Ice Skating Date
Brett's pov
"So whose car do you wanna take" I ask Stella over the phone. "Do you mind if we take separate cars Kelly and I have to go somewhere after this and it's in the same direction" Stella says "oh yeah no problem totally fine with us. Sounds great we will drive you your place then head out from there" I say. "Perfect see you soon" she says "yep see you soon" I say as I hang up the phone. "Who was that babe?" Casey asks. "It was Stella we are meeting at their place then driving 2 cars from there. You ready to go" I say "yep all set" he says "this is going to be fun I can't remember the last time I went ice skating on a frozen lake." I say with excitement. "yeah they say this is the best place to go. It's got good ratings on yelp." he says to me as we hop in his truck. I reach over and turn the radio to the Christmas station and turn the volume up loud. "All I want for Christmas is you...." I sing along to the radio. "You know your cute when you sing." he says as he takes my hand in his. We reach Severide's place is about 10 minutes. "Hey girly you look cute" Stella says to me as I get out of the truck. "Thanks you too" I say back. "So we ready to get on the road. It's about a half hour drive from here." matt says. "Yep all set" Severide says as he walks out the door. "I brought hot chocolate too for us afterwards" I say holding up the thermos. "Oh the famous Brett hot chocolate yes." Stella says with a smile. We all hop in our vehicles and head off with Severide leading the way. The drive to the place wasn't that bad. I blasted Christmas music all the way there and sang to it from the top of my lungs. If you don't already know I love Christmas. Like really love Christmas it's my favorite time of the year. And this year is the first year that Casey and I are together our first Christmas. It's going to be magical. We already got our tree last week. I had to convince Casey to get a really one. But I won that battle with the help of Mackey. "Yay we are here this is going to be so much fun. And there aren't a lot of people here so that's nice." I say "yeah give us more space on the ice." Casey says to me as we get out. I grab my skates out of the back of the truck. "Of course you would have your own skates with your name on the bag" Stella says. "Yeah we had an outdoor rink in my hometown at Christmas. I would be on the ice every chance I got." I say. "Well then show us what you got girl" Stella says with a laugh. "I can't tell you the last time I went ice skating so don't let me fall on my face." Casey says "I won't let you trust me" I say giving him a slight kiss.
Severides pov
Since Stella didn't have any skates and this place doesn't rent any I had to find a place to rent before we left. So that was my task. "Stella this pair is for you." I say as I hand them to her. Casey and I both have our hockey skates so we were all set. "Last one on the ice is a rotten egg" Stella says "oh so that's how we are going to play then move out of my way rotten one" I say as I flirt with her. "I end up beating her onto the ice but fall flat on my back doing so. All I hear is the three of them laughing at me. "Yeah yeah cut it out at least I'm not the rotten egg." I say as I try and get up off the ice but I fall again. "Here let me help you" Stella says as she pulls me up but it's useless I drag her down on top of me. "You did that on purpose" she says "So what if it did so sue me" I say as I lift my head to kiss her. " alright man well Sylvie and I are gonna make a few laps around while you guys try and get up or whatever you are doing" he says with air quotes."
