duke was calling on facetime, taking a seat on my bed I smiled when the phone connected and I was met with him smiling.
"You look beautiful, where are you going looking like that?" He complimented, which of course made me blush like a school girl.
I mean who doesn't love a good compliment? Especially when you already know you look good, that one compliment just gives you that extra boost of confidence.
"Terry and I are going out tonight," I smiled.
Watching as he adjusted himself in his car, he nodded his head. "Seems like things are getting pretty serious between you two. Where are y'all going?" He asked being nosey as always.
I always found it funny and ironic how Duke and I managed to form this best friend type of relationship between one another. Like at the end of the day it's business, but it is times were we just sit up and talk for hours as friends.
So, how it is now is that usually if I'm not with Terry than more than likely I'm either with or talking to Duke.
Danielle and I haven't spoken much since she left my apartment a few days after we had that disagreement. We still check in on each other every now and then, but I think we both just realized we have our own lives to focus on and we're doing just that.
Bringing my phone into the bathroom, so I could finish getting ready. I propped my phone up against my mirror so he could still see me. "We're going to a cooking class and to a vineyard afterwards to taste and make our own wine." I went onto explain as I focused on doing my hair.
"That actually does sound pretty fun to do, never thought to ever go to a cooking class. If you have any left overs be sure to save some for me I want to try it, I know you barely can cook anyways so this class might be beneficial for you." He joked causing me to flick him off.
"Don't even play with me, you know I can cook." I replied smartly. "But anyways what do you want? I'm trying to focus on doing my hair and you're distracting me."
Looking as if he was offended, he placed his hand over his chest. "Well excuse me, I was just calling to see what you was doing. I'm in between meetings right now and hadn't talked to you since yesterday so I was just checking in." He shrugged.
"No you're just nosey." I laughed which made him laugh as well because he knew it was true.
I think us as black people just were naturally nosey. We see somebody getting cute or doing anything out of the norm, we have to ask where they're going or what they're about to do.
"Whatever, but anyways I think you should wear your hair down with a center part. It looks good that way." He pointed out.
Taking my hair down, I looked in the mirror and adjusted it to how he suggested and smiled liking it. "Okay, this actually does look good with my outfit. Thank you."
"You're welcome, but I'll let you focus on getting ready for your date. Just call or text me later." He replied as he got out of his car, so I was now able to see he was dressed in a suit.
"Um excuse me sir, you sitting here talking about where are you going dressed like that?" I asked him.
"Now who's being nosey?" He joked. "But nah after this meeting I'm going to my parents 30th wedding anniversary party."
I nodded completely forgetting he told me that was this weekend. "I remember you telling me that, bring me back some wedding cake please and if they have some of those baby shower meatballs be sure to grab me a few of those too!"
Laughing, he shook his head. "Alright, I'll see what I can do. I'll talk to you later Ms. Baldwin."
Ending the facetime I mentally cursed in my head when I saw what time it was. I needed to be out the door in like the next fifteen minutes or we were going to be late.
When Terry and I arrived at the venue where the cooking class was being held, we walked in holding hands and stood in line at the door with the other couples stood waiting to be let in and directed to their stations.
"Is this another painting class?" He asked me and I just smiled and shrugged acting clueless.
Leaning closer to him, I whispered in his ear. "You'll see."
Once it was our turn to retrieve our tickets, I smiled at the lady as she warmly smiled back. "Hello, what's the name?"
"Terry and Alex." I replied.
When she spotted our names she immediately grabbed two tickets and two sheets of paper and handed them over to us. "Alrighty, here are you guys' tickets and this is what you guys will making today. Hope you two enjoy."
Thanking her, I mentally laughed at the facial expression on Terry's face. He was so confused, but it made the situation so much better honestly. I couldn't wait to see his reaction the moment we enter the room.
Following behind the other couples, we both took the time to admire the art that was hung on the walls and the amazing architecture throughout the building. "This is a really nice building." I pointed out in which agreed.
