💔 18 💔
jaemin stared at donghyuck utterly shocked.
had he just heard right?
"what did you just ask me?" jaemin questioned, crossing fingers he had heard donghyuck wrong.
"do you actually have a heart disease?"
jaemin gulped, a lump forming in his throat.
donghyuck knew.
and he had mentioned that the managers were furious about it.
which meant that the managers knew too.
they knew jaemin had lied to them.
and this meant jaemin was basically dead.
"yes, you obviously have one." donghyuck spoke.
jaemin was completely out of breath because of the sudden rush of stress that had striked in.
"okay, breathe." donghyuck said, rubbing jaemin's back. "please, don't die on me."
"i'm... trying..." jaemin replied, taking huge breaths between his words.
"since when are you like that?"
"a few... months..."
"wow... all that?"
before jaemin could reply, the door burst open, revealing jeno and renjun.
"jaemin! they know! you're in some deep- "
they stopped talking when they acknowledged donghyuck's presence and saw the state jaemin was in.
"so... i guess you two knew already." donghyuck asked, raising one of his brows.
"yeah." renjun replied.
"great. and... you couldn't mention it to anyone?"
jeno shook his head. "jaemin didn't want."
"well, he surely didn't want, but now that the managers learned it in an unfortunate way, they're pretty mad..." donghyuck declared.
"na jaemin. please tell me this is a big joke." nct's manger asked, sitting right in front of jaemin.
jaemin stayed silent, his head looking at his fidgety hands onto his lap.
"do you know how awful i felt this morning? when i opened the social media to find that a certain post had went viral. a post which involved you. do you know how mad it made me?"
jaemin swallowed his fear and dared to lift his head a slight bit.
"w-what... post?"
his manager pulled out his phone of his pocket, opening a random social network and sliding the phone in front of the idol for him to read everything himself.
jaemin picked the phone and clicked on the post, his mouth suddenly becoming dry.
kpop idol na jaemin from nct has recently been diagnosed with coronary heart disease.
despite the warnings of his doctors and relatives, the boy decided to pursue his idol career. some could see it as a careless move, but jaemin is a boy passionate about his activity, and willing to show the world he can do it. no wonder he keeps telling his cizennies to stay safe and healthy...
stay tuned about nct jaemin's heart disease by subscribing to our channel.
jaemin blinked hard, re-reading the article a few times before setting the phone on the table again.
"so? anything you have to say?" his manager asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
"well... huh... i wasn't the one to post it..."
"i know you didn't." the manager stated. "this could get you and the whole group into a huge scandal. and more than that, the whole company could get sued for overworking an idol with a heart disease!"
jaemin nodded, lowering his head once again.
he wasn't comfortable at all here.
but at the same time, who would be?
"are you really sick?" the manager asked.
"yes." jaemin answered in a timid voice.
"since when?"
"the day taeyong, you and i went to the hospital because of my chest pain..."
the manager sighed pulling onto his hair.
"i'm never leaving another idol alone at a doctor appointment." he mumbled. "why didn't you say it?"
the manager slammed his hand on the table between them, making jaemin jump onto his chair.
"jaemin! i want answers!"
"i didn't want to be a burden." jaemin replied immediately.
"want to know the truth? you wouldn't have been if you had said it immediately. but now, you are a burden."
jaemin closed his eyes, trying not to let tears leave his eyes.
he couldn't cry right now...
"and... can't we say this information is fake?" he asked with a bit of hope.
"no." his manager replied. "it already went viral, and your doctor has been questioned. he told them about your diagnosis."
a tear fell from jaemin's left eye.
so, that was it?
he wouldn't get out of this mess?
"w-what... what can i do then...?"
"there's nothing to do." his manager told. "you're going to do a vlive and tell them about your condition. without omitting any detail."
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