Falling for him
Bella's POV: I know I'm too young for Brendon and it's wrong to be in love with him but I am. It may sound crazy but I really think he's the one for me. He's taking me to dinner in an hour. I'm rushing to get ready. When I told my mom I was going out with Brendon Urie she was a little concerned but when she met him she seemed to like him okay. I'm still not totally sure she's in love with the idea of me being in a relationship with him. Brendon knocked at my door. I dashed down the stairs to open it. There he stood holding a dozen roses. "Hey beautiful." He smiled pulling me in for a kiss. "Hey." I blushed. "Are you ready to go to dinner." He asked. "Of course." He took my hand and we walked to the car. On the drive there we listened to My chemical romance. Brendon sang along to teenagers rather loudly. "You're a really good singer." I told him. "Really I never would have guessed that it's not like I do it for a living." He laughed. "Alright smarty pants." I smiled. "So what do you like to do for fun." He asked. "I like to write stories and play on my phone." I told him. "Cool what kind of stories do you write?" He asked. "Romance and fan-fiction." I told him. "What kind of fan-fiction?" He asked. "You'd think I was weird if I told you." I said nervously. "No I wouldn't." He replied. "Yes you would trust me." I stated. "You write that dirty stuff don't you." He laughed. "No." I lied. ¨Yes you do." He laughed. ¨Okay smarty pants what do you think I write dirty fan-fiction about?" I asked. "You've probably written some about me.¨ he told me. ¨I have not.¨ I lied again. ¨oh really show me your watt pad account then.¨ he smirked. ¨Okay fine I write dirty fan- fiction about you.¨ I blushed. ¨I knew it.¨ he laughed. ¨Now you think Iḿ weird don't you.¨ I said. ¨No I think itś cute.¨ he winked. ¨okay now that that's out in the air.¨ I stated. Brendon pulled up at a really expensive restaurant. I got out the car and we walked inside. The place was really fancy and when we walked in to get a table they already had one ready for us with flowers in the middle. I sat down. ¨So what do you do for fun.¨ I asked. ¨Well I play with my dogs and I hang out with friends at the bar sometimes and I go to house parties and do periscopes.¨ He told me. ¨Can I ask you a question." I said. ¨yeah of course what is it?" he asked. "Whatever happened to Sarah?" I stated. ¨Well itś a long story but here it goes. When I got home from the studio today I walked in our room and when I opened the door I found her in bed with Harry styles from One Direction. So I packed my bags and left. I 'm going back for my dogs tomarrow." He told me. ¨Oh that's terrible.¨ I said. ¨Yeah but I don't care about her anymore I have you now.¨
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