Louis whimpered, pulling on Harry's hair, kissing him roughly. The older man pulled away, with one last peck to Louis' lips.
"Kitten...so beautiful." Harry whispers, his thumb swiping over the curve of Louis' thin lips. Louis keened at the compliment and leaned into the man. He knows it's wrong. It's oh so wrong but Harry is just the most amazing person he has ever seen and when he first laid eyes on him he almost completely forgot about Caleb.
This moment was the only thing that existed. He didn't care about the age difference or the fact that he was only seventeen, or the fact that Harry's his judge. He only cared about how Harry's lips felt against his own, warm and welcoming.
The younger lad pulled him closer, sighing into the kiss as Harry's tongue made its way into his mouth. Harry's thumb was rubbing circles under Louis' shirt.
The small boy was the one to pull away, leaning onto Harry's chest, trying to breathe normally again. The older lads hands gripped Louis' shoulders in a rough grip. He loosened his hands and stepped away.
Everything was starting to dawn on him. He knew Louis was too young for him but he couldn't help it. He seemed so much older in the way he presented himself and Harry just wanted to call him his.
He knows he's only known him for a few days but those hours have meant everything to him. But at the same time guilt was washing over him.
"I--" Harry starts but freezes. He doesn't know what to say. He walks over to his bed and sits down, putting his head in his hands.
"Am I a bad person?" He asks, through his hands and he could feel the bed dip under Louis' weight.
"I think I'm worse than you, if it makes you feel any better. I mean, I have a boyfriend and I'm only seventeen and you're ten years older than me. And yet...here I am." Louis says. Harry lets out a dry chuckle before sitting up again.
"I don't know what to do. I've never--no guy I've met has ever made me feel the way I'm feeling right now." Harry explains and blushes. He just let out his feelings to a teenager that he's only known for a few days.
Louis smiles brightly then the smile falters before he frowns.
"What are we gonna do?" Louis asks. Harry needs to get away from. He needs to stop all this before anything actually begins to evolve. He needs to tell him that he's not good for him and that its all wrong and they should forget this ever happened. He needs to. He wants the opposite.
"We should just learn to keep quiet."
The next few days consist of Louis and Harry sharing quick glances and small hidden touches and secret little rendezvous. The competition was going great, Louis was becoming more confident in his voice but he was still not as good as the other boys.
At the moment, Louis was in his room, practicing the song he was going to perform to Harry in a few days. He frowned at himself when he missed one of the notes.
He planned to sing Look After You by The Fray but he couldn't seem to get the notes right.
He sighed and fell onto his bed, pulling out his phone. Caleb hasn't called him in two days and although Louis was sort of glad that he hasn't heard from him, he was also wondering why it wasn't happening.
He scrolled through his contacts and called him, hoping he wasn't bothering him. He answered after the third ring.
"Louis, hi, I was just going to call you." Caleb says and Louis frowns. Guilt overcomes him as he thinks about how he's been snogging his judge on his free time.
"Yeah--hi Caleb." Louis answers stiffly.
"How's it going? I saw your first performance. It was good. You missed a couple notes but it was fine. Actually, I'm surprised you got through with your audition. I mean--not to be rude or anything." Caleb says and Louis frowns. Was he really that bad?
"Oh...thanks I guess. Um, well I just wanted to say. I still need to rehearse. Bye, Caleb." Louis says and Caleb hangs up without another word.
He looks at his clock. It was almost six. Harry said to meet him at six so he got up and changed into a pair of sweats and a tee shirt.
He sat on his bed and furrowed his eyebrows. He couldn't be that bad at singing, could he? He had to have some talent if he was in this competition.
He shook his head and closed his eyes. He started singing again.
"If I don't say this now, I will surely break.
As I'm leaving the one I want to take
Forgive the urgency, but hurry up and wait
My heart has started to separate."
He groaned when he couldn't get his voice to hit the note after the oh's.
"I suck at this." He whispered to himself. Caleb is right. He doesn't know how he ended up here. His phone vibrates and he picks it up. A new text from Harry.
Harry: I'm waiting for you, love
Louis smiles and answers back.
Louis: I'll be there in a few
He pockets his phone and checks his reflection one last time. Who cares what Caleb has to say. He doesn't know anything. Louis starts to question what he saw in him in the first place when a person like Harry exists. He giggles at the kissing emojis he gets from Harry and slips on his glasses.
He could care less about Caleb and his opinions. Not when Harry was waiting a few feet away in the room next door.
A/N: hi, I love you guys. You're da best. You're fabulous and if anyone says anything different slap them with your Gucci purse.
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