Casey's pov
"You know he totally dragged her down with him" Sylvie says "oh totally he knows how to skate it's all an act" I say as I take her hand in mine and we make our way around the ice. We made it around 3 times before Stella and Kelly finally decided to join us. Took you long enough" I say to them as they join us. "Hahah" Severide says with a laugh. We skate for another 20 mins before we deiced to get out the hot chocolate. "This is the best batch ever babe you out did yourself this time. It's so good." I say as I take another sip. "Well thank you my love" she says as she sits down next to me. "So Brett what's the secret here, what makes it so good." Severide asks "well the trick is to use rich chocolate and melt it into the milk. None of that powdered stuff. No matter how good they say it is. I also add a little cinnamon to it. Gives is just the right kick." she says. "Well I think it's time to get back out on the ice." I say as we finish up our drinks. "Hey thanks for taking me here, this is the best way to spend our day off." Sylvie says to me as I take her back on the ice. "Welcome I knew you would like it." I say leaning down to kiss her. "Race you around" she says as she takes off on me. "Hey come back here." I say racing after her. I'm about half way around when I hear a noise. I look over see a crack in the ice right in the path of Sylvie. "SYLVIE, SYLVIE I yell but she can't hear me. The crack gets bigger and bigger. I try to skate faster to her but its no use she is too far ahead of me. Next thing I know she falls through the ice. "Oh gosh SLYVIE" I say as I race to her. Wait Casey the ice is to unsteady we need to approach this calmly." Severide says "I can't lose her SLYVIE" I yell again but still nothing she's been under the water for about 20-30 seconds now. "Call 911" I say franticly to Severide. I gently crawl across the ice to the hole I reach in but can't feel a thing. "This is Lieutenant Severide of the CFD I need an ambo to Lake Rocky ice rink. The ice cracked and a friend fell through. We are trying to rescue her now." he says. "Ambulance is on its way but sir please wait till rescue gets to you we don't want to rescue more people than we have to." the lady on the phone says. "Don't worry we are from the CFD we got this just get is the dam ambo." he says as he hangs up. "Severide in the back of my truck is rope grab it for me." I say "already got it captain" Stella says as she hands it to me. I wrap it around my waist. "Wooh woo Casey what are you doing." he says. "I have to get her hold this I'm going under" I say "that's insane. Casey!" he yells back to me. But I don't listen I lay on the ice and stick my head in the water and feel around. "I got her" I say as I pop back up. I gently pull her up as to not break the ice anymore. "We need to stabilize her. I think I have some gear from girls on fire we can use in the back of my jeep hold on." Stella says as she takes off running. "How is she?" Severide asks. "Lips are blue. She's unconscious but breathing." I say as I gently crawling backwards with her on the ice as not to break it any further. "Here is a C-collar and foil blanket. I also brought an air cast just in case we needed it." She says. "Thanks Stella this is great. I don't think anything is broken on her, it's great you had all this." I say. Just as she careful puts the C-collar on Sylvie the ambulance arrives. "Casey that you" I hear a familiar voice say. "Chout?" Stella says with a questionable voice. "Tell me what happed here?" he asks. "We were skating on the ice she was ahead of me by half a lap, next thing I know is I hear a crack and she's falling through the ice. She's unconscious but breathing." I say "thanks Casey will take it from here." Chout says as he motions for me to move. I'm not leaving her side so I scoot over and make room for him to do his work and load her on the backboard. "Where did the C-Collar come from? Normal civilians don't have these. "Chout's partner asks as they work on her. "Oh we are first responders with the CFD I run a class at the academy for teen girls. I just happened to have it in my jeep from class." Stella says "all set to transfer" clouts partner says. "I'm riding with you guys" I say to the paramedics. "Alight fine with us we are leaving now. Hop in" Chout says says. "Casey, what about your truck?" Severide asks. "Here take my truck met us there" I say as I toss the keys at him. It takes us about 12-14 minutes to get to the nearest hospital. It a rundown looking place. I must have had a look on my face because Chout says "don't worry Casey they will take good care of her here. This place is like a mini Chicago Med may not look it but it is trust me." I've worked with Chout enough to know he's telling the truth. "What do we got" they ask as she's rolled in. "Sylvie Brett 30 fell through the ice while skating. Unconscious but breathing, vitals are stable." He says handing her over. "You are?" they ask me. "She's my girlfriend." I say "you can go to the waiting room over there and we will call you shortly to see her. I promise. We just need some more space to work on her. Give us 10 minutes tops." The doctor says to me. I nod and walk over to met Stella and Severide. "So what's the news" they ask. "She's getting worked on right now the room is small so they will come get me soon." I say "here are your keys" Severide says as he hands them over. "You guys don't have to stay. I Know you have somewhere important to be tonight." I say "nah Casey it's okay" Severide says. "No I insist that you guys go don't miss it. I will give you an hour by hour update on her please she wouldn't want you to miss it either." I say "yeah you are right about that. Okay we will go just keep us updated" Stella says. "Will do" I say as they leave. I pace the waiting room for another 5 minutes before the doctor comes out. "She's awake and asking to see you." He says with a smile. "Oh my gosh you scared me so much." I say as run to her side and kiss her over and over again. "I'm fine, I'm fine" she says to me in-between kisses. "I have to send a day here to be monitored but other than that I'm great." She says "then I'm staying with you" I say "wouldn't expect anything less" she says as she pulls me down for a kiss.
AN: hey guys hope you enjoyed this one shot. It turned out to be longer than I thought. As always feel free to vote, comment and leave a suggestion.
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