8pm came all to quickly and I exhale as I sat on one of the empty cots nearest the west hall wall. I kicked off the slip on sneakers and sat with my legs folded as they screamed from all the walking I did the past few days. It was only mid week and yet I felt like I had walked a marathon every day since I started this job.
"Hey, Zach, right?"
"Hi. Yep, that's me." I say, too weak to stand.
"You can head on out. It seems that the day rush has ended so the night staff can handle the shift now. See you in the morning."
"Oh great. Thanks Marcus."
He walks away without so much as a smile and I weakly braced the wall as all energy in my body left hours ago. Dreadful of the long walk home, I sighed once more before slipping on my sneakers, heading for my belongings and existing the quiet hospital.
I vaguely considered the fact that Nickoli would be waiting for me in his car like he did last night but after ducking and hiding for a few minutes, it was made quite clear he wasn't nearby.
With renewed strength and a fear that could cripple even a giant, I quickly made my way home. It surprised me at how fast I got there, a record of only 20 minutes and this time I shut and bolted my door and locked all windows before finally being able to breathe easy.
Was this over dramatic?
Did I care?
By 9:30 I had already prepared everything for work in the morning and I settled onto my bed with the remnants of the fast food Nickoli bought for me. Against my better judgment, thoughts of him flooded my mind and I wondered if he was okay. I had already started to miss the guy after only seeing him for two days and try as I might I couldn't find it in me to be fearful of him.
The night was passed by tossing and turning as my mind created a loop of nightmares with me as the sacrificial star and the man I tried hard not to think of as the man wielding the weapon of torture.
Morning came all too quickly and I contemplated whether or not to call in sick. Deciding against another reason to force my parents' hands in visiting me, I dragged my weary self out of bed and got ready for the long day ahead.
I made the last bowl of ramen for breakfast and had a glass of cold water before my phone showed that if I didn't leave soon I'd be late again. Making a mental note to stop at the supermarket after work for groceries, I locked up before starting the walk to work.
My route today was filled with ducking and hiding behind dumpsters, sides of buildings and near cars as I tried my best to avoid anyone even remotely gang related.
To those persons heading to work, school or on an early morning run, I looked like a deranged man who had a little too much crack for his first time on the wild side. Snorting slightly at that thought, I gathered myself and headed into the quiet building.
"Morning." I say to the security as I passed him at the gate.
He lifts his head and offers me a tired smile before once more looking at his phone. I knew he was waiting for his relief and so I headed towards my locker in order to store my bag and jacket away.
Today was an unusually hot day and I took a deep breath to mentally prepare myself for the strenuous workload before I slipped in my AirPods and walked off to find my boss for the day.
Midday comes at a slow pace and I groaned as I sat on an unoccupied cot, feet crossed whilst a TikTok video played on repeat.
"Hey! Zach, hi."
"Hey." I say as I awkwardly hugged Mickala from my sitting position. "What are you doing here after pulling that many hours yesterday?"
"Oh I'm here to study up for a surgery. I'm rotating in surgical for the next 3 months and I have a patient in a few weeks."
"Oh! First one?"
"Oh no. I've done way too many surgeries since I got here."
She laughed as she joined me on the bed before both our hearts nearly stopped as the bed jerked forward. Laughing together, we pushed it back against the wall before Mickala pulls out some cassava chips she had stashed in her lab coat.
"You're a life saver." I say as I happily collected the snack.
"You don't eat much, do you?"
"I eat a lot actually. I'm just trying to stretch my money until payday."
"Oh. Thought you had an eating disorder or something. You're a bit on the thin side."
"Yeah, it's called starvation."
I spread my hands out as though I was spelling the word and she rolled her eyes before laughing once more.
"Well not to worry. We're getting paid in 2 weeks."
I gave her a look that didn't need to be deciphered and she laughs once more before briefly choking on air.
"I can spot you some cash if you need to stay afloat until then:"
"Oh. My. Gosh! Do I look like a charity case?" I accused jokingly.
"Yes. 1000% you do."
I rolled my eyes before we sat in comfortable silence. One AirPod in her ears while I listened from the next as my selection of rappers blasted for us to hear.
By 2 I was hiding away in the cafeteria as my job for the day was done. There were no patients who needed to be transferred from point A to B and my cleaning duties had all been completed.
My stomach made a mad growl of hunger and I took that as my cue to leave the cafeteria since I didn't have lunch nor the means of which to buy any. I was saving my cash for the supermarket where I was sure to have more bang for my buck.
My escape from the cafeteria got me caught by one of the nurses who needed the bedding changed from one of the only 3 private room beds.
The guy that was occupying the room was getting discharged and I quietly started to unplug the machines that were no longer in use, giving him time to gather the rest of his belongings before he left.
"Curly fries?"
I looked up as the patient touched me in order to get my attention.
"Um- no?"
"Yeah! Yeah. You're Nicky's friend, ain't you?"
"I- who are you?"
"It's me, Nedd. We met a few nights ago? Outside a bar on Main?
"Was it Main? Hmm could have been-"
"Yes, I remember you." I cut in as he looked like he wouldn't move on from the topic.
I tried walking off but he blocked my way, fully intending on carrying on a conversation.
"How you been man? I haven't seen you since then. Got shot."
He points to his shoulder to show me where and I gave a small smile and a nod.
"Yes, yes, I see. I really have to get going now, gotta bunch of work to do before I head home."
"You need a ride? I got a guy waiting on me downstairs, I'm sure he can wait until your shift is over."
"No... no, that's okay. Thanks for the offer though."
I breathe easy to see him finally moving out my way and I hurriedly pushed the machine into the hallway in a haste to get as far away from that room as possible.
My hunger started to rear it's ugly head again and I survived until 5 by drinking water from the dispensers before one of the shift nurses saw me and let me know my relief was here and that I could go home.
The time showed quarter past 5 and I was all too happy to be going home early for the first time this week.
My walk to the supermarket was a short and brisk one and I went straight to the canned goods aisle since I needed enough portions to last until payday.
My go to were the cheapest packets of ramens and so I took a large box with different flavours. I found some lentils, soups, and other food items that were sure to last a while and when I checked out, my arms were filled to capacity with the cheapest and probably not the healthiest meals.
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