The next 4 hours was spent alone in your room listening to music with your ear buds and working on your thesis. Only when your stomach rumbled and the hunger feeling took over was when you got back up cleared off your bed and walked back to the living room.
Spencer still in the couch with his note book out and laptop as he's on call with his team. You sneak around behind yet still noticed by the team, specifically Penelope.
A gasp can be heard as a huge smile formed in her face.
"y/n!" She exclaims seeing your figure pass by.
"Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt. I'm just getting a snack." You say spencer turns his head looking at you seeing your in a huge jacket now. He reaches his arm over the couching holding out a hand for you to come over. You take it walking over to him.
"You're stuck there too huh?" Penelope says you nod
"Where are you?" You ask her
"Airbnb." She says
You nod
"Y/n this is Jennifer, Derek, Arron, Emily and David." He introduces the team.
"Hello."you say shyly waving with you left hand not even processing the fact that Spencer still has you right in his and his fingers stroke up and down your arm. They all wave back.
"Oh y/n I sent you my number!" Penelope says excitedly as your phone dings.
"Ah? Oh thank you." You smile.
"That'll be all for today hopefully the the snow clears up a bit tomorrow to I've the profile." Arron says
"Bye." Derek says immediately signing off.
"Bye y/n!" Penelope smiles and waves logging off Spencer follows.
You pull away from him walking to the kitchen.
"So we can't order food bc of the house arrest...hmm?" You think out loud. Looking into your fridge once opening it.
"Spencer? AH!" You close the fridge startled not realizing he'd got up to meet you.
"Sorry." He chuckles.
"Fuck!" You punch his arm. As he laughs
"Don't do that you little shit." You huff walking to you cabinet.
"Wanna help me make lunch/ dinner" you say he nods.
"Wanna have breakfast for dinner?" He asks
You look at him smiling.
"My sister always said that." You smiled at him he smiled back.
"Breakfast for dinner it is." You smile and take out pans. You two begin cooking the eggs bacon cutting fruit and anything else you'd have for breakfast. The occasionally hand brushes on the comfort of him walking close behind you to reach for something cause the memories of what happened only a few hours ago. Almost clouding your thoughts before the ding of the toaster goes off popping out the toast which Spencer has horridly burnt. You both laugh as he takes a piece out and hits the rock hard toast brick on the counter.
Finally sitting and eating you talk and laugh and share stories even though you two basically know everything about each other at this point it just seems so new.
"You collect antiques." You say
"Yes I do my mom used to do it and it's kinda formed into a habit of mine i especially go for books" he says you nod as you place the plates in the sink.
"Tell me then put out everything you have what's your favorite." You say. He sighs leaning his cheek against his hand.
"I have this like necklace my mom would wear.She got it on her wedding day but when the skitzophernia set in she forgot about and almost threw away. I kept it." He says you smile softly at him.
"What about you what your favorite thing you have?" He asks
"Other than my cat...Here. Come on." You say walking passed him he gets up and follows closely behind you.
You lead him up the stairs and pull down a ladder to what seems like would be an attic but it reveals an open greenhouse like room. You turn on the white fairy lights.
"Whoa." He says
"This is my sun room. Of course theres not much sun at the moment but i usually look at the stars." You say looking up at the semi foggy glass as the snow falls down.
"This is amazing." Spencer says smiling looking up as well. You sigh and put out a fluffy thick blanket and lay down on your back you pat the spot next to you telling him to join you. He chuckles and lays next to you as you watch the snow fall lightly. It's quiet for a bit only to be interupted by his voice.
"At the coffee shop I was gonna ask you something." He says you turn to face him but he still looks up.
"Mm?" You ask. Still looking at him. He turns his head towards you.
"I was gonna ask you on a date." He says.
"Hmm." You reply looking back up at the sky, scaring him for a minute.
"You're not still gonna ask me?" You reply looking back at him. He huffs a sigh of relief and nods.
"Y-yeah...I mean no-YES yes im still gonna ask you. I didn't mean like no I wasn't because i was you know- I just meant that like we could go on a date to get to know e—each other but we've done that..o-obviously but now its a matter if you wanna go out not be a my girlfriends WELL NO-YEs if you want I-I just meant that-" he rambles but you cut him off pressing your lips against his. He brings his hand up to you cheek pulling you closer gladly kissing you back. The kiss breaks as you stay semi over him he moves hair out of your face tucking it behind your ear.
"I'll go out with you." You say his chocolate eyes light up. He moves in for another kiss but you pull back seemingly to contemplate something and you make your decision. He frowns hoping your okay. You sit up on your knees as he sits up looking at you.
"Come on." You say and get up. You hold out you hand and he takes it standing up. You lead him out of the room through the halls and down the stairs again through the other hall and opening your bedroom to him. You turn around walking backwards facing him pulling him closer to you. You wrap your arms around his neck. His arms wrap around your waist. As your body is pressed flush against his. Finally closing the gap with a kiss.
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