"Did she suffer?" You ask him as he stays hugging you.
"Y/n." He sighs hating that you have to know.
"Did she suffer!" You demand to know.
"No. I promise you" he says tightening his grip around you. The answer was yes. Mave did suffer the unsub had broken in and sexually harassed her before shooting her. But how can he tell you that, the person he cares about. How can he tell you the pain your best friend went through.
"Y/n..look at me." She says placing his hands on your cheeks as you loook up at him.
"Mave didn't suffer and she wouldn't want you to be morning over her. I saw the way you too were with each other the other day." He says. You nod and pucker your lips he gives a short chuckle and pecks your lips.
"And now over to Jennifer with the forecast." The tv plays out as you didn't turn it off. You turn it off to see the results.
"Roads are still slipper today here and snow is falling but absolutely driveable make sure to have those chains on wipers going and sharp awareness." The weather lady says.
You're chimes as she finishes an email for school still letting everyone know that school is still out. Spencers phone dings as well. As he looks at it.
"I gotta go. Im gonna take a shower before I leave." He says kissing your cheek before walking into the other room for a few minutes before coming back out dressed in a faded stripped dress shirt, plain blue tie and navy pants, and red converse. His sleeves are rolled up showing his toned fore arms and fixed up hair. He has his bag slung around his shoulder.
"Do you have chains in your car." You ask he nods. Moving closer to you as you stand by the door.
"Good." You say his hand meets your waist.
"What time tonight are you free?" He asks
"After 7" you say looking up at him. As he nods He leans into you to kiss you but you put your hand over his mouth.
"Go. Your team needs you." You say he huffs pulling you into him making sure he kisses you before he goes making it a point to squeeze your waist. Making you giggle under him.
You both pull away. Your ruffle his hair and give him his jacket and heads out of your home. The door closes behind him and you sigh reviewing everything you two did while he was here.
Spencer walks into the conference room of the police station see everyone sitting or standing.
"Good morning..." Morgan says leaning against the table. Jj chuckles into her coffee mug. Spencers boy brandish messy hair untucked shirt and loose collar show out to the entire team.
"you were with y/n all night?" Emily asks
"Yeah her best friend died i wanted to make sure she was okay." Spencer replies.
"Did you comfort her at all.." Morgan raises his eye brows.
Spencer rolls his eyes pushing his hair back with his fingers.
"My man." Morgan says patting his back as he sits down causing spencer to slinky in slight pain. He frowns in confusing. The meeting starts and the going over the unsubs pattern and motive.
During the break spencer runs to the bathroom and locks the door after making sure no one else is in. He take off his tie and un buttons his shirt turning around looking at the scratch marks from you from the last nights activities. He chuckles shaking his head. Speak of the devil you text asking about a date night idea.
He hates texting so he calls you fixing himself back up.
"Yes sir?" You joke
"So was the point to scratch up my back?" He asks
"What?! Oh shit im sorry" you say he chuckles shaking his head walking out of the bathroom.
"It's okay at least i know i marked you back." He says litttle to know your in the mirror after a shower looking at your hickey converted body.
"Yeah you can say that." You say rolling your eyes
"You gonna be okay by yourself?" He asks
"Y-yeah im just gonna work on my paper." You says he nods seeing his team smiling at him knowing exactly who he's talking to.
"How's work i know you've just got there an hour ago." You say
"Well they wont leave me alone that for sure." He says
"Have you told them?" You giggle.
"Not yet they just know i stayed over." He says.
"Being sneaky are we Dr Reid?" You say seductively.
Spencer huffs closing his eyes and shaking his head the feeling of your body on his hands hitting him.
"Mm what's wrong lost your words?" You ask.
"Reid-" hotch interrupts.
"YES!" He turns around a bit flushed see hotch who is straight faced as ever.
"Sorry love gotta go" he says and hangs up leaving you to think of the nick name.
"There's another body" hotch says. Spencer nods and the team get ready to head back to the location.
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