Terry/Terrance in MM (IG - official.brad.cross ✨)
Sitting at my desk my leg shook uncontrollably as I watched the time on the clock slowly drag by. I had a doctor's appointment at noon today with my Gynecologist to confirm if I was indeed pregnant or not.
I did some blood work a few days prior so today we were basically going over the results, so this could go two ways. One I walk out of that office as an expecting mother or I walk out with another chance to be more careful next time.
I was highly praying for the second option.
However, I had a strong feeling that I wasn't, but the pregnancy tests weren't that much of a help so they didn't ease my mind any. After taking that first test the following day I called Danielle over and we took three more test and two out of three were negative so I was alittle confused and anxious.
I haven't shared the news of any of this to anyone especially Terry. Since that day I've been sorta avoiding him because I knew if I did see him I would confess everything and I was just trying to hold off until I knew for sure if I was or not.
This was probably my first ever pregnancy scare and I honestly didn't like the feeling of not knowing.
A part of me even wanted to call my mama for advice, but I knew how bad she wanted another grandbaby and I didn't want to get her worked up either. So, for now I was left to just over think and keep all of this inside and that was lowkey killing me.
I was thankful for Danielle though, when she came over she knew how anxious and nervous I was and gave me the comfort I needed during that moment. That's why despite all of our issues and disagreements she would forever be my girl.
We may not always see eye to eye on things, but I wouldn't trade our friendship for the world. She was like the sister I never had.
Plus despite all of this that was going on with me possibly being pregnant, mentally I was a chaotic mess. So much was running through my mind distracting me and I could feel myself unintentionally falling back into old patterns I worked so hard to end.
When my phone started to ring I picked it up to see Duke was calling. Sliding the bar over to answer, I placed him on speaker. "Hello?" I answered nervously.
"There she is! I was beginning to think you were avoiding me Alex." Duke laughed. "What's been going on? Where you been Ms. Lady?"
Releasing a deep breath, I closed my eyes. "I know we haven't talked in a few days and I do apologize for that. A lot has been going with me, but I promise everything is good and I'll get that rough draft of the introduction over to you by the end of the week." I replied.
"Okay sounds good! But are you sure you're alright? If you need a few days to just take a moment and breathe, trust me I understand. I have those days all the time when I need to just step away from everything and focus on me." He told me and I smiled loving how understanding he was.
"Thank you, but I think I'll be okay." I said half way not believing that myself.
"Alright, that's what I like to hear. We're still on board for our trip next week right? I have a few of my cousins meeting us at the airport and this is just so you can get a little insight on what my family is like." He explained and I nodded being sure to write all of this down.
"We are still set to go, I just can't believe you're about to drive almost five hours. But I guess that gives us five hours for you to tell me everything about your life and how you became who you are today." I smiled.
"Yeah, it's time I finally share my truth to those who support me. I just want people to know that it's more to me than the man with money who helps change lives. I am flawed and I have made many mistakes and witnessed things that have changed my life forever, but I guess I want this showcase how I overcame all that and still managed to be who I am before you." Listening to how he expressed himself, it just simply made me even more curious to know what all he wants to share.
"You basically just want to give the people something they can relate to. Like yes you're a man who has gon' through many hardships, but that doesn't mean that was your fate or destiny. I think many people would be inspired by that, including me." I admitted.
"That's exactly what it is. I believe everyone on this planet has something they're battling either mentally, emotionally, or physically. And you know we as people often feel alone when trying to fight those battles. I want my book to be a reflection showcasing that bad times and dark nights don't last forever, but those bad times and dark nights only will end the moment we choose to overcome them."
Duke didn't even know he was preaching to the choir right now. Everything he was saying I could relate to whole heartedly, it was many things I battled alone thinking no one would understand and I was still trying to overcome it all.
But it is hard.
Looking up when I heard a slight knock on my door, I smiled when I saw Terry walking in with starbucks. "Hey baby," I greeted sweetly, I was honestly happy to see him today.
"Hey Duke, Terry just walked in. Can I call you back?" I asked.
Hearing some shuffling, Duke soon let out a loud hard congested like cough. "Ah shit my bad, almost choked on this damn sprite shit hit like hard liquor. But nah, yeah hit me later do yo thang."
