The entire rest of the day you and spencer sit on the couch and talk about lore. Lore of doctor who, Star Trek, Star Wars, even horror movies not knowing he would be such a fan a scary things. You tell him about your life and he tells you about his he even opens up the extremely personal details about his mother having Schizophrenia and his father leaving. He tells you about cases and being a profiler and how even now he's surprised he time to spend with you. You tell him how you wanted to get into astrology.
He mentions his love for card games so you introduce him, more like challenge him, to poker.
"3 card please." You say he nods and hands you three cards.
"Three for the lady. And i will take one." He says you chuckle shaking your head
"Only one. Straight or a flush dr. What are you trying to fill in?" You ask
"Well considering the odds of filling an open ended straight with one card or five to one against, well.. a one card flush draw is more like four pint five to one....i guess hmm you'd say if i was smart, id draw into a flush." He rambles a bit leaving you. Raising your eyebrow in annoyance.
"No you know i think im gonna go all in on this." He says and puts the pretzels in the middle. You chuckle and put the peanuts in. He smiles and nods.
"So. Are you?" You ask.
"Am I drawing to a flush or am i smart?' He asks smiling.
You shrug. "Either."
"Well you know im provably a genius. But uh actually i was drawing into a full house, eights over sixes" he says placing down his cards.
"Ah that's right your from Vegas."
"Yep!" He says reaching for the pile.
"Ah ah ah not so fast I two have a huge graft. Royal flush." You say placing down the full set of cards.
"No fucking way." He huffs sitting back you giggle and nod.
"You drew three cards to a royal flush that's 100 to one against." He says.
"97 to one now. Thank you!" You say moving the pile towards you.
He sits back and watches your smile on you face as you arrange them in neatly.
"Oh i just remember what i was gonna ask you!" You reply looking up at him he nods to you.
"That day at the coffee shop your were gonna ask me something but you were doing that stuttering thing... what was it?" You ask
He opens his mouth to finally tells you both how he feels and ask you out but gets interrupted by his phone ringing.
"S-sorry." He replies. And answers his phone.
"This is Dr. Spencer Reid?. Hey yeah. Okay on it." He says and hangs up "theres been another murder I gotta go, duty calls." He says and get up you get up as well walking him to the door.
"Do you mind if I leave this here?" He asks looking towards his jacket you shake your head no confused.
"Good... that way i know you come back to you." He says your eyes widen a bit as he gives a small smile.
"Good night y/n" he says smiling to you opening the door.
"N-night" you say as he walks off you close the door after him. Smiling to your self and regretting the way you feel about him. You walk back to the couches and clean your your poker games and wine glasses.
Spencer walks into the dorm of the victim.
"Where've you been?" Morgan asks him looking him up and down noticing he dosnt have his jacket from before.
jj smiles "he was with y/n" she sings. Spencer chuckles looking down.
"You were with a girl reid?" Hitch asks spencer nods
"Her name is y/n." Spencer replies.
Hitch nods and smiles
"Finally here I've come to think you'd be alone." He says bending down to the victim.
"I got 10 buck on 6 months." Morgan says. It's quiet as everyone turns to him.
"20 on a year." Hotch says. Fist pumping Morgan.
"100 they get married." Jj says
"W-wait are you guys just betting on my life." Spencer gawks
"Yeah." They all say finishing up the survey. Spencer scoffs and puts on gloves as someone hands him a stack of books. He walks over to the bed and sits noticing the covers and eventually finally looks around the room.
"Morgan...what room is this?" He asks.
"33 B" he aswers
"And the victim..?" He asks
"Mave Donovan" Spencer's heart sinks as he looks around the room seeing a familiar bullet hole from a few days ago. Your friend who you've known your entire life now laying lifeless in a black body bag being hauled out on a stretcher. And they have to be the one to tell you...no He has to be the one.
"Spence? You finished with he papers?" Jj says
"Uh y-yeah almost.." he says and continues reading but can't fully focus as you are running through his mind thinking of your reaction to the new information about your friends death, no longer having to take notes for her, and having to pack up her stuff.
Finished reading he stands up and walks out with the rest of his team ready to deliver the profile.
Sleeping peacefully in your bed some how dreaming of your talks with spencer its cut off and you awaken to the sound of your phone ringing. You groan and reach over picking it up, being blinded by your screen on full brightness but answers seeing spencer calling you.
"Spencer...its 2 am.." you huff. Your tired voice sounding out into his ears.
"I- i know I'm sorry...I'm out side your door right now and was wondering if you could open the door?" He asks
"What? Yeah sure ugh hold on." You say and get up and walk out of your room tiredly.
Meeting the door you unlock it and open it seeing Spencer his hands clasped together in anxiousness.
"You okay?" You asks moving to the side to let him in.
"Yeah...um y/n..its about the case." He says softly dropping his hands.
"Did you solve it or something. Spencer I really wanna go back to sleep-"
"Mave is dead." He blurts out leaving you standing there now fully awake.
You chuckle. "Th-that's not funny you can't just come over at 2 am and prank me like that you..." tears begin to fall down your cheeks as you see his straight face.
"...You're telling the truth..y-you..." you stutter putting a hand over your heart it all of a sudden hurting. Your best friend. The person who means the most to you. Who's been there for you through everything. She's gone shes really gone. You stumble over your feet sobbing.
"We've profiled the unsub is going after women at the college who fit the description of what mave looks like." He says stepping close to you you hold out your hand.
"N-no ..no" you fall to your knees sobbing but despite your effort to keep him away he wraps you in his arms pulling you close to him. Braking down against him. He doesn't say or do anything. Just holds you as you cry.
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