Duke in MM (IG - rolandagli ✨)
Sitting across from Duke as we ate lunch together, I looked around the small diner at all the people enjoying their food before focusing my attention on Duke who seemed to be in pure bliss to be back in his hometown.
He introduced me to this place called Jucy's burger and I had to admit this was probably one of the best burgers I've ever had before.
When we walked in it amazed me how everyone welcomed him with open arms and were so excited to see he was back in town. Of course he took pictures with people and even signed a few autographs for some kids, it was cute. And the smile on his face and the happiness radiating off of him made it even better.
We had arrived in town around noon and decided to get food to bypass sometime until we were able to check into our hotel rooms at three.
The place he was from was a city called Longview, Texas. It was small, but at the sametime kinda big. The people seemed to be very familiar with one another and I was alittle anxious to see more of what this town had to offer.
"You seem really happy to be back." I pointed out as I tossed a fry in my mouth.
"I am, its been a while honestly. I don't come back as much as I should." He admitted. "But it's Friday so I'm sure my Lobos are playing tonight, you gotta come to this football game with me and see how us Longview folks get down."
Laughing, I shrugged down for whatever. "I love watching sports so I'm down for that. Pretty sure they aren't better than my Cavaliers at Lake Travis though." I boosted proudly.
Waving me off, he laughed. "Girl please."
"Tell me something though, since we've known each other I have yet to see or hear you speak about a woman or any type of love interest. So my question is are you single?" I asked being my typical nosey self.
Sitting back he looked at me for a moment before looking down at his food chucking to himself. "I am single, but I thought that was pretty obvious though. I haven't been in a public relationship since Dionne and I broke up."
Nodding my head, I thought back to when they were together realizing it had been a minute since they were together. "Wow, why is that? Not to be in your business or anything, but was the break up bad to the point it kind of scarred you from finding love again?" I questioned.
"The break up wasn't messy, but the relationship was a little toxic I guess you can say." He cleared his throat, before proceeding to explain.
"When we broke up we both came to a mutual understanding and reflected on ourselves far as what we could have done better, what our flaws were and different things we needed to work on as people." He explained.
"So, the next woman I plan to be with I want her to receieve the best version of myself mentally, physically and emotionally. Now I do dab around a little and hook up with some people from time to time, but nothing too major."
I nodded, understanding. "Do you ever see you guys getting back together one day?" I asked simply curious.
Laughing a little, he took a sip of his drink. "Nah, that ship has crashed and sunk. We're still good friends and we talk every now and then. She's at a good place in her life now, and I feel I am too. She's an amazing woman don't get me wrong, but I don't believe we were made for each other."
Playing with one of my fries, I sighed. "How does one even know if or when a person is made for them?" I scoffed, before tossing the fry into my mouth.
"I think it all depends on how you feel whenever that person is around and of course how they make you feel as well." He explained. "Like for example, how do you feel when you're with Terry?"
I shrugged. "Good. but at the sametime scared a little bit. But I think that's because as much as I love being in love and love the meaning of what love is, love scares me." I admitted not believing we were really having this conversation right now.
Duke looked at me slightly confused. "Why is that? Love can be a very beautiful thing when it's shown and given correctly."
"I know that, but what about the bad side of love?"
"Bad? If it's a bad side to it then I don't believe that's truly love. I always hated when people would say love hurts, love only hurts when it's one sided so basically you're the only one giving the love but if you were receiving the love back in return it wouldn't hurt." He expressed making me think a little.
"I think that's my problem, a lot of times in relationships I was the one who loved harder and it was like it was never reciporcated. I always ended up hurt, left with no explanation, cheated on, used and the list goes on."
"Those are not examples of what love is, Alex. When a person loves someone they won't do things that they know would hurt that person, they won't do things to break that trust with that person. It's kind of like when people have dreams that they love and believe in they are going to invest time, energy, committment, dedication and love into that dream to make sure it comes true one day. So I feel it's the same when a person truly loves someone they're going to invest their time, their energy, and be committed and dedicated to make sure their partner knows that they love them and want the relationship to work."
"And it's clear that's what you do, so use that as your reason not to fear love. Use it as your reason to love it and embrace it, because it's always someone out there who loves the exact same way you love and that could be Terry."
Sitting there a little lost for words, I looked down not expecting to be read down like that. Despite my stubborness to admit he was speaking facts, everything he said was absolutely correct.
Maybe my view on love was wrong and instead of focusing on the bad of what a person can do when they aren't in love, I should focus on what people do when they are.
In a healthy way of course, cause niggas do be crazy in love.
"That's such a positive way to look at things." I chuckled.
"After I kind of experienced a near death situation I started changing my outlook on certain things and I will say it has helped me become a better person." He admitted trying to speed by that one confession, but he clearly doesn't know he is talking to Ms. Queen Nosey over here.
"Near death experience? What happened?" I asked.
Releasing a deep breath, he shook his head. "That's a story for another day, but I do want that included in my story so I will tell you eventually." He explained and I nodded understanding.
Deciding to change the subject, I stretched my arms and looked around the restaurant before locking eyes with Duke who was already staring at me with an amused facial expression.
"How about we ditch the tab and go rub some skin somewhere? I say your place tonight." I joked earning a laugh from him.
"Sadly you got Terry for that, Ms. Baldwin." He shrugged as he began standing up to throw away our trash.
"So in other words you're saying if Terry wasn't in the picture, you'd be down?" I asked squinting my eyes at him.
Looking me up and down, he smirked as he shrugged his shoulders and laughed. "Maybe." He winked before walking away.
Later that evening Alex and I finally were able to check into our hotel rooms. After that drive I was ready to lay it down, since I had a lot to cover while being back home. I really wanted Alex to capture my life before the fame and that also means I have to open up about somethings too.
