Chapter XXXII: Proposal
Lucy's Pov
"That's just so unfair!" Mira exclaimed.
We already arrived at the hotel and put some changes in the room we're staying and the girls are still complaining about the "engagement" thing.
"I mean this obviously happened literally 6 days before we checked upon you and you didn't even tell us!" Erza said.
I heard Juvia let out a deep sigh and lay on the bed.
Natsu's Pov
"Alright Alright this seems rush don't ya think." Gajeel said.
"I agree." Jellal nodded.
"Look Guys I know what you're all thinking but for me. I want to show her what I really feel for her I know that in this battle I have basically dug my own grave. I want to show her now before it's too late." I said
"Well you got a point............ for once" Laxus said.
"So What's the plan?" Gray asked.
"Leave it to me." I smirked.
The girls were still "chatting" about "it" while Juvia and Emma are busy with a book until someone messaged me and it turns out to be Natsu.
Hey, I know this is sudden but can we go out tonight for dinner.
Like a date?
Duh 🙄🙄🙄
Well, see ya then.
Great, we'll leave at 7 pm sharp.
Got it.
I smiled and looked at my phone and smiled like an idiot.
"Uh, Lu what's with the smile." Levy pointed out.
"Oh, nothing." I smiled then it hit me. I have nothing to wear.
I didn't bring that much stuff with me knowing that Natsu will put a stop to the wedding.
"What's the matter?" Mira asked.
"I have nothing to wear." I replied.
"For what?" Juvia asked.
"For my date," I whispered hoping they didn't hear it but I was dead wrong just by the sound of Mira's squeals I can bet that they heard that loud and clear.
"Well let me handle that I know a place or should I say person." Juvia leaped out from her seat on the bed.
"Wait I don't think I can-" I said but interrupted by a finger on my lips.
"Hush dear if it's totally free if you're with me." Juvia said.
"Oh, I'm not missing out on this one." Erza said.
"Me either." Mira nodded.
While walking Mira and Erza are behind me and Juvia while Levy And Emma are behind them.
"So I have no idea that things are official now between the two of you.." Juvia said.
"It took some time." I started.
"I see." Juvia nodded.
"The days been busy but he's always by my side. I felt cared." I added.
"Do you regularly go on dates?" Juvia asked.
"Well yeah for a fact Natsu loves eating." I giggled. "Oh and he's really hyped for this movie titled "Avengers Endgame" I have no idea he's a big Marvel fan." I added.
"He tends to keep his likings to himself for everyone just to guess what he wants but sometimes it's pretty obvious." Juvia replied.
"He kinda did influence me towards the Marvel fan base." I said.
"Really now." Juvia looked at me with curious eyes.
"When I told him I only watch Captain America all the way to the first Avengers movie he made me take a break and watch Iron man 3." I said.
"What else did he made you watch? He had a folder with all of the Marvel movies in his computer." Juvia asked.
"As far as I remember he made me watch Dr. Strange, Thor the Dark World, The Winter Soldier, Age of Ultron, Civil war, Antman, Black Panther, Thor Ragnarok, Guardians of the galaxy volume 1 and 2, Spider-Man Homecoming, Infinity war and Antman and the Wasp." I said. "Not in that order tho." I added.
"In short, he caught you up." Juvia said.
"Yes. I actually enjoyed it but my eyes hurt." I replied rubbing my eyes in the process.
"Well we're here." Juvia made a stop.
I looked up seeing a well-built boutique. Juvia is the first one who entered as soon after followed by us.
"Sol~," Juvia said in a sing-song voice.
"Mademoiselle you're here." Greeted a guy with green hair and mustache.
"You're friends." He gestured to us.
"Yup and I need your to find this pretty lady an outfit for her date tonight." Juvia put her hands on my shoulders and pushed me forward. "And some dresses as well to fit us." Juvia added gesturing to the others.
"Very well." The man clapped his hands and before I even realized I was being dragged away.
It's been fun picking out dresses I really enjoyed it. I walked out of the dressing room wearing the dress I was in.
