Night 4
Barry found himself in the kitchen with everyone else. It was night again, and also very stormy.
Good job grabbing supplies at the grocery store, I think we'll order pizza for dinner.
Take a seat at the table. Dinner will be here soon.
Barry glared at Robert as the latter yelled, "PIZZA!!! HECK YEAH, WE'RE GETTING PIZZA!"
"Robert, does your vocab consist of anything besides pizza?" Barry muttered to himself.
They sat in silence until a knock on the door came.
Someone is at the door... answer it?
"I'll get it," Heather mumbled, and left the room. The voice spoke again a few seconds later.
Heather has opened the door... it's the pizza delivery man!
Denise took the boxes from the unnaturally tall man, who had- was that a rolling pin? Why did he have a rolling pin? As the boxes disappeared, Barry got a look at the familiar, terrifying face: a mask.
The sound of a record player going all weird played, and the lights flickered out.
Uh oh...
Defeat the Pizza Man!
They were back in the main room. Steve looked around wildly and saw Ashley, Barry, Olive, Megan, Jack, and Heather already attacking the Pizza Man. Denise has her first-aid kit out, and Robert was... eating chips. Steve fumed at the thought, and smacked all his frustration from his pitchfork to the Pizza Man. The villain was just sitting there, not even blinking an eye at all the kids attacking him, until his counter-attack started.
The Pizza Man swung his rolling pin around and around, throwing everyone back and advancing at a deadly speed. Steve saw Denise look around and yell, "ROBERT! Watch out!"
Robert looked up from his chips to see the Pizza Man swinging his rolling pin right at him. He tried to throw a chip at him, but his bag was empty. Over and over he was pummeled, until the attack just stopped. He could hear the voice telling him, Warning: Very Low Energy!
He looked over to see where Denise was. The medic was healing Olive, who had apparently been thrown against the wall by the attack. Megan kept shooting at the Pizza Man, and the attack started again. "Robert!" She yelled to him. "Move out of the way! Uh, there's pizza on the table!"
Robert immediately got up and shimmied over to the table. He reached for a slice and got... another minuscule slice. He fumed and threw it at the Pizza Man, making him change course and go straight for Robert.
Ashley turned to see Robert being pummeled hopelessly by the Pizza Man. "Robert!" She yelled and ran straight for him, blinking back the tears in her eyes. "Robert, run!"
"Ash- Ashley, I just wanna know," the boy said.
"Are there big pizza slices in Heaven?"
"I- yeah, I guess so," Ashley replied, not expecting that question. "I suppose there would be."
Robert smiled, and crumbled to pieces under the Pizza Man's rolling pin.
Megan heard the voice and immediately went numb:
Robert has fallen.
She shot the Pizza Man one final time, and he crumbled just the way Robert had.
Nice work, time to go to bed. We'll escape the house tomorrow.
Megan was almost too shocked to hear the voice. She trudged upstairs and sat on her bed, barely noticing the tears streaming down her face. "How many more?" She whispered to the night sky. "How many more are going to die for us?"
"It doesn't matter," a small voice made her jump. "It doesn't matter how many die, it matters how they lived, and how they're remembered," Heather said. She, too, was crying, but somehow she held it together.
"Thanks, squirt. We should go to bed now, though," Megan heard herself saying.
Jack sat in the pink room, watching Ashley and Steve play truth or dare on the floor. For the life of him, he couldn't understand how they were so lighthearted, even after Robert just died.
He watched them for about a half hour, then told them to go to bed. He could hear them whispering and giggling still, though, and he rolled his eyes but smiled to himself.
The heart-stopping sound of the villains entering the room. Jack jumped out of bed and lunged for the bad guys. This was their last night. He couldn't let it go wrong. Ashley and Steve jumped into the fray, swinging their weapons wildly around. Things went well for a minute or two. But then it didn't.
Steve must have had low energy, because he stepped back to eat a cookie and two apples. Jack went to cover him, but the villains were too fast. They ran and slashed at him over and over, until Ashley's crowbar finally did its work. Ignoring the money they dropped, she ran over to Steve, who looked almost dead.
It was one of the dares in their game, Ashley remembered. If someone was attacked by the villains, they had to do one more truth or dare round. So she did.
"Truth or dare, Steve?" She asked, trembling but smiling slightly.
"Does it hurt?" Both of them knew what that question really meant.
"It doesn't really. It's like a balloon is carrying you away. Truth or dare, Ashley?"
"Dare," she responded. She always did a dare.
"I dare you to make it to the end. And survive. And remember us all when it's over. You guys are the dream team, after all," he said, and Ashley knew he was referring to a remark she made on the first night.
"That- that's a big dare."
"Nah, you can do it. Do it for the dare."
She sniffed. That was their motto for truth or dare. "Okay. I'll do it. But only for the dare." She smirked.
"Better than nothing," Steve said. "Good luck."
And with that, he crumbled into nothingness.
Steve has fallen.
"What was that about?" Ashley jumped, having forgotten that Jack was there.
"It was a dare from our game," she said. "If they came, and one of us fell, we had to do one more round. You gotta stay positive, you know?" Without waiting for his response, Ashley turned and sat on her bed, willing the tears to stay inside her.
Thank you guys for reading!! I'm sad it's almost the end, but oh welp. Also, thanks to @Aquawolf_Style for the support! It is SUPER exciting to log onto Wattpad and see that people are reading this story! Have a great day!
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