1 - Million Dollar Man
December 17th, 2020
MrBeast might just be one of the most interesting men alive. He wasn't a fan of boasting about himself and Jimmy Donaldson would never admit it himself but he couldn't help but agree with a sentiment like that. Every day was something new. A day has never passed in his life where he isn't doing something out of the ordinary whether it be planning something crazy or partaking in it himself. Jimmy wasn't sure he could ever live another day unlike it.
Jimmy couldn't help but smile as he arrived to work. He thanked his lucky stars every day that he got to be living his dream on such a large scale. His assistant Cari Lance greeted him at the door. Well, an assistant wasn't the exact right word. He hired her as his shadow. To follow him around and learn everything he does and learn to think like him. She could make decisions for him and there is such a small chance it'd be bad it was kind of eerie. Cari was also really good at keeping him on task so sometimes he almost felt like he was her shadow.
"Mornin' Cari! What's the plan?"
"Alright, you have two creative meetings today. One is in about 10 minutes and the other is after lunch. After the second creative meeting, we actually gotta rush you to an appointment with Reed and the guys over at Virtual Dining Options. Beast Burger launches literally in two days."
"Yes I know, anything else?"
"Other than that, we could maybe squeeze in a Beast Reacts filming session but you mostly gotta get your rest. Matt and Alex fly in tomorrow. After Beast Burger launches we gotta get filming that Christmas lights video. OH MY GOD SPEAKING OF SUCH I SHOULD PROBABLY CHECK IN WITH YOUR MOM AND DEVON!"
"No, I want you at the creative meeting. You go make sure all the lights are on their way after. Do I have anything to do after that first meeting before lunch?"
"Yes. Chris, Chandler, and Karl are dragging you out to brunch. You'll be back in time for the other meeting, don't worry."
"Brunch... really?"
"Yes, brunch, it'll be fun. You're lucky they are doing this or else I'd force you to eat breakfast." The first creative meeting was a meeting with the MrBeast Gaming team. Sealow, Plutoren, and the rest caught him up to speed as he quickly approved and disapproved gaming video ideas as well as planned a sponsorship ad for Raid Shadow Legends set to be tacked onto the next upload. After that, Jimmy and Cari went their separate ways. In the car on the way to brunch, he put on a bit of music and began his drive. His thoughts were all over the place. Beast Burger was at his top priority sure but the upcoming collab video gave him something to look forward to as well. Still, though, doubts plagued Jimmy's mind. If this virtual restaurant didn't work out, he'd be in big trouble. Especially if it doesn't work long term. But he knows the only way things work out is if he trusts in his plans. He was a huge creator and he studied how the fast-food industry worked. He was a trendsetter in everything he did so he could do it here. He arrived at Eat 23; the small brunch place the boys found and he made a good pace in entering. He didn't have all the time in the world after all. Spotting the boys at a table, they seemed to panic.
"...This was supposed to be a surprise," Karl admitted lamely.
"Oh, she told me this morning." He replied with a laugh.
"Dammit! You need a better shadow, she's no fun." Chris added lightheartedly
"It's better she tells me these things, I've gotta stay on track and she's great at doing that. Though I do appreciate the sentiment. Is there any reason for this? Wouldn't you want to surprise me after Beast Burger launches?"
"Nope!" Chandler exclaimed. "You've just been so stressed over everything so we wanted to treat you to dinner... Well, that was the original plan but Cari said you had a long meeting this afternoon so we thought brunch would be better!"
"You know I think brunch is rather stupid... but maybe it isn't as stupid if you guys are here."
"AW! How sappy of you!" Taking his seat next to Chandler and across from Chris at the booth, he decided to order chicken and waffles.
"So Karl, how's streaming been?"
"Fun as always! I'm doing Jackbox with the feral boys, Bad, and Skeppy tonight."
"I don't know who the 'feral boys' are, but ok."
"Well... wait Alex won't be joining us. He's got a flight to catch."
"God, I'm so excited for him to be here. He's great to be around."
"I know right! I canonically date him for good reason."
"...I'm sorry what-"
"...Chris how's Tucker been!" The whole table shared a laugh at the change in conversation but Chris answered honestly.
"Amazing as always. He truly is the light of my life."
"Is he entertained by the videos? I gotta know if I got good audience retention rates with kids under a year old!"
"Heh, ya his eyes stay locked on the TV if I put MrBeast on, especially if I'm there. I think it's a good way for Tucker to remember who his family is if he doesn't see you and Chandler and Karl for a while."
"See, our videos have other purposes than to make money and entertain!"
"And make people's lives better and prove the wider media YouTube is the next hub of entertainment and-"
"Ok, Chandler I get it." The food arrived and the quad dug in. The chicken and waffles were actually really well done and flavorful and after his first bite, he realized just how hungry he was.
"You know you really gotta eat breakfast, you're always so starved by lunch."
