Brett's pov
I had just gotten to Molly's Bar. I was having a wonderful conversation with Casey. He was telling me a story about one of his runs he had today. "No wonder I love you." I accidently say out loud. I quickly cover my mouth with my hands. I see a look on Casey's face that I can't tell if it's good or bad. "Oops did I just say that out loud." I say a little embarrassed. "Yep...." He says to me. "Oh...... um.... We should probably talk." I say slowly "Yeah.... we probably should." He says back but this time with a smile that I take as a good sign. How bout we grab a drink and head to the corner where no one will be listening in on us." I say with a little nervous laugh. I have no clue why I'm so nervous. It's just talking with Casey. We talk almost every day. But this, this talk could be life altering. "Sounds good to me. What would you like from the bar?" he asks me. Um ill take the good stuff that Stella hides behind the bar." I say with a smile "Hermann one beer and one glass of the good stuff that Stella hides behind there, and don't tell me it's not there because I've seen it back there." I say to him. "Alright fine but one glass only." He says. Before Casey could answer I butt in. "Fine but make it a big one" I yell back at them over the crowded bar. I hear a laugh come from both of them. It makes me smile. Once he has our drinks we head to the corner tall table. "So wanna tell me what going on in that little heart of yours" he says to me. "Not really.... But " I say looking down at the floor. "come on Sylvie I know you better than that." He says with his charming voice of his. "Okay here goes. I tried so hard to fight this. You are my best friends ex husband. But the more we hung out, the more I got closer to you the harder it was to not fall for you. You are such an amazing person. You inspire me to be a better person every day. I look forwards to the days I get to see you at work. I didn't plan on falling in love but I wouldn't change it for the world." I say "Wow." Is all he says to me. I'm not sure how to take it. I feel like we are sitting in awkward silence for what feels like forever but in reality was only like a 20-30 seconds. "Can I make a confession" he finally says. "sure" I say puzzled. "yes I loved gabby I think a part of me will always love her in some way. But the truth is we grew apart and so did our love. I've accepted that and I'm finally ready to move on. I know you were best friends but I really think we have a shot here at something wonderful. Call me crazy but I think it could last forever. "he says to me "wait am I hearing what I think I'm hearing" I say as I interrupt him with an excited voice. " I know it's a bit odd with everything in our past but I tried so hard myself not to let my feeling I was having for you come up. But truth be told I'm tired of hiding them from you. Seeing you every day at work and not being able to fully be open with you is hard. I love you Sylvie Brett and I want to see where this goes." He says to me. "What about the rest of the house. How are they going to take it? I know some of them really though you and gabby were for life." I ask. "Well I think they might be a bit shocked at first but they will get over it and it will be okay." He says. "You don't think they will be upset that I might be taking you away from gabby." I say worried "they might but they all know how I feel about gabby and that she left me that it was her choice. No matter what happens they will see how great we are. It's our love life not theirs and that this is what I want. And I hope that it is what you want too? He asks as he gently rests his hand over mine to calm my nerves. Which helps a ton. I always loved how his touch could be so calming to me. "Yeah this is what I want" I say with a smile. "good" he says giving my hand a gentle squeeze. "So what now" I ask. "Well that depends...." He says with a smile. "Depends on what? I ask with a flirty voice. "If you would like to go on a date with me." he says "a date would be great. When and where should this happen" I say. "Well I was thinking dinner at my place this weekend Kelly and Stella will be at the cabin all weekend. So it's the perfect time with no one around to see us." He says to me. "Wow, didn't know you cooked. Not having anyone around will be great. If it's alright with you I'd love to keep this between us and see where it goes before we tell the whole works about it." I say. "Oh yeah I love to cook. I just get so buys at the firehouse with paperwork and such I rarely get to cook for you guys. And as far as not telling people about us, I'm on the same page as you are. I want to explore us before we get bombarded with everyone's opinions and questions that you know they will have for us." He says to me as he gently rubs his thumb over my had that he Is still holding. Just as I was about to respond to him foster walks up to us. "Hey girl long time no see." She says to me. Casey and I quickly release our hands. "How's med school" I ask all excited. "its great" she says "I'm going to find Severide it was good to see you foster. And Brett I'll see you later." He says with a smile and a little wink to me. "So what were you and Casey talking about? It looked important" she asks "oh umm.... Nothing just chatting is all." I say to her hoping she won't pry into it anymore. "Uh huh sure but okay" she tells me with a slight laugh. We talk for a couple of more hours before she leaves. It's almost midnight by the time I get home. I'm so tired but so happy. As I'm getting ready to crawl in bed my phone buzzes with a text message. I smile at who sent it to me. it was Casey and it reads. "Goodnight beautiful. Sweet dreams. Xoxo" so I Text him back "Night handsome. Xoxo." I then turn my alarm on and drift off into a peaceful sleep.
AN: Hey guys. Hope you like this one shot. It was so fun to write. I will try my hardest to get something up on Thursday. but no promises. I so can't wait for season 9 to get here what are your prediction on what might happen? As Always feel free to vote, comment and leave suggestions.
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