Tired of Hiding
Slyvie's pov
I was getting ready for the party when I hear the doorbell ring. I wasn't expecting anyone. I go to the door and look through the peep hole. It's Casey. "Hey what are you doing here?" I say as I'm opening the door. "Come on in" I say to him " I wanted to surprise you. I thought we could go to Severide's and Kidd's together. I'm tired of sneaking around. I wanna be able to kiss you in public and at the firehouse." He says. "I would love that Casey." I say as I kiss him. "I'll be ready in 5 minutes." I tell him. We get to Kidd's just around 3pm. They live a little further than we do from the firehouse. I knock on the door with my free hand since the other one is laced in Casey's. "come in guys" she says with a big smile across her face. I ask her if there's anything i can do. "Come with me" she says and pulls me away from Casey. leaving Casey with a smile as he knows exactly whats happening. "So are you and Casey going public. You guys came holding hands." she says "we aren't officially saying anything yet but just letting people see us together. We are tired of hiding it." I say. "awe sweet that's a great way to do it. About ten minutes later everyone from the firehouse is here.
Severide's pov
"We wanna thank everyone for coming out. We all hope you enjoy. To kick things off Kidd and I wanna reveal what we are having. Kidd and I walk over to the box on the fireplace. "On the count of three" I tell her "one two three" we lift the box and the blue balloons fly out. "Yay congratulations, we're so happy for you. We hear everyone say. The come up and give us hugs. "you're gonna make great parents " Boden says as he shakes my hand and hugs Kidd. I thank him and go grab food for my wife.
Casey's pov
The party is so much fun. I can't believe that Kidd and Severide are gonna have a kid. They be great parent's. I hope one day I'll be a good dad with Sylvie by my side. I see a future with her. I'm leaning against the table talking with Hermann about this construction job I have when Sylvie comes and leans her body into mine. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her in as she rests her head against me. She looks exhausted. "You two a thing now" Hermann says. "Yep we just are letting it come out naturally." I say. "Well congrats you guys I'm happy for you. Knew you too had something secret going on, I just knew it." He says "thanks man that means a lot to us." I say smiling.
Kidd's pov
The party was going so great. We Were all having lots of fun. I walk over to Kelly who was cutting the cake. "Hey babe how you feeling?" He asked me. "Tired. I think I should sit. I'm gonna go talk with Foster and Connie." I say. "How's the baby treating you?" Foster asks "baby likes to keep me up." I say. We talk for a while longer then Foster leaves.
Casey's pov
Sylvie is still in my lap when Herman decides to head off to get more food. "Hey babe you feeling okay? You seem to feel hot" I say. "No, I'm really tired and my skin feels like it's on fire." she tells me. "alright let's get you home." I say "but the party's not over yet" she says "its okay Severide and Kidd will understand. plus its almost over and some people have already left. We aren't going to be the first to leave I know you don't like to be the first to leave." I say "okay fine" she says disappointed. "trust me. it's the right thing you need rest." I say "okay let's go say our goodbyes" she says. "Hey Kidd, Severide we are gonna head home Sylvie isn't feeling good. It was a great party. I'll see you guys at work." I say. "Feel better Sylvie thanks for coming you guys." Kidd says to us as we head out the door.
Sylvie's apartment
Sylvie's pov
Casey takes me back to my place. I'm feeling so sick. Worse then I was at Kidd's place. Casey helps me into the house. "Babe you're burning up. Let's get you upstairs and to bed. if you get any worse I may have to take you to the hospital. He says. "no I don't wanna go there." I say "I know sweetheart but it may be the best place for you to get better. we will see later if we need to go okay?" he says. "alright" I say. He helps me change into some pjs. I get in bed and curl up with 5 layers of blankets on. Casey turns to leave as I ask "Hey Casey can you stay with me tonight. Please I don't feel like being alone tonight" I say "Sure babe just let me tell my sister i'm not gonna make dinner. Or she'll worry.
C- hey I just wanted to let you know I won't be able to make it do dinner I'm really sorry it's an emergency with Sylvie.
Christie- okay you staying at Sylvie's place.
C- yeah she's sick I wanna make sure she's okay and I might have to take her to the hospital.
Christie- thanks for letting me know we can have dinner another night. Have a good night. Tell her I say I and to get well.
Caseys pov
I finish talking with Christie when I hear Sylvie run to the bathroom. I walk up behind her and rub her back as she pukes. "I'm gonna go down and get you a bucket, sprite and crackers. Let's get you back to bed." I say helping her back to bed. I get what I need from downstairs and head back to her room. I walk over and kneel by her. "Here's a bucket just in case. I'll put the soda and crackers on the nightstand. I tell her. I'm about to sit in her comfy reading char so I can keep an eye on her. but I barely sit down before she speaks. "curl up with me please" she begs "alright" I take off my shirt as it was getting close to bed time and climb in next to her. I pull her close and she rest he head on my bare chest. "get some rest I'll be here when you wake." I say as I kiss the top of her head as she drifts off to sleep.
AN: Hey guys. Here is another one shot. I hope you enjoy it. I will try and update by Wednesday. I'm thinking of writing a version where Brett dating Casey but does not work at the firehouse what job do you think she would have. and how did she come to Chicago? Would love input from other Brettsey fans.
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