Chapter 1 - Part 1
I was sitting in the college cafeteria eating a sandwich while paging through a book. I finished the book and closed it. Checking my watch, I figured I still had a few minutes before Courtney would be meeting me so we could head together to our next class. I packed my book away and discarded the rest of my lunch in the bin nearby before sitting down again. Feeling tired, I rubbed my forehead as I surveyed the cafeteria. It was after lunchtime so it was fairly empty.
There were a few tables with some students grabbing a late lunch. My eyes drifted to the lone guy sitting and leaning back, openly watching me.
When my dark-brown eyes met his striking green ones, I felt a connection cross the distance between us like a shock of electricity vibrating through the cells in my body. Despite feeling a little unsettled by the immediate reaction to the way he looked at me, I refused to look away or show how much one look from him had affected me. I met his gaze with open interest. Most guys would look away, feeling intimidated, but this stranger didn't.
Instead he held my gaze. I didn't have a preference for looks when it came to the guys I got involved with; it was more a confidence, a way about them, that attracted me rather than them having blue or green eyes, or light or dark hair. I liked my guys strong enough to handle me.
I was honest enough to admit I knew I was high maintenance. It was probably why I was drawn to guys with a strong personality, because I needed someone to stand up to me. If I could walk all over the guy I tended to get bored quickly.
My body trembled slightly as I held his gaze and his smile deepened, showing off his sexy dimples. My stomach dipped at the open appreciation in the sweep of his eyes over me. He was gorgeous, and for a moment I was momentarily stunned at the physical reaction I felt with just a look from him in my direction.
He had brown hair with streaks of blond that reached just past his ears. But his most striking features were his eyes and dimples.
"Sarah." A familiar deep, annoying voice pulled me away from the sexy stranger.
"Ryan," I greeted stiffly, turning to the person who had interrupted me, leaving only a hint of friendliness.
His brown eyes were boring in comparison to the sexy stranger who had held my attention only moments before. Ryan smiled confidently. It only increased my irritation with him. I stiffly returned it, trying not to be blunt and rude but it was hard. It wasn't wise to encourage him with falseness. I had made it clear we were over. Most guys got the message and moved on swiftly with someone else—but not him. He was holding on to the hope we would get back together, but it wasn't going to happen. No matter how many times I told him, he still had trouble understanding. It had been a month already. How much longer would it take before he realized I was never going to get involved with him again?
"I didn't see you at the party on Saturday," he said, leaning forward with both hands on the table. He was used to girls falling at his feet. I was an anomaly. We'd hooked up for a couple of weeks before he'd become too needy, which had sent me running in the opposite direction. Ever since, he had been showing up all the time, trying to get me to go out with him again.
His closeness was making me uncomfortable. Sitting down with him looming above me made me feel intimidated and I didn't like the feeling. I collected my stuff and stood, evening the playing field.
"I had plans with someone else," I told him vaguely. The truth was I had been out with Courtney, but I wanted him to believe I had been with another guy. I hoped it helped drive the point home I was no longer interested.
My mind was pulled back to the stranger I had been looking at before Ryan had interrupted.
"I miss you," Ryan said, his voice softer. I shook my head as I hitched my bag over my shoulder.
"Don't." I didn't want to cause a scene.
Usually I was pretty good at choosing guys, but I had made a mistake with Ryan. He was too sensitive to have gotten involved with me. He had developed feelings I hadn't returned and it hadn't taken me long to grow tired of his clinginess.
"Sarah...we were so good together," he argued softly, straightening up to his full height. I had to look up at him for our eyes to hold.
"I don't know how many times I need to say this," I said. "We're done. It didn't work out and you need to move on."
His jaw tightened as he silently watched me.
"I'm sorry," I said. The truth was that I wasn't, but I needed to handle him with care. I didn't want this situation blowing up in my face. This wasn't the first time I had made a mistake with choosing the wrong type of guy, one who developed emotions even though I was upfront and clear about what I wanted out of the relationship. "But don't waste your time on me. Go and find some nice girl."
He was handsome in a preppy kind of a way. He had neatly cut brown hair that emphasized his toffee-brown eyes, making him nice to look at. I knew there were few girls who wouldn't jump at the chance to be his girlfriend. That fact only irritated me more. Why was he bothering me when he had his pick of girls?
"You're special," he said. I fought the urge to roll my eyes and I had to stop myself from saying something bitchy.
I gritted my teeth briefly, trying to find the right words to deliver my next message.
"I'm sorry, Ryan. I'm not interested."
I left before he could stop me or say anything else. I walked quickly, trying to get out of the cafeteria and put space between us. For a moment I remembered the sexy guy with the striking green eyes. He was exactly what I needed. I was on the prowl for my next guy and he would do nicely. Besides, it would help ensure Ryan realized I wasn't interested in him.
I got my phone out and called Courtney.
"Where are you?" I asked, walking hurriedly to my next class with a quick look over my shoulder to make sure Ryan hadn't followed me. Thankfully there was no sign of him.
"I'm on my way," she said, sounding a little out of breath.
"I had to move," I said, pressing the phone closer to my ear as I weaved through the students toward my next class.
I had already decided to wait outside there for her.
"Why?" she asked.
There was no need to elaborate.
"Ugh! It's been a month already. Surely by now he would have realized it's not going to happen."
"Apparently not," I mumbled, feeling more annoyed that I had to make a point of avoiding him.
"I think you may have to be careful with this one. He is definitely stalker material." I didn't want to hear that. It was the last thing I needed. There was a hesitant pause. "Maybe you should mention it to your parents?"
"No way!" I shook my head. "You know what my parents are like."
I had spent half an hour on the phone with my mom reassuring her everything was going well and that I did not need a bodyguard. To a normal person it would be overkill; but in my family, having a bodyguard was like owning a pet.
My mother came from a very wealthy family and it was considered a reasonable precaution to ensure our safety. It didn't help that my father worked as a district attorney. He dealt with some unsavory characters and made enemies, which only increased my mom's insistence that I needed someone to watch over me.
"What if it gets worse?" she asked.
I frowned slightly. It wasn't something I had considered. Ryan was persistent—but dangerous? No, I didn't believe it.
"He's annoying, but harmless."
"Okay, fine. Where are you headed?"
"Our next class," I said, the door already in sight as I walked closer.
"I'll be there in five." She ended the call.
Despite saying to Courtney that Ryan was harmless, I wasn't really convinced he was going to leave me alone. I needed to move on to my next guy to ensure any hope Ryan still harbored would end with the realization that I had someone new in my life.
That would work.
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