AN: Hey Guys writing this first as this one short could be a trigger for some people. *TRINGER WARNNING* If you have any issues with weight or food please skip this one short. I will have another one up this weekend sometime. This one shot was recommended by @Sxarletwidow3014 Hope its good. As always feel free to vote, Comment and leave suggestions.
Brett's POV
Mackey and I were dropping off the patient at MED. "Hey 51 this is ambo 61 we are still at MED waiting on police to arrive to talk to our patient and take our statements." I say over the radio. "copy that see you when you get back" Cruz says. "So I was thinking maybe on our way back we stop at our favorite deli grab us some lunch since we've been on the go no stop all morning since breakfast." Mackey ask me. "Umm I'm really not that hungry but you are more than welcome to go I'll pick something up for Casey." I say "yeah alright you sure you don't want anything." She asks me. "Nah I'm good" I say fidgeting with my wrist, wrapping my fingers around it. "Oh there burgess" I say hoping to change the subject. "Brett what happened here" Burgees asks me. "well when we arrived on scene the boyfriend was going after our patient. He ran off once he saw us jump out of the rig." I say. "Is this him?" Burgees ask holding up her phone showing us picture. "Yeah that's him." Mackey says and I nod in agreement. "yeah he's done this before we will get him and will protector her. Thanks guys." She says walking off to see the patient. We finish the paperwork, pack up and head back to the ambo. Just as I'm about to help put the stretcher back in the ambo I start to feel light headed and lose my balance. "Wooh you okay" Mackey asks "yeah I'm fine just a head ache. Ill nap when we get back." I say as we get in the ambo. The drive to the deli place is only 5 minutes away. "MMMM this smells so good" Mackey says as we pull up. "yeah it does" I say as we walk in. "hi welcome what can I get you all?" the guy behind the counter asks. "Oh Ill have the number 5 with extra pickles" Mackey says "ill take a number 3 extra on the roast beef. And the cheese provolone and toast it please." I say "are you sure you don't want anything." Mackey asks me. "yeah I'm sure I'll just have a bite of Casey's I'm good I promise." I say. "Alright if you insist" she says as we grab and pay for our order. Once we are back at the ambo I pull out the sandwich and break off some. "See yummy" I say to Mackey showing her the pieces I've taken off and take a tiny bite. I pull out a small spiral notebook and write down what I've eaten. We arrive back at the station about 10 minutes later. "Hey do you mind restocking by yourself I need a quick nap. I won't be long." I say "yeah sure totally. Go nap I've got this." she says "thanks I'm going to give this to Casey I'll be in his quarters if you need me. I walk in and find Casey sitting at the head of the table doing grading. "How's the grading going?" I ask. "Looks like we should have a good class. They have a lot to learn though. Should be good." He says. "Can I grab a nap in your office." I say to him. "Yeah you doing okay. Have you eaten anything lately?" he asks me a bit concerned. "Thanks. Ummm I've had a small bite here and there I'm just a little tired that's all. I'll be okay. After a short nap" She say to me. "oh I almost forgot, brain fog and all. I got you your favorite sandwich." I say "Thanks for this I'm starving. Hey wait there's some missing. He says "well I did say I had a small bite here and there. Thanks for letting me use your office." I say "welcome ill let people know to be quite around there." He says. I thank him one more time then head off to his office.
Casey's pov
I'm sitting in my office grading the tests from the academy class that I got suckered into teaching. The girls haven't gotten back yet from their last run, so I decided to take my stuff out to the common room table to wait for them to get back. "Hey any of you heard from ambo, they aren't back yet?" I ask. "They radioed saying they are waiting for the police to show up to the hospital since the woman was beaten." Cruz says as I sit down at the table with some coffee. "Hey how's are girl doing?" Herrmann asks me. "it's rough she doesn't like to talk about it. She eats enough just to get by during the day. I'm trying to be supportive but I'm really scared for her." I say. About 10 minutes later I hear the girls pull the rig back in. I'm almost done grading when Brett walks up to me. She looks so run down, frail almost. "How's the grading going?" She asks. "Looks like we should have a good class. They have a lot to learn though. Should be good." I say. "Can I grab a nap in your office." She say to me. "Yeah you doing okay. Have you eaten anything lately?" I ask. "Thanks. Ummm I've had a small bite here and there I'm just a little tired that's all. I'll be okay. After a nap" She say to me then starts to head off. "Oh I almost forgot brain fog and all. I got you your favorite sandwich." She says to me. she's great for getting this for me. "Thanks for this I'm starving." I say as I start to unravel it I notice some was missing. "Hey wait there's some missing. I say. "well I did say I had a small bite here and there. Thanks for letting me use your office." She says "welcome ill let people know to be quite around there." I say I look down at the missing parts of my sandwich and smile. At least it's a few bites that she took so it's an improvement I thought to myself. "Hey Brett still napping" ask Mackey 4 hours later "yeah she is. How has she been today? You've seen her more than I have today." I ask "well she did get light headed as we were packing up the ambo after med. Said it was due to a headache. Not sure that's the full story. She looks so thin." She tells me. "yeah I'm afraid to give her a full on hug. I'm afraid she'll snap in half if I do. It's just gonna take time. We just need to be here for her right now. Excuse me I'm gonna go check on her. Let her know dinner is ready soon." I say. I walk back to my office to find her curled up with lots of blankets on her. It's a miracle they didn't have a call while she was napping. I quietly open my door. I walk over and sit on the side of my bunk. "Hey dinner is ready soon." I say to her as I gently rub her back. "I'm not hungry. I can't" she says turning toward me with a scared face. "I know this is hard for you but you have to try for me. please." I say stroking her hair. "It's too much." she says almost in tears. "Hey come here." I say as she sits up and gently leans on me "We are going to get through this I can't lose you." I say leaning my forehead against hers.
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