"She's awake!" I heard an unknown voice holler in the distance. I was tempted to ask them kindly to shut the hell up with the yelling after the throbbing it inflicted in my head but I would show no weakness. Not to these people.
"Why am I here?" I asked, trying to hold back the annoyance from my voice as two people walked into the small cell I was sat in.
"You are here to pay for your people's atrocities." I was told by the older women in a cool tone. "Now tell us, why have your people come to destroy this land? Leaving heartache and destruction everywhere you go?" She asked levelly.
"I don't know why we are here. That's on a need to know basis and a lowly soldier like me, wasn't in the need to know." I responded with a little unintentional edge in my voice.
"Of course you don't," The old lady tutted. She crossed her arms, "well if you have no useful information for us, we'll leave you in lockup until you just so happen to remember something." She turned on her heel, walking out with the younger girl in tow, little did I know this was about to lead into the next few months of hell.
The first seven days I was left completely alone, no food, no water, not even any real light. I sat in that damp dark room. My wrists were still bound although I had worked them considerably looser in my time fiddling with them. I had been keeping track of the days by a prick on my finger, making tallies of thin lines of blood. It was primitive but if I was going to make it out with my sanity, I needed to keep track somehow.
The second seven days were spent starving and being questioned. A man by the name of Chance would come in and try to intimidate me into remembering information I truly didn't know. I had bruises coating my cheeks and even hand prints on my throat. He had even made sure I would probably never run again by slicing my achilles like I had seen done to Ferguson the day I was captured. I never so much as let out a whimper, I was not going to let him know the pain that was coursing through my body. But no matter what he did, I really didn't have any information to give him so I think he finally gave up because his visits to my cell dwindled until there were none at all. By the time day fourteen came around, an unknown face made its way into my cell, it was a girl around my age so somewhere from 20-23. She had an innocence about her and looked fearful.
"No one knows I'm in here, but something tells me you were not lying about not knowing anything. You are going to die here if they let you." She spoke in a hushed tone, leaving the room in the dark so I couldn't really make out her face. "Here drink." She held a bottle to my lips that I had heard her break the seal on, I kept my lips pursed shut and she shined a light at the water bottle label to show she had no intention on hurting me with its contents. "I need to tend to that gash in your head," She informed me, shifting to clean the cut with alcohol. "I'm sorry, this is going to burn." I winced and she cleaned then dressed the wound. "I'm Alyssa by the way." She continued talking. I wasn't going to say anything that she could use against me, I didn't even want to trust her with my name so I kept my lips pressed together.
From that day on, every seventh day Alyssa came to tend to my wounds and bring me enough water to keep me alive as well as whatever small meal she could sneak me. They had begun feeding me every 3rd day as well. I think they had realized no one was coming for me and I really didn't know anything. Although, by the second visit from Alyssa, I could tell something was changing in my body. I feel like a haze I had never even noticed was lifted from my brain. I began to question things about the military I was a part of, which is never something I would have ever done before. It was like a switch in my brain that had been used to pacify any curiosity had been reversed and I was now allowed to think freely. By the third visit from Alyssa, I dared to ask what her elder had meant, what had my people done to hurt their people?
"When your people first arrived, they killed everyone in sight, we were forced to retreat to the furthest depths of the forest land. That's where your base was built. Do you really not know what you're a part of?" Alyssa asked, she walked over to my wall and poked a hole through a mud patched spot in the concrete. It had been too dark for me to notice. The hole was just large enough to put an eye to and see out. "Look for yourself." She said, helping me from the chair cautiously.
I looked through the wall, I saw burned remains of wood and broken down brick walls.
"This used to be our most thriving city. Burned to the ground by your people. After they captured and tortured everyone who tried to run."
I couldn't help but gasp a little, "But why?"
"Your military has been taking over the land of the innocent all over the world. People are tortured and used for science experiments on how to make stronger soldiers. Why is what we want to know. We haven't been able to figure out any weaknesses, it's almost like you guys are genetically engineered or something."
I sat back in my chair slowly. "Oh." Was all I could say. So all this time we were killing innocent people, taking land for the greed of our district. Or this Alyssa girl was lying to me.
Over time, I started earning liberties back, starting with my hand restraints. I'm not sure how Alyssa did it, but she convinced the elder to let my hands be released. I began creating my own little routine. I made a workout I could do from the cell to keep my tone. I nursed my heel with physical therapy exercises I remembered from a training session a long time ago.
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