The Cast & Quotes
"Sweets are an innocent joy in life."--Wade Lambert, A Race of Opinions
"Nothing's the matter. The sky is clear, the day is free and so am I." --Wade Lambert, Travels & Old Acquaintances
"Cruel?! I'd have considered it proper decency! I think Mother and Father are truly out to get me for merely being their son!" --Wade Lambert, And the Charmed
"Grown people never have any imagination, because if they did, they'd know the rain doesn't give children colds. Coughing poogies do." --Lori Lambert, Deductions of Lori
"It is the day of all days, Garin. The first of all firsts and the beauty of all beauties." --Lori Lambert, An Unexpected Surprise
"Could we have dessert first? Please, could we? Just something sweet and white because I only like sweet and white things." --Lori Lambert, The Selection with A Dash of Salt
"I refuse to get involved in your romantic dealings. I am not a clergyman and doctors tend to the sick not, shall we say, romantically restless children." --Doctor Garin, And The Charmed
"Change is a necessary constant-even if not always welcome. It keeps us sharp, alert and prepares us for things to come." --Doctor Garin, The Doctor's Prescription
"Pride can be a dangerous thing when left unchecked. It's one of the three things that leads men to tomfoolery." --Doctor Garin, Warmth Among Family
"Although a picnic is a lovely affair, it's not so rapturously delightful as a muddy apple fight!"--Ellyn Poe, Regarding the Ladies
"Nothing can change my nature, not even a husband or the duties that come with married life. There shall never be a dull day with me where my husband's concerned." --Ellyn Poe, The Charmers
"Love is very much like war, wouldn't you say? The opponent with the best tactic is likely to win." --Ellyn Poe, A Mandatory Search
"I'd much rather play with the darling pups than fetch water for her muck." --Alice Flynn, Apples & Mudpies
"How unsavoury of them to spoil their clothes. Now they're covered in dirt, and one would have assumed Miss Poe possessed more decorum than this!"--Alice Flynn, Apples & Mudpies
"Innocent fun often leads to dangerous fun, Mr. Lambert. That's what my uncle used to say." --Alice Flynn, A Race of Opinions
"I say this to say that a child with no wish to be tended to ought not prove themselves in need of tending." --Idrielle Brightley, The Selection & Salty Soup
"Time, the relentless accountant takes from our possession that which we fail to cherish." --Idrielle Brightley, Picnicking With Miss Brightley
"Falling in love has never been a habit or practise of mine. I do not say it is an impossibility, but I've yet to experience it personally.--Idrielle Brightley
"But how can one tire of music, merry laughter, and delicious delicacies? It's everything I adore! All things considered, I am bound to have a wonderful time." --Lisabeth Brightley, The Patient's Wish
"Well, I suppose if you can bear it so bravely, so must I. But how I do feel the world has crashed upon our heads and not even the finest dresses in Europe can make it all better!"--Lisabeth Brightley, Sold Off
"And bring me some wild flowers, could you? Today I imagine they'll sing more sweetly than ever." --Lisabeth Brightley, Unspoken Words
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