Reaching the room where the class was going to be held, I let Terry walk in first and smiled when I saw his face go from confusion to excitment when he saw the aprons and cooking utensils.
Looking down at the paper to find our station, I pointed. "We're at station six, looks like our partners have already arrived." I smiled but that smile soon faded when Terry gently grabbed me by the arm to stop me from walking.
When I turned to face him, he caught me off guard when he kissed me but I soon relaxed and kissed him back. "Thank you for this, I honestly had no clue what you had planned for us today but this is amazing." Kissing him again, I smiled as I looped our arms together and we walked over to our station.
Taking a seat in the stools across from our partners, Terry and I both smiled and waved at them in which they returned. "Hi, my name is Alex and this is—" Looking back at Terry I wasn't sure what to call him. I didn't want to say he was my friend and he thinks I friend zoned him, because we're clearly more than that.
When Terry noticed I was getting choked up, he softly placed his arm around me and smiled towards their direction. "—I'm Terry, her boyfriend." He finished for me, making me smile and look away.
"I'm Rachelle and this is my husband Lance." She greeted. "Have you guys been here before?" Rachelle asked as she took a sip of the wine they had out for us.
"No, this is our first time. Have you?" I asked her and she nodded.
"Yes, this is probably our third time coming to this class. The instructor is a young black girl and she is amazing. You guys are in for a treat for sure." She informed before focusing her attention elsewhere waving at a few people, I assumed she knew from previous classes.
As we waited for the instructor to enter the room, Rachelle, Lance, Terry and I all made small talk. Rachelle and Lance were an older couple, but their love was so cute. Rachelle was clearly the fiery one in the relationship, whilst Lance was the quiet and laid back one but they clashed so well.
Right now she was in the middle of telling a story about a time her and Lance had almost got into a fight at a restaurant.
"You know my Lance here is soft spoken, he hates confrontation or drama. I on the other hand live for it, especially when someone tries me or disrespects him. So, we were at this restuarant for Lance's birthday and they messed up on his order. I respectfully corrected them and they turned around and messed it up again so at this point I'm annoyed." She explained.
"Lance scary ass was tryna get me to calm down, but I just felt like they were ruining his birthday and I wasn't leaving that restuarant until they fixed it. But instead of just owning up to their mistakes the waitress gets upset and starts talking back."
"That's where she messed up." Lance chimed in making Terry and I both laugh. "She clearly didn't realize who she was talking too, but Rachelle soon let her know with the quickness."
"I sure as hell did!" She boosted proudly. "I stood up from my seat and pointed my finger in that heffas face and was like I don't know who tha hell you think you're talking too, but I will turn this entire restaurant upside down and mop the floor with yo little ass if you speak to me like that again."
"As you should have." I said understanding her frustation.
"See this was back when establishments didn't care if black people supported their companies or not. This was before corporations understood the worth of the black dollar. So half the time they could careless about making sure we were satisfied so in the end, of course I was escorted out by the cops. No arrests were made, but I know that heffa made sure to never try another sister again."
"That is true, these companies now know how crucial our support is and that's why they try and include us in everything." Terry replied and we all nodded agreeing.
"Exactly, that's why I wish our people would wake up and realize the power we have in our hands. They spent so many years shushing us and making us feel as if we hold no weight, but we do and it's like the moment we finally wake up and realize, we'll dominate and that change we want to happen will happen." Rachelle preached.
Going to respond, I stopped when the instructor entered the room causing everyone to quiet it down. "Hello, hello everybody! I'm so excited to see all of you today. I'm seeing a couple of familiar and new faces in the building today, how is everybody feeling?" She greeted excitedly.
A bunch of "goods," and "blessed," ranged out from different people including Terry and I.
"That's good to hear, I'm happy to hear and see that from you all. I first want to apologize for running late, had a minor set back with my car. But I'm here now and I'm ready to get this party started!"
