"He's...nice" You reply to Mave as you place down the pages of notes you wrote some while earlier.
"Nice...just nice! Y/n your totally Into him." She says following with a cough.
"No no no I'm not we just had a short conversation while walking to the lot it was nothing." You retort.
"Thank you for these, by the way." She replies to you as she looks at the notes. "Go home before you catch it. You can leave the note in my mail slot next time, it goes right into the room." Mave waved you off as you grab your bag just as your about to walk out three loud gun shots are heard. Both you and Mave drop to the ground as a bullet flies through the dorms wall hitting and shattering a picture hanging. Retreating foot steps and people yelling are heard.
"Y/N!?" She replies you let out a sigh.
"You alright?" You ask
"Im good." She says standing up. You get up as well and walk to the door.
"No Dont." She says as you put your hand to the knob and turn it opening the door slowly. You peek out not seeing anyone from the hall way but a hand sticking out from a dorm room.
"Someone's hurt!" You exclaim to mave. Soon the other dorm rooms begin to open and people rush the halls to help.
The scene is soon cleared and bright yellow caution tape tapes off the dorm room and part of the hall. You sit with mave in her dorm the door open as police come in and out looking at the bullet hole now through her wall.
"Y/n?" A familiar voice speaks out one you heard today. You look up seeing spencer enter the room he immediately comes over to you.
"You alright?" He ask kneeling down to you. He wears blue latex gloves a black Fbi windbreaker jacket.
You nod to him. Confused why he's so worried about you when someone is dead in the next room.
"Im fine. Can I go now" You huff somehow annoyed with everyone around you all of a sudden.
"Did they take a statement from you?" He asks
"Yes four times Im annoyed, I'm tired, I'm cold, I'm hungry, i have homework to finish not to mention going to your stupid lecture for her class on Monday." You retort. He stands up and nods you sigh and get up walking out finally on your way home.
Opening your door to you apartment you see your cat sleeping on the couch. You drop your coat and bag putting your keys on the side table and walk into the kitchen only to realize you were gonna go shopping this week but forgot, order out it is. Walking to the other room and down the hall to your bath room you undress and turn on the shower water letting it heat up as a cloud of stem fills the bathroom. The fogging up mirror and the cold tiles against your bare feet. Stepping in you let the eater run down your back soaking you hair. You sigh closing your eyes thinking about the crime scene you witnessed. The fact that spencer had to be involved meant it was part of something bigger that the fbi has to be involved.
You finish you shower and dry off putting on underwear, fluffy socks, and a sweater. You dry off you hair in a towel and walk back into your living room greeting your still sleeping cat. You're about to sit on the couch when a knock rings out front the front door. You walk over and look through the peep hole expecting your food you ordered and it is you open the door and receive to food smiling and closing the door walking over to the couch and sitting down Turing on the tv enjoying the rest of your night.
You walk through the hall of the house hearing gun shots over and over and over you stop to see you sisters hand peaking out of the door frame your mother standing over her holding out a gun shooting her body. Tears and fear fill your eyes as she looks up at you her eyes steering into yours not breaking the contact as you shake in fear. She smiles at you putting her finger to her lips in a hushing motion then puts the gun to her own head and pulls the trigger falling to the ground blood splatted on your face.
Your alarm wakes you up harshly falling out of bed hitting the hard wood floor. Feeling like a bus had hi you. You huff sitting up moving your hair out of your face. You reach up hitting your phone to turn it off only for it to buzz again with a text. You get up and sit back down on the side of your bed looking at the texts from your ex constantly asking to talk, and meet up, that he misses you. You roll your eyes and get up turning your phone on do not disturb. And dropping it back on your bed.
Walking into your kitchen you see your cat sitting on the table waiting patiently to be fed.
"Morning to you." You say taking out food and putting it in her bowl setting it down. She goes to it and eats meowing as a thank you.
You open the cabinet and grab a mug looking around for the coffee and once again remembering that you forgot to go shopping. Placing the mug on the counter you walk back over to your room and get dressed. You put on black jeans and a thick badge sweater with a large black puffer jacket on top your badge scarf and black beanie you put on black boots grabbing your phone and mini back pack you walk to your door and grab your eyes.
"Ill be back." You tell your cat and walk out the door.
Parking in front of your favorite coffee, tea store you nice the familiar Prius. You turn off your car and get out walking into the place.
"Y/n good morning." Pricilla the tender says "hi" you say "i heard what happened at school you alright?" She asks
"Yeah i wasn't shot so I'm good" you say taking your wallet out.
"No I mean..you...they told me there were gunshots. Your mom and sister.." she says
You resort back to your dream when you've witnessed your sisters murder.
"I'm fine." You say harshly. She takes the hint and nods.
"a Carmel macchiato hot please." You say in semi annoyance. She nods putting in your order.
"Anything else?" Pricilla asks
"Yeah and a vanilla coffee please extra sugar." His voice says over your shoulder you look up seeing Spencer a red plaid scarf wrapped around his neck with a brown coat zipped up and grey jeans along with red converse. He taps his card on the screen and pays.
"No spencer you didn't have to-"
He shakes his head no and gives you a smile.
"Thanks." You say and walk over to the other side of the counter to wait for your drinks
"You alright?" He asks
"Y-yeah im sorry for snapping at you yesterday." You apologize
"It's fine really i know some of the stuff i work in tends to make others very uncomfortable." He says As a flash of memory of your mothers eyes hit you. You shake it of and nod to him.
"It's not that." You say he frowns as the other tender places down the drinks. You take yours he takes his. "Thank you for the drink i have to go." You say And hurry off outside. You start up your car with your key. But before you get in your stopped by Spencer's voice.
"Y/n?" He says you turn facing him.
"You-um i- me and i just.. i wanted to ask um..if. Well with work and all i just.."
"Spencer i really have to go." You say just wanting to go back home.
He nods "sorry. Ill see You Monday." He says. Watching as you get into your car and drive off.
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