So far, the trip was going great and I hoped it continued going this way.
Alex and I shared a dope bond that is very rare to find these days, she was such a genuine and honest person and as the days passed I really did enjoy hanging out with her and getting to know her beyond a professional point of view.
I could see us still being very good friends even after this whole book ordeal. I was always told whenever you come across good people to keep them close because it isn't too many left in this world.
After my shower, I air dried in my room before tossing on a pair of my briefs and getting into my bed to take a nap. Alex and I decided to go out later after we both rested up a little. She wanted to do a little site seeing in which I agreed.
Reaching for my phone off the night stand, I smiled when I saw Alex had texted me.
Alex❤️✍🏾 :
you sleep yet old man?
Received at 5:46pm
No not yet, why?
Delivered at 5:53pm
good, i'm coming over🤣
Received at 5:55pm
Laughing to myself, I forced my way out of bed and quickly threw on some clothes before walking over to open the door just as Alex started knocking.
Holding up snacks and her firestick, I shook my head as I stepped out of the way for her to come in. When she bypassed me my eyes immediately went to her back side, but I quickly turned my head and focused back on locking up the door.
"So what brings you by?" I asked her as I laid across my bed and watched her sit on the floor.
"I know we had agreed to go out tonight, but I decided since you did all that driving today it would be selfish of me to have you out all night. So, I figured we could have a movie night and enjoy some good ole' girl talk." She smiled.
"I'm cool with whatever." I shrugged.
"Good, I think it's a Waiting to Exhale type of night, don't you think?" She asked me and I just shook my head.
This girl is something else.
"Oh this finna be a girl's night forreal forreal, but it's cool. I like that movie, would it be the first thing I suggest? No, but you know to each their own." I shrugged.
As she hooked up her fire stick to the tv and got the movie ready, I decided to take a dive into these snacks she brought.
Noticing she had some edibles, I frowned. "Whatchu doing with these?" I asked her causing her to look back at me.
"You don't have to eat em if you don't want to, I mainly brought them for me." She shrugged.
"I've never had one before actually." I admitted.
Watching as devious smirk popped up on her face, she stopped what she was doing and walked over to me. "Ready to lose your virginity tonight Mr. Livingston?" Laughing at the way she asked, I pushed her away.
"What is wrong with you?" I asked her as she stared down at me with those eyes.
"Nothing, do you want to try it or not virgin?" She asked again.
Releasing a deep breath, I nodded. "Sure,"
Not saying anything else, she walked away and continued getting the movie set up for us before walking over to my bed and sitting at the foot of it with the snacks in her hands.
Dumping them all on my bed, she grabbed one of the edibles and tossed a bag my way. "These taste like candy and you gotta eat a few of them to really get that high, or you can have one of these solid gummies my co-worker makes himself with pure THC in them, all it takes is one to get you high." She went onto explain.
"I guess I'll take that one gummy then." I shrugged not really sure what to expect with this.
Reaching in her pocket she pulled out a small baggie that had four gummies inside before pulling two of them out. "They don't taste the best, it literally tastes like you're eating a blunt. That's why I sometimes eat them with candy to block that nasty ass taste."
Taking the gummy from her, I examined it before taking a strip of the extreme sours from her. Releasing a deep breath, I closed my eyes. "Here goes nothing."
Laying on the floor staring up at the ceiling, I could hear my heart beating louder than it ever has before. Glancing over at the AC unit that was blowing I closed my eyes listening to the sound of the fan.
My body felt heavy and my mouth was dry, it almost felt like I was floating even though I knew I was laying down. Even my inner thoughts seemed louder than before and time seemed to be moving so slow.
Slightly jumping when I felt something touch me, I looked up to see Alex staring at me laughing. "You are so high dude." She laughed which of course made me laugh.
Like really laugh, I couldn't stop laughing. "It's all your fault."
"Are you feeling good?" I heard her ask me and I could only nod my head.
"I can make you feel better." She whispered in my ear causing me to open my eyes to see her naked on top of me.
"Wha—" I went to ask, but she cut me off by shushing me with her finger and began trailing kisses down my body which I just discovered was completely naked.
Rubbing her hand on my dick, I closed my eyes when she took me into her mouth and began bobbing her head back and forth while using one of her free hands to massage my balls.
Moans escaped my mouth as I laid there letting her have her way with me. I knew this was wrong, but it felt so right.
Eventually she stopped once she saw she got me hard and I watched her get up and disappear into the bathroom before she came walking back out.
Watching her walk towards me, I watched her hover over me and grab my dick stroking it a little in her hands before she slid down on it causing moans to leave both our mouths. With her hands on my chest for support she began bouncing up and down and my hands soon found their way to her ass as I gripped it hard and made her bounce on my dick faster.
Inaudible curse words escaped both of our mouths and I laid their in disbelief this was happening right now. Watching her titties bounce in my face I sat up a little and took one of her nipples into my mouth as she began swirling her hips.
I figured the edible had to be making all of this seem to be going in slow motion, but I couldn't lie I didn't want this to end.
"You like that?" She asked me as she clenched her walls around my dick began swirling her hips.
Biting my lip to surpress the moan, I nodded. "I love it." I managed to say.
Now hovered over me so our faces were close, she kissed me on the lips and I gladly kissed her back sliding my tongue into her mouth.
When things started to get dark around me and Alex begin to slowly fade away, a loud noise made me jump out of my sleep. Looking around my hotel room I looked to see I was in my room alone.
Checking the time on my phone, I sighed to myself seeing it was pushing close to four in the morning. Laying back in my bed, I looked up at the ceiling in a daze.
"What tha fuck?" I asked myself.
Thanks for the love & support!
- Denise🤎
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