Chapter Seven: Mend the bond
Loki and Odin were in the room with that tapestry wondering how to fix it. Loki assumed all he had to do is stitch it back up so Odin looked for a needle and thread. Only for the spell to take effect again and made him into a real bear. Odin was trying to eat some apples. Loki noticed that his father was out of it again and tried to regain his senses. Thor walked past. He was going to tell Odin what Loki did. Loki quickly tried to take the tapestry down off the wall and get Odin out of the castle before they were caught.
Thor walked into Odin and Frigga's room only to see the mess Odin had made on the first day. Thor spotted Odin's ripped clothes on the floor and immediately assumed the worse. Something had killed his father. Thor started running around calling out for his father until finding Odin and Loki in the same room. Loki tried to tell Thor that the bear was Odin but Thor pushed his little brother out of the way and started to fight Odin who fought back.
Loki yelled at Thor not to hurt their father but that only gave Loki a scratch on the arm by Odin. Odin knocked Thor into the wall and he finally came to his senses. Odin noticed Loki's injury and immediately felt bad for losing control. Loki assured him it was just a little scratch and that it was nothing but Odin left. Bad timing too because the Lords were coming to check on Odin but all they saw was the bear.
"Thor!" Loki said coming to his brother's aid.
"Count your stars, brother. It almost had you. Are you hurt?" Thor asked
"It's our Father, Odin!"
Loki started to explain what was going on while Odin escaped the castle.
"You're talking nonsense!" Thor said not believing it
"It's the truth!" Loki said, "There was a witch and she gave me a spell. It's not Thanos."
"Thanos or not, I'll avenge our father! I'll not risk losing you, too," Thor left and locked Loki in the room.
"No, Thor! Just listen to me!" Loki begged.
Thor didn't listen. Thor gave the key to the maid and told her to not let Loki out no matter what and let him deal with the bear. Loki started to panic and use anything in the room to open the door. But nothing worked. Loki smashed the window watching Thor and the Lords run after Odin. Loki called out to Odin but Odin had already disappeared. Tears threatened to fall at the thought of losing his father.
That's when Loki remembered, he can still save him. Loki pulled the tapestry off the wall before yelling for the maid but she wouldn't come. But someone did. It was Frigga now a bear too after eating the same cake Odin ate. Now he had to save his mother too. The maid tried to walk past but Loki caught her. The maid saw Frigga and was terrified. Loki told her to get the key and that's what she intended to do. Frigga scared her and she ran off. Odin was still running from everyone.
While Frigga ran after the maid, Loki started looking for a needle and thread. He found both and got started on fixing the tapestry. After a long chase, Frigga found the maid and took the key from her. She unlocked the door for Loki and they ran out of the castle. Loki got on Frigga's back and continued with the tapestry while Frigga looked for her husband. Odin had found himself back at the ring of stones where the Lords and Thor cornered him and tied him down.
Loki had finally finished the tapestry when a Will O' the Whisp appeared. They led him to Odin and the others. But something was lurking nearby. Thor was ready to cut off Odin's head and avenge his father when Loki threw his dagger cutting the back of his hand and jumped off Frigga. Loki warned Thor to stay back from Odin. Loki made sure Odin was okay but Thor pushed him into Tony who kept him still.
Thor tried to kill Odin again while Loki broke free and started to fight his brother and winning by making him kneel. Frigga said hi to Thor before Loki told her to back off. Now Thor was just confused. But he could ask questions later. Because Thanos had arrived to finish what he started with Loki. Everyone charged at Thanos but he was too strong for anyone to do anything. Thor tried to fight him with his bare hands but he was knocked onto a standing stone. Loki tried to attack him but still no effect.
Loki tried to slash Thanos with his dagger but Thanos knocked it out of his hand and knocked him to the ground. Thanos was ready to kill Loki when Odin broke free and started to attack Thanos with Frigga who joined him. Everyone watched in astonishment as the three bears fought, biting, scratching and throwing each other about. Thanos then knocked them both on a standing stone which was ready to collapse and went back to Loki. Loki grabbed a spear to defend himself.
But his parents dragged the monster to the standing stone and started to bash him against it before they were knocked back again. Before Thanos could attack again, the stone fell, crushing him. Out from the fallen stone came a blue mist that shaped into what Thanos used to look like before the spell. Thanos gave a nod as a thank you to the three before disappearing as a Will O' the Whisp. Loki and his parents looked at each other until Loki saw it was getting brighter. The second sunrise!
Loki quickly grabbed the tapestry and threw it over them both hoping it would bring them back. But nothing happened. At that moment, Odin and Frigga had one last look at their son before their eyes turned completely black. The spell was now permanent. Loki couldn't hold back his tears now. He's made a big mistake. One that can now never be undone.
He broke down and apologised for what he had done and finally admitting that Odin had always been there for him even when he thought he hadn't. Loki hugged them both crying. Thor finally understood what Loki had done and now knew he would never see his parents again. But he let Loki be with them. Loki told them both that he loved them one last time as the sun graced the tapestry.
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