The snow was falling gently on the village of Trollstopia, all the pods were decorated, shining brightly on the white snow that covered the ground. It was Christmas Eve, and all the trolls were very excited to celebrate together, and they weren't hiding their joy!
Fast away, the old year passes
Fa la la la la, la la la la !
Hail the new, ye lads and lasses
Fa la la, la la la, la la la !
Sing we joyous all together, oh
Heedless of the wind and weather
Fa la la la la, la la la la !
It was the trolls singing, finishing the final preparations for the big party tomorrow. A small group, consisting of Poppy, Barb, Trollex, Mixy, Holly, Prince D and Trollzart kept small choir books and guided the trolls in their song;
Deck the halls with boughs of holly !
Fa la la la la, la la la la !
'Tis the season to be jolly !
Fa la la la la, la la la la !
Don we now our gay apparel !
Fa la la la la, la la la la !
Troll the ancient Yuletide carol !
Fa la la la la, la la la la !
Fa la la la la, la la la la !
Fa la la la la, la la la la !
La la la la, la la la la !
- Uhh, Poppy, who's Jerry Mas ? Mixy asked, pulling his head out of Poppy's hair.
It was the young troll's first Christmas with Trollstopia, the first Christmas in his life to be more precise. Poppy reached out to take the mixed troll in her arms, smiling broadly at him and placing a Christmas beanie on his head.
- Merry Christmas, Poppy retold gently, Christmas, it's a big party that all the trolls celebrate together, in family and in harmony! For the occasion, we decorate our homes, and we offer each other gifts!
Barb stuck out her tongue, emitting a faint sound of disgust, Poppy turned her gaze to the rock troll, confused:
- You call that decorations? These are decorations!
She pointed to the decorations that some rock trolls had hung; colored skulls in candy canes or other Christmas motif. She grabbed one and bit into it:
- After the party, we devour everything like an army of godzilla !! She laughed, as a little rock troll jumped on her to steal her decoration / candy.
- Original, the Queen of Pop commented, smiling in a way that showed she was hardly reassured for what the after party would look like.
- Queen Poppy! A troll came towards her, where do I put this decoration box?
Poppy was surprised by the question, normally someone else would take care of those details ...
- Go ask Branch, he will give you a safe area to put them, she smiles at the troll.
- But ... you didn't know that? Branch didn't even decorate his bunker this year ...
Everyone uttered an exclamation, horrified; no Christmas decorations?
- But ... Branch loves Christmas! Isn't that true Poppy? Trollzart asked.
Shocked, Poppy gave Mixy to Holly and ran off to her boyfriend's bunker, was he okay? Every year, Branch became literally the happiest troll of all! So what was going on this year?
In a few minutes, she found herself in front of the bunker plunging into darkness. The only light present was a small lamp that barely illuminated the entrance mat, which had reverted to its old "GO AWAY"
- What happened here? ... Prince D whispered, as Holly hugged poor, shaking Mixy in her arms.
Poppy, trembling and worried, walked over to the large rock and knock her frozen hand twice. It was silence when finally a small trap door opened on the carpet and Branch's blue eyes appeared, fixing Poppy with a surprised look;
- Poppy? What are you doing here ? He asked as he stepped out of his bunker, frowning, then seeing the trolls behind her, he growled, what are you all doing here?
Poppy caught his face in her hands, watching every inch of his face: his colors were still there at least... but that grumpy face shouldn't have been there on Christmas Eve!
- Branch, are you okay? Poppy asked him, why don't you celebrate Christmas with everyone? Where are your decorations?
But the blue troll pulled away, dusting off his green robe ... he wasn't even dressed! Branch growled and instead bent down to pick up some logs ;
- Pfff ... he growled, I hate decorations!
- Okay ... Trollex raised his eyebrow, but you're still coming to the party tonight, aren't you? It's always you who plans everything to make the party perfect !
- Pff, you mean decorate this giant tree ? Branch growled, taking a last log under his arm, you will do very well without me, go away!
Poppy felt her heart break, Holly said in a saddened voice:
- But .. we always decorate the village as a family! Right?
