indigo's eyes immediately softened as she bent down to mia's height and gave her a tiny smile, "mia, honey, i'm curious. why do you love love so much?"
mia shrugged before directing her attention to her canvas in front of her. "my daddy never had it so i don't think he knows how to give it."
instantly taking the little girl into her arms, indigo hugged her tightly as if to piece all her already connected pieces even more together. she felt remorse for the child who knew far too much for her age. slightly letting go of the embrace, indigo brushed through mia's hair as mia looked up towards indigo with doe eyes, confused.
"my love, your dad loves you so, so, so much. your dad does have love! he has you. never forget that. and if you ever think your daddy is having trouble, you give him love first, okay?"
the girl nodded before nuzzling her head back into the woman's embrace. she tightened her grip for a few seconds before letting go and going back to her artwork.
with a soft smile, indigo whispered, "i can't wait to see what you come up with." and then left to go walk around the room some more.
after twenty minutes, indigo was about to call for break time when a visitor walked into the room.
at first indigo hadn't noticed, for she was helping a student mix colors together to make purple. and even after she got up, she didn't notice him because he was hiding behind a bookshelf.
clapping her hands together to get the children's attention, she asked, smiling, "okay, kids. do you guys want to take a break or to work on your painting for a few more minutes?"
"break! break! break!" the kids chanted with mia's small voice swaying with, "paint! paint! paint!"
but as to go with the majority, indigo called for break and told everybody to leave their places as they were and to go sit in their seats with their lunch boxes.
sitting at her desk, indigo scrolled through spotify, picking a nice playlist.
the song september song rung through the speaker as her students ears perked up, smiling at the quiet tune.
getting up, indigo danced goofily at the chorus as the class giggled.
she started to do a bad impression of a robot as the children found it more amusing with their cute laughs.
playfully scowling and scolding them she slapped her hand on the table, "how dare you all laugh at my fantastic dancing?!"
cue laughter from a bunch of five year olds.
"you're so funny, miss rye!"
rolling her eyes, indigo laughed before ushering them to continue eating as she sat down at her own desk, taking out her small lunch.
but before indigo could start eating,
"jinnie!" mia's loud voice gasped. "what are you doing here?"
stopping mid bite, indigo's eyes widen as she saw seokjin, the man she had lunch with at chick fil a, sitting there awkwardly with all the books in the once upright bookshelf, scattered on the floor.
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