Laughing, I shook my head. "Alright, bye."
Hanging up the phone I immediately got up from my desk and walked over to hug him. Embracing me into his arms I fell in love with the scent of his cologne as it danced its way up my nose and I loved the way it felt to be held by him.
I missed him.
Leaning my head back I kissed him on the lips a few times smiling big as day, which of course made him smile. "I know we haven't seen each other in a few days and I was in the area getting my hair cut and wanted to just stop by and check in and see how you was doing." He explained as we pulled away from each other.
"This is for you by the way, I got your favorite a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino Venti with ten scoops of vanilla bean and of course a grilled cheese." He smiled happily.
Taking them from him, I smiled. "Thank you baby, look at you remembering things I like." Kissing him on the lips, I soon walked back to my desk. "But yeah no, I know I've just been all over the place mentally with work and everything but I'm fine." I smiled forcefully. "How are you? I've been missing you."
"You know I been missing yo ass, but I'm straight for the most part. Just concerned about my ole' lady over here." He said giving me a certain look.
Laughing nervously, I took a sip of my drink. "What?"
"You know what, have you given what we talked about any thought? I mean I'm only asking because you know we have slipped up a few times and I know that's not always a guaranteed chance you'll get pregnant but it is still a chance."
Sighing to myself, I avoided eye contact. "So what if I am? What happens? What are we going to do? I mean a kid right now would be way too soon for us." I expressed.
"I agree a kid would be too soon, but at the end of the day we're both adults and it's your body. If you decide to keep the baby then cool whatever I'ma be here, but if you decide to abort the baby then I'm okay with that too and I'ma still be here." He told me which honestly shocked me.
Hearing Terry say that did give me a sense of comfort knowing I had his support and I guess with him being so open to the discussion, it was only right I confess what's going on.
"Okay, well there is a chance I might be. I took a test the night we discussed it and it did come back positive. Then Sunday I took three more and two out of the three came back negative, so it's kind of up in the air if I am or not." I began to explain making his eyes go wide.
"So, I actually scheduled an appointment today at noon with my gynecologist to confirm if I am or not. I was going to go by myself, but if you want to come you can." I told him in which of course he agreed.
"Yeah for sure! But, damn baby why are you just now saying something?" He asked me. "Is that why you've been avoiding me?"
Looking down shamelessly, I slowly nodded my head. "I wanted to confirm if I was or not before bringing it to you and I guess I was kinda scared."
"Why were you scared when I was the one who brought the pregnancy test in the first place?" He laughed at me.
Waving him off, I playfully rolled my eyes. "At the time that made sense." I shrugged. "But it's kinda getting close to eleven if you want to head out now, my doctor's office is near West Lake Hills." I told him as I began grabbing my purse and phone.
"Yeah we can head out, I'll drive."
Making sure I locked up my computer, I made sure I grabbed all of my belongings then walked out holding onto Terry's hand.
"Hey Tiana, I'm going to be out for the test of the day I have a doctor's appointment. Call me if you need anything." I called out earning a thumbs up from her since she was on the phone.
When we made it to his car, Terry made sure to open my door for me before getting inside him. Sitting back into the seat, I released a deep breath feeling my nerves start kicking in.
Reaching over Terry grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. "Remember whatever happens we're good." He reassured but that still didn't make my nerves disappear.
Looking at the time I knew we had almost a thirty ninute drive to make, so I was going to use this time to nap and relax my nerves.
When we arrived at the clinic Terry and I took our seats after I checked in. It was a few other women with either their kids, spouses or by themselves in the waiting room with us. As each lady was called back my nerves began to really kick in when the waiting room continued getting emptier.
When they finally called my name both Terry and I stood and followed behind the MA. Being sure to hold onto my hand, I smiled to myself appreciating him being here.
"We're going to room five. How are you doing today Ms. Baldwin?" The young girl by name of Tamara asked.
"I'm doing alright, I know Christina about to trip out when she sees me here." I laughed in which she did the same.
My Gynecologist and I were actually good friends. She was my mom's bestfriend daughter so we kinda grew up together, but we lost touch when they moved after her dad got a job promotion.