- And we can eat all the pastries! Barb ruffled his hair, I wanna taste one of your disgusting one !
- Yes ! Mixy exclaimed happily, and then you can lift me with your hair so that I put the star on top of the tree !!
But even Mixy's hopeful gaze failed to convince Branch; the pop troll threw the logs inside and put his hand on the lever, giving the trolls around him a frozen look.
- You know what ? I hate stars, decorations and pastries ... and I hate CHRISTMAS!
Then he lowered the lever to lock himself in his bunker.
- How can anyone hate pastries ? Barb wondered, it's delicious !
- Poppy, what are we gonna do ? We can't leave him all alone ! ... Trollex felt his heart sink painfully for his friend.
Poppy was thinking, it looked like Branch had lost his Christmas spirit ... how could she help him get his smile back? Then an idea lit up her pink eyes:
- Darnell! The hip hop troll turned to her, Do your parents still have the deliverer of magical creatures?
- You mean the strange R&B's machine that we took the snug-a-lugs from? I think so ... he confirmed.
A smile slowly appear on the pink troll's face.
In his bunker, far from all the joy of Christmas, Branch was quietly drinking hot chocolate, sitting in his chair by the warm fire in the fireplace in front of him. He didn't need to celebrate, all he wanted was peace !
- Christmas, pfff, a party for the children, nothing else...
Then he looked sadly at the HugTime bracelet Poppy had given him a few years ago, his ears drooping down. A tear rolled down his cheek but he quickly wiped it away and took another sip of the chocolate which comforted him slightly:
- They'll have better fun without me ... Branch whispered to himself.
But his thoughts were cut off by a strange sound; a loud sound of crashing objects echoed in the kitchen, and he knew it wasn't Poppy, cause he jumped and dropped his cup of chocolate on his robe.
- Uuuh ... Hello? He called out
No response, Branch stood up and grabbed his empty mug, holding it in front of him as if hoping he could use it as a weapon. But he looked rather silly in a hot chocolate stained robe and messy hair.
- I'm warning you ! Branch yelled, I know Hair jitsu, so show yourself, but don't dare attack and you'll regret it!
But even though his words were confident, Branch was actually scared to death inside. The sounds of something approaching made him jump and he forced himself to hide his tremors as he held the cup out in front of him.
- G-get out of here! He threatens the stranger who was visibly hiding in the closet.
Then suddenly silence.
Branch, confused, slowly opened the closet door ... so that a snow-white ball with tiny blue eyes came out.
- ... Oh, what are you doing here? He frowned, come on, go home! The other weirdly cute hairy balls are surely waiting for you for Christmas...
But the creature didn't move, Branch sighed and leaned over, taking the little creature in his arms, and going to the door to let it go out. The creature was very light, as if he actually had a feather in his arms. The little thing turned its gaze to him, its eyes staring intently at him.
- You ... can you stop staring at me please? Branch asked, uncomfortably.
But the thing didn't move an inch ... and Branch was starting to feel dizzy.
- But wh-a-at are you d-doing ?...
When the thing evaporates to magical gold dust.
- AH! Branch scream out, as the dust began to swirl around him.
But he didn't have time to say anything else because he was suddenly overcome by sleep. Branch fell to the ground in front of the fireplace, and everything turned black ...
When Branch opened his eyes again, the room was dark.
The pop troll got up on his shaking legs, trying to find the light, he finally grabbed a candle and, after a few seconds, managed to light it up. A soft, dim light lit the room.
- Oh, you won't need it.
He jumped and dropped the candle on the floor. Panicking, Branch looked for the candle ... he found it thanks to a pink glow that lit up the walls of the bunker.
A pink glow ?
Branch turned, and uttered a cry of terror; in front of him stood a sort of floating pink angel, her robe falling beautifully over her perfect hips and a small mistletoe was hanging in her pink hair which ended in flames at the tip ... Wings flapped in her back, like made of lights ... most shocking was that this girl looked like ...
- ...Poppy ? Branch said his girlfriend's name.
