Chapter XVIII: Lucy infiltrates
Lucy's Pov
This is the day that I will confront him. But I'm not sure if he'll be perfectly honest with me.
"Lucy-San!" Juvia rushed to me.
"what is it?" I replied.
"We're going back to Tokyo this afternoon so get ready." She said.
Okay, Lucy, prepare yourself.
???'s Pov
"Master Adrian Agne has fallen" My Butler said.
"What but that's impossible!" I Shouted.
"Seems that Dragneel got a little help from the Levi squad to take him down." My Butler replied.
"Luck at that one because of pure luck nothing more nothing less." I said. " you know what to do." I added.
"yes master." my butler bowed and left my office.
You won't be lucky this time Dragneel. Even if Agne told you Rossi's weakness there is no way you can alter the drug. Even if you got help it will still be impossible.
Natsu's Pov
What the hell is wrong with me. Why would I do it? It's not like she'll accept me if she figures it out.
I was sitting on the bench of the hotel until I heard a very familiar voice.
This cameo is brought to you by Emma_The_Dragon
"Natsu is that you" That voice it was Sinbad.
"Sinbad, what are you doing here?" I asked.
"Business trip." He replied and sat beside me. "What about you." He added.
"You know stuff."I replied.
"You looked a lot more cheerful than usual." He said.
"Yeah." I smiled. "Hey let me ask you something." I said.
"What is it" he replied tying his long purple hair into a ponytail why can't he just cut it.
"I don't know how to confess to her." I said.
"Simple just be yourself and don't get nervous just think that you talking to her casually." He replied and I can see the seriousness in his face.
"Well, thanks at first I thought it would be a bad idea." I replied.
"Hey I may be a flirt but you can count on me about anything my friend." He stood up from his seat and said "Good luck about your girl" before he walked away.
My girl. That sounds nice.
And that's the end of Sinbad's cameo. I'm sorry if I didn't satisfy you. It's been a long ass time since I watched Magi.
Lucy's Pov
I went outside to get some fresh air until I saw Natsu sitting on the bench. After what he said yesterday. This might be the moment of truth.
"Natsu!" I greeted him and sat beside him. "What are you doing here." I asked.
"Oh, nothing just some fresh air." He replied. "What about you." He added.
"Writer's block" I lied
"I see." He said.
"Uh... Natsu about yesterday."
"You know what I feel the same way." I smiled.
"Really?" His eyes perked up and I nodded.
"So we can go to this crazy restaurant I just stumbled up this morning." He said.
"Like a date?" I said.
"Yeah like a date." He smiled.
"That would be nice." I smiled back.
"Good then let's go" He stood up and dragged me away and then I saw the most refreshing smile I ever have seen.
No one's Pov
Little does the couple know there a couple of people spying on them underneath the bushes.
"That was so beautiful." Mira wiped a tear.
"Not that romantic but he's a first-timer so it makes sense." Jellal said.
"I'm so proud of Natsu-San" Juvia said.
"It finally happen." Gray added.
"And shouldn't you be in bed." Jellal worriedly said to his wife still with a couple of bandages on her body.
"You think I would miss this and I'm fine don't worry ." Erza shrugged.
Natsu's Pov
I finally did it yes. It's good to let those things out of my chest. Lucy and I were already eating at this ninja-themed restaurant that my good old pal Naruto owns.
"Natsu." Lucy called.
"Can you be honest with me?" She asked.
Is this what I think it is.
"Do you remember when I cleaned your office-." She said but I stopped her.
"Yes, I am part of the mafia but I'm only doing all of it for the sake of my dead brother." I said. "If you hate me it's fine, I know this might happen eventually."
I hate this timing.
"It's fine, We can talk about all that after we finish our food." She smiled.
She's fine with it?
That fast.
After we paid the bill we exited the restaurant and went back to the hotel to pack our things.
No one's Pov
All of us boarded the plane Jellal owns and started our flight back to Tokyo.
After a few minutes, all of them are spotted asleep except for Lucy.
???'s Pov
I went to my closet and opened a drawer and took a long case and cleaned the dust off and saw the Heartfilia symbol on it. The memories flooded back in. The way she handled her guns with ease the way her hands move lightning speed every time she charges her Amo.
Lucy, I know this is hard for but I know this is what you want since the very beginning.
I opened the case. Reviling a long rifle with the highest caliber. I trailed my thumb at the symbol in the handle. A star. I wish Lucy can handle this once again. I don't want to rush things with her. But maybe just maybe the rage will take her fear away.
Lucy's Pov
I can't sleep. All I can think of is what's gonna happened when I came back home. I'm lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize that Natsu is already awake.
"I see you're already awake." Natsu said with a yawn.
"The truth is I haven't slept at all." I lowered my head.
"Luce are you okay." Natsu said.
Wait what's with the nickname.
"Already thought of a nickname I see." I said. "But no I'm not I felt so uneasy." I added.
"It'll be fine agápi mou I'm here with you." He replied and it kinda reassured me a little bit that everything will be alright in the end.
*insert random emoji*
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Till Next Time.
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