Thankfully though I came across her account after one of our mutual friends posted her for her birthday and that's when I discovered she was one of the youngest OBGYNs here in Austin.
So, after we got back in touch we of course went back to hanging out like old times and the rest is history. We don't hang out as nuch now due to life and all its seriousness getting in the way, but that was still my girl and we managed to keep in touch always.
"You should've seen her face when she saw your name on the schedule. But anyways hello sir, I guess have to introduce myself since Alex is too rude to do so. I'm Tamara and you are?"
Laughing Terry gave her a quick head nod. "Terrance, but I go by Terry." He introduced.
"Oop okay Mr. Terrance." Opening the door for us to step inside, I immediately got on the exam table while Terry took a seat in one of the chairs.
"Well you two sit back and get comfortable, Ms. Christina will be in shortly." She said before leaving out of the room.
Looking over at Terry, I smiled. "What's on your mind?" I asked stupidly. I knew what was on his mind, but I had to say something I don't like sitting around being quiet.
"I mean honestly just whatever this outcome maybe mostly." He shrugged. "But I'ma need you to relax, yo ass been stressing the whole way here."
"I know, but I'm not going to be able to relax until I get these results." I sighed.
Getting up I watched as he walked towards me standing in between my legs. Looking down at me he lifted my head by my chin and kissed me on the lips then soon kissed me on my cheeks, then made his way to my neck.
Letting out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, I soon felt myself relax as he continued placing soft kisses all over me.
Suddenly when the door opened Terry and I both jumped and looked back to see Christina standing there with a smirk on her face. "Do y'all need a couple more minutes? Don't let me interrupt." She joked.
Laughing I shook my head, "Christina this is Terry, Terry this is my good friend the amazingly talented Christina." I introduced.
"You forgot beautiful." She laughed before reaching her hand out to shake Terry's hand. "But it is a pleasure to meet you Terry, I'm guessing you're the potential baby's father huh?"
Retaking his seat, Terry shrugged. "That's what it's looking like."
"Well let's get right into it then. I have your lab results here, just give me a second to pull up your chart on my tablet." She explained and I nodded.
Once she had my chart up and running, she turned her chair and smiled. "Alright, so I know we did a full panel of blood work and so far everything looks good! You're right at that borderline of being prediabetic and you know I've been telling you that you don't want to cross that line."
Rolling my eyes, I nodded. "Yeah yeah I know, now can you please get to the results we're really here for."
"Oh excuse me rudness, let's take a glance at these hCG levels then." Watching as her eyes scanned the paper, my heart rate intensified. "Oh no, this is not good."
"What?!" Both Terry and I asked in unison.
"Well Ms. Baldwin and Mr. Terrance it looks like you guys are not pregnant. Those tests were just false positives. It happens sometimes but you're levels are low." She explained and I instantly felt a weight be lifted off my shoulders.
"Are you serious?"
Watching as she nodded her head, I glanced over at Terry. "Can we have a moment Chris?" I asked her.
"Of course,"
Once she walked out I got down off the exam table and walked over towards Terry. "How are you feeling?"
Looking up he sorta laughed, "Relieved kinda, I mean like I said I was cool with any outcome, but I will be honest though. If you were pregnant I would have hated for you to have to make a decision such as choosing to keep the baby or abort it due to the circumstances. I know you want kids and I know you want it the right way and you deserve that without having to second guess."
Smiling at his words, I kissed him on the lips. "Thank you."
"We just gotta be more careful, no more pregnancy scares." He joked. "I'ma go pull the car around if you wanna stay and chop it up with your girl for a minute."
Handing him my purse, we shared one last kiss before he left out and I just sat back down letting my emotions settle as I took everything in. I was so happy I wasn't pregnant, but even if I was I knew I couldn't have blamed anybody but myself and Terry.
Regardless though I was thankful the tests were false positive and I knew going forth Terry and I needed to be a lot more careful. It's crazy how within' the two years of us sleeping with each other, we never experienced this.
It was like we got a little careless once feelings got involved, but no more of that though. I had enough things on my mind and plate, the last thing I needed was a child.
However, now that we got this figured out I could go back to focusing on what matters right at this moment and that's Duke and fulfilling my duty I promised to him.
Thanks for the love & support!
- Denise💕
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