Did I wake you
Sylvie's pov
Ambulance 61 kid in distress. 2115 west lake. I get up running from my chair in the common room. I always hate it when a kid is involved. It makes my stomach drop even further. I hop in the driver's seat and try and push the thoughts out of my mind. I needed to focus. We arrive on scene to find a frantic mother and a girl about 10 lying on the floor. "I don't know what happened one minute she was fine then the next she having trouble breathe." She says franticly. "Let us do our work." Violet says to her as the mom paces back and forth. "How long had she been throwing up?" I ask. "um not long she was coughing and then threw up, then she started gasping for air. That's when I called you guys." The mom says in a panic. "I think she's having an allergic reaction. Pushing Epi" I tell violet. But still nothing was happening. "Pushing another round of Epi." I say "Is she allergic to anything" violet asks. "um walnuts but I make sure that we don't keep them in the house." The mom says. Was she eating anything before this happened." Violet asks " yes she had banana bread. But its just bananas nothing else." She tells me. "did you look at the ingredients. Sometimes you can't taste it but they put them in there." I say as I work on the girl. "It's all my fault. Please just help her." Mom says. I hear the girl stir. The second eppi must have help a bit. "oh thank goodness" her mom says kneeling down next to her daughter. "She's not out of the woods yet. I don't like how fast her heart rate is. And she's still not breathing great." I say to the mother. Just as we are about to put her on the stretcher she starts to crash. We were able to get her back but I'm afraid we might lose her again. "Let's load her into the ambo. I fear she might crash again." I say quickly. Violet helps load the Stretcher into the ambo. "I wanna ride with you" the mom says "That's not a good idea." I say "please" the mom begs "I'm sorry I can't let you but I promise we will do everything we can to help her. Violet you drive." I say tossing her the keys. Three minutes into our drive things take a turn. "She's crashing. Charging to 200. Clear!" I yell from the back of the ambo but nothing happens. "Do you need me to pull over?" Violet asks. "No keep going. Charging to 300, Clear!" I yell but nothing "300, Clear!" nothing but the sound of a flat line. "dam it! Calling it. Time of death 11:27pm" I say frustrated. We dropped the patient off at med so they could takeover. I didn't even have time to process what happened. Just as we got back into the ambo we got another call to assist with an accident on the Kennedy. It was a 9 car pileup. I could tell it was going to be a long night. By the time we got back to the firehouse it was just after 3:30 in the morning. "hey I'm gonna go catch some shut eye. You gonna be okay" violet says as she pulls the ambo into the bay. "Yeah yeah I'll be fine just need some alone time. Don't worry. I'll get some sleep soon" I say climbing out. Once violet leaves I climb in the back of the ambo. I just needed a moment to myself. I couldn't believe the night I had. All I wanted was to run into Matt's arms but I can't since he's not here. It makes me even more sad thinking about him. I pull out my phone and pull up his info. I hesitate with my finger hovering over the call button. I know he said I could call whenever day or night but I still feel bad disturbing him. But at this moment I needed him. I press the phone button and the phone starts to ring. It takes a while. It just keeps ringing. I think he's either on a call or sleeping. "Hey" I hear Matt say in a tired voice. "Sorry did I wake you" I say with a quiet voice. "Nah just doing paperwork. What's going on its late?" He says to me. I don't talk There is just silence on the line. "Sylvie is everything okay" he asks me again with worry in his voice. But I still don't talk. I try but nothing comes out. Just a quite sob I hope he doesn't hear. "Talk to me Sylvie" he says in his quite loving voice of his. I let out another sob. "It's okay no need to speak I'm here when you are ready." He says. The next 20 minutes are in silence. I sit with my back against the wall of the ambo trying not to cry but I can't help it. I let the tears fall. "She was only 10. She was so... so...." I start to say "She had a lot to live for." I say
Casey's POV
It's about 1:20 in the morning. I have a stack of paperwork on my desk that I am trying to get through. I've had a busy day of call after call. I would love to hit the sack but the paperwork won't do itself. So I get up and grab another cup of coffee to try and keep me awake. I walk back to my quarters to find my phone ringing. I see Sylvie's name popped up on the screen. I quickly pick it up before it goes to voicemail. Something must be up since she's calling this late. "Hey" I say in a tired voice. "Sorry did I wake you" she says with a quiet voice. I could tell something was off by her voice it wasn't normal. "Nah just doing paperwork. What's going on its late?" I say to her. She doesn't talk There is just silence on the line. "Sylvie is everything okay" I ask her again with a worried voice. But she still doesn't say anything to me. I think I hear a quite sob from her but I can't be sure. "Talk to me Sylvie" I say in my quite loving voice. She lets out another sob. This one I hear. "It's okay no need to speak. I'm here when you are ready." I say. The next 20 minutes are in silence. I sit with my back against my desk chair wait for her to talk. I wish I could be there to hold her, take way her pain and tell her it's going to be okay. Minutes later I hear her full on sobbing. "She was only 10. She was so... so...." She starts to say. "So young. She had a lot to live for." she says. "hey you did everything you could." I say "how do you know that." She says with a stuffy voice. "Because I know you and I know what a fine PIC you are. That's how. Now take a deep breath. It will get better with time." I say "you are the best." She says as the tears start to fall again. "Talk to me Syl " I say gently. "It's, it's just that I..." she says "it's just what?" I ask gently. "I wish you were here to hold me." she says with a sad voice. "I know and I'm sorry I'm not there. I promise to make it up to you."I say "I miss you so much" she says with a sob. "I miss you too sweetheart. But remember I will see you soon very soon." I say. "I know" she says with a yawn. "You should get some sleep." I tell her. "No I wanna stay up with you." She says to me. "Alright, if you don't mind me doing paperwork while we talk." I say "Not at all, I just really wanna have you near me and if the phone is a close as I can get then I'll take it any way I can." she says. We stay talking a little while longer. I can tell she is getting sleepier as the night goes on. "It's late we should both get some sleep. You gonna be okay" I ask her. "Yeah thanks for the talk." She tells me. "Anytime." I say with a smile. "I love you so much." she says. "I love you too now go get some rest my love. I will call and check on you in the morning. Good night Sylvie." I say. "Night Matt, Thanks again." she says. "Anytime" I say as I hang up the phone and head to my bunk for some much needed sleep.
Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this one shot . I have two more ideas of one shots coming your way. I just have to find the time to write them. So hang tight.
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