"I know but didn't it work out today!" Chandler rolled his eyes.
"Only today because we had brunch!" Not following up after that, everyone ate in relative peace and for once, he wasn't paying for food. Karl insisted he was covering everyone's bills but Chandler chipped in for his own food making Chris feel bad so it just ended up being Karl paying for himself and Jimmy.
"Are you sure you don't want me to-"
"Nonsense! We invited you, it was technically your surprise so I wouldn't make you pay."
"I suppose if you say so... WAIT SHIT I'VE GOTTA GO!" Jumping up out of his seat, Jimmy's attention was turned to his watch. If he didn't get a move on now, he'd be late for the meeting.
"Sorry, we kept you so long!" Chandler shouted. "Have fun though."
"Thank you guys, it's no problem, I should be fine!" The Thursday midday traffic was light and breezy letting him drive quickly. Once at the meeting spot, he noticed Reed Duchscher was waiting for him. He offered him a wide smile as he made his way towards him. Reed, all the while his manager, was someone he considered a part of his found family that only seemed to grow bigger. He was nothing like the talent agents of Hollywood, rather having the empathy and heart of someone wise and good.
"What do we have to talk to Robert and Robbie about?" The two Earl brothers who founded Virtual Dining Concepts had very similar names leading to lots of confusion in the beginning.
"Mostly finalizing and taking the app for a test drive. Gotta sign a couple more contracts too."
"Really pushing it right to the end huh..."
"Well, what did you expect? People procrastinate."
"I wish everyone was just as motivated as I am all of the time..."
"Trust me, Jimmy, I do too. Now come on, let's knock this meeting out of the ballpark!"
"Ya!" The meeting, all though convoluted and long, was rather easy minus all the small talk. Considering all that's ever on his mind is YouTube, it's difficult to talk about anything. He could just never understand how people aren't just completely obsessed over something. It was a gift as much as it was a curse in his opinion but he was thankful how over the years it's turned much more into a gift. A light smile was traced across his face as he and Reed left.
"How do you still have such energy?" Reed looked a bit tired, a yawn escaping his throat.
"We're about to make YouTube history! How could you not have energy? Besides, I've got a Beast Reacts to film, emails to check-"
"It's 5, you've been up and at em since 7 something. And you'll have time to film tomorrow-" Jimmy's phone was ringing. Reed cut himself off as Jimmy grabbed his phone and noticed Alex was calling.
"Yo Quackity what's up!"
"Hey uh... so me and MatPat arrived a bit early, think you can send someone to pick us up?"
"Oh, I'm surprised your plane actually arrived early but sure! Give us 20 minutes!" Hanging up, he began dragging a slightly confused Reed.
"Uh, where are we going now?"
"To pick up Alex and Mat! They're here early and we can't just leave 'em in the cold."
"Alright sounds like a plan." Realizing how much driving he had done that day, he decided to let Reed take the driver seat.
"So, what's going on in the world of Reed Duchscher? Other than the stuff I'm involved in of course."
"Well, our team has decided to try to get Dental Digest under Night Media."
"Oh... I love what he's doing but I just cannot watch his videos. Too much teeth..." Jimmy shivered a bit at the thought of it.
"I never knew you had a problem with teeth."
"I don't! Just that much in my content isn't really my cup of tea. You know what really salts my apples though-"
"Wait wait wait hold up, salts my apples?"
"What! You've never heard anyone say that?"
"It's like another version of grinds my gears. I could think of like 10 more if I needed to."
"Why not just stick with the original?"
"Because salts my apples sounds fancier."
"Well, what if people like salt on their apples? What if people don't find it nasty and thereby don't get the idiom's meaning?"
"...Well then Reed I wouldn't be their friend. That's abhorrent!"
"It really isn't but ok... Well what, and I quote, salted your apples, about content?"
"Oh... I forgot."
"Well, cause I've never heard anyone say that before!" Discussions of a similar manner ensued until they pulled into the airport pick-up area at the terminal Alex and Mat were exiting from. They quickly caught the attention of the duo who made their way through the rows of cars and to their own.
"Jimmy! I didn't think you were getting us!" Alex's eyes lit up as Jimmy hopped out to help throw their luggage in the back.
"Why wouldn't I? I could've sent someone else but like, we really only do that for contestants. I mean you're Quackity and... uh... would calling you The Game Theorists in this situation work?"
"I guess."
"Well, it's you two! I had to come myself. Besides I didn't drive, Reed did."
"Hah, lazy!"
"Oh lay off Mat I had a busy day!" Once in the car and making it out back to the highway, Alex and Mat groaned.
"What's up?"
"JET LAG!" They shouted in unison.
"Right, shoulda assumed. We're... 3 hours ahead of you. Wait oh my god Mat you haven't been here before?"
"...Jimmy, I used to live in North Carolina."
"No dumbass I meant the Beast Complex."
"Ok ya I haven't been there." Alex cut in with a grin.