The creature let out a chuckle that sounded exactly like the pink troll's and fly over to him, watching him from every angle and starting to clean up all the hot chocolate he had spilled on his robe.
- No, little cute thing! I'm not Poppy!
- B-but you look a lot like her, Branch replied, confused, frozen in amazement, her warmth was kinda pleasant.
- I'm not the Poppy you know, she laughed again, making him blush without him being able to stop, I'm actually The Troll of Christmas Past !
She flew away again, and he noticed with amazement that all traces of chocolate had disappeared from his robe, as if she had chased them away with her magic pink flames.
- Are you some kind of ghost? He asked, standing there like an idiot.
- Rather like a magical spirit, she laughed softly, I am the first of the three spirits who will come to visit you tonight, to remind you the importance of Christmas !
Branch blinked, then slightly calmed down, walked away to his bedroom;
- I shouldn't have had that second cup of hot chocolate ... he whispered to himself.
- Wow wow! She laughed as she began to circle around him, the flames surrounding him and blinding him, you don't go away until we take a little trip in the memory of time !
- A what ?? Branch panicked, trying to find a way to escape the ring of flames.
- Let's goooo !!
And her small laugh filled with joy and innocence echoed again in the bunker, then the flames disappeared.
Everything was in its place again, except the fact that he was in his bedroom which was once again lit by the light that had returned. The Past Christmas spirit stood in front of him, smiling broadly at him, looking very proud of what she had accomplished.
- Ok ... thanks for bringing the light back? Branch raised an eyebrow.
At the same time, the sound of a morning alarm ring throughout the bunker. In surprise, Branch turned to his bed, to see a troll who looked like none other than himself, gray, grabbing the clock and throwing it across the room.
- What the ... Branch whispered as his colorless double stood up grumbling
- Urrgh, another morning ... Past Branch whispered, but ... it's Christmas morning ! A smile spread across his face and he jumped out of bed.
Branch couldn't believe his eyes, looking at the other troll running around the room, dressed up as he was laughing and jumping happily.
- Is that me? ... Branch asked without believing it.
- Of course it's you! The pink spirit laughed with its eternal joy, but you from a very long time ago !
Past Branch ran out of the bedroom and headed for the kitchen, passing through the real Branch on the way, eating a toast at full speed, even leaving crumbs all over the floor. He grabbed his scarf, then grabbed a list he'd left on the table the night before.
- Christmas planning list, I have it! The gray troll smirked before running towards the lift.
- I remember that ... Branch sighed
- Yes ! Christmas was the only day you let go of your grumpy side and found your smile again !
- That old me was weird ... Branch shuddered when he saw his self from the past who had just remembered that he had forgotten to put on pants.
- Weird ? Poppy-spirit laughed, so wait until you see that!
In a flash of flame, Branch found himself in Trollstopia ... or rather the village of Pop Trolls, because in that past, Trollstopia did not exist.
Everyone was having fun in the snow, making snowtrolls and sliding on sleds. Many Trolls were already exchanging gifts, while others were giving each other warm hugs.
- Woah ... Branch whispered.
- And here you are! Poppy-spirit laughed next to him.
Gray Branch came running, a notebook in his hands. The pop troll looked around him and ticked boxes off his list.
- I was always the one to make sure everything was fine because I wanted Christmas to be a perfect day, Branch remembered, it was the only day that nothing was supposed to go wrong.
- And Poppy loved it ! Look at her !
The Poppy from the past had seen Branch arrive in the village, and she ran up to him, asking if everything was okay so far. Branch showed her his list with a smile, it seemed that the two trolls were complementing each other on this magical day.
- She let you do it, because she loved to see you happy, The Past Christmas spirit smiled at him, like everyone else!
Then suddenly, the gray troll greeted the pink troll and started running towards the center of the village, Branch knew very well where his double was going ...
- And each year, you brought something to share for the pastry contest! The spirit laughed, everyone loved your strange tasting pastries!
- HEY! Branch exclaimed, trying to nudge the spirit but ended up with a burning sleeve.
- But that's what made them so special! Everyone eat them for fun and you loved to laugh at their reactions, the more horrible they were, the longer people laughed all together!
