Midnight Encounters pt.2
Lissa looked down at her spatula before a blush spread over her cheeks. "Well, I bet there's gotta be ways to harm a person with a spatula. If Jason Bourne could make a deadly weapon out of paper and a pen..." She trailed off as she saw Will stare at her blankly. "Matt Damon in the Bourne movies? Bourne Identity?" She asked. Still a blank look. "That's sad." She muttered. "What are you doing here?" She asked at last.
"Thirsty, what about you?" Will said hiding a grin as he made a mental note to ask Georgie about the so called Born movies.
Lissa bit her lip as she nodded her head towards the refrigerator. "Jet-lag and starvation." She answered as she went back to her breakfast, tossing her apple core into the trashcan nearby.
After Will got water, instead of immediately leaving as he had originally planned, he couldn't help but linger. He glanced over once more at Lissa Bennet as he sipped his glass of water slowly. Lissa's dark hair was in a precarious looking half bun? Several strands had already escaped but it seemed she didn't care too much unlike most females he knew. Without a trace of makeup, he couldn't help but think she looked so relaxed and approachable, her bristling attitude that was normally around him, not present.
"So when are you and Carolynn going to tie the knot?" Lissa asked trying to be nonchalant and something to get his unwavering eyes off her.
However Will nearly choked on his water. "Carolynn?" He managed through his coughs, still in shock. "Never. Carolynn's-"
"That's not what it looks like," Lissa snorted. "Not that it's any of my business," she added though she slightly frowned as she recalled the look of distaste on Carolynn Brigham's face when she and Will had been dancing, not to mention the possessive aura around her, enough to make the mothers and single women at the dance hall finally leave Will alone for the duration of the night.
"It's not," Will nodded in agreement. "But Carolynn and I, we just grew up together and Chase is my best friend. We have a unique relationship that's not sibling like, but," Will licked his lips, trying to find the right words.
"It's okay," Lissa looked at him skeptically. "Like we stated, it's not my business." She said as she transferred her food onto a plate. When Will still hadn't left, she stared at him questioningly.
"I think I'll have an apple too..." Will said as he grabbed an apple from the fruit basket, taking a seat across from Lissa Bennet who's jaw was agape at his intrusion and seeming unwillingness to leave her to eat her food in peace. He just took a bite out of the McIntosh apple before swallowing and displaying the grin his sister Georgie dubbed rapturous because it always made her teachers and friends sigh.
Lissa narrowed her eyes at him, a brief staring contest but at last as Will raised his brow in return, she just sighed. Wanting to enjoy eating her eggs and bacon in peace, Lissa just gave him an annoyed glare but said nothing more.
After washing his hands, Will finally left, pretty surprised how nice it had been. It was the first time he had encountered that kind of silence in the house, Marie and Lindy, both sound asleep, and Lissa Bennet... was interesting. She hadn't said a word to him though she did look up often and scowl at him when she caught him looking at her. For some reason she had forked over a piece of bacon. Probably thinking that he was staring at her food, and not her. He wasn't even ashamed to say that he had been observing her. Lissa Bennet was just so different than he expected, even from her sisters. He also couldn't help finding her fascinating, her reactions to him and the spark in her eyes as she looked right back at him.
He had just stared before taking the strip of bacon and hesitantly eating it. Surprisingly it was rather good, he couldn't honestly recall the last time he ate bacon. Such a trivial thing yet took him by surprise.
Heading out, he paused at the door frame, his eyes lingering on Lissa's figure before leaving, a silent laugh on his lips.
Picture is of Georgie
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