She's Your Wife?
Caseys pov
"hey have you seen Chief Boden at all I Need him to sign off on something. I ask Severide. "nope sorry I haven't I think he step out to go to headquarters should be back shortly. Hey you coming to Molly's Tonight? he asks me. "nope can't sorry" I say "awe come on it's gonna be fun. Lots of lady's there tonight. Hermann's doing a ladies night thing. Great place to maybe meet someone." he says all excited. "sounds fun but I have plans already." I say " Come on man you need to put this gabby thing in the past its been over 2 years, go out and try and find a date." He tells me. "I Just have plans" I say "okay if you say so. I'm surprised you don't wanna meet someone. You hardly go out anymore I barely see you at Molly's anymore. This past year." he says to me. "meet who" Kidd says walking up to us in the common room. "Nothing" I say "Casey here won't go to ladies night to meet someone." Severide says. "Odd thought you would want to meet someone. I know Dawson broke your heart but that was 2 years ago time to move on." Kidd says. "Things change" I say as I get a text message on my phone. That makes me smile. Big things have changed I found the love of my life. Just haven't told them because I know what they would say. Plus she's a bit shy around people. I look at my text. "Hey I'm on my way home now I'll see you after your shift. Love you." I text back "see you soon love you too." I head back to my office to do paper work. I'm about 20 minutes in when the alarm goes off. Ambulance 61 Truck 81 Squad 3 Engine 51 Battalion 25. Car accident Canal Street I jump up out of my seat and run to the rigs. I can't help but shake this awful feeling I have ever since the bells went off. I never get this feeling when we go out on calls. It takes us 8 minutes to get to the scene of the accident but it feels like a lifetime to me. It looks pretty bad when we pull up. It's a three car accident. I hop out and start barking orders to my team trying to ignore this feeling I have in me.
Sylvie POV I was on my way home from work. I couldn't wait to see the love of my life. It's funny I never thought I'd be married after the life I had. Horrible boyfriends that just used me and 2 failed engagements one of them even left me at the altar. I was so embarrassed. I decided to uproot my life and move to the big city. I needed a change. A big change. I remember like it was yesterday. I worked at the local bakery/restaurant. In a small town, There was an opening at Chicago's skyline café and deli for one of the chef positions to eventually take over the business. and I jumped at the job. I was walking back to my car after my first shift. It was a long one. Nonstop action. I think I got like 10 minutes of rest my entire shift. My feet were killing me. I wasn't looking where I was going. I just ran right into him. "sorry I didn't.....(I look up at this gorgeous man) mean to run into you." I say "no no its all my fault I should have been looking at where I was going." He says to me. "so should I. I'm sorry just my first shift and all made me really tired." I say "are you new to the area" he asks me "yeah just moved here from Fowlerton." I say as our eyes connect with each other. "I know we just met and all but was wondering if you would let me buy you a drink for anciently running into you. It's the least I can do." He says "oh I don't know if that's a good idea. Haven't had a good track recorded." I say shyly. "It's just one drink no strings attached I know this great bar just down the road." He says "alright I'll follow you there." I say. We sat at that bar till closing time just talking. Then went to the river walk and talked all night till the sun came up. It's like we had known each other for a lifetime. There was something special about Matthew Casey from all the other guys. I knew right then that he was the one. We both felt it there was this connection with our eyes that was so deep. Hard to explain. We married almost 8 months later in secret with a small family only ceremony. Since both of us has bad relationships in the past we wanted to not tell anyone till we knew it was going to last and he didn't want his people at work thinking he was rushing into something after his ex wife just left him. ( back in the present) Traffic was horrible. The roads were a mess. There was this car that keep weaving in and out of traffic speeding. The next thing I know his car hit the back of mine. I hit the car in front of me, my head hits something and I black out. I hear sirens in the distance as I come in and out of consciousness. I try and reach for my phone to message Matt but I can't reach it. "Ma'am can you hear me. My names Shay I'm here to help you." She Says. I moan in pain as I recognize that this is Matt's company responding. "51"I barely manage to say but she doesn't hear me. "we need to get her out of here but she's pinned in. Casey we need you to get this woman out now she's not well." Shay says over the radio. "coming" he says At the sound of the name Casey and his voice over the radio. I jolt awake. I try with all my might to move. "MATT MATT MATT!!!!!!" I yell in a panic. But the paramedic holds me down. "Where's my husband. I need my husband. Matt Matt" I yell out. "honey you can't move you could have internal injuries. She tells me. Just as I start pass out. But I don't care I need Matt.
Kidd's Pov "Did she just ask for Matt" I say to shay. "There are a ton of Matt's in this city I doubt she mean our Matt Casey she did hit her head pretty hard she could be delirious." She says to me as I continue working. "yeah how could she. I mean she did say husband and I know that Casey is not married; at least as far as I know he's not. I say.
Casey's pov
I just hear over the radio that a woman is pinned in her car. Its totaled beyond recognition. I'm grabbing my tools and running over to the car when I hear that voice. I'd recognize that voice anywhere. I keep going thinking maybe it's a similar voice but I was wrong. I stand there in disbelief. Sylvie! I yell, Kidd has to snap me out of my trance. Now's not the time to fall apart I need to be professional. It was so hard to work on my wife when all I wanted to do was take the pain for her, "Matt" she groans. " I know baby hold on sweetheart we are going to get you out." I say "Woe wait you know her? Kidd asks as Severide walks up to help. "Yeah she's my wife." I say without looking at them. "Wife?" Severide says. I could tell they were shocked and didn't quite understand what to say or do. we finally got her free 10 minutes later. She's been fading in and out. When we pulled her out she was awake. She gets loaded into the back of the ambo not letting go of my hand. Shes got the most worried look on her face. And I start to hop in. "Casey you can't come with." Shay says as she stops me from coming in. Causing me to drop my hand from Sylvie's "She's my wife I'm going with." I say with a stern voice as I jump in and turn to look at Boden. "Go we are just doing clean up here anyway Herman will take over as relief lieutenant" he says. "Thank you chief. I say back as the door to the ambo closes and we take off. "Matt" she moans in pain. "I'm right here baby I'm not going anywhere." I tell her as I take her hand in mine again. "I'm sorry" she cries "it's not your fault." I say rubbing my thumb over her hand. Our eyes just lock on to each other as we communicate in silence. "We're about 5 minutes out" yells Shays partner from the driver's seat. We feel the ambo come to a halt and our eyes break away for a split second. "I'm scared Matt." She tells me with a shaky voice. "You're gonna be okay I promise" I say as I lean down, push the hair out of the way and kiss the top of her forehead before they unload her.
AN: This is not your typical brettsey but its a different take on Sylvie not working at 51 and not knowing any of them but Matt. Took me a while to write this one. Hope you all enjoyed this story. If you have any suggestions feel free to leave them. And ill tag you in the story for giving the idea. As always feel free to vote and comment.
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