Branch smiles at the memory; these sweets were delicious at first, then one Christmas day he had brought a cake of questionable taste and the trolls thought it was a joke ... and instead of getting angry, Branch had a laugh with them and it had become a game in the village: the most missed pastry won the competition!
- But that year ... The spirit began, you decided to surpass yourself ...
But she didn't need to continue, Past Branch had just put a full fluffyberry cake on the rack, cause he knew that, even if it was his favorite dessert of all, no one, even his grandma was unable eat it... then a certain purple troll patted him on the shoulder.
- This year we have to put the recipe aside from the cake, Creek explained calmly to Past Branch.
- Uh ... I'm not sure ...
- Go ! Otherwise you don't participate! Creek cut him off.
After a moment's hesitation, Branch nervously pulled the list out of his black hair and set it down next to the cake. The real Branch tried to run for the table, but the spirit stopped him;
- You can't do anything, she tells him, smiling.
Then what Branch dreaded happened; a gust of wind blows across the sheet at the same time, grabbing the recipe and leaving with it, the one and only note his grandmother had left him from his favorite cake. Past Branch panicked, began to pursue it to save his precious recipe ... but it ended up falling into a fire where trolls where sit around it.
- NO ! Past Branch screamed in panic, causing several trolls to turn around as he threw himself to the edge of the fire, grabbing a branch in an attempt to pull the piece of paper out of the flames.
But it was the cheeks covered with frozen tears that the gray troll saved only ashes.
- N-no ... he sobbed, holding the ashes to his heart.
Then he stood up, anger replacing his sadness. Christmas was supposed to be a perfect day! And now, Christmas had betrayed him ... Christmas wasn't supposed to be there to give gifts? they had just taken his most precious gift of all from him.
He let out a cry of rage, walking furiously towards the table where his cake was on display ... he grabbed the last piece that a little troll was about to eat and walked back home.
- Damn decorations! He screamed, and pastries and gifts ... I HATE CHRISTMAS !
Then, passing the spirit and the real Branch, he whispered as he whiped a tear away from his face;
- The most beautiful day of the year, pff !
The blue troll sadly lowered his ears, and the familiar voice of the spirit rose like an angel;
- So that's why you hate Christmas so much ? She whispered, right ?
- I lost what I had most precious ... Branch sighed
But the spirit put her warm hand on his shoulder and showed him the trolls singing and dancing around the big tree in the center of the village:
- Isn't it all these people who love you, the most precious gift you have?
Branch did not say what to say, he stared at all his friends for a moment ...
- Pff, they would be much better without me ... if I could, I would have already fly away from here long time ago!
- Fly away? The spirit laughed happily, let me help you then !!
Suddenly, flames surrounded hi again and Branch found himself in the sky, carried by the Troll of Christmas Past. He let out a scream of terror, which made the innocent pink ghost chuckle.
- LET ME GO BACK ON GROUND! He screamed, the icy wind hitting his face.
- Okay ! She smiles as she lets go of him.
- .... OOOOOOO !- oOF-
He had just fallen in the snow, but when he looked up he realized it was night ... it was Christmas Eve again.
- Well ! A voice laughed, that's another way to drop the beat !
Branch turned his gaze to the left; beside him, another troll-spirit stood, this time taking the familiar form of one of his techno friends ... He wore a Christmas wreath with candles on his head, and stood proudly in his cloak, green like holly. Seing Branch so confused, he let out a happy loud laugh.
- Trollex? Branch raised an eyebrow
The spirit end up by catch his breath and reached out to him, and after a moment of hesitation, Branch agreed for the help getting up. He brushed the snow away from his hair as the spirit gently corrected him, his smile was kind and generous;
- I must tell you that this is not my name, I am in fact the Troll of Christmas Present ! The techno troll grinned, blowing the snow off Branch with a magical gust.
- So where are the presents? Branch joked sarcastically.
Spirit-Trollex laughed loud again and continued his explanation;
- I'm here to show you how your absence right now has a lot more impact than you think !