Lucy's dress
Juvia's dress
Ezra's dress
Mira's dress
Levy's dress
Emma's dress
"You look beautiful Lu" Levy commented.
"Thanks." I replied.
*inserts Spongebob narrator here*
A few moments later
Natsu's Pov
"You look good," Jellal commented.
"Don't worry we got your back bud." Gajeel said.
Alright, let's do this.
The guys already left for the preparations for my surprise. Erza opened the door Revealing Lucy in a pink dress and she looks absolutely gorgeous.
"Shall we?" I offered my hand to her just like a fine gentleman would do.
Jellal's Pov
"Is everything prepared Sorano." I said.
"Yes, the location is already cleared out Jellal." She replied.
Natsu's Pov
"Where are we going." Lucy said as I hold her hand. Since she's blindfolded she can't see what I have planned for this evening.
"Just sit right there." I carried her to her seat and made her sit down. I untied the knot and took off her blindfold.
Lucy's Pov
As Natsu took off my blindfold what I saw first was the streets of France and once I looked over my left I saw the Eiffel Tower with lights glimmering in the darkness with no people surrounding it. It was such a beautiful sight.
I know for sure this sight was totally rare and almost impossible to witness.
"Natsu how did you?" I asked.
"Well, I have my ways." He smiled.
No one's Pov
While Natsu and Lucy were enjoying each other's company. Unknown to the couple hides 5 women spying on them quite expertly.
"I hope this ends well." Mira whispered.
While outside the scene we have two men working with the surprise.
Lucy's Pov
The dinner went well and smooth it's like any ordinary meal together since Natsu don't talk much while he eats. He then cleared his throat and said.
"Lucy I have something to say."
No one's Pov
"What is it?" Lucy asked.
"You see I'm quite scared about the future. I'm not sure how long my life will last. I know when I started a fight with him I already dug my own grave. I bet before I would care less about what will happen to me. My whole world revolves around taking revenge for my brother. But know I want to fight. I want to live. Because I have you. Lucy, it may not look like it but you changed me. And I'm thankful. I'm grateful to have you." Natsu spoke.
"Natsu....." Lucy spoke softly as a tear fell from her eyes.
"Lucy I don't know how this fight will end. But I'm here with you. To protect you with all my life." Natsu said this world while standing up and took Lucy's hand and guide her to stand up.
"Please answer this honestly." Natsu took out the red velvet box handing from his coat and hid it very well in his palms.
"Don't hesitate." Natsu knelt down and show the box in his hands and opens it revealing a pink diamond ring.
"Lucy Heartfilia will you marry me?" Natsu asked.
Lucy put both of her hands on her mouth while tears started to come down.
"Yes" She whispered.
"Can you speak up I can't quite hear that." Natsu said with a slight smirk on his face.
"Yes! Yes!!! I will marry you." Lucy said and with that Natsu inserted the ring into her fingers with fireworks on the background.
Lucy looked at the scene and reared up once more.
Natsu then lifted Lucy from the ground and twirled her around in delight.
"That was beautiful." Erza stepped in.
"Well done Natsu-San" Juvia applaud.
"About the fireworks what if I said no." Lucy asked.
"If you said no then I just wasted a million jewels. No big deal." Natsu laughed.
(A/N: If you're wondering Natsu bought 10,000 dollars worth of fireworks and a dollar is equivalent to a hundred jewels.)
After some time the girls are busy just looking at Lucy and inspecting her ring.
"Oh my god. I'm so curious about how Gray did it." Mira squealed.
"Did what?" Gray asked.
"Your proposal." Mira replied in a duh tone.
"It's simple. Just slipped the ring to her finger." Gray said in a very casual way.
"You got to be kidding." Mira said.
"Well, that's Gray for ya." Erza commented.
Lucy's Pov
I can't stop looking at my ring it's so beautiful. I'm just so happy I can't stop shedding tears of joy.
*inserts random emoji*
Fun Fact about Author-Chan:
I'm a total introvert.
Don't forget to leave a vote if you like the chapter. And give me some feedback I like to hear your opinions.
Till Next Time.
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