Chapter Six: Changing Loki's fate
Loki chased after Odin who continued to walk away. Loki turned him around only for Odin to growl and roar at Loki. His eyes were now black instead of his normal blue. Loki backed away scared. Odin lunged at him before coming to his senses and stood up on his hind legs.
"You changed. Like you were a... I mean, like you were a bear on the inside," Loki told him.
Odin felt bad for almost killing his son. But then, he saw something behind Loki. A Will O' the Whisp. Odin tried to catch it but they kept disappearing. Loki tried to tell him to stop but he didn't listen. Odin and a Whisp had a chase before slamming him into a tree. Loki sighed and went over telling his father to just calm down and listen for the Whisps. So that's what he did. They both did. And they heard the Whisps again. They looked around before seeing a Whisp behind them. They didn't move.
Then more appeared making a trail for them to follow. But this wouldn't be a short trip like to Wanda's cottage. This was a long walk away. The two just followed them. After a long walk, they were in a mist. A mist that hid some old ruins. The gateway of stone had a mark. The same mark that Wanda showed Loki when she told him another Prince before him also asked for a spell.
Loki wondered why the Whisps would lead them to these old ruins. Whatever the reason was, they explored. Loki kept walking ahead when the floor beneath him collapsed so he was in a new area. It was all stone, dark and skeletons covered the floor. Loki assured Odin he was okay and stood up. The room was a throne room.
"It's a throne room. You suppose this could've been the kingdom in that story you were telling me?" Odin roared not understanding, "the one with the princes."
Loki looked around seeing a stone carving of four Princes. The last one at the end was split from the other three and covered in scratch marks.
"The oldest," Loki looked closer at the carving, "split, like the tapestry," that's when Loki realised, "the spell. It's happened before."
Loki looked around putting all the clues together, "'Strength of ten men.' 'Fate be changed.' 'Changed his fate.' Oh, no. The prince became..."
Loki turned around to see, "Thanos!"
Loki slashed his dagger at him with no effect. So he just ran trying to escape Thanos. After trying to escape by running behind the four thrones, Loki started to climb back up to Odin. Once he got had high as he could, he reached out to Odin but they were too far apart. Seeing no other option, Loki jumped and took Odin's paw. Odin helped Loki out and they started to escape.
Thanos, however, broke through and tried to attack Loki. Odin roared at him and made part of the ruins fall on Thanos. Loki quickly climbed on Odin's back and started running away. They hadn't been running long when they arrived back at the ring of stones, running into one of them.
"Father, we need to get back to the castle," Odin shook his head in disagreement, "if we don't hurry, you'll become like Thanos. A bear! A real bear. Forever! 'Mend the bond torn by pride.' The witch gave us the answer. The tapestry!"
So they went back, taking the well way to the front of the castle. But the two have come back at the wrong time. Inside, Thor and the Lords are now fighting for who will marry Loki. Loki tried to convince Odin to do something but he can't due to his looks. Loki needed to get Odin to the room the tapestry is in to save his father but he can't get him there while everyone is fighting! Then Odin pointed at Loki telling him to distract them. Loki walked in and everyone stopped fighting.
"What are you doing, brother?" Thor asked.
"It's all right, brother," Loki cleared his throat, "I... I have... Well, you see, I... I have been in conference with the King."
"Is that so?" Yondu asked
"Yes, it is," Loki said
"Well, where is he, then?" Nick asked.
"How do we know that this isn't some trick?" Tony asked
All the Lords started confronting Loki talking over each other. Eventually having enough, Loki yelled:
That shocked everyone, even Thor.
Loki cleared his throat again and looked for something to say while Odin made his way ups. Loki got a bit distracted with Odin's sneaking that Tony looked over to see what was happening. Odin pretended to be one of the bear statues.
"Once there was an ancient kingdom," Loki began.
"What is this?" Nick asked.
"That kingdom fell into war and chaos and ruin..." Loki continued
"We've all heard that tale. Lost kingdom," Tony mumbled
"Yes, but it's true. I know now how one selfish act can turn the fate of a kingdom," Loki said
"It's just a legend."
"Legends are lessons. They ring with truths," Odin stopped sneaking to listen to Loki, "our kingdom is young. Our stories are not yet legend. But in them, our bond was struck. Our clans were once enemies. But when Frost Giants threatened us from the realms, you joined together to defend our realms. You fought for each other. You risked everything for each other. Lord Fury, my father saved your life, stopping an arrow as you ran to Yondu's aid."
"Yeah, and I'll never forget it," Nick said
"And, Lord Stark, you saved my father when you charged in on heavy horse and held off the advance. And we all know how Lord Yondu broke the enemy line."
"With a mighty whistle of his arrow!" Tony said smiling
"I was aiming at you, you big tumshie," Yondu said to Nick.
"The story of this kingdom is a powerful one," Loki continued, "my father rallied your forces and you made him your king. It was an alliance forged in bravery and friendship and it lives to this day. But I've been selfish. I tore a great rift in our kingdom. There's no one to blame but me. And I know now that I need to amend my mistake and mend our bond. And so, there is the matter of my betrothal. I've decided to do what's right and..."
Odin tried to get Loki's attention and used sign language for Loki to translate, "...and... ...break tradition."
That shocked everyone, even Loki.
"My Father, the King, feels... in his heart that I..." Odin corrected him, "...that we be free to... ...write our own story... ...follow our hearts and find love in our own time."
"That's beautiful," Yondu said trying not to cry.
"The King and I put the decision to you, my lords. Might our young people decide for themselves who they will love?" Loki asked.
"Well, since you've obviously made up your minds about this, I have one thing to say. This is..."
"A great idea!" Valkyrie interrupted Tony, "Give us our own say in choosing our fate."
"What?" Tony asked his daughter.
"Aye. Why shouldn't we choose?" Nebula asked
"But he's the prince," Yondu said
"I did not pick him out. It was your idea."
"And you... You feel the same way?" Nick asked Natasha
Natasha spoke in Russian her opinion but no one understood her.
"Well, that settles it. Let these girls try and win his heart before they win his hand. If they can," Nick said
"I say, Nebula has a fighting chance," Yondu said smiling
"Fine, then. Seems for once we agree. It was my idea in the first place," Tony said taking the credit.
Everyone agreed with the idea. Odin accidentally made a noise and one of the guards looked at Odin suspiciously. The Lords and Loki bowed to each other as Thor congratulated his brother for being like their father. Loki noticed Odin in trouble so he told everyone to go to the cellar to celebrate with some drinks. Everyone left and the two went upstairs to fix the tapestry.
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