Branch growled; how long will this trip last? The Christmas Present troll showed him the big tree, where everyone had gathered and was finishing decorating it. Branch felt his heart sink; he could see it well, all was going very well when he was not there!
But ... that's what he believed.
- You see, every action has a reaction, Trollex explained to him, whether big or small action ... and your choice to stay at home affects everyone ... for example Holly !
Suddenly, time stopped around them. Trollex laughed again and walked over to the country troll frozen in time. Branch follows him, patting Lownote Jones on the nose to make sure everything that was happening was real.
- Holly prepared gifts for everyone ... even for you ! But since you decided earlier not to come she has prepared the most giant of presents ... which is now blocking Biggie's pod door !...
- What? Branch let out, surprised before seeing the gigantic present Holly had wrapped for him.
-… And then, your absence affects Poppy a lot, even if she does not show it at this precise moment… she is in fact on the verge of not being able to smile anymore, the spirit announced to him.
It broke his heart as he looked at Poppy who was frozen and smiled at Barb, of course it was a fake smile! She wanted everyone to be happy and therefore, she hid her pain… He felt horrible now, she was sad for his fault.
- ... And then, Mixy always wanting to put the star at the top of the tree ... found a way do it himself !
- What do you mean? ... Branch asked, anticipating the worst.
- Look, The Present Christmas troll simply told him, suddendly stopping to laugh
He snapped his fingers, and all the trolls around them suddenly came to life, moving around them as if they didn't exist. Then Branch found Mixy who was rummaging through a box of decorations.
- Star ... Star ... Star !! WOOHOO!
He took the golden star in his mouth and raced towards the tree, passing in front of Branch and Trollex. He then slipping through the legs of several trolls on his way ... one of them tripped and dropped his cake to the ground, sliding on a funk troll and a country troll who started arguing.
Mixy continued on his way, and stopped in front of the tree. The mixed trolls looked up at the point of the plant, very high ... He should fly up there! He took the star back into his mouth and flapped his little classical troll wings ... but the star was way too heavy for him to carry it all by himself up there.
- Aw man ... Mixy sighed, then began to look for another solution.
Then his yellow gaze end on a ladder that was leaning against the tree. Mixy gave a squeal of joy and rushed towards it to climb up with the star, making other trolls fall in his path. It was only then that Trollzart noticed the young troll climbing the ladder.
- Don't worry Mozart-troll dude ! Mixy smiles widely, Look at this!
Quite happy, Mixy lifted the star and tried to place it on top of the tree ... but he let go of it with his clumsy hooves and it fell to the ground ... catching some string of lights in the process.
All the tree lights went off, followed by the garlands of all the pods. Then a troll, now deprived of lights, who was setting up an imposing Christmas wreath mistakenly slapped himself on the thumb and dropped the decorations which rolled up to the giant tree.
- Oh no! Branch exclaimed when she saw Mixy carried away in the fall of the tree.
Fortunately, Gust threw himself in just in time to catch up with the little troll ... but the tree fell into a campfire and the area found itself plunged into darkness. It was just Branch and the Christmas Present troll now.
- Without you to plan everything like the previous years, Christmas just hit the drop ... in a bad way, the spirit finishes his explanation.
- All because I chose to be selfish ... Branch whisperer
-Yep, Trollex shrugged his shoulders, every troll has a role to play, every action is important, big or small .... good luck! He suddenly exclaimed smiling.
The midnight blue troll grabbed one of the candles from its crown, then blew on it. Branch then found himself in the dark ... until the wind of an icy snowstorm hit him in the back, knocking him to the ground. Panicked, Branch began to search for the spirit around him;
He walked for a while ... where was he? Had he left him alone in this endless snowstorm? But a Branch sighed when he saw a figure approaching him.
- Trollex? Trollex is that you?
But the more the silhouette advanced ... the more it was a frightening black silhouette which took shape in the blizzard. Branch screamed in terror and ran off in the other direction, his feet digging into the snow ... but eventually he crashed into something and fell to the ground ... the monster was now right in front him !
- ARU THA TOL LEH SEN ME! The thing spoke, pointing its finger at him.