"You'll be so glad you did! You like walk out of there a changed man. All of the sudden everything about being a YouTuber, a content creator, hell even a human being just makes so much more sense. I think Jimmy found the secret to life!"
"Alex, don't hype it up that much! But... most people do tend to leave with a better understanding of social media and the algorithms that control our businesses."
"Damn well color me excited I suppose!" By the time Jimmy was home, it was already dark outside, the pale moonlight inching its way into view. Another day had passed through his fingers and despite how productive he was, Jimmy still felt as if it was wasted. If he had it his way, he'd ignore his natural human needs and work all of the time but sadly, he still was mortal. Maybe Elon would fix that at some point. It would be kind of funny if for like millions of years, MrBeast remained the most popular channel. Thankfully, the older he's gotten, the wiser he had gotten and he taught himself to relish in the solace home brought to him. Besides, he was getting to hang out with two friends he rarely gets to see in person. Now inside, Karl and Chandler were preparing dinner. However, Alex gave him an annoyed look.
"Smh Jimmy, you should've come in quieter. Maybe we could've scared Karl."
"Oh, what's that about scaring me!" Karl yelled from the kitchen.
"Nothing you need to worry about~ Quit just standing there and gimmie a hug!" With everyone greeting each other, Reed took his leave back to the friend's house he stays at when in North Carolina. Jimmy, Chandler, Karl, Alex, and Matthew ate dinner which seemed to be meatloaf but it had some almost maple syrup-like after taste...? The entire thing tasted more like condiments than meat but he couldn't complain. Jimmy certainly had eaten worse and this is only his second meal that day. He was kind of starving.
"So how did y'all like Karl's cooking? I mostly just did what he told me." Chandler filled in as they moved dishes to the dishwasher.
"It's uh... it's better than airplane food!" MatPat told him with a slightly forced smile.
"Well, it's the first time I've cooked meatloaf so I'll consider that a win!"
"It was Ted Nivison's!"
"Oh, I am never eating anything that milkman tries to feed me."
"Ya, Schlatt says he should never be trusted near an oven. Can't believe I thought making one of Ted's recipes would work out."
"Hey lay off Karl, at least it was edible." Alex defended. Their bickering continued until the dishes were in the washer. Deciding to continue an anime binge, they all left to do their own thing. Karl was going to go live, Chandler and MatPat were going to play smash bros and Alex was going to go unpack. Unlike every other room in the house, it was on the first floor. He actually chose to take the house's guest room due to needing less space. Karl ended up getting the master bedroom so he could have space to stream and Chandler took a regular room. Sadly the house only had one spare guest room though their couch could fit two extra people. Plopping onto the bed, he pulled up the show he was on; Bungou Stray Dogs. He was constantly recommended the show and now just starting the final available season, he was really enjoying it! But just as the intro started playing, Alex opened his door quietly.
"Can I hang out here?"
"Sure!" Collapsing in his bed, he was surprised that he let his head fall in his lap. Alex typically wasn't one for such bold physical affection but it wasn't like Jimmy minded. "Anything you needed?"
"...Maybe reassurance?"
"Reassurance on what?"
"Dunno... that you're here." Jimmy tensed slightly before moving his hand to run through Alex's hair.
"Of course, I'm here silly!"
"I know... I just get kinda paranoid sometimes it's not a big deal."
"Was it over something in particular or is it a feeling you just randomly got now?"
"Sorta felt like there were eyes on the car as we drove back but I just tried to ignore it."
"Did you think someone might have followed us home?"
"For a little bit I did but once we got off the highway, the car behind us pulled into a Walmart parking lot so they must've just gone the same way as us but... Ugh, I hate when I get like this!"
"Well, I don't think anyone would wanna follow us! I'm sure it's just late and you're jet-lagged and anxious."
"Actually no, now thinking about it, you haven't considered people wanting to hurt you have you?"
"I mean sometimes, I am a public figure but there are plenty of people with more power than me. You've gotta think of all the stops. I might have money, sure, but do I have influence in a big place like Hollywood? Or do I have connections to even more important people?"
"Ya... you're right I guess the timezone change is really hitting me huh?"
"Nah it's alright, your suspicions come from a natural place. But maybe try to get some sleep."
"M'kay..." Cuddling up closer to Jimmy's chest, his heart just melted. MrBeast might just be one of the most interesting men alive, but Jimmy Donaldson felt the best times of his life were ones like these. Everything was quiet, true vulnerability leading to raw moments. As Alex's breath evened out and sleep quickly overtook his small frame, he couldn't help but think this was something much more worthy of bragging about.
Note that the lady named Cari is an original character, created to fill a minor roleReed on the other hand is the real-life manager of MrBeast among other creators and the founder of Night Media. I look up to him a lot, probably even a little more than I do Jimmy himself since creator management is a career path I'm interested in :)
Next Update: January 28th
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