"If the situation was reversed..."
'Wake up sleepyhead!' Bri mentally said with excitement as she tried to wake up Brandan. She was always having to wake him up nowadays, especially when he just didn't feel like dealing with anyone. Days like these, she wondered what was wrong with him, especially since he never really opened up to her. He didn't really much like the thought of having to share a girl's body, as he had told her countless times. And she knew it wasn't that he didn't care, it was more that he cared a lot and didn't want to really admit it. 'Most likely to keep himself from being hurt again...' she thought with concern, releasing a breath as she heard him groan in her head.
'I didn't really want to wake up but your constant mental chatter wouldn't let me keep sleeping.' he sighed. 'So what is the big excitement today, that you had to wake me up? ' he asked, his tone indicating that she better have woke him up for a good reason. Giggling to herself nervously, she responded: "I thought today, you could do what you want. Since you always have to put up with all the girl stuff that I do everyday." she said aloud, unafraid as she was the only one in the house. Her parents had left for the weekend to go somewhere and someone had to take care of the dogs anyways.
She felt his awareness increase, so she knew she had gotten his attention with her offer. 'You really mean it, don't you..?' she heard him ask, to which she replied and nodded her head as her brown locks of hair bounced into her face. "Yeah. Just let me have breakfast and stuff first. I kinda want to chat with you a little bit before I am the one that only gets to see and hear." she requested, before going over to the bread box and grabbing a loaf of bread. Untying it, she grabbed two slices of bread and put them into the white toaster next to the bread box. Tying up the bread again, putting it in the bread box, and then closing it, she waited for her toast to pop up all nice and warm. She started to hum random notes, not really minding if she was actually humming a song or whatever. She just loved to hum and sing.
'You really love humming, don't you?' she heard him ask, leading to her giggling and nodding. "Mhm! It's nice to just hum random notes and see what you get! Who knows? Maybe one of these days my humming will lead to me writing a song or something!" She exclaimed happily, as she got out the peanut butter from a cabinet and a butter knife from the silverware drawer. Spreading some of the peanut butter on her toast and putting the peanut butter away and the knife in the sink, she sat down at the table with her toast.
"So what has been bothering you, huh? I know you have been bothered by something and I really want to help..." She asked him, concerned. Hearing a sigh, she knew he was exasperated with her asking. She had been asking for quite awhile now, and she wouldn't give up until he told her. Taking a bite out of her toast and savoring the sweet and salty taste of the peanut butter, she waited for him to speak.
A feeling of anguish came from within as he started to speak to her: 'I want my own body, y'know? I know I should be grateful that I even am my own person and all but...I can't help wishing for my own body. My own life. My own experiences. I'll never get to be a groom, never get to father kids...though honestly I wouldn't care about that really all that much...but I would want to make a girl happy and show her that I am not like some of these other guys that mess around and just want what is in bed. I would want a meaningful relationship, one based on love and respect. But...I'll never get to do that. I am just someone who shares a body with a girl who will someday get married and be a bride and other girl stuff. '
She couldn't help but sympathize. Maybe somewhere, in this universe or multi-verse, the situation was reversed and she was the one stuck inside him. The one who didn't have their own experiences. The one who felt trapped sometimes, feeling like fate had cheated them sometimes...
"Listen. I know it sucks sometimes. I know you don't want to have to deal with all the girly stuff i go through. But I am glad you put up with me and what I do. And I am grateful that you care a lot about me and others, though sometimes you put too much of yourself out there and get hurt. But you keep trying and trying, and that ultimately is inspiring that despite everything you keep trying to be a nice person." She said, before taking another bite of her toast. Feeling warmth blossom in her chest where her heart would be, she knew she had helped him feel a little better.
Finishing her toast, she cleaned up her dishes and sat back down at the table.
'Thanks Bri...You made me feel a little better..." She heard him say, before she nodded her head and tried her best to send warmth his way. Neither of them was quite sure how everything worked, but she knew she enjoyed him being around even if it was in her head.
"No problem! Now, I believe I promised you a day for you to do what you want, so enjoy yourself okay?" She said, before feeling herself sink into herself while still being able to see and hear what went on around her as Brandan took over to have his day to do what he wanted to do...
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