Here he was, he was dead ... this dark creature was going to chew on him and eat him! Branch huddled against the snowy ground, letting out those shaky words;
- PLEASE ! He cried, panicked, finish me quickly !
But the creature let out what sounded like a amused, weird laugh, and put its hands to its black hood, pulling it off and revealing the dark face of ...
- Barb? Branch is surprised looking at the rock troll, not believing his eyes.
But she raised an eyebrow, confused by the name Branch had called her by. Without even helping him to get up, she introduced herself;
- I'm not Barb, I'm the Troll of Christmas Yet to Come ... Or Christmas Future, or "of the future" ... I'm given several names, but my real name is Yet to Come... SO DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME TROLL OF CHRISTMAS NEXT DAY AFTER MONDAY THE NEXT MONTH !
- What? Branch raised an eyebrow as he stood up in confusion.
- Forget it, she sighed, what you have to remember is that I am here to show you the future ... and the future is... now!
She clapped her hands together, and the blizzard disappeared ... giving way to a frightening sight.
The village of Trollstopia was deserted, Christmas decorations were strewn across the ground covered in a blanket of gray snow. It was Christmas morning ... but Christmas was gone. The big tree was still sprawling on the ground, the pods were empty, the tear garlands hung sadly and one of them fell in front of Branch's feet.
- This ... this is the future? ... Branch asked without believing it.
- In a way, yes, the spirit shrugged her shoulders as she moved away, indifferent to the situation, We are tomorrow, today is Christmas !
- B-but if it's tomorrow ... where is everyone ? Branch asked, they should be here celebrating Christmas !
This spirit, unlike the two others, was not reassuring ... dark, indifferent, and a cold look that frightened Branch.
- Oh, the even more evil version of Barb shrugged again, without you playing your part this year, preparations go all wrong ... and arguments came with it.
- Arguments? Branch was surprised, and Poppy ? Isn't she the best to solves arguments ?
The Troll of Christmas Yet to Come turned her gaze to him, stabbing him like an ice knife. Then, in a hoarse voice explained to him;
- Poppy trying to go get your help this morning ... but you decided to stay home.
Suddenly voices arose around them, there was no one there, but Branch understood that it was the trolls speaking ...
Branch ! Branch, please, the village needs you ! Poppy's voice sobbed
We should never have created Trollstopia, that was a bad idea, Barb's voice growled, Rock Trolls, we're leaving !
Poppy, I'm not feeling very well… Mixy's weak little voice was shaking.
- Where did they go? Branch panicked
- They decided to go home, taking a dangerous way back home... when Poppy came back without you, they were all gone ... except Mixy, alone in the center of the village.
In the center of the village ... Branch ran off, so fast that he stumbled several times. Was Mixy and Poppy still there? But when he got there, he tripped over something and fell to the ground. Growling, he turned his gaze to see what he had tripped over ... and he let out a cry of horror; it was Mixy, but he was freeze, all color had disappeared from his body.... like a rock, all life left him.
- MIXY ! Branch exclaimed taking the body of the little troll in his arms, What have you done to him? Branch screamed to the spirit.
- It's rather you, what you did to him, the voice of the Troll of Christmas Yet to Come made him jump behind him, without harmony, a mixed troll has no more energy to live, so ...
- NO ! There must be a cure! Branch refused to accept the truth, there must be one somewhere!
- There is one… well, Poppy thought she had found one and tried to get it but she never came back, the spirit shrugged again.
It was a nightmare, a real nightmare! Poppy was gone ... but he had to find her! He absolutely had to find her before the worst happend !
- Where did she go? Branch asked, startled at the answer the creature would give him, TELL ME WHERE DID SHE GO !
She looked at him for a second, then raised her arm, pointed in a certain direction without a word. Branch left Mixy's body in the snow, wrapping him in a torn blanket before heading in the direction of the ghost showed him. Growling, he climbed up a tree branch to look at the horizon ... what was there?
Then realization hit him.
There was the most dangerous place in the trolls' world ... even worse than Misty Meadows ... It was the garden of BergenTown Castle !
