This was it. One last boy was leaving and the three left will be going to the live shows. To say Louis was scared shitless was an understatement. He was completely and utterly terrified.
Niall was voted off last week and even though he was sad, that boy left with a smile throughout his packing. Louis may or may not have cried. He was completely heartbroken when he left, one of his closest friends he made in this competition, gone.
But he was glad he wasn't the one getting voted off. He was still amazed he made it this far. He tried not to let him wonder how he was still here. He didn't want to think about favoritism.
Now, they waited for Harry to make the final decision on the last three boys to stay and make it to the next round. Louis was visibly shaking, holding Liam's arm with such force, he possibly cut of blood circulation.
"It's gonna be okay, Lou." Liam says and gives him a reassuring smile. Louis nods hastily and squeaks when Harry tells them to come back outside.
"Yeah, Lou, I'm sure you'll be fine. Harry loves you too much." Zayn retorts, cocking an eyebrow. Louis blushes and looks down.
The four boys stand in a row, shoulders almost touching. He shifts anxiously as Harry stares down at a journal in his lap. Louis pushes up his glasses and waits to inevitably be voted off.
"Well...this has been amazing but I'm sad to say only three of you will make it to the live shows." Harry starts, his voice gruff, "You're all equally amazing, in your own way, and this is upsetting, letting one of you go."
Harry looks up and eyes each of the boys, glance staying on Louis for a little longer than necessary before jumping to Zayn.
"So...this was possibly the hardest decision of my life and I'm sorry to say this but..." There's dead silence for a few seconds; Louis could hear his heart thrumming in his ears. He swallows thickly and looks down, shutting his eyes.
"Liam, you're through." The brunette beside Louis exhales sharply and grins widely, thanking Harry over and over again. The older man smiles and waits for Liam to leave, Zayn, Louis, and Angel are the only ones left.
"Zayn, congrats. You're made it." Harry says, looking at the raven-haired boy with a skeptical expression. Zayn leaves after squeezing Louis' hand in reassurance.
Harry waits again and suddenly it's too quiet. The cameramen around them seem to have stopped breathing and Louis wonders how it became so hot. His nails are digging into his palms and he feels like throwing up.
"You two are absolutely amazing but only one of you will be making it to the live shows. This was a very difficult decision to make." Harry murmurs. It's quiet again and Louis wonders how many hours have passed by.
"Angel, you have a voice with power that hasn't been harnessed yet. You're a talented person. Louis, you're voice is just beautiful in its own way, it's captivating and unique." Harry mumbles.
One second passes, two, three.
"Angel, I'm sorry." The older man says and the boy next to Louis slumps, looking defeated. He nods and thanks him anyway before leaving.
Louis takes a deep breath, crouching to the floor, steadying himself on the toes of his feet and places his head in his hands.
"Congratulations, Louis." Harry says, suddenly standing next to him. The smaller boy stands up and hugs him, wrapping his arms around his neck tightly.
He makes a small noise when Harry hugs him back and giggles happily. He pulls away, wanting to kiss him but remembers the cameras around them. He blushes and steps away, thanking him over and over again before running back into the house.
Liam and Zayn are there, talking animatedly, the conversation supposedly requiring exemplary hand motions.
He sat in between them and they instantly tackled him with hugs, congratulating him on staying on the show. He thanks them and congratulates them as well. Zayn gives him a knowing look, causing the smaller boy to look away.
Harry came in a few minutes later, telling them how amazing this part of the show has been and how they were all very talented. He makes his way to the kitchen and Louis trails behind him.
He could hear Zayn and Liam bickering about what to watch on the television and Louis smiles knowing Harry and him have a few minutes to themselves.
"You did great, love." Harry says as he rummages through the refrigerator. He pulls out some sort of fruit drink and pours it in a cup. Louis takes a deep breath before answering.
"Are you sure I'm still in this competition because I'm a good singer? Not because of anything else?" He asks, hesitantly. Harry looks at him with furrowed brows.
"Of course not, doll. Whatever happens with us backstage isn't something that'll make an appearance in this competition." Harry answers. Louis doesn't believe him.
"That Angel guy was way better than me." He whispers and Harry turns abruptly.
"Don't talk down to yourself. You're amazing, all right?" Harry says and Louis looks down, fiddling with his fingers.
"I don't want this...relationship to be the reason I win this competition. I want to win this by working hard, not because I just so happen to be dating you." Louis mumbles, his voice timid. Harry sighs and grabs Louis by his hips, pulling him until he's flushed against his chest.
"You are working hard. Our relationship doesn't have anything to do with this competition." Harry mumbles. He leans down and kisses his lips softly.
Louis sighs into the kiss, wrapping his arms around his neck and pulling him closer. The older man pushes him against the counter and kisses him roughly, tongue licking into his mouth, hands flitting against his skin, leaving bruising touches.
"What the fu--"
Harry jumps away from Louis as if he was electrocuted and the two turn to see Liam standing in the kitchen with a gaping mouth and a red face.
I'm lonely ;-;
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