"Introduction - 'The Girl That Wasn't'
As the girl looked in the mirror and saw the face of the boy she shared a body with, she couldn't help but clench her fists. How unfair could life get, to have made her share a body with a boy? It seemed a cruel twist of fate to her at times, as if life had wanted to rob her of her own experiences with a body of her own.
Slightly slamming her fists into the wall, as tears fell down her face. Of course, she shouldn't complain...things could've turned out much worse. She could actually have her own body and have to endure the things that plagued girls and women. Her friends had all expressed how lucky she was to be able to avoid that pain...but she couldn't help but yearn for that experience sometimes. Because if she had that experience, it would mean she would have her own body and be able to do stuff without always asking the boy if she could do something. She would be her own person, albeit without a family.
Taking a long sigh, she wiped her eyes and sat up on her bed. Or rather, his eyes and his bed. Since nothing would ever truly be hers to call her own. Not for a long time, at least, or maybe never. They would all be his in reality: People only recognized appearances, so she should never be surprised if any of her friends actually ever met her and were confused upon seeing his face.
'You okay, Bri?' a voice rang through her head. It was him: Brandan. Shaking her head, she sighed once more before answering aloud: "No. No I'm not ok. It's not fair...you have a physical body and everything and I'm just...here, I guess." She guesses, since they both weren't exactly sure what exactly she was. All she knew was that she was real and that she shared a body with Brandan.
'Well...like you always say...just make the best of it!' Brandan replied to her mentally, which made her laugh slightly bitterly. "Days like today, I'm just reminded of all I miss out on by not having a body of my own.." she replied, before running her fingers through her short hair...which was his too and slightly frustrated her. Even though he was letting it grow out, she wanted longer hair now.
She suddenly felt warmth blossom within his body, which softened her expression a little. "C'mon now...you are pulling a me and hugging me mentally." She said softly, tears starting to spring to his eyes again from her emotions of comfort and security. After a few minutes of just sitting there on the bed and letting it all spill out through a slow stream of tears, she wiped his eyes and smiled.
"Alright you win...I'll look more to the positive." She said quietly, before pushing herself off the bed and looked at the mirror once more before a shiver ran through her as she let him take control of his body again and she sink into the one that observed and listened from behind his eyes and stuff.
'A girl I might not appear to be from his face, but inside shines the heart and mind of a girl who wishes nothing more than to be loved and appreciated for herself, even if she shares a body with a boy.'
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