- And what is this remedy? ... Branch asked in a hoarse, weak voice.
- In the list of ingredients, there is ... Carnivorous flower sap, Bergen slime and .... a giant crocodile scale.
- Oh no ... Branch realized, oh no no no- AH!
His back had suddenly hit a giant tree trunk, he was in the garden of BergenTown! With a scream, Branch ran off to hide under a giant leaf ... before realizing it was a leaf of a carnivorous plant!
- AAHH! BARB, GET ME OUT OF HERE !! He screamed as he ran away from the giant plant that was trying to devour him.
No answer, obviously. The Troll of Christmas Yet To Come was gone! Branch, panting, began to yell Poppy's name, but no response… he was completely alone in this dangerous place.
A growl suddenly rose behind him ... Barnabus, KingGristle's crocodile stood behind him, his fangs baring and drool running down Branch's messy hair.
- O-Oh hey Barnabus, Branch greeted the king's pet, will you help me out of here? ..
But the crocodile's growl gave him a clear answer. Branch ran off, pursued by the crocodile who had decided that Branch would be his Christmas dinner ! The blue troll tried to climb a frond to get away, but the crocodile tore off the plant and Branch found himself shaking in all his senses before being thrown into the air.
But none of the three spirits answered him, it was only when he noticed the crocodile's wide open mouth beneath him that Branch screamed in terror and Spirit-Barb appeared, sitting on a sleepy plant covered in snow and giving him the goodbye sign.
- PLEASE ! He screamed, as he got closer to the animal's mouth, I CAN CHANGE! I CAAANNN CHANGEEEEE !!!! -
- I'm going to change! ... Branch growled, lying on the floor of his bunker, I can ! I will change !
He slowly opened his eyes, and realized that he was at home, in his bunker, lying on the ground in front of the unlit fireplace. He was at home, he was alive !
Branch stood up, looking at the time on the clock; it was 5 am.
- I can still fix things! Branch exclaimed, smiling and standing up, hurrying to get dressed up.
Deck the halls with boughs of holly!
Fa la la la la, la la la la!
'Tis the season to be jolly!
Fa la la la la, la la la la!
Poppy came out of her pod, rubbing her eyes, still a little sleepy ... but hearing Branch's angelic voice coming from the center of the village, she smiled widely.
Soon Poppy, carrying Mixy in her arms, followed by Barb, Trollex, Holly, Prince D, Trollzart arrived in the center of the village; Branch had fixed the whole disaster of yesterday ! The pop troll was climbing up a ladder and hanging up the last decorations on the tree.
- Wow ! Holly laughed, someone was getting up early in the morning!
- Oh ! Branch smiles broadly as he see them, hi everyone! I got up and saw that the tree had fall, so I put everything back in place with Gary!
Everyone shouted with joy, the party was saved ! Branch get down the ladder, and unable to contain his joy, hugged Poppy and Barb, placing a kiss against the pink troll lips.
- I'm sorry for yesterday ... Branch apologizes, I forgot that ... Christmas is not just a party with decorations and pastries... Christmas is a celebration of love, and sharing ... and ... realized that the most precious gift I have is all of you guys.
- Awwww, everyone was smiling at him.
- Well, we are happy that you have found your smile back, bro ! Barb laughed happily
Everyone gathers for a big hug, then when everyone has retired, Mixy patted Branch's foot with his hoof;
- Can I put the star on top of the tree now? Mixy asked
Branch grinned widely, then stretching out his hair, lifted the little troll into the air with the star. Mixy put it on top of the tree and everyone applauds.
- So, your plan worked out great ? Darnell leaned towards Poppy
- Perfectly! Poppy smiled happily, her boyfriend had regained his Christmas spirit.
- MERRY CHRISTMAS !!! Everyone screamed happily.
- Merry what-mas ? Mixy asked
Holly playfully rolled her eyes and gave the little mixed troll a gift. Curious, Mixy unwrapped it and take out a...
- Dictionary ? Mixy readed the title of the book, making everyone laugh.
And Merry Christmas Everyone ! :D 🎅🎄🎉🦌✨
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