Watching as she put on her apron, soon everybody grabbed their aprons and chef hats they had laid out for every one to use for today.
Standing up I helped Terry put on his apron as he did the same for me, being sure to feel on my booty being childish as always.
Once she saw everybody was ready, she smiled big. "Alright, everyone is looking good. Today we'll be making side dishes, so for all you guys who struggle with making the perfect sides for dishes you are in the correct place. On today's menu we will be making Skillet Mac and Cheese, Cheesy Sourdough Garlic Bread and a simple Chicken Ceaser Salad."
Looking over at Terry I could see the excitement on his face, which made me really happy inside. The longer I stared at him, I found myself wondering why we waited so long to give this a shot.
It makes me wonder if all this time have we been shielding our true emotions towards one another, due to how naturally all of this came about and felt.
I know it's too soon to feel this way or to exactly know, but damn is this love? Is this the man I have been waiting for all my life? So many questions that I know only time will eventually tell and reveal, but lord I pray I'm not wasting my time.
After the cooking class Terry and I decided to just go to The Domain and hit up one of the bars for drinks and food instead of going to the Vineyard.
The night was cool and calm and I really did enjoy our time at the cooking class together. I was able to finally see Terry in his element and it was clear cooking was something he really enjoyed doing.
The smile on his face made it all worth it.
Walking the sidewalks together holding hands, I smiled when he grabbed my hand and pressed his lips against the back of it. "You know you said something tonight that has been on my mind." I blurted out.
Smirking, he avoided eye contact. "Oh word? And what is it that I said?" He asked acting clueless.
Smacking my teeth, I playfully hit him on his arm. "Oh I don't know, the whole introducing yourself as my boyfriend. What was that about?" I asked needing answers.
I'm such an overthinker at times and I knew if I didn't get the answer as to what this was and where this was going, I would eventually overthink and come up with my own assumption.
Taking a seat at a nearby bench, Terry pulled me closer to him and threw his arm over my shoulder. "I mean it's clear we're feeling each other and at this point we're more than friends. So, I'm just calling it what it clearly is."
Nodding my head, I made sure to hold strong eye contact even though he always made me so nervous if I ever stared too long at him. "I hear what you're saying and you are right, but you don't think it's too soon for this though? I just don't want to rush this between us." I expressed which made him laugh, but I wasn't sure why because I didn't think I said anything close to hilarious.
"We're not talking marriage Lex!" He laughed jokingly. " We can still take things slow, but shit I been tired of hiding my feelings towards you. So, I'm laying it all out there. I want you and I want to be with you. I agree I don't want to rush this between us neither, but the plan is to make you my woman one day."
Sitting there sort of lost for words, I looked away not expecting him to be this straightforward and honest. However, I couldn't do anything but respect it though.
"So what you on? Tell me what you want?" He asked as he grabbed my hand.
"I like you and I do want you and I want this to work, but I have to admit and I am a little scared. I mean if you liked me this whole time, why didn't say anything?" I asked.
"You were the one who expressed that you just wanted it to be sex between us. I respected your wishes because I didn't want to be rejected if I tried to persue you, but after a while I was just like fuck it." He expressed which honestly shocked me.
"Wow, I didn't know that." I laughed.
Shrugging his shoulders, he looked around The Domain before focusing his attention back on me. "I mean why else you think I stuck around this long?"
I shrugged. "I don't know, pussy I guess."
Bursting out into laughter, he shook his head at me. "Don't sell yourself short, you're more than just that. But now that we don' expressed ourselves, what do you say? You tryna be my baby?" He asked looking at me as I looked up at him.
Leaning up so our lips could meet, he pecked my lips a few times making me smile. "I guess I'll be your baby." I told him as I pulled away.
When he kissed the side of my face I snuggled up against him, just mentally praying I didn't later regret making this decision.
Thanks for the love & support